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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID]
Alfred Pennyworth (Batman) vs. Swatch and the Swatchlings (Deltarune)
"the original sassy butler in the know, to act as a foil for his more impulsive master. He works for batman, but honestly I'd rather face batman in a fight than Alfred. He'd fuck me up while looking sophisticated the entire time and probably make a witty comment about it too."
Swatch and the swatchlings:
"theyre queens butler they own a cafe FULL of butlers theyre head of all of queens butlers theyre COOL and nonbinary and have a swag ass design and they are my scrunkly"
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Might I receive a Swatch by any chance? ♡
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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID] Of course!
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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID]
*pokes you with my doctor stick as you lie face down on the ground*
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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID]
protect bisexual boys
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hey everyone who still cares about fruitverse stop interacting with the spinach guy, they’re posting screenshots without blocking out names and claiming that some members of the server are faking DID without any concrete proof. all connections should be severed until further notice.
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This blog is anti-TERF. If you’re a TERF or agree with their ideologies, unfollow right now.
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trick or treat?
Happy (Early) Halloween! Have a Swatch ^_^
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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID] 
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103K notes · View notes
Fellow epileptics, I have some fantastic news for you. There’s an add-on that makes the internet safer for us. It’s called Epilepsy Blocker. The creator had me test it out, give feedback, he made adjustments, and it works great. It may even help those with migraine disorders that are triggered by the same thing that messes with those of use with photosensitive epilepsy (mine is a case of being absurdly sensitive).
This is the only add-on I’ve encountered made specifically for those of us with epilepsy. It’s not a well known add-on, but I hope to see that change.
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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID] 
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I'm gonna turn off anon for a little while. I have not been getting hate, but it's better safe than sorry. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it is for the better. This is only temporary.
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(All of this is NOT directed at any fruitverse members or anyone who has been supporting us. Y’all are genuinely amazing and I care u <3)
To those of you sending nsfw asks to the fruitverse, FUCK. OFF.
I tried to make a decent post where I kept my cool, but I am already become fed up with people’s bullshit.
It’s not fucking rockets science!! Do I need to instruct you on how to block us? Should I start talking to you like the fucking children you are? Do you think you’re hot shit?? Making fun of some kids who are just trying to have fun??
You’re not.
Get a fucking life.
Leave my friends alone.
I tried being nice, but y’all don’t deserve that shit. How miserable does your life have to be for you to think any of this shit you’re doing is ok?
Some of y’all really need to sit down and think long and hard about this shit.
I hope you apply for a job only to get declined because you’re known for sending porn to children.
I hope you’re disappointed in yourself.
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Hello, this is a PSA!
I am simply asking that if you do not like the fruitverse or the fruitverse members - cause they’re annoying, cringy, etc. - but they keep popping up on your dashboard please feel free to block us and block the #fruitverse tag! It only takes a few clicks of a button and prevents arguments and hurt feelings.
We’ve already had a few people leave the fruitverse because of hate or stress and I truly hope we don’t lose any more because this may have started as a joke, but I care for the fruitverse fam and their feelings and it hurts seeing some of us so stressed and sad.
Don’t make you not liking us our problem. We’re just having fun here, and judging by some of the stuff going on on the discord server we have lore and characters and plot that we are excited to share with those of you who do enjoy our silly little giving blogs! As a side note for the fruitverse fam, you do not have to participate in lore of you don’t want to or feel stressed by it! Just enjoy yourself and have a good time being a part of this community!
TLDR; Don’t send anon hate to fruitverse, just block us and the tag. Also, we have some fun stuff planned for those of you who do enjoy fruitverse so please stay tuned!
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actually you are. not cringe <3 we all appreciate your work here
Thank you :)
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[ID: an image of two outstretched hands with the character swatch from deltarune poorly photoshopped to be placed in them. End ID] 
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is this anything
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honestly it makes me sad to see people reblogging anti fruitverse stuff, like, yeah, block them, but like, theres no need to call them names or anything. like its one thing to quietly block, but making a whole ass post about it? sorry you hate fun or whatever, get well soon ig
it especially disappoints me to see oshafam and showerfam people saying these things. stop acting like you aren't doing the exact same thing.
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