i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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May 20th, 2015 - Amsterdam, NL (x)
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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Airplanes cut through the clouds
like angels can fly 
We’ll never die
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
Dear Arzaylea,
Let me tell you something about being in the public eye, A.
It was you who made the choice to live a life that’s ‘out there’. It was you who fucked up. It was you who has absolutely no right to play the victim. The moment you put something on the internet it’s out there for the world to see. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a celebrity, a groupie or aunty Kim from NC with two kids and a dog.
You decided to spark rumours by ‘wearing his shirt’ and posting it. It was you who subtweeted him for weeks, who chose to do Q&A sessions and it was also you who put the shit, which ultimately blew up in your face, on the internet. Of course it doesn’t help when your ex openly talks about it, but still it was you who put it online in the first place. You act like you’re so grown up and wise, yet you can’t handle criticism. You should’ve known that by putting your life out there and playing with the fans this would happen.
Your life has become very public? Of course it has, because you chose to make it that public. You’re linking all your social media sites on your Twitter, you answer Fans’ questions left and right, you favorite shit about your ‘relationship’, you get pissy when someone calls you out on shit you’ve done insted of owning up to it. What did you expect to happen? Honestly?! That everyone’s going to kiss your ass? You’re linked to a guy who happens to be in a band that has millions of fans. Most of them under the age of 20, so what exactly did you think would happen? You should know how girls that age are, you’re one of them. And everyone who has somewhat of a brain knows at least one example of  a boyband groupie or girlfriend where it backfired. So you should’ve known better.
Don’t post shit on the Internet you wouldn’t want your grandma to see and if you do, stop when the number of Followers is going up. But hey being talked about is what you love, don’t you?
You’re right we can only judge you based on your social media posts and what others say. Keeping that in mind, the things you post, how you caption them and the snaps you do, do not help when you want people to see that you’re not so bad. Not to mention getting your friend involved. And the shit you’re currently pulling is most definitely not helping your case.
So please sit your ass down, stop subtweeting him and shut the fuck up or get off social media if you cannot handle it. But please for the love of god stop creating drama if it gets to you!
a pissed of fan who’s had it with your shit!
And if someone tries to tell me that I am in the wrong, that I’m hurting her or that I am rude than you can kindly fuck off because I’ve been playing nice for far too long.
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days I've been really busy with school work but I promise I'll post a new imagine in a few days! Love you guys 💕 -Tiana
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
Things Calum Hood has made his bitch:
michael clifford
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
i don’t think i’ve seen anyone post this (???) so im posting it because it’s my favorite thing ever lol (from nick grimshaw’s snapchat)
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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baby blue eyes feat maroon snapback 
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
We all have something in our lives that we regret doing
Black Ink, Luke Hemmings fanfic [click here] (via kateisinwonderland)
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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‘Cause I can’t keep S L E E P I N’ in your bed If you keep M E S S I N’ with my head Before I slip under your sheets Can you give me somethin’ please? I can’t keep T O U C H I N’ you like this If it’s just temporary bliss
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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11K notes · View notes
i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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sunshine ♡
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
Ghost - Luke Hemmings (pt. 2)
“You’re a rolling stone boy, never sleep alone boy. Got a million numbers and they’re filling up your phone boy”
Twenty minutes later I heard a knock on my door and I slowly walked over, trying to get rid of my nerves while the floorboards squeaked underneath my feet.
I looked through the peep hole before opening the door just to make sure it was Luke, and it was. He was fiddling with his thumbs while he was looking down at his feet, doing the weird foot thing he does, which I also happen to do.
As I started opening the door I could see him lift up his head to look at me and a smile instantly broke out on his face. It seemed almost like he wanted to do something more than just sleep with me tonight, but I could be so wrong.
He engulfed me in a hug the moment he entered my small apartment, lifting me up and spinning me around like a little girl.
“Hi babygirl.” He kisses my lips sweetly while setting me back down on the ground.
“Hi Luke.” I glance down at the ground, trying not to show that I’m blushing.
“I’ve missed you so much you don’t even know. All I’ve wanted to do is come back home to your arms and never leave again.”
“Luke I-” you start but he stops you.
“Shh we’ll talk more later.” He says while pushing his finger up to my lips.
He slowly backs me up towards the wall and starts kissing me, slowly and passionately, like it means something more to him like any other kiss we’ve shared.
I start kissing him back, not being able to resist him. No matter how many times I’ve not myself that I’m not going back to him, I always end up doing it anyways.
He starts sliding his hand up my shirt, his cold touch surprising me and making me jump a little. He nudges me a little, signalling to jump so I do.
He has me pressed up against the wall even harder now, trying to create as little space between us as he can.
But as he does this I can’t help but think of the other girls he’s done this with. The other girls he’s kissed. The other girls he’s slept with.
He makes it seem like I’m the only girl, and he makes it seem like I mean everything to him, but I know I don’t.
I pull away a bit catching my breath in the process while deciding whether I want to say what I have to say or not, but I need to get it out.
“Luke wait.” You push him away a bit and he puts you down. His lips are slightly turned down, his eyes seeming sad and he’s chewing on his lip ring.
“What’s wrong Y/N? Did I do something wrong?”
“Luke we have to talk.” You say and you slowly walk away from him.
I don’t know what to say or how to say it but I have to. I know I do, because I can’t keep hurting myself like this.
“What’s wrong baby girl?” He asks and I can’t help but think that he probably uses that pet name for every other girl he’s been with, or is with.
“I can’t keep doing this.” I look down at the ground not daring to meet his eyes.
“What do you mean?” He asks very obviously confused.
“I can’t keep doing this. Us.” I say while pointing between the two of us.
“I can’t keep leading myself on thinking that you really like me. I can’t keep lying to myself. Because I know I’m not the only girl you’ve been with, and I know that you continue to screw around with girls, and you’re never really here. I keep telling myself that you’re the boy you used to be, but you’re not.”
“Y/N I-” he starts but I stop him.
“No let me finish.”
“You show up when you want to, and you leave when you want to. And you always tell me you’ll be back, but even when you do come back it’s like your mind is always somewhere else. I want to be with you, I really do, but I can’t stay with a guy who doesn’t want to be with me.”
I feel a few tears slide down my cheeks, but I don’t wipe them away.
“Look Y/N, I know I’ve been with a lot of girls, and I know I can’t lie about that anymore. And I shouldn’t have lied about it in the first place. And I’m truly sorry for that, because I know that I’ve hurt you. But I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, a bit taken aback by his last statement.
“Every time I go on tour I can’t stop thinking about you. When I’m here I can’t stop thinking of you. I can never get you off my mind. You’re there every morning when I wake up, and every night when I go to sleep. You’re there when other girls try to be with me. But that’s the thing. I can’t be with any other girls anymore, and I haven’t been with a girl but you since I left for tour. I need you, and you’re all I want. I want to wake up to your beautiful face every morning with you cuddled up into my side, groaning at the light coming in through the shades. And I want you with me every night when I fall asleep, telling me that you’ll see me in the morning. I want you when you’re happy, when you’re sad, when you’re favourite character died in your book, and when you travel home to visit your mom. I want to be with you every step of the way because I can’t imagine my life without you anymore. I love you Y/F/N and that will never change.”
I look up at Luke with the biggest smile on my face. And even thought it’s 3:37 a.m. I could not feel more awake.
“Really?” I ask, still taking everything that he just said.
“Really.” He says, a small smile appearing on his face.
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist with my head nuzzled into his chest.
“I love you too.”
He leans down and kisses me while slowly walking backwards trying to guide me to my room, but in the process ends up knocking one of my tables over, sending a lamp crashing to the floor.
“Luke!” I exclaim.
“Sorry baby girl.” He smirks, and I can’t believe how lucky I got to be with this dork I call not only my best friend, but my lover.
The end
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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Don’t let the colours fade to grey
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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Got me up all night All I’m singing is love songs
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
You and I
Hey guys! I decided to make a little playlist that represents what a relationship would be like with one of the boys, through all the ups and downs. I hope you guys like it and I will be posting a part 2 for Ghost - Luke Hemmings tomorrow!
But anyways here’s the playlist:
1) Disconnected - 5sos 2) Beside You - 5sos 3) Wrapped Around Your Finger - 5sos 4) Jet Black Heart - 5sos 5) If You Don’t Know - 5sos 6) Amnesia - 5sos 7) Everything I Didn’t Say - 5sos
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i-m-feels-blog · 9 years
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Badlands - Halsey (Instrumental Version)
// listen here // 
prepare to have your soul leave your body jfc
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