hydralutris · 12 hours
I need to know if Ango ask Atsushi because hé know how close they are or because he know Atsushi could probably track Dazai by smell or find one item of his, give it to Ango and if Dazai had been kidnappés hé would be like "oh yeah I know now"
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You mean to tell me Atsushi is the first person they call when they don't know where Dazai is??
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hydralutris · 12 hours
Are your feeling hurted ?
you get the worst father figure award >:(
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hydralutris · 17 hours
Mia finds Iris with her face swollen out in the garden of Fey Manor. She's been crying.
“What’s wrong?”
Iris wipes her face with her long sleeves and sniffles. “Nothing, Mystic Mia,” she says, forcing a smile. She's surprisingly good at it; the expression is a convincing one. Mia can't help but wonder how she got so good at this, how many times she's hidden her tears behind a smile before.
“Who was it?” Mia asks. She doesn't take no for an answer. It's part of her training not to — the future Master of Kurain Village must be strong and willful. Must be willing to take care of all of their family — their sisters, both young and old. Both dead and alive. And Mia has many sisters.
Iris doesn't say anything.
“Was it my mother? Yours?” A thought occurs to Mia. “Was it…Dahlia?”
Iris swallows. Though she still doesn't say anything, the motion draws Mia's attention like a beacon. That's another important thing about being the Master — her training involves a lot of being attuned to the smallest details, about being in connection with the world around her.
That includes with her family — her only world right now. The biggest part of her world.
“Dahlia…” Iris looks away, playing with a loose thread on her sleeve. Mia instinctively reaches out and takes her hand, stopping her from doing so. She wishes she could say that it's mainly because she wants to help Iris feel better, but unfortunately, that isn't the entire story.
The robes they wear are passed down from acolyte to acolyte. There are spirits woven into the cloth, into the thread. To desecrate the robes and destroy them would be to destroy their ancestors, so Mia has to stop Iris from doing so.
If Iris knows what Mia is doing, she doesn't say anything about it either way.
“Dahlia wants to leave,” she says.
For a moment, Mia isn't sure she's heard her right. “Leave? You mean…”
“Leave the village,” Iris clarifies. “Go out to the city. …Leave us behind.”
Leave me behind, Mia hears even though she doesn't say it. She doesn't take it personally, though. She knows that the bond between Iris and Dahlia is different than the one she herself shares with them. Twins are special, after all, and there is a difference between a real sister and a fake one.
It doesn't stop Mia from being the slightest bit jealous.
“I’m sure she doesn't mean it like that,” Mia says, but even to her own ears, it doesn't sound very convincing. And why should it be? Dahlia isn't quite tied to the village, not in the way the future Master herself is.
And though the outside world is foreign, a terrifying concept to all of them for generations, Mia has a feeling that if anyone could go out there and acclimate, could take their fate into their own hands like that, it would be Dahlia.
It's a quality about her cousin that she's never quite sure if she admires or fears.
Iris doesn't say anything to Mia's reassurances, so she tries again. “Would you...go with her?” she asks hesitantly. To be honest, she doesn't know what answer she is expecting, what she wants to hear. What she should support as their sister.
“It doesn't matter,” says Iris. “What I want, it doesn't matter. Not with Dahlia.”
And that, too, Mia knows is true. Dahlia has always been like that — and even her twin, the only person she's most likely to listen to, sometimes isn't enough to stop her.
“She'll take you with her,” Mia says. “I’m sure of it. And maybe...maybe I could come visit you both too.”
“That sounds nice,” says Iris.
Mia doesn't know which one of them is lying.
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hydralutris · 2 days
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hydralutris · 7 days
The team based on eddible Pokemon have to much potentiel. Imagine being a vegetarien trainer only fighting with pokemon you rescued
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i was told i should post these, so here are some pokemon team specialties that arent based on type
1. pokemon that start out only knowing one attacking move max but grow up to be worthwhile 2. pokemon that are actually two or more individuals working together as one 3. pokemon that are [at least rumored to be] from space 4. pokemon that were created [deliberately] by humans 5. pokemon that were created [accidentally] by humans 6. pokemon that used to be humans 7. pokemon that hunt humans for sport
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hydralutris · 8 days
I love Belgium politic so fucking much it's so chaotic and hard to understand but That's a part of It's charm.
And we had the record of the longest Time without a gouvernement (195 days) then we break this record once again and the country wasn't destroyed by chaos because we actually had five others gouvernement (WE HAVE SIX GOUVERNEMENT YES) so we could go for another 2 years w/o fédéral gouv'.
And I think That's awesome lmao.
Also for everyone who Wonder : we Always take Time to re-create a gouv cuz we're like "ah yeah. Far right and far left might bé good coworker. I'm sure their totally opposite p.o.v. on everything will perfectly match"
And somehow it work.
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hydralutris · 10 days
I love your annalysis !
I'd like to add : Atsushi's power over his abillity evolve as he learn to communicante with the tiger. It's not just that he's figurine out new way to use his abillity, but more that he gain more and more control over it.
So I don't think Fukuzawa's abillity is the only reason Atsushi can use his power properly. It's just one of the reasons wich, again show that Atsushi's abillity opposé résistance to other's.
Atsushi being able to transform, even partially after Dazai nullified his ability (Episode 1) is an interesting detail to have.
Because every other character Dazai uses his ability on has there ability nullified completely. No matter how strong they are. Rimbaud with the power of a Transcendent, Chuuya with corruption.
All their power is nullified by Dazai’s ability.
Fyodor even stops Chuuya from punching Dazai knowing it would cure him of an ability known as one of the 10 calamities.
And yet here’s Atsushi who can still use his, and it surprises Dazai. He said it himself there’s no exceptions to his ability, it’s why he knew there was something fishy about Lovecraft.
After this event Dazai’s ability does nullify Atsushi’s ability as it does everyone else’s. But I think that’s because Atsushi was put under Fukuzawa’s ability.
Allowing the tiger to be controlled and not try to bypass Dazai’s ability.
And this moment could just be a fun bit but I don’t think it is. I wonder if this is another detail to the ‘Atsushi is the antithesis of all special abilities’ line.
Rimbaud does say that Dazai’s existence is a nuisance to him because he’s the ultimate ability user.
So maybe as the opposite of all special abilities, without the President, Dazai’s ability shouldn’t work on Atsushi.
Because this the true power of Atsushi’s ability.
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hydralutris · 14 days
This years I was so happy because WE were showed with AA content but now I have complicated feeling. Sure I love AA, but I just can't keep up ! I still need to finish TGAA2 and the second trilogie and now I have Investigations !!
And my fav AA account make things about AAI but I need to play before watching. UUUUURGH !!
I am still happy Tho. These are my first Times I Can play to these games legaly AND un my native language (french). I feel Seen and valued. But I Hope Capcom won't release something else to soon
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hydralutris · 17 days
I need help for Tears of The Kingdoms. I think I'm accidentaly speedrunning This.
Heavy spoiler for...Idk what part ahead.
I just finisehd the four sages quest and then I got to thé Lookout Landing to talk to Pur'ah. What do I sée. ZELDA ON THE HYRULE CASTLE
And Pur'ha is like "yeah you shoulder take a look there"
So I did. Because even I haven't played BOTW and don't understand what the fuck is going on with them, I know I am loyal to Zelda
So my dumb ass got below the castle. Like. In the depth.
Because for SOME reason This felt really climatic and an army spawned, A MOTHER FUCKING DEMON ARMY, and the four sages were here to help and...Am I at the end of the game ? Did I ran straight UP to Ganondorf ?
Please answer T0T.
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hydralutris · 18 days
Sketch dump 2
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hydralutris · 22 days
Since Dazai is very much Akutagawa's headmaster (A man who shaped Akutagawa's worldview, took the place of a role model, abused him, cared about him but still actes badly, a man that Akutagawa constantly seek validation from.)
Make headmaster the New caretaker of Akutagawa. Reverse the shin soukoukou, in another way than Beast did. I want the headmaster to kick Atsushi out of the orphanage, sonore than hé did in the anime. But then I want him to meet somoene or to live something that make him realise how Bad of a caretaker he was. Maybe by watching one of his old protegee from afar, becoming the better, healtier version of themselve without violence and privation. I don't know why he start changing, but he do. And he become...Somoene you like to be around. Somoene that can become your safe place, even as a child.
And then this headmaster found Akutagawa, diying and starving. And he take care of him just like Dazai did with Atsushi. He don't beat him he show him how to use his abillity, gently. He don't call him a burden he show him how he can help others with his abillity. He do everything hé never did for Atsushi. He even help him find Gin, reuniting their familly, making Akutagawa a membre and a protector of the orphanage
And then... then I want Atsushi, as a membre of the ADA, to meet Akutagawa. Why where when ? I have no idea. But they meet. And at first they aren't like...Rivals. But then Atsushi realise that THIS Guy is the headmaster protegee. His litteral father figure kicked him out and then took somoene else and seem so proud and caring and...Really, he seem like a positive father-figure. I want to make Atsushi angry and I want him to feel in a similar way than Akutagawa in the main time-line.
And the best part about that ? We have Dazai who abused Akutagawa and is now on a redemption and taking Atsushi under his wings, and WE have the headmaster who have abused Atsushi and taking care of Aku.
Make them hate each others lol. Make Dazai protective of Atsushi and make th headmaster protective of Aku.
And make the sskk think they weren't good enough for their mentor to change. They weren't worth it.
Make them suffer.
Then make them kiss and make their mentor being like "WTF what have we done"
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hydralutris · 25 days
Sketch Dump
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🇬🇧 : Sketch I did at school today
🇨🇵 : des croquis réaliser en cour ajd
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hydralutris · 25 days
I Saw it all on pinterest long ago and I'm happy to respost
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“Are the Ditto Five responsible for this? The Ditto Five love humans so much that they transform into humans. They are very troublesome! They mean no harm, but they mess up people’s relationships, so they are registered as wanted Pokémon.”
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hydralutris · 25 days
It's probably about Narumitsu but in AA1, case 3 (Turnabout Samourai) Gumshoe saved Phoenix's ass.
So Gumnivk is canon guyyyyys !
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I love this line where Phoenix entirely admits he would immediately fall in love with a man who came to his rescue. Like hmmm where have we heard this before. It’s not even subtle.
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hydralutris · 25 days
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in the first game i cross-examined a parrot, your honor. it is far too late to be developing a sense of self respect. this is a court for perverts.
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hydralutris · 26 days
OMG I felt so Bad in Turnabout Serenade.
Like why am I hurting him so much ?? Why do I have to do that ? To him who is the nicest prosecutor so far ?!!
klavier is the only prosecutor ive felt genuinely bad about defeating. when he holds his head and cries out like his entire ideological foundation is shattering before him??? yeah yk what how about i throw in the towel for this one i plead guilty i quit you win i cant bear to watch this
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hydralutris · 27 days
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