patternrecognition318 · 3 years
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goodnight to her and her only
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
Also, this came only one year after his amazing performance as the psychopath villain in Under Siege, also directed by Andrew Davis.
The early 90s, truly the Golden Age of American action films/thrillers.
It's title in French is apparently Piège en Haute Mer.
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UNDER SIEGE (1992) dir. Andrew Davis
“Yes, of course! Hence the name: movement. It moves a certain distance, then it stops, you see? A revolution gets its name by always coming back around in your face. You tried to kill me you son of a bitch… so welcome to the revolution.”
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
Tommy Lee Jones received a very well-deserved "you were cool in this movie" Best Supporting Actor Oscar for this performance.
I almost cried at the final scene, so I grant the man is talented.
One of my favorite things about Harrison Ford in this movie is, despite being a well known curmudgeon/generally cranky bastard, he is capable of conveying a truly child-like quality/even wonder. Ford's Dr. Richard Kimble is very similar (in his affect in certain scenes) to his character (post brain-damage) in Regarding Henry, wherein a bullet to the head turns a high-powered asshole lawyer who's cheating on his wife into a docile teddy bear who just wants to cuddle.
Never mind that Kimble's a non-brain-damaged vascular surgeon, a notoriously humble type of guy. I hear Alec Baldwin was originally supposed to play him, and frankly I don't think the movie would work in the same way. No way Baldwin's Kimble isn't an arrogant prick, even with no script changes. It's all in the face with Ford.
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the duality of sam
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
Featuring a very young Jane Lynch.
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The Fugitive (1993)
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
Happy to report this absolutely holds up.
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The Fugitive (1993) dir. Andrew Davis
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
« Unhealthy guilt is a form of punishment and self-attack. It can arise when you’ve broken a rule that’s rigid, extreme or not in alignment with what you really value. It can also arise when you’ve broken a rule you do value but, instead of motivating positive change, the guilt becomes excessive and toxic. When we feel unhealthy guilt, we often overestimate how much others are annoyed or hurt by our actions, thereby artificially magnifying our transgressions. This approach to improving our relationships or personal actions doesn’t positively influence behaviour, and is rooted in fear. […]
Healthy guilt creates an invisible forcefield, helping us operate within a band of behaviour that’s aligned with our values. It ensures we’re responsive to the needs of those close to us, and allows us to have warm, positive relationships. This guilt is guiding you to get on track and be the kind of person you want to be in the world. […] It’s a positive force for change and is rooted in love—for yourself and for others.
Does the voice [of guilt] sound calm and loving, while still recognising you’ve made a mistake? If so, this is probably healthy guilt. Or is it angry and critical? [The] voice of unhealthy guilt can go on for hours or days, leading to prolonged periods of procrastination, avoidance or low mood. [It is] heavy like molasses, a burden that makes it hard to take effective, corrective action. »
— Aziz Gazipura, “How to save yourself another pointless guilt trip” in Psyche Magazine
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
Aujourd'hui, il pleuvait beaucoup et il y avait beaucoup de vent. Malgré ça, j'ai fait un footing et puis je suis allée à Target pour acheter des choses très relaxants: des bougies, des thés, et de l'eau minérale pétillante.
Je travaille dans une fac, et on a découverte cet après-midi qu'il y avait une épidémie de Covid-19 sur le campus. Près de vingt élèves ont eu un résultat positif hier. Dix-huit autres en ont eu un aujourd'hui. Plus de cinquante élèves ont été placé en quarantine. (Pour contexte, il y a seulement environ deux milles élèves au total dans la fac.) On s'attend qu'il y aura des autres résultats positifs demain.
Je fais du télétravail et donc je ne m'inquiète pas trop pour moi-même, mais il est très grave. En ce moment, tous les élèves doivent rester dans leur chambre pendant toute la journée jusqu'au mardi. Ils ne peuvent partir que pour aller chez le médecin, à la cantine pour les repas, et pour se faire passer un test de dépistage à covid-19.
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patternrecognition318 · 3 years
Je vais essayer d'écrire ici quelque chose en français tous les jours.
Aujourd'hui, je suis allée à Kennebunk, une ville au sud de Portland, où je pouvais obtenir ma première dose du vaccin contre Covid-19. J'étais très heureuse de le recevoir, et je me sens beaucoup plus tranquille maintenant. (Malheureusement, la situation nationale devient beaucoup plus mal chaque jour. Il y aura un quatrième vague, il semble.) J'ai un peu mal au bras, mais c'est tout. À la pharmacie, il y avait une vielle dame très mignonne, qui portait un béret et tenait un chapelet dans les mains. Elle avait très hâte de quitter la pharmacie après avoir reçu sa dose. Ses amis, un homme et une dame aussi vieux qu'elle, lui ont dit qu'elle devait attendre encore trois minutes. (On doit rester quinze minutes après le vaccin pour voir si on a une réaction très forte.)
Après mon rendez-vous, j'ai passé par un café dans la ville qui s'appelle Mornings in Paris, et j'ai pris un sandwich. Je suis revenue à Portland, où j'ai eu un autre rendez-vous chez la coiffeuse. C'était très agréable parce que je pouvais jouer avec le petit chien de ma coiffeuse, Frankie.
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
I have been staring at this for a very long time and...it’s a bad photoshop, right? Like what is the deal with its legs? They are facing the wrong way!
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
All of my answers are heavily influenced by being in my 30s, which makes the prospect of many of these foods unappealing even if I find them delicious. 
food discourse time……y’all.
put where you’re from, and your opinion on these foods in the tags.
sweet iced tea
key lime pie
fried chicken
sweet potato casserole. bonus: with or without marshmallows?
collard greens
biscuits and gravy
shrimp and grits
fried green tomatoes
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
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Decided Luna is ready for Tumblr.
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
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Fox with Grapes by Yumiko Higuchi
hand embroidery
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
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Whitby Harbour. Kate Lycett.
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
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patternrecognition318 · 4 years
I can’t. 
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Me watching a new show/movie with any indication of a wlw potential.
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