i-am-skairipa-100 · 2 years
When is the next M15 damie?
Episode 3: electric boogaloo
Lol! That sounds too hot to handle! 🔥 😉
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 2 years
I am dying when can we expect another story from you? Trying to manifest.
Awww! This is so kind. Like, I feel like I have achieved a new level of success if someone is trying to manifest a new story from me. ❤️ Unfortunately though, I’m not working on anything at the moment. Life has been super busy for me lately. I really hate to disappoint you. 😕But you never know, so don’t give up hope!
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 2 years
Hey you, I'm just popping in here to see how everything is going with you?? And I also was wondering if you were into any show lately that you'll maybe want to write fanfiction about, so I could watch it and then be able to read your work later 😂.
I wanted to say that as I look back on this year (which was a rough one for me, especially the first half of it) one of the highlights of it are your stories and getting to talk about them with you on the comments, they gave me the escape I needed so I'm really thankful for that.
Anyway, I hope you're having a great holiday season ❤️ (and thank you again for everything 🥰)
Awww thank you so much, anon! Hearing that my stories were a highlight for you during a rough year is so humbling. Thank you for taking the time to tell me that. It really means a lot and I hope I could bring a little light into a difficult season. ❤️ Writing these stories definitely brought me some escapism and joy, too. It’s been a rough couple of years, huh?! I’m glad we’re all getting through it together!
Life has been super busy for me lately, so I’m sorry to disappoint, but I have no new fics on the horizon. 😕 But, if you want to know what I’m currently into, I just finished The Wheel of Time, The Witcher, and Hawkeye. I really enjoyed them all! I’ve now fallen down the rabbit hole of the Wheel of Time book series, so that may take me awhile. 😂
I hope you are doing well and that 2022 is a GREAT year for you full of new adventures, fun, laughter, and love. 💕
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
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dani and jamie + the domestic sapphic dream
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
hey skai, did you JUST post the last chapters of the dragon AU and that's why I haven't received an email for it yet or did you post it, like, hours ago and it didn't show up? (just wanted to warn you because if that's the case you might want to do something about it so people will actually see it)
on an unrelated note, are you on the Damie discord server?
Hey! I posted everything about an hour or so ago. I hope the emails are just late! 😬 I’m glad you saw it though! And yes, I’m on the Damie discord server— same name— Skairipa_100 😊
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
Wait, WHAT?!? Thank you all so much! 😭 ❤️ 🐉
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Most Original Prompt Interpretation goes to...
... Hugh Crain (aka Skairipa_100) for "Fighting Dragons with You"
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
Yay I found your blog!!!! I've been following your dragon fic really closely and I came her and found out you wrote that masterpiece AND the MI5 fic?? You're amazing! I'm loving this dragon fic so much and I am over the moon about continuing to read it. I Dovahkiin on AO3. So much love!!!! ❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨💕💕
Yay!!!! You found me!!!! 😃 You are too, too kind! 😭 I’m so thrilled you are enjoying the dragon fic AND that you loved the MI5 fic, too! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ The rest of the dragon fic should be posted tomorrow night sometime. I really hope you enjoy the rest of it! Thank you so much for reaching out! I can’t tell you how much it means to me that people have enjoyed something I’ve written. 🥺
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
Bestie my Friday night plans got cancelled so I'm shamelessly asking you for the next chapter 🙏🏻🥺 pretty please
Hahaha! This ask may have made my day. You know, I honestly wasn’t going to post it tonight because I didn’t want to overwhelm people, but you just asked so nicely. 🥺 I will see what I can do when I get home. I’m glad you don’t have plans, bestie, because this is the longest chapter. 😉
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
Have you enjoyed the Masked Author?
Are you done reading all the fics? In our final week, we wanted to give you a little something extra: Superlatives!
Vote for your favorite fics in categories such as "Most Creative," "Most Memorable," and "Most Likely to Get a Disapproving Glare from Hannah Grose."
With fics nominated by the authors themselves, you're sure to find some of your favorites on this list! You have until Sunday at 9PM EST to cast your votes. Winners will be announced on Monday, along with the first, second and third place authors!
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
hey bestie! just wanted to say you're doing amazing. lately you've been posting faster than I'm able to read, but only knowing you're writing already makes me happy. good for you, good for you
Hey! Thank you, bestie! I really appreciate that! The whole story is already written, so it’s so hard not to just throw the whole thing at everyone and then hide in the corner hoping people like it. Haha. I’ve slowed the updates down this week, but please read it at your own pace. 😊 It will be there for you whenever you’re ready, and I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
My Damie dragon AU is here! Enjoy, my friends!
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
Hi! I came from AO3.. what was the inspiration behind I’ve got a problem pollina ?
Hi there! 👋🏻 Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to find me here! You know, I’m not 100% sure what inspired the story. It just sort of came to me one day when I was driving. I really love action movies, especially with strong female characters. The idea of Jamie as an agent who had all these badass skills just seemed fun to me. No one else had written anything like that, so I figured that meant that I should! I mostly write things that I wanted to read but couldn’t find. And then I just sort of throw all my favorite tropes in and see what happens! I’m always blown away by the fact that other people want to come along for the ride! ❤️
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
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Dani x Jamie + forehead touches
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
This made my day! 😭 💕
no one ever asks me about fic recs (and that’s alright by me) but if anyone asked me to recommend something right now i would 100% recommend can’t help falling in love by the wonderful @i-am-skairipa-100. this fic is so soft and i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all week. it’s a sweet easy read about the relationship between dani and jamie ft. elvis presley’s song of the same name and it’s just beautiful. you should check it out if you haven’t already!
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
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i-am-skairipa-100 · 3 years
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Jamie in THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR Episode 9 | The Beast in the Jungle
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