hyperpt-blog · 8 years
Who is Winnie?
I was a bit hesitant to answer this,but I have my Hannah’s permission to go into detail, so I am.
At one time, she was a very well-loved member of the community, and she was actually Hannah’s best friend for a while. But…idk, I always kind of had a problem with her. She was a little creepy about making sure everyone knew Hannah was “hers” and was always sending weird sexual things and once tried to force her to smut (when Hannah does’t smut. She just doesn’t.) But I guess me finding her personally unsettling doesn’t really matter. 
First off, everything the girl did was shady. Like, everything. She told Hannah she was 16, but according to Hannah, when they skyped, she did not act or sound 16, because she very much acted like a small child, and she refused to webcam with her, even though the pictures she sent her were very obviously taken from a laptop webcam. She even came to Hannah and admitted to using fake pictures later on.
So, the thing with Winnie is, is she’d kind of use Hannah to do themes for her—and she’d ask her to redo it every few days, even though Hannah spent hours on each theme. Finally, one day, Hannah spent three hours or more on a theme, only to have Winnie change it back to a minimalist theme within an hour after finishing it. Hannah, of course, was upset her hard work was wasted, and came to Winnie about this. Rather than apologize, she used this as an opportunity to have a “panic attack” and make Hannah feel guilty for ever bringing it up.
Now, I might seem heartless in saying she was faking, but it was so obviously faked. Hannah and I both have panic attacks. Winnie claimed “anxiety” a lot. But I 100% doubt she had it. These panic attacks were basically her typing the same words over and over. “Time. Need time time need panic attack” was a quote I remember. To anyone who at very least knows someone who has had a panic attack, there’s no way that’s real.
She also always went on about how “abusive” her mother was. I have no proof that she wasn’t, but for someone who was so hated by her single mother, she sure had a lot of access to a smartphone and constant laptop help.
One time, the girl claimed that some girls at her school started a whole Facebook page dedicated to slamming her. Hannah told her that that was cyberbullying, and she should call the police and get them on it. But Winnie only freaked out at this idea, claiming “Idk how they’ll track it back”. And Hannah was like, “They’ll get their IP address?” And Winnie very quickly covered that up with “Oh, they made it at a public library.” Total B/S. 
And she was always claiming that she was going to kill herself. Always. And it was usually when she wanted to make someone feel bad for treating her as any less than a princess. She would also claim to be “in love” with anyone who was nice to her—seriously. I am not kidding. And she’d use them not loving her back as a reason for suicide, not talking to Hannah and sending her into panics over how she was worried Winnie might actually do it this time. It was obvious to me she never would, that her own life and herself were too important to her to actually end it, and that she just wanted the attention and drama of being suicidal. It got very old very quick. I hated seeing her make my girlfriend so miserable when it was so obvious she cared and still does care for her.
Recently, her girlfriend had dumped her. The day that her girlfriend broke up with her (for, to my understanding, flirting with an ex girlfriend), she suddenly became very suicidal and “killed” herself. It was so fucking obvious to me from the get go, because her mom posted only a few minutes after she did it that she had killed herself. I don’t know why the fuck her mother was like “Oh, the daughter I hated killed herself, better tell Tumblr!”, but I digress. She then proceeded to send asks to her now-ex, who I am also friends with, blaming her for the suicide. Which is just so fucking disgusting. And when said ex tracked back the IP, it was Winnie’s IP. The girl who was sending the asks then claimed “I’m Winnie’s friend, I’m helping clear our her room right now.” Even though Winnie claimed several times to have no real-life friends. Yet, suddenly, there’s this friend who cares so much about her friend’s death that she feels the need to justify it on the internet to strangers, despite the fact someone she supposedly cared about just died. Yet the RP community knowing it wasn’t fake was her #1 priority. 
When Hannah found out, she was in tears. Like, really torn up, because Hannah adores Winnie, and I know a lot of other really fucking sweet people who adored her and put so much effort into her. Winnie is a selfish bitch who only really, truly cares about herself. 
Today, the blog thetruthaboutwinnie popped up. Go there and read the post there before going on.
Now, she’s posting on that RP account about how she’s “not Winnie”, that she’s “Noelle”, and that “Winnie asked me to take over her character”. And has an “unanswered” ask from Winnie saying “oh take over my character”. Obviously it’s a new, unanswered ask…hm. But Winnie’s dead? How did she send that?
The whole thing is so fucking disgusting, and I really, strongly dislike Winnie for treating my girlfriend and other people in the community like this. And I honestly just fucking want her to apologize to Hannah, because she, and a lot of other people I know, deserve that.
Not that I think it’ll happen. And that’s all I’m going to talk about this, I’m moving on because I am so angry about this that I am shaking. 
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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so this is my second theme i’m releasing on this blog ! for this one, i was pretty much inspired by venice, italy and it works very similarly to my first theme. i’ve included instructions on how to use it in the code but let me know if you encounter any problems or if you need help installing it or anything !
please do not steal/redistribute/claim any part of this theme as your own, thank you. leave the credit as is and do not steal bits of code. you may edit it to your fancy but do not use it as a base code and repost it somewhere else.
4 tabs: main, ask, navigation, and network ( although you may use them for whatever )
network tab layout with clickable headers that hide/unhide sections
iMessage-like chat posts
140x370px sidebar image and 3 icons of varying sizes
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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🌙  THEME #8: CICI 🌙
DO –
reblog and/or like if you plan on using this theme
let me know if anything isn’t working on the theme
send me any questions about the theme that you may have
remove credit from the theme
use as a base code
redistribute as your own
this theme has 250px posts, four icon links with hover and two 70x70 sidebar images. this theme is dedicated to my other half of zhloe, my 3am buddy, the ultimate dom het cici @lanirpt. i love your crazy ass!! if you encounter any problems, pls shoot me a mssg. enjoy!
live preview – code
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
when your otp doesn’t know they are an otp yet
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39K notes · View notes
hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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173K notes · View notes
hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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🌙  THEME #8: CICI 🌙
DO –
reblog and/or like if you plan on using this theme
let me know if anything isn’t working on the theme
send me any questions about the theme that you may have
remove credit from the theme
use as a base code
redistribute as your own
this theme has 250px posts, four icon links with hover and two 70x70 sidebar images. this theme is dedicated to my other half of zhloe, my 3am buddy, the ultimate dom het cici @lanirpt. i love your crazy ass!! if you encounter any problems, pls shoot me a mssg. enjoy!
live preview – code
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
Ah…….annuzzer day in bikini bottem………
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
dnt yell at me it was on aim !! i am a Child i dont deserve this hate :( #EndCyberbullying2k16
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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742 notes · View notes
hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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this is a template for hollywood or artist-based rps.
the avi is 260px in width, the artwork is about 800-900px wide.
once you’re done filling out everything, you can resize the image to 540 if it shows up less of an hq photo when you upload it to tumblr. if the image appears like this afterwards, just go into the ‘artwork.’ folder and use the up arrow on your keyboard to move ‘song artwork.’ up one time. it should fix it.
if you wish to use this as a template for your character’s music for development, just replace their age and hometown with username and latest album.
the font i used is arial regular. nothing more, nothing less.
with this psd, ‘create clipping mask’ will be your best friend. it’s pretty easy to customize since i organized each section into groups.
feel free to (download), and make sure you like/reblog if you use. do not claim as your own.
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
i just unfollowed someone bc they had autoplay on their blog ,, THIS IS 2016 PEOPLE
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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INCLUDES: 400px posts, one 400x100px header image, one 490x100px header image, inverted iframe controls, webfont icons, stats, clip paths, updated info css & customizable colours.
do not steal/take parts and use in your own code. do not use as a base code andPLEASE LIKE/REBLOG IF DOWNLOADING!
             quick links:   ALL THEMES // THEME FAQ TAG
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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⟨ ⟡⋰☾⸰ SOCIAL BUTTERFLY ⟩ | an all-in-one page page theme #1 by sailormoonrps. 
features include:              – 4 tabs (twitter, facebook, 8tracks, and youtube)              – character sheet              – automatic scrollbars              – unlimited/arrangeable tweets, posts, songs, etc that              – full ability to customize (colors, backgrounds, etc)               – probably more shit tbh i’m extra 
creator notes———there are directions/tips throughout code and all images automatically resize but they should still be the right dimensions. certain parts may look awkward until the images are put in! feel free to reach out if there any problems or questions. almost all of the links that are clickable are only there for show. also, the code is long. sorry ! feel free to link me to finished products. please don’t steal code, remove/edit credit, or redistribute. 
if you’re feeling generous, like/reblog if you’re using or you like it !  ↘ preview  |  ↘ download (raw) 
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hyperpt-blog · 8 years
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143K notes · View notes