i-love-exo-fanfics · 11 years
please update!
The number of times I've seen something along these lines have become numb to me to be honest :/
"please please please please please please update soon!!!!!!!!"
"I wanna know what happens!!!! Update soon
"Update soon!!!!!!"
"Hope you update soon authornim.. :))"
"That fanfic is amazing!!!"
"Update plssssssssssssss"
"update pleaseee"
"update soon"
"Pls update soon :D Love this storyline."
"OMG I Love this fanfiction!! Please update soon..."
"Author-nim you are the best pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease update soon :)"
"Come on author-nim! Update please....!"
"loving this fanfic!!!! plz update soon!!!! :)"
"Please update soon!! o(^-^o)"
Although I am grateful for every comment I get, I can't help but wonder whether those comments are for karma or genuine, and even if they are genuine, I'd rather see comments about the actual story and it's plot or the characters and not how "great" of a writer I am or my story is. And like I said, I don't really have the time to focus on my stories due to school, life, and lack of determination I guess because I don't really get anything out of it >___
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 11 years
why do you not update anymore? just curious, have you abandoned the story?
I don't update anymore for a number of reasons. I wouldn't say I have abandoned my story, I just don't have the time and determination to put in effort to complete it since it's my last year of school so I should be studying, and I guess my own personal life itself has been getting in the way. (If you know me in real life don't tell anyone but I kind of have a boyfriend so that's another thing I have to deal with and another reason why I haven't been updating XD)
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Hi, everyone. Sorry I haven't been updating as much as I wish I could. School is really stressing me out lately. I have 5 SACs (they're basically exams which count toward my final mark but a smaller percentage) in the next 2 weeks and I've been trying to study for them, although I think I'm going to fail terribly. I'm sorry for being such a bad writer when it comes to updating. I can't believe so many people even bother reading my stories anymore. ;__;
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Hi Catherine, this is me (again), haha. I was right! I know that Sehun got possessed, and that horrible shadows was the source! But... I didn't have any idea that Dimitri was the man behind this problem, hahaha~ ._. Really good story, I like it! Waiting for your next update~! Yay! XD
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Summary of chapters 1-50
1. It’s almost your 18th birthday
2. Discover you can read minds through your parents telling you that you’re not their biological child
3. EXO come and take you to EXO. They introduce themselves. Tao freezes all of EXO but not you for a moment.
4. Spend a day on the spaceship
5. Register yourself to EXO’s system. Luhan comes to see you…
6. Luhan teaches you how to master your powers
7. Sehun wakes the EXO members up. He finds you sleeping with Luhan. You discover that EXO women can have many partners
8. Have a shower...
9. Land in EXO. you eat a blue apple. Your fingernails, eyes and hair become blue. Effects last for 24 hours
10. End up in a village. Meet a woman named chief Maya
11. Snake attacks you. You see a dragon. Dragons are supposedly extinct. Lay heals you but is badly hurt himself
12. Baekhyun explains who the Topians are to you
13. You save Lay. Turns out you can enter dreams
14. Say goodbye to the village and Chief Maya
15. Go back to ship. Topians plan your death
16. D.O. storms off so you comfort him
17. Land in the Kapitol, find out more about the Topians
18. The Topians try to kill you, fail
19. You wake up. Suho cups his palms together and water fills it. You go to Mayor Tara, she is the opposite of her sister, Chief Maya. Topians are after you
20. Reveal the Topians who are Infinite!
21. You go hover boarding around the Kapitol. Visit stadium
22. Battle screaming chick, control her mind by accident, put her to sleep, become famous/well known, Lay heals you with a kiss
23. Meanwhile, Mysterious disappearances/murders caused by Infinite
24. Mayor Tara turns out to be the person who forced the light to be shone on you in the stadium. She wanted to see what you were capable of. See the dead man Dongwoo killed
25. Chanyeol wants to burn the body because it’s scaring you. Suho says no because they need it for evidence. Chanyeol says the body can’t even be recognised. Kris finds a dragon
26. L goes to kill you but recognises you
27. L runs away. He was your first boyfriend. D.O. gets jealous
28. Talk about the Topians and Spike. Lay sees your wounds. Heals them.
29. Mayor Tara spots the necklace around your neck
30. She asks you where you got it from and stuff. Topians get really pissed at L. Except for Sungyeol. Sunggyu feels uncomfortable
31. More about Spike. Eat with EXO. Clean up with Xiumin...
32. Shadow lands – dark spirits, people that have been murdered, suicides, etc go there. You look for your mother there
33. More on your dream powers
34. Go to Metropolitan, underwater city, eat stuff and grow gills to breathe
35. Suho acts gentlemanly...
36. Meet Victoria
37. Victoria (Lay’s mum) is pregnant. You misunderstand, think baby is Lay’s. Lay has been healing your hickeys without you noticing
38. Victoria hints at marriage
39. Topians come and attack you. You get killed
40. Boys get depressed, Tao manages to go back into time
41. Tao saves you
42. Say your goodbyes to Victoria and co. Go to shadow lands, Tao gets scared. You tease him and he tells you not to treat him like a kid
43. Almost at the Shadow Lands. (The shadows in the mirror on the ship is Dimitri’s doing, not the Shadow Land's. Dimitri is an ex oracle. Dimitri enters Sehun's body)
44. Touch a dangerous apple which poisons Chen and Sehun. Save the ghost, turns out the oracle, Simon, trolled you and your adopted mum died
45. You get pissed but Baekhyun says you can’t do anything about it and not to get angry or get sucked in to the darkness of the spirits. Go through a forest to Lane of Lost Memories. Sehun and Chen go cuckoo due to the apple. (Sehun is actually being taken over by Dimitri)
46. Sehun( who is actually Dimitri) volunteers to summon your mum for you. Temple gets filled with shadows, scaring away all the spirits so you can’t check if your mum is alive or not. Go to Lane of Lost Memories
47. Lane of Lost Memories, three options of losing and gaining. You have to sacrifice your memory of meeting EXO for the first time, your virginity or Nara
48. Choose to forget your experience with Myungsoo. Find out your dad is Eric, your mum is Lana, and Sunggyu is your brother
49. Lose your memory of Myungsoo. Boys are all like whoa whoa you’re half topian?! But they sort it out and i cbs writing it lol leave it to the readers' imagination. Topians come and try to attack you but you tell Sunggyu you’re his half sister so he says not to kill you. Discover Sehun is possessed when he is able to use his powers. Sehun calls you Lana (it is actually Dimitri though!! He slipped up!!)
50. Everybody is like wtf, why did Sehun call you Lana, that’s your mum’s name. Baek is like, dude, only oracles can use their powers in the Shadow Lands, so why is Sehun able to?? Dimitri tries to play dumb but you ask a question only Sehun would know and he doesn’t know how to answer so you’re like ha this ain’t Sehun. So Dimitri is like muhahahahaha, you got me! I am not Sehun, I am Dimitri! And the Topians are like wtf what is Dimitri doing in Sehun’s body, why are you here bro. then Dimitri is like I am looking for Lana because she’s mine and we are meant to be together. THEN HE TALKS ABOUT POSESSING SEHUN IN THE SHIP BUT WASN’T ABLE TO OVERTAKE HIM BECAUSE SEHUN WAS TOO STRONG BUT THEN THE POISONOUS GAS MADE SEHUN WEAK AND THAT’S WHY WHEN SEHUN AND CHEN WENT CRAZY IN THE SHRINE, CHEN WENT CUCKOO BECAUSE OF THE POISONOUS GAS AND SEHUN WENT CUCKOO BECAUSE DIMITRI WAS TAKING OVER HIS BODY! AND THAT’S WHY THE DARK SPIRITS SUDDENLY CAME IN THE SHRINE BEFORE AND THE OTHER SPIRITS STARTED DISAPPEARING! AND THAT’S WHY SEHUN WAS SO EAGER TO FIND YOUR MUM, IT WAS ACTUALLY DIMITRI!! AND WHEN SEHUN HURT HIS HEAD AND COULDN’T REMEMBER THE DRINK BOTTLE WAS IN THE FRONT POCKET!! AND WHY HE WANTED YOU TO FORGET ABOUT THE BOYS INSTEAD OF YOUR FIRST TIME WITH MYUNGSOO! AND HE CAN USE HIS POWERS BECAUSE HE'S AN ORACLE! Dimitri then escapes in Myungsoo’s body since his power is speed and he can escape quickly. Myungsoo’s mind is weak from lack of drinking. Says he will kill people in Myungsoo’s body unless you/your mum surrender yourselves
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Totally forgot I have tutor again TT___________TT
Have to do maths, chemistry and english h/w OTL
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Thank you, everyone ;A;
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Heyo Catherine! This time I'm saying thanks for the shout out to my message on your fanfic... to be honest with you, I was absolutely shocked that you linked my message on Chapter Forty-Eight. I hope you have aced all of your exams even though I am absolutely sure you have! Thanks, once again for publishing your awesome fanfics and you have no idea how much I praise this fanfic ;^; Good luck with the sequel as well! (Even though you are nowhere near finishing this awesomeness [I hope XD])
Thank you~!
I think I'll make it 60-70 chapters. It kinda depends because sometimes I cut chapters in 2 and stuff XD
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Finally you updated. This just made my day, even though I'm in exam week now~ :D I think Sehun got possessed, hahaha. Is my comment in tumblr get counted in the 10%? I dont have aff acc so... Thanks for updating author-nim! XD
LOL Yes~ I'll include you in the 10%, anon reader~
Good luck on your exams!
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Just letting you all know that today was my last day of school but I probably won't be able to update until at least Monday because I'm going to have quite a busy weekend. ^^
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
okay new reader to MTHAPB. and I want to ask because I know another author did this but are you going to put your story on private and if you are can you add me as a friend cause I really like you fic I would like to continue reading it.
There honestly isn't any point if I put my story on private. The people who plagiarize me could have added me as their friend or made new aff accounts for the sole purpose of plagiarizing me. It has already happened to more than once.
For the last two stories that plagiarized mine, one person had added me as a friend on AFF and the other made a whole new account just to plagiarize me. Some of the previous plagiarizers were also like that.
Also, if I were to put it on private, I'd probably have to have strict conditions for people to be my friend. You would have to comment regularly, be subscribed to more than one of my fanfics and so on. But that would be unfair on my readers who don't have aff accounts, my silent readers and those who only like one of my fanfics, wouldn't it?
Right now I have about 1400 people who have added me as a friend on aff. A lot of them are my readers but most of them are silent, hence why I cannot determine whether to delete them because they have plagiarized me or not.
I have encountered a lot of plagiarizers. In some cases, they have added me as a friend on aff, they have subscribed to my story, they haven't subscribed to my story, they have made a new account just to plagiarize me, etc.
It's really hard to know who to trust when a plagiarizer could have two accounts, one account to subscribe to my story, comment, add me as a friend, etc, and another account to plagiarize my story.
So that's why I can't simply put my story on private without going through my friends list and deleting almost everyone.
For all I know, you could have a second account and already have plagiarized me. (Not that I am accusing you of plagiarizing me, I'm just trying to prove my point.)
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
I just found another story which I am 100% sure plagiarized mine in the Rated M section. -_-
Not sure if I'll ever update again. No, I won't do that to my readers. But I've been plagiarized over 10 times now.
So I don't update MTHAPB for about a month because of exams and come back to find this? Thanks a lot, plagiarizers.
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
mokonazuna replied to your post: Definitely Plagiarism
aish… Sorry to hear it…
It's alright. No need to feel sorry for something you haven't done. It's happened so many times you'd think I was used to it and feel nothing but nope. dbskgirl4ever was also plagiarized recently but in a different language. I feel for her more since she has to put up with plagiarism a lot more than I do. :/
Thank you for caring, though. ^^
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Definitely Plagiarism
So I came across an EXO fanfic and this was its description:
You're just a normal school girl when your age of 16 , you realise that your parent are not your biological parents and you found out that you're living is not where you belong.
This is my description for MTHAPB:
You were just the average human being...until the day you turned eighteen. Discovering your mum and dad are not your biological parents, you find out the world you have been living in is not where you belong...
This person barely even tried to make it different. *sighs*
I'll have to contact the person and sort this out.
I'll be updating sometime today or tomorrow now that my exams are over, although my motivation to write is very thin right now because of plagiarism. Thank you for being patient during these few weeks and staying with me, everyone.
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
Why Christmas vacation is awesome.
Normal people: I don't have to do homework!
K-pop fans: My favorite fanfics are going to be updated because the authors actually have time!
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
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asianfanfics bingo board.
you’re welcome.
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i-love-exo-fanfics · 12 years
ultimate otp? you can only choose one!
Baekrine! XD
I seriously don't know which to choose, though! Hunhan, Kailu, Krisyeol, Kaisoo...
I don't ship Baekyeol because Baekhyun is mine. lmao, jk
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