hurwen-calaeril · 3 months
Pokemon Go Friend request
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Again I am posting my trainercode for pokemon go. Feel free to add me, as I'm looking for new friends 😊
I am very active on pokemon go. I enjoy this game very much.
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 months
Still open for new friends 😉
Pokemon Go Friend request
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Again I am posting my trainercode for pokemon go. Feel free to add me, as I'm looking for new friends 😊
I am very active on pokemon go. I enjoy this game very much.
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hurwen-calaeril · 2 years
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A moment of light during the siege
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hurwen-calaeril · 2 years
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hurwen-calaeril · 3 years
Pokemon Go Friend request
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Again I am posting my trainercode for pokemon go. Feel free to add me, as I'm looking for new friends 😊
I am very active on pokemon go. I enjoy this game very much.
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hurwen-calaeril · 3 years
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hurwen-calaeril · 3 years
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hurwen-calaeril · 3 years
Hello people~ I have started to play Pokemon Go recently and feel free to add me as a friend 😊
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 years
Happy new year my dear followers and visitors of my blog!
I dearly hope all of you have a very wonderful and good year 2021. I know I don't usually post a lot, for that I'm sorry.
2020 was a strange and exhausting year, but I've managed perfectly with the help and support of my family. I look forward to 2021 with strenght, hope, love and support in all ways possible.
Wishing you guys all the best ☺
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 years
Kakashi being a dad to his team 7's brats is the best aesthetic
look at himhe is such a dad
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to these brats 
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no one can convince me that kakashi didn’t mentally adopt these three children as his own
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even tho he says his first impression of the group is that he hates them
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he really loves them so much because those are his babies and look at them!! they’re growing up!! and doing stuff!! and becoming powerful ninjas!! and they’re paving the way for a better life and they’re all ALIVE and creating families of their own!! and even tho kakashi never got married or had biological kids, i don’t think he cares because in Team 7 he ended up making a family for himself
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yes, all of the Team 7 brats are his children, even Sweet Potato and Art Heaux 
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 years
Hello people~ I have started to play Pokemon Go recently and feel free to add me as a friend 😊
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 years
Everybody gangsta until Tobirama lifts a finger. He is a snack.
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Tobirama is a fuckin mood.
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 years
Amen to that. Hey can't we just respect each other?
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I wish the world would understand..
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hurwen-calaeril · 4 years
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hurwen-calaeril · 5 years
Omg so cute
The Rain (Cover) by Haburu
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hurwen-calaeril · 5 years
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There is a special place in hell for people creating this nonsense to score fake internet points. People are going to see this, believe it, and think they can’t spread the virus because they gargled warm saltwater. 
The World Health Organization has created a “Myth Busters” page to address some of the misinformation going around. It’s well done, but I wish it wasn’t necessary. 
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hurwen-calaeril · 5 years
Hi Dr Rita How do you catch the virus??? If someone has it can they pass it on by touch??
From what we know so far, the coronavirus seems to spread like other respiratory illnesses. That’s through:
1. Someone coughing and you breathing in the particles into your lungs, or
2. Those particles being on a surface (for example someone coughing into their hand and then touching a door handle), and then you touching those particles and transferring them to your mouth. 
An analysis in the NEJM found that the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours, on copper for up to 4 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours, and on plastic and stainless steel up to 72 hours.
That’s why the following strategies are so important: 
Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds—the WHO recommends 6-9 times a day—and especially after going out, and before eating. 
Try to limit touching your mouth or face. 
If you cough, cough into your elbow (instead of your hand) or a tissue. Chuck tissues away.
Clean surfaces regularly. 
If you have symptoms, follow self-isolation advice. 
I’d also generally avoid touching and kissing others, especially on the face, and especially if you don’t live together. If you do live together, then—unless you’re all self-isolating in your rooms—it’s likely most household contacts will get infected.  
If you think a surface may be infected, clean it with simple disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself and others. Clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose. 
I would recommend regularly cleaning down surfaces that you touch—such as door handles. It’s generally advisable to wash fruit & veg before eating! 
Also includes the answer to questions from: @ruthlesstormwitch, @thatonesquirrel & @lonefightersworld, @tatsunoko-pioneer, @hilarysemails, @hilarysemails 
Check out the full Answer Time here!
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