hysmpod · 1 year
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The Vision of Saint Hubert (1890)
— by Franz von Stuck
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hysmpod · 1 year
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hysmpod · 1 year
happy birthday kermit thee butch!!!!!!!
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hysmpod · 2 years
Best tumblr scandals
The girl grave robbing and selling human bones online
The white american girl who pretended to be an interracial lesbian couple living with hiv in india, just so she could write hamilton hiv fic
The girl everyone thought was the native lesbian writer of my immortal, who wrote it to find her brother, but it turns out she was white and lied about her backstory and probably didn’t even write the fic
Russian Chaos Agents
Add more if u want, lord knows theres plenty
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hysmpod · 2 years
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hysmpod · 2 years
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hysmpod · 2 years
Was at the art museum earlier and i have a new favourite painting
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hysmpod · 4 years
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hysmpod · 5 years
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Janesville Daily Gazette, Wisconsin, January 26, 1950
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hysmpod · 5 years
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there’s this abandoned house on the road from peterhead into aberdeen that always has graffiti on it and it’s normally like “happy 23rd birthday chris” or whatever but one time someone whited everything out on the side and just wrote “wheres the sun?” - incredibly cursed aberdeenshire
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hysmpod · 5 years
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some days i feel like a thicket of antlers
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hysmpod · 5 years
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IS ANYONE HOME ? for @emailclub
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hysmpod · 5 years
First episodes of audio drama podcasts be like what’s up I’m GAY i live in a TOWN and I just saw a GHOST
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hysmpod · 5 years
What do you mean by That's Not A Deer in the mountains near you????
Anyone who spends decent amount of time in Appalachia knows the Not Deer. If you’ve gone on the Blue Ridge Parkway at night, you’ve probably seen him.Now: keep in mind if you don’t live in an area with a lot of deer, deer are freaky bastards on their own. They’re really big, extremely agile, move surprisingly quietly, and are extremely durable. It’s not unheard of for someone to hit a deer and total their car. Once I heard a story of a man who hit a deer on accident and decided to take it home and least get some good meat out of a bad situation. On the drive home the deer woke up and absolutely shredded the inside of this man’s trunk. They’re very cute but you definitely don’t want to mess with one. Just keep that relationship in the back of your mind. Anyway, the Not Deer is more or less what I’d call a folk cryptid. Everybody has their story about it. They’re all somewhat similar. You’re in a car at night, in a rural, heavily wooded area, and probably a bit lost. It’s not wildly uncommon to see a opossum crossing the road, see blips of little animals with your headlights. You see a deer. So you/your friends go “Oh! Deer!” and slow down in case it leaps in front of you. Then you see it more clearly. There’s just something wrong about it. There’s something about its eyes. You feel your stomach get heavy like a rock, the hair on your neck raise. You sense intelligence that you shouldn’t. It doesn’t move like a deer, it moves like a… oh god, what is that thing? Whatever that thing is, it’s not a deer and we need to leave. You hit the gas and get the hell out of there.A group of my friends got lost on the Parkway once and reemerged with a chilling story. They aren’t the kind of folks to lie or over exaggerate. Among other freaky stuff that happened, the driver claimed she saw a deer in the road. Then she noticed the deer was on two legs. 
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hysmpod · 5 years
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let me come home
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hysmpod · 5 years
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Smells like disappointment
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hysmpod · 5 years
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