hyperhawken · 11 years
Suddenly wanting to think of a different URL for this blog and make my personal biomotionbuster. I dunno, I just like the idea that I have this URL, though I dunno how many people out there just really want the URL 'biomotionbuster'. Now I'm starting to wonder about some other URLs. Things like 'icarushawken' and 'dinotanker'. I'm keeping biomotionbuster, though.
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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hyperhawken · 12 years
I just realize they don't use spandex for the sentai suits anymore. While that doesn't sound very important on its own, I noticed that the basic suit design changed drastically when you compare Shinkenger/Goseiger with Go-Busters/Akibaranger.
Though, Akibaranger is a parody series that ran alongside Go-Busters, so they may have just likened the suits for that reason. And despite the general similarity in the suits, especially in the 80's and early 90's, every series did have a different design for their suits.
And something I just want to mention: The Go-Buster suits don't have the unitard-type look that a lot of the other ones had. It's like a flat-out uniform outfit rather than a suit. It looks nice.
One more thing, I like the Goseiger suits, and not just because they look kind of like Liveman's.
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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Choujuu Sentai Liveman
Yusuke Amamiya/Red Falcon
Joh Ohara/Yellow Lion
Megumi Misaki/Blue Dolphin
Tetsuya Yano/Black Bison
Jun-ichi Aikawa/Green Sai
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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Choujuu Sentai Liveman
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hyperhawken · 12 years
Daisuke Shima - Choujuu Sentai Liveman
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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Megumi: Jump rope… 5000 times!!!
Yusuke: Listen!!
It’s impossible to jump 5000 times!!
-Choujuu Sentai Liveman EP.08 
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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Megumi, Sworn to Life.
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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Megumi: What good is there inthe path you follow?
Ashura: The honor and prestige of being called a true genius!
Isn’t it obvious!?
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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hyperhawken · 12 years
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hyperhawken · 12 years
I searched for Liveman to see if there was ANY way I could get my paws on like an episode or something… what did I find? 
THE FUCKING ENTIRE SERIES! ALL THE 49 EPISODES!!! what happened afterwards… well those 49 episodes are now in my hard drive
They are in Japanese with eng subs which is definitely cool and awesome though having them in Spanish would’ve been super amazing 
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hyperhawken · 12 years
Not exactly a standard first post, but I'm not good at introductions. Pretty much, these are some thoughts I had concerning my roleplaying Super Sentai here on tumblr.
I ran across a confession about being the only active RPer from a series. I thought about Dan because, while he's not the only Super Sentai muse on here, he's the only Zyuranger one. I had thought about Bandora, but her mun deleted her blog today.
There are no shortage of great Super Sentai/Kamen Rider(these two run side-by-side and crossover sometimes) blogs to interact with, and there's even a healthy group of Power Rangers muses out there. I love the idea of Dan meeting the Mighty Morphin' team, or any of them, really. It's just that he's constantly searching for his friends and, well, he misses them. This is also something that's holding me back from making a blog for Mazenda, Megumi, or Yuusuke. Other than the AkaRed spirit muse that just started, there don't seem to be many muses out there that are Pre-Dekaranger. I see a few Sentai villains plugging along very well without their specific teams, which is something I could see Mazenda doing. I just don't know. I love the Toku RP community here, but I feel left out having not really watched the newer series or Kamen Rider at all.
I also thought on the idea of OCs in Power Rangers/Super Sentai. There are a handful floating around that seem like great muses with great muns, and I wouldn't mind RPing with OC rangers, or even members of an original team. It would be fun to get to know the details and all that the mun has put into the character. I'm always like that towards OCs, though I'm still nervous about approaching people.
One more thing. Just one more, and I'll be done. I really would like to get together with some people and collab on Gorenger or J.A.K.Q. or something close to those, as neither series has been subbed in English at this point. I really like the J.A.K.Q. concept, personally, though the exact characters would be hard to play unless the mun understands Japanese enough or speaks it natively.
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