hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
dear who ever wrote this... i feel ya
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hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Save me chapter 13
Harry's P.O.V I watched Cassie disappear into the school. As she was swallowed by the doors I felt an uneasiness settle into my stomach. I could tell it was going to be a hard day. I hated not having her in my sight. It made me nervous and jumpy. " it will get better once your back to work." I thought to myself as I pulled out of the school parking lot and drove back to Cassie's and my home. When I got out of the car I walked into the house and admired the pictures everywhere for about the gazillith time. I grabbed my guitar and walked to the kitchen. I sat at the table and admired the scenic view of the Pacific Ocean. I turned back to the table and placed down my note pad and pencil to begin writing a song. That's when I saw something that made me smile for the rest of the day. Cassie and I are quite the messy people. To avoid having to do obscene amounts of laundry we use paper table cloths on our kitchen table. It saves us from worrying about staining things. I saw that Cassie had drawn a picture and note by her place. It was a very intricate picture full of detail. It was of me and her the first day we saw the house. We were standing on the dock, her on my shoulders, and the sunset shimmering off the water behind us. The colors and graphics were astounding. I never knew she was an artist also! The note read " have a good day Mr. Styles. Don't worry about me today. I love you! From the ( hopefully) future Mrs. Styles" I ran to the draw and grabbed scissors. I cut the picture out and placed it inside the cabinet for safe keeping. I then sat at the table and started strumming my guitar. I played a few scales and brushed up on my chords. The familiarness of having a guitar in my hands helped to ease some of the internal turmoil caused my not being able to have Cassie here with me. " maybe I need help.." I thought to myself. I started playing a melody on my guitar off of the top if my head. I then went I started goofing around with lyrics. " now you were standing there right in front of me." I stopped to write down what I had just made. " Don't let me don't let me Don't let me go" Cassie's P.O.V I walked through the hallways. I was lost but I refused to admit it. My shoulders were pulled back so far I believed by shoulder blades had to have been touching. At my last school I was that quiet kid who's mom disappeared and dad abused her. I was an object of everyone's pity. I was a loser and I never wanted to be that again. Even if I was a bitch it was better then being a loser. At least people somewhat respected you that way, instead of walking all over you like you were a doormat. The bell rang and I still had no idea where I was supposed to go. I found my way to the office and was shown to my first class. It was biology. My schedule went 1. Biology 2. Geometry 3. Gym 4. Art 5. French ( I'm taking French because Harry speaks fluent French and it would be awesome to be able to have conversations with him in a different language that no one understands) 6. Lunch 7 Social Studies 8. English 9. Chorus When I entered my classroom I stood in the front with a small smile on my face. " Class, this is Cassie. She is new here and I expect you all to make her welcome and help her if she needs it." I looked around the classroom for a seat. There was only one left. It was in the back left corner next to a bookish looking girl. She had blonde hair and was staring intently at her books. I sat down with a "thud" and opened my textbook. " excuse me? What page are we on?" I asked the girl " 177, paragraph 2." She said with out even looking up. I turned to the page and proceeded to engross myself in the work. After about 15 minutes of the 45 minute class I got seriously bored. I began to doodle along the margins of my notes in my notebook. I didn't even realize what I was drawing. " so your a Harry girl I see." Said the blonde girl as she peered over at my notebook. " oh umm I uhh... I guess you could say that.. Umm not really." I examined my drawings and saw I had doodled his name, my name, our names smushed together, my name with Styles as my last name, a picture of his face, a drawing of our house. " woah that's sick!" She said pulling my notebook onto her desk so she could see it better. " dude you have to take art class!" " I am." I said as I pried my notebook out of her hands. " I'm Viki by the way." She said extending her hand out to me. " hi. Cassie." I said shaking her hand. " here let me see your schedule." I handed her my schedule and we found out we had every class except French together. She takes Italian instead. We started talking she seemed really nice. " my first friend!" I thought to myself ecstatic. Viki and I became insta-friends. We just connected. When we were walking to the only class we didn't have together I got a little nervous. I didn't know anyone else and she had been by my side the entire day. " well here you are. Im across the hall, see you in 45!" Viki said as we parted ways. I walked into my class. Everyone just had to stare at me like I was " fresh meat". Like seriously I'm " the oh so mysterious new girl," it's not like I'm a unicorn that shits glitter, now that would be something to stare at. I walked in just as the bell rang. There were no seats left except for next to the window so I sat. I got myself settled and looked out the window. " oh my god! No freaking way!" I almost pissed myself at the sight. There was a cardboard cutout of Harry with a French Flag tapped to his hand right next to me. I tried to muffle my laughter. Everyone stared at me. " if only they knew." I thought to myself still struggling to contain my laughter. " ok class I hope you like the seats you sat in because they are yours for the year." The teacher said with a slight French accent. It was the type of accent you got from living somewhere for a while. It was obvious she had lived in France and moved here and has lost the accent. " so class your probably wondering why I have a cardboard cutout of One Directions Harry Styles. Well I will tell you. He speaks French and I figured that since he speaks it and they are big right now it would be a good teaching prop to use." We got started right away. Apparently in this school there was no " first week ease in" where they gradually ease you into the work. Nope they just chuck it all at your freaking head and hope it doesn't crush you on the way down. The class and rest of the day went but very quickly. I couldn't wait for Cheerleading tryouts. I was getting anxiety thinking about it. I was excited and nervous at the same time! My stomach rolled and I was sweaty. Finally the time came! I walked out of the locker room in my Sofie shorts and LAHS t-shirt and into the gym. I wanted varsity or nothing. I wouldn't settle for junior varsity. The try outs began with us running. That was nothing for me. I was in prime physical condition, probably about 100 crunches away from a 6- pack. I didn't even break a sweat, while it was obvious other girls were struggling. After we finished they lined us up in size order and began stretching us. I was last in line meaning I was the shortest. I was able to pinpoint what stunting position almost everyone would be. While we stretched, could tell who they wanted to be flyers because the coaches came around and payed careful attention to the flexibility of those people pushing them harder. I was one of those people. The coach noticed I had my splits on the ground effortlessly, so she grabbed a chair. She had me do my splits with one leg up on the chair. She pushed down on me so hard that I was almost on the ground while my leg was up... Which shouldn't be possible considering your body doesn't bend like that. I could tel she was impressed. I struggled to keep in my noises of pain, not wanting to seem weak.. Obviously I've had a lot of practice with that. Finally we got to tumbling. They separated us into people who had a back handspring, and people who didnt. That was about Half and half. Thenthe people with tucks formed a line, then people with layouts and finally people with fulls. I was the only person in the line of people with fulls. " always the odd ball out." I thought to myself. You see I had been a gymnast for a while when I was younger and then I got into cheerleading. I had been to my fair share of " rodeos" and knew I was instantly on varsity but by the shocked look on the coaches face. " we have never had fulls on our team!" The coach was so excited. We started tumbling. " Cassie can we try something?" The coach asked. " umm yeah sure." I said slightly nervous. " ok so I'm going to call out random tumbling passes and I want you to them ok?" She asked. " oh that's all." I thought to myself in relief. " yeah sure!" I replied. " wait can i have someone record this for me?" I asked. Coach nodded and I walked to my bag. A girl name Melissa offered to record me. I handed her my iPhone. " oh my god! You met Harry Styles!!!" " aww shit" I thought to myself. " what picture is my background!" I quickly grabbed my phone and saw it was just a casual one of us in Mexico. It looked like a picture he would take with a fan. " ohh umm yeah. I.. Uh.. In Mexico I went to their concert." " ahh that's so cool. Your so lucky you got to meet him!" " whoo that was close" I thought to myself as I went to tumble. I took my position. " running round off triple back handspring layout" " easy" I thought as i went and stuck it perfectly. " running round off, whip back, double back handspring full." Coach called. I went and again stuck it perfectly. Everyone cheered and Coach looked so happy. I was so proud. We moved onto stunting. " I am so ready for this." I thought as I was assigned to a stunt group and set for flying. Coach had my phone in her hand and was recording me. We started simple with preps. Then extensions, full ups, 360 to prep, 360 to extensions. Then we moved onto the one legged stunts. These always made me nervous. " holy crap your so tight!" My bases said to me when we set in again. " it's great you feel like a feather and are crazily easy to base! Your amazing!" They all agreed. The rest of the try outers had stopped and were watching us. We hit a few libs, then heel stretches. Finally we moved into bow and arrows and scorpions. In my scorpion, coach screamed out "needle!" I instantly straightened my back leg and pulled it even harder. I was folded in half. I was so excited and so was everyone else. They all cheered and went crazy. We moved onto baskets. I was so small I went crazy high. I was kick double downing on the third try. The best part was coach had recorded me the entire time. I had all the videos. My shirt had ripped somewhere earlier in stunting so I was walking around in a sports bra and I was sweating so I can't imagine what the other fully clothed girls were feeling. Finally tryouts were over. Some girls looked at me like I was a parasite while other wanted to be my best friend. I loved it. Coach informed me I was not only on varsity, but also the star flyer. I was sooo excited!! I called Harry and acted cool a a cucumber. " hey babe can you come get me?" " of course! How did it go?" Harry asked. " oh i don't know lets talk in the car." I faked sadness in my voice. " sure kitten be there in 5" I walked out of the school and stood on the curb waiting to be picked up. When Harry pulled up I hopped in. " Kitten!" Harry all but screamed. " where's your shirt?" He asked slightly confused. " it ripped." I laughed. "What you don't like it?" I asked posing I my seat. " oh please that's ridiculous. Of course I do. " Harry said crossing his legs tightly. I laughed and winked at him. " Cass come here, I have a secret." Harry said motioning for me to lean closer. " ohhh" I said leaning in, " I love secr.." Harry cut off my sentence with his lips crashing to mine. His kiss started off gently but quickly became more urgent and he all but pulled me into his seat. The car behind us beeped, and I removed myself from his lap and laughed. We drove home with the music on, silently, throwing occasional glances at each other. I had been thinking how today we had done more kissing then we had in the entire couple of months of our relationship. When we pulled into the driveway Harry rushed out and opened my door. He leaned in and kissed me yet again. I turned my body so he was standing between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his luscious curls. His hands were sprawled out on my back. One rubbing small circles between my shoulder blades and the other on the small of my back. " inside?" Harry said against my lips. I just nodded as he moved his lips down my neck giving me a second to breathe. We continued kissing and I felt his hand slide to my thigh under my butt. Harry's P.O.V I slid my hands down her back and under her bum. She agreed to go inside and I was having to much fun to stop kissing her now to let her walk inside. I lifted her up and she gasped. I forgot that this was all entirely new to her. I tapped her thighs and she got the message to wrap them around my waist. She did and we never broke the kiss. I kicked the door closed and walked up the walk way. My hands were supporting Cassie under her firm bum, while she had her arms around my neck. Cassie weighed like nothing! After we got her back to a healthy weight we began working out. She really wanted to be in shape. She is like all muscle, and weighs like nothing. I easily held her up with one hand as I went to open The house door. She squeezed her legs tighter around my waist to help a little bit. " geeze she got the hang of this fast!" I thought to myself. We walked in and I closed the door behind us. I leaned her against the wall for support. Pressing myself against her and her against the wall the kiss deepened. She was actually the one to do it. She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I was surprised and happily granted it. Our tongues wrestled for dominance but I obviously won since she still had no idea what she was doing. My hands were resting on her tiny hips, the wall providing all the support we needed. I was surprised at her. She was so confident, like she new exactly what she was doing. She tightened her legs around me again and readjusted her self on my waist pressing her entire body against mine. If she wasn't Cassie and innocent this one movement would have lead to something much more serious ( if you know what I mean.) but she's Cassie and I loved her so I wanted to take it slow. I needed to remember that she was about 4 years younger than me and take it slow. Even so, I couldn't hold in the moan that escaped from my lips. Cassie pulled back and giggled, but to my surprise, that stop her. " Click" both my and Cassie's Head snapped the the left in horror as we heard the camera click. It surprised me so much I almost dropped her! " Louis! You scared the crap out of me!" I screamed. Cassie untangled herself from me and ran to him jumping at him. He caught her mid air and she have him the biggest hug I had ever seen. She rushed to the other room and I heard her scream in joy, as I approached Louis. " what are you doing here mate!" I asked engulfing him in a " bro hug" " it wasn't the same with out you guys. England just isn't as exciting anymore. We all decided we liked it better in LA. We wanted it to be a surprise.. By the way way to go man!" he said high-fiveing me. We laughed and walked into the living room to find Cassie laying on top of everyone attempting to hug them all at once. She was so happy that she was glowing. After she calmed down her and the girls went to get some pizza and the boys sat me down on the couch with knowing looks. " so I'm assuming you saw." I sad blushing. " mate we were watching you from the second you got out if the car. We don't think it would go that far." Niall said. " yeah man that was nuts! We leave for 3 days and you move that fast! I was concerned we were going to have to leave the house!" Zayn said jokingly. " dude she even had no shirt on! She was in a sports bra! Way to go man" Louis said. " thats because her shirt ripped at Cheerleading ! And it all started this morning on the way to her school. We hooked up on the side of the road for the first time. Kissing anyone had never felt that right." I said turning a few shades redder. The girls came back. We talked with Cassie about her first day of school, and cheer tryouts. She said everything went really well and asked if we wanted to see some videos. We hooked her iPhone up to the t.v and we all were amazed. " holy shit!" Liam said when Cassie was tumbling. She just laughed and moved into stunting videos. I have to admit while some... Not so.... clean thoughts were running through my head at her flexibility, watching her being thrown in the air and having nothing but some girls under her freaked me out a bit. By the time she was finished we all sat there mouths agape, eyes wide, amazed at what we just saw. " are you freaking kidding me!"Perrie said. " do you have any bones!?" Eleanor chimed in. We all just laughed and enjoyed our pizza while Cassie told us about her interesting French class and the cutout. " ahh this is the life." I thought. " I have everything I could ever need! My best friends and Cassie." I was completely satisfied. Cassie kept looking at me with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, almost as if she was saying " this isn't over yet."
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hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Harry's P.O.V 
I watched Cassie's face as we stood at the air terminal. The boys and their girlfriends were all going back to England and we were staying here. Cassie starts school in 2 days, tour is over, everything is settled, and they're going back to England.  
I watched her face droop with sadness and her large brown eyes fill with tears as the girls all hugged. Before I knew it we were all huddling together. The girls were all bawling and I must admit, we guys did get teary eyed.. But that's just between you and me.  
The speaker announced the final boarding call for flight 2202A. I tried to remove Cassie from Louis but she clung to his shirt. I saw that her tiny knuckles were white. She was bawling her eyes out and snotting everywhere. Luckily I learned that she was a messy cryer and started carrying Kleenexs around in my pocket. Zayn came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist while Liam pried her fingers off. Zayn handed her to me and she instantly suction Cuped herself to me. I handed her a Kleenex and sat down to calm her down. I didn't think she would be this attached to them.. But then again they are all she has.  
Once she calmed down we left. We had to split up though... As you can imagine she wasn't to happy about that. Cassie is having an emotionally difficult week.... We can all thank Mother Nature and her monthly gift for that.  
When we got back to the house Cassie was sad and tired. We laid on the couch and cuddled. She fell asleep almost instantly. While she slept I watched a few episodes of friends and cooked dinner. I made pasta with marinara sauce.  
'~ time passer~ for the next two days we got all Cassie's school stuff together. We got her a new Victoria's Secret backpack, picked out her outfit and Facetimed everyone for their approval. We slept in, and fell asleep on the hammock by the dock one night. Cassie took a tour of the school and met all her teachers. We talked to the principle and explained our situation and the she was so coropertive. She understood that parent teacher night and school events wouldn't be normal.
Cassie's P.O.V 
* Cassie's first day of school*
" kitten" Harry said climbing into bed next to me and resting his chin on my shoulder. 
"Mmmmm" I mumbled snuggling closer into him. 
" babe you really must get up. It's your first day of school! Aren't you excited?!" He said rolling us both over so I was laying ontop of him.  
" Do cows fly while pigs rule the world?." I asked into his chest. 
" umm no I don't believe they do." Harry said laughing and starting to brush out my bed head with his fingers. 
" exactly. Well you have your answer." I said swatting his hand away and getting comfortable. 
Harry laughed and got up from under me. He left the room and I got comfortable again. I heard the shower turn on and assumed he was going to take one. I quickly fell back asleep.
Harry's P.O.V
I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.  
" oh what a surprise this will be." I quietly said to myself. 
I walked back into Cassie's room and pulled the comforter off of her. 
" ughhhh" she grumbled at me curling into a fetus position.  
" Oh sush you." I said as I quickly scooped her up, she protested surprisingly little.  
" oh she had no idea.." I laughed to myself.  
I sprinted out of her room and across the hall into the bathroom.  
" one two three!" I said and plopped her down Into the freezing cold shower. 
" ahhh Harold Edward Styles!!" Cassie shrieked.
Cassie's P.O.V
I was laying in bed. Harry was with me and then he was gone. I heard the shower turn on but thought nothing of it since Harry normally showers before me anyway. Suddenly I was cold, I heard Harry laughing quietly. You know when you're in between being asleep and awake and nothing really makes any sense. Well that what this was like. I could feel myself moving but in my dream I was riding a unicorn. 
And then... SPLAT 
I was suddenly wide awake, freezing cold and soaking wet.  
"Harold Edward Styles!" I shrieked. 
I stood up and saw him sprawled out on the floor laughing so hard I thought he was going to pee himself. I decided that since I was already in the shower I might as well take one. I closed the curtain and stripped out of my clothes. Harry got really silent. I knew he couldn't see me so I balled up my dripping clothing and threw them at him. He screamed and we both laughed.  
" get out." I said laughing at the girlish noises he made.  
" aww babe but we could have so much fun." He said in a raspy,deep tone I had never heard him use before.  
" oh my god is he.. Does he want to.. Is his voice like that because he..no stop. Focus on school." I thought to myself. 
" no get out Harry. I have to go to school." I said attempting too mimic his deep voice and accent. He laughed and stood there. I saw my bra at my feet, put soap on it and threw a sudsy bra bomb at him. That got him to finally leave.  
" hey babe.." I said before he closed the door. 
" yeah kitten whats up? You change your mind?" He said in a mischievous tone.  
" no you smell that?" I asked him dead serious. 
" no I don't." He said sounding suddenly confused.  
" exactly." I said " now get cooking love." We both laughed and he said, 
" anything for you darling."  
I heard the door click and quickly finished showering. I climbed out of the shower and reached for the spot where my towel normally is... It wasn't there.  
"HARRY!!!" I yelled hoping he could hear me. 
" yeah" he yelled from his perch in the kitchen. 
" I need a towel!" I yelled stepping back into the shower and ringing out my hair. 
I heard him climbing up the stairs. He knocked on the door and I, standing behind it, popped out my head.  
" towel pleaseeeee." I said. 
" here you go love." He said pecking me on the lips and Handing me the towel. I turned around and opened the towel. My back was to the door.. Which I forgot to close. In the time it took for me to turn around, open the towel and start drying myself off the door had fallen completely open.  
" you have an adorable butt. You look almost as good going as you do coming." I pulled the towel to myself and quickly turned around. I saw a sleep disheveled Harry leaning in the door frame admiring me. I realized what his tone was. He wanted me. It was lust which I was able to hear in his voice.  
" oh my god! No that didn't just happen!" I grabbed the hand towel and threw it at him. " get out!" I was mortified. He went back down to finish breakfast and I got dressed, did my hair and my makeup.
Harry's P.O.V
I went back downstairs to finish making breakfast for me and Cassie. I thought about the events of the morning .  
I don't know what's going on. Cassie is making me feel different lately. I want to do things with her.. To her.. Teach her the lessons of life. I mean it's not like I haven't felt like this about her before but this is different. In the past we had 6 other people here with us at all times. Now it's just us. Me and Her all alone with the house to ourselves and no one to Interrupt or hear anything. Me and Cassie haven't gone further then kissing. We haven't even made out yet. I love and respect her an all but I am still a teenage guy.. I have needs to fulfill.. Oh here she comes.  
Cassie walked down the stairs glowing. She looked do pretty her skin was glowing and her pink creme shirt and light wash jeans added to the character as her wavy hair, braided back on the side framed her face with loose waves escaping occasionally. I just stared as she began eating. At 7:45 we set off for school. It took 15 mins to get there and started at 8:15. I didn't want Cassie to take the bus. That would be difficult. One, when we finally go public I don't need an entire bus of people knowing where we live. Also, I want to make sure she gets there.. Call it my fatherly instincts but I promised nothing would ever hurt her again.  
We took my Range Rover. I had the windows darkened so you can't see In. Just to be safe I put on a hat and sunglasses. Cassie laughed when he saw me.  
" what?" I said. " would you prefer to be mobbed? Because I sure wouldn't." 
" nope not really." She agreed as we got in the car. We locked in and took off for school. I could tell that Cassie was nervous. Her leg was shaking up and down so I put my Hand on her knee to calm her down. She didn't move it off like she had in the past. She just looked up at me through her thick lashes and smiled. As the car ride progressed I slowly, but surely moved my hand higher up her leg, rubbing small circles with my thumb as I went. I made it to the middle of her thigh before she said anything. 
" Harry." She said in a totally calm tone.  
" mmm" I mumbled keeping my eyes on the road and my hand on her thigh.  
" pull over." She said, her voice surprisingly taking on a velvety tone I had never heard before.  
" Cass," I said. " your school starts in 20 minutes." I said although I wanted to with everything in me to pull the car over.  
" just do it. Trust me." She said smiling at me mischievously.  
I pulled the car over on the side of the road and looked at her.  
" what's up Cass?" I asked. Before I could even finished me sentence I was catching a Cassie flying at my face. 
Cassie's P.O.V
My leg shook as we drove down the street. Harry quietly placed his hand on my knee an looked at me. 
" just chill." I thought to myself. I oddly had no desire to remove his hand from me. I normally hate when people touch me. I just smiled and looked back out the window. As the car ride progressed Harry proceeded to nonchalantly slide his hand up my thigh rubbing small circles with his big thumb. " oh my god! Oh my god!" I thought to myself. I guess I had a little more fangirl still in me then I thought I Did. My stomach flipped a few times. " oh what are you going to do?!" I thought. I thought about how he sounded this morning, and how I felt to. There was something else that needed to be done. I don't think an occasional peck on the lips was going to cut it anymore... For either of us. I mean I am 15 and Harry is the only guy I've ever kissed... He's probably dieing to experience some new things with me. " just go with it. It's time to move on." I thought to myself.  
" Harry." I said. His hand suddenly stopped moving up my thigh but the circles continued.  
"Mmm." He mumbled peeking at me quickly from the corner of his eye.  
" pull over." I said to him hoping he would listen before I lost my nerve.  
" Cass," He said. " your school starts in 20 minutes."  
" just do it. Trust me." I said keeping myself cool as a cucumber, and mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do. 
He pulled the car to the side and looked at me. 
" whats up Cass?" He said confused. Before he couldn't finish his sentence I launched myself at him over the center console. He caught me and quickly pushed his seat back so we had room. I threw off his hat and sunglasses . I crashed my lips to his. My hands crept over his shoulders and rested at the nape of his neck. His hands moved up and down my arms one coming to rest on my check and the other on my hip. We were making out. " oh my god I'm making out with Harry Styles! He my boyfriend!" I was internally freaking out. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't know what to do so I kept my mouth closed. I pulled away to breathe and his lips traveled across my jawline and down my neck. His hand moved from my check to the middle of my back and he pressed himself tighter to me. I heard him moan and I giggled. I had never made anyone moan before. Our lips met again and this time when he asked for entrance I granted it. Our tongues glided over each others and he leaned me back. His hands were tangled in my hair and I was playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. My back pressed against the steering wheel and honked the horn. We both jumped and laughed. We saw that I now only had 10 minutes until school started. 
I climbed off of my amazingly hot boyfriend and back to my seat. He drove me to school and held my hand the rest of the way. I played with our intertwined fingers.  
" your really good at that." Harry said as we pulled into the parking lot. " are you sure you have never done anything like that before?" Harry asked me. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. We waited in the drop off line as we spoke. 
" your the first guy I've even held hands with." I said to him blushing. " I'd like to think that you will be my first everything." I said looking away from him. 
" first and last." He said pulling my face back up. I giggled and the person behind us beeped. I climbed out of the car and said my goodbye. 
" good bye Mr. Styles. I really enjoyed our car ride. The little detour we took was pretty exciting." I added in a little wink hoping it was cute.  
" hahah good bye kitten. I will pick you up at 3." Harry said as I closed the door and he opened the window.  
" oh actually." I popped my head back in the car. " I have cheer tryouts today."  
" ok love text me when you are finished."  
I turned from the comfort of my boyfriends arms and walked into a new school to start a new life and I was ridiculously excited! I walked into the front doors with my shoulders back, my chin up, and a whole new attitude. I was done being the shy quiet girl in the back corner. I planned to rule this school.
* hope you enjoyed this!! What did u think of the car ride 😏* I love you !
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hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Harry's P.O.V
The concert went flawlessly, but what I was really excited about was after the show me and the boys were gonna hit the club and PAR-TAY! I walked back to the dressing room mentally planning out the night. How many drinks I was gonna have, what to wear... My inner babble was cut short when I entered the dressing room and found Cassie playing with Lux. " aww shit" I thought to myself. " I can't go out partying, Cass isn't old enough. Actually it's probably better that I don't go. A drunk Harry only leads to ammunition for the press and an angry management. The less bad press I get right now the better. 
Cassie popped up with Lux on her hip and greeted me with a "good job" kiss. I stepped back and admired her. I was instantly transported to me future. Cassie as my wife with our baby on her hip. Oh I wanted that so badly. Lux babbled incoherently, snapping me out of my trance.  
The boys entered the dressing room screaming about if I was ready to party.  
" nah." I said. Walking over to Cassie and Lux and wrapping my arm over her shoulder. " I think I'll stay with my girl and start planning what flats were gonna go check out tomorrow." Louis pulled out his phone, quick as a fly an snapped a picture before returning it into his pocket. "That's cool mate. She's not old enough to get in either so it saves us all a lot of explaining." We all laughed before the boys left.  
Me and Cassie sat in the floor playing with Lux while Lou cleaned up. I was laying on the carpet, Cassie sprawled out on top of me me am Lux siting on her chest. We were laughing and Lou quickly snapped a picture exclaiming at how adorable we were.  
" so what about apartment shopping?" Cassie asked as we were walking to the car. 
" I figured it would be beneficial I you had a more permanent house. Better for the both of us. Besides Liam's house is only a rental and the lease is almost up. Since we're gonna be residing here permanently we could just have a house that thy could stay at when they are here." I said starting my rental car. 
" but don't you guys all live tigether?"she asked.  
" yeah sort of. We all have our own houses be normally stay in only one. But things are different for all of us know. Everyone but Niall has a girlfriend and we all are gonna need private time.were not that young anymore." I said turning onto the street where we all currently stayed.  
" ok as long as I'm not the one bringing on the big change. I don't want to be responsible for changing anything." Cassie said suddenly slightly frantic.  
"Relax Cass, it's not you at all. We have been talking like this for a while. Everything is going to be exactly the same. Only while we are not on tour I am going to split my time between LA And England where the boys will be. Just like I wanted to. They all like it there and I like it here. Now that I am not alone I can actually stay here."
Cassie's P.O.V
Me and Harry entered the house, grabbed food and snacks and went up to my room. He went into his room to put on his pajamas and I put on mine in my room. I got comfy in bed and waited for him. He came in with his laptop and joined me. 
" ohh I like this one!" I exclaimed as we scrolled through the possible house listings. It was on the beach, had 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, a basement and a sunroom. Just like we agreed on, it had a room for me, a room for him and a guest room. It had plenty of space for when anyone visited and had such a charm to it. It was modern but still homey.  
" we'll then We will be seeing that tomorrow." We found three other houses that we liked and agreed to see tomorrow. What once was a search for an appartment turned into a house hunt.. I had a feeling it would. 
At about 1:30 me and Harry said good night and he retreated into his room. We were still the only people home so it was quiet. I quickly fell asleep.
I was awoken a few hours later by the sound of drunken babble through the house. " they are home.. It's about time I mean. It's only 3:00." I thought as I got up and closed my door. I fell back asleep to the sound if their laughter and a chorus of slurred goodnights.
Harry's P.O.V
Me and Cassie set out early. We visited all the houses and saved the one Cassie liked for last. We honestly weren't very impressed so far. It was just getting dark and Cassie and I were getting tired. When we pulled up to this house I saw Cassie's eyes light up. It was so charming. I walked to Cassie's side and opened her door. I bent down and told her to get on my back. I loved the way it felt when she was preased up against me. What better way to feel this then to have her on my back, body against mine, legs wrapped around my waist. Her arms were around my neck and my hands were braced just under her bum. I walked up the cobblestone walk way and knocked on the door. The couple that answered the door was an elderly couple. They had no idea who I was and saved me a lot of time. Because they didn't know me I didn't have to explain to them the situation and have to have them sign papers that stated they Would keep this a secret, like I had to do like 5 times today. We toured the house and I could tell it was the one. Cassie and I agreed instantly and continued the tour. We entered the back yard. It was spacious and beautiful. It had a quaint dock and small private beach. We all walked to the dock. I handed the woman my phone and asked her to take a picture of me and Cassie. I put Cassie on my shoulders and we posed. The sun setting behind us was a brilliant shade of pink and orange with streakes of purple and blue. It created a silhouette effect. You could only see the outline of me and Cassie's dark figures but the sunset behind us was beautiful. I set it as my background and sent it to the boys joking that I took better pictures than them. We went inside and closed on the house. We could move in to it in as soon as a month. That was perfect because it was right before school started for Cassie, Liam's lease was up, and tour ended. We headed to the county court to have Cassie noted as her own guardian and basically in her own care. It went well. She no longer was in her fathers care. The only thing that freaked us out a little bit was when the judge sad she needed to have someone as her Honorary guardian because she was under 16. The judge wanted me to do it but then we explained our situation and she said I couldn't be this person because i was in a "influenced state." What ever that means. It was better though, I mean how awkward would it be to be the honorary guardian of your girlfriend.This person had no control over her but was just a necessity. I called the boys to have one of them sign off on it but no one answerd.. It was probably for the best since they were all hung over. Cassie mentioned how her an Lou really connected and Lou said se would be her honorary mother. We called Lou and 15 minutes later It was done. All that was left was to sign Cassie up for school and our life was officially rooted.  
When we got home the hole gang gathered in the living room and we had a movie marathon. We watched Mean Girls, all the bring it on movies, and Bambi. We all went up to bed at 3 am.
~time passer~ we had a great summer all together. Management handled the news well. Much better than we thought. They agreed that we shouldn't be public right now. I haven't told my family about Cassie yet. In dont know what I'm waiting for.. I guess for things to get more permanent. Like for us to move into our house and school to get started for her. I had my cars Brought here. I taught Cassie how to drive.. Never to early to learn I mean she will be getting her permit in a kittle over 6 months. We toured Europe and America and are currently finishing our American tour in Florida. Cassie experienced so many new things and really came out of her shell. Occasionally something would happen that would set off her PTSD. She could be really jumpy a few times and every once and a while she would freak out thinking that she saw her dad, but I was always there to calm her. I didn't party as much anymore. I I preferred to stay home with Cassie or do things she could actually take part in and it had a good effect in my media life. I dont think I have ever been this happy ever.
* one month later*  
Cassie's P.O.V
Harry and I packed up boxes of our stuff. We managed to accumulate quite a lot in the past month. Everyone helped. Liam was driving some things to our house and Eleanor and Perrie were there unloading. We finally finished and headed over. Harry let me drive there. It was so fun! I was a nervous driver but it was a short ride.  
We got to the house and me as Harry stood on the from lawn facing the house, his arms wrapped around me. We heard the distinct click of the camera. Louis had snapped yet another picture of us. Tomorrow was our one moth anniversary and I was soo excited! Harry said he didn't want to exchange gifts but he just wanted to take me to dinner... In our backyard because we couldn't go on an actual date. Eleanor was acting all secretive and excited. I wasn't sure if I should be concerned or not. Harry kissed my forehead and we headed hand-in- hand into OUR home. Everyone unloaded everything onto the kitchen floor. The house was empty. There was no furniture just a blank canvas and I couldn't be happier. We set up my room, Harry's room, and put away plates and anything else we could. 
" how about we go furniture shopping tomorrow?" Harry asked hugging me from behind.  
" sounds great to me!" I said laughing. 
" make the house into what ever you want. I have no decorative flair." Harry said giving me full control of the house.  
Me, Eleanor, and Perrie walked around the house and started deciding on colors. The kitchen would be a creamy color with light wood cabinets and the wall containing the cabinets would have a rose pattern accent paper. The table would match the cabinets. 
The living room Would be an orangeish yellow with bark brown furniture. The bathroom would be like the kitchen, creme with a rose papered wall. The dining room would be like the living room since they are connected. My room was gonna be purple and Harry wanted his room dark blue. We decided to leave the guest bedroom white and the basement was going to be dark red. 
Harry's P.O.V 
Watching Cassie wander around the furniture store was very entertaining. She was really into this. She left the girls in charge if decorations and she took on picking out furniture. We had people at home painting, and hopped to have everything set up by today. So far our anniversary was going great. We finished at the furniture store and headed home with trucks in tow behind us. After everything was uploaded and set up we surveyed the house. It looked great and ready to be lived in. Me and the boys retreated into the back yard and told the girls to keep Cassie busy in the basement. I was setting up for our dinner.  
Cassie's P.O.V 
We finished setting up the basement and headed to the living room. The boys were in there and Eleanor said she had a surprise for us. She and Louis ran to the car. 
" ohh I wonder what it is!" I squealed, snuggling up to Harry on the couch.  
"Don't look at me kitten I have no idea." Harry said into my hair. 
They returned with a box, a giant wrapped square thing, and a book.  
Eleanor sat on the couch with the book first. 
She handed it to me and I opened it. Me and Harry both gasped. It was a scrapbook. By the looks of it, it contained every picture they ever took of me and Harry. We flipped through it all laughing at the memories.  
" oh I wish I could frame some of these!" I exclaimed hugging everyone. 
"Not to worry dear." Louis sad motioning to the box. I rushed over excited and opened the large flat square first. It was a large collage of a bunch of pictures of me and Harry. There was the one of us in the kitchen floor asleep, me on his shoulders, the picture of us looking at the house yesterday, and one of us kissing in the back of his car not to mention many others. We hung it in the living room and admired it. I then opened the big box. It was a bunch more pictures. They were in frames and we all started putting the on shelves around the house. There was a picture of me an Harry kissing under a purple willow tree. I went to my room and hung it up above my bed because it matched and was quite large. I went back down stairs and saw a picture of the 8 of us hanging into mud room under a sign that said " kittens welcome". I laughed and walked around the house admiring the pictures of me and Harry and all of us. My favorite was in the kitchen. It was an action picture. Harry was in the middle of smashing a cupcake into my face, Eleanor was spraying Zayn with whipped cream, Liam had Louis over his shoulder and he was mid air jumping into the pool and Perrie was hiding behind a bush while Niall smiled at the camera his face covered in ice cream. It was a perfectly timed picture taken by Paul. We all looked so happy and it was my favorite.
I was looking for Harry but couldn't find him anywhere. Everyone had suddenly disappeared. I saw a light shining from outside. I approached the back door and stepped out onto the deck. It was chilly but nice. I saw a path of candles making its way down the lawn. Following that path I found Harry. he stood there with a rose In his hand staring at me from behind it. I giggled in amazement. "Harry what is all of this!?" I asked accepting the rose and twirling around. The trees were decorated with string lights and a table sat nestled in front if them. "Happy anniversary kitten, I couldn't take you on an actual date so I made a better one here."  
"Oh Harry! This is amazing!" I exclaimed as he pulled out my chair. 
"I'm so glad you like it!"  
"How could I not! It's absolutely breath taking." I whispered breathily. 
" that's how I feel about you." Harry leaned close across the table staring into my eyes. I became a little teary and giggled.  
" I love you." Harry said. I gasped.  
" oh Harry that's the first time anyone has said that to me in such a long time." At this point I was full fledged crying. I got up and hugged harry. He embraced me warmly and pulled a ring from his pocket. "Cassie can u accept this ring?" He asked nervously. 
" Harry! I'm only 15! I can't get married yet." I exclaimed. 
"No Cass it's a promise ring. A ring that promises our love until we are able to get married. It's a promise that says I will always do my best to make you happy and make you feel loved." He said showing me the engraving on the inside. 
"I'm in love with you and all your little things." ( for the purpose of this story little things had just been released the day before) 
" yes Harry! Of course. And little things?" 
" yeah Cassie all your little things I've noticed. What you didn't catch that parts of that song were about you when we released it yesterday." He asked me as I got back to my chair.  
" so you accept it, yeah?" He asked. 
" yes babe I do!" He slipped the ring on my finger and gave me a gentle kiss. This was as far as we ever got.we were taking our relationship slow. So far we have only kissed. Not Hooked up or even made out. Just kissed. Harry really respected me and treated me as a goddess. Like I was the most important thing in the world.  
We enjoyed our dinner and then went back inside.  
It was late but no one was tired. Summer wa almost over and soon every one but us would be going back to England. We had yet another movie marathon.  
Eleanor and Louis slept in the guest room, Perrie Zayn and Naill crashed in the living room and me and Harry slept in our rooms. I walked into Harry's room to say goodnight and I saw a beautiful black and white picture of us hanging over his bed. We were on a large towel at the beach both fast asleep. I was curled in his arms and we both looked so peaceful. I said good night and went to bed thinking of how lucky I was to have all of these great people in my life.
*** Hayyyyyyy guuyuusssss! What's up? How have you been? It's been quite a whole and I'm sorry! I broke my arm do you know how hard it is to type with one arm!?! Well let me tell ya it's quite hard. So yeah I hope you like this and yeah I'm sorry it kinda boring i dont know I'm having a mental block I don't know what to write! Ok well I love you and I am suree you totally love me. I don't know how I'm gonna let this play out.. Might put some risqué parts in there in the future. Who knows. Anywhooooo COMMENT VOTE FOLLOW SHARE I DONT KNOW JUST BOOST ME UP! 
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hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Harry's P.O.V 
I let Esmerelda, our house keeper, in and apologized for the mess. I climbed the staircase to sit in Cassie's room and wait for her to get out of the shower. 
A familiar melody drifted from under the door.  
"mama told me not to waste my life she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what they say keep you up at night and if they give you shhh.. Then They can walk on by. My feet feet can't touch the ground and I can't hear a sound but you just keep on running off your mouth" 
That was all I needed to hear I went and got Perrie. Along the way the others wound up joining us. We entered the room and sat on the bed and I motioned for them to stay quiet.  
"I'm firing up on the runway I know we're gonna get there someday but we don't need no ready, steady go, no. Talk talk turns Into air but I'm to fly to care oh yeahh," 
"oh my god! This I ridiculous! I have to show the girls! They are in LA as well!" Perrie squealed pulling out her phone.  
"Shhhhh!" we all hissed afraid she heard us. " your words don't mean a thing I'm not listening keep talking all I know is mama told me not to waste my life she said spread your wings my little butterfly don't let what they say keep you up at night cause they can't contain you these wings we made to fly, and we don't let no body bring us down, no matter what you say it won't hurt me, don't matter if I fall from the sky, these wings were made to fly." Cassie finished and turned off the shower. They all rushed out of her room and I casually laid back on the bed. She emerged from the bathroom in a towel. 
" hey," she said blushing. 
" I love your outfit." I said looking her up and down Hungrily. She raced to retrieve her clothes suddenly conscious of her emancipated body in nothing but a towel. "we're gonna have to fatten you up!" I joked handing her the shirt she dropped. She retreated into the bathroom as I gathered my clothes and readied myself to go in. I sat on the chair in my boxers waiting for her to be finished. She walked out in a pair of black solo sweats and my Rolling Stones shirt.  
"Looking hot Haz." she said sitting at the vanity and brushing her hair out.  
" thanks kitten." I kissed her forehead as I walked into the bathroom to shower.  
" Harry.. Louis says to hurry up because you all have to leave for sound check in a bit."  
" ok Cass make sure your ready too. Your coming with us also." I said stepping into the steaming hot shower and letting the water rush over my body.  
" oh awesome!!"She yelled to me. 
Cassie's P.O.V 
I walked down stairs to join everyone at breakfast. They said for soundcheck to dress extra comfortable and casual. Basically in my ears that meant bum it out. Luckily when I entered the kitchen everyone had had the same idea as me. 
" good morning." I said grabbing a plate and piling pancakes, strawberries and a cinnamon roll onto it and plopping myself at the table. " hey Cass nice voice!" Perrie said stoping eating to look at me. " 
what are you talking about?" I asked her confused. 
"we heard you singing in the shower." Eleanor piped in.  
" awesome.. Yeah great.. Very impressive.. Such a big voice for a Tiny girl." They all talked at me at once. I turned bright red and just as I was about to change the subject Harry came scampering down the stairs. He sat next to me and I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. I scotched my chair over closer to him and wound up sitting on his chair with him snuggled into his lap.  
" awwwww!!" The girls exclaimed. 
"what he's hot." I said laughing. 
Everyone laughed " he just got out of the shower,he's still giving off heat. Oh but yeah he's hot the other way too." They all laughed harder. 
"Harry don't you have something you wanna talk about with her?" Zayn asked being responsible as he always was.. When He wasn't disappearing.  
" oh yeah. Right.." Harry said scratching his head.  
" well Cassie your new to all of this." He began turning his chair so he was facing me, Our knees resting against each others. " ok so you know how when the boys started dating their girlfriends, they got and still get a lot of hate?" 
"yeah, I know. What are you getting at?" I asked him unsure of what the point of this was.  
" Cassie I'm just worried that if we made ourselves public, the media would kill you. They would have so much ammunition. Your four years younger than me, our relationship isn't legal. You have no family and basically just popped out of nowhere. I'm just worried. And the fans! Oh the fans can be vicious! They are amazing and all but wow can they be horrific to our girlfriends. Especially if they were just a fan before we started Dating them." Harry's eyes were begging me to understand. " plus... We haven't exactly told management about you yet." He said running his hand through his hair. 
I think that seems to be his nervous habit. Id like to run my hands through his luscious curls. His gorgeous hair, his dazzling green eyes, his god like.. Snap out of it Cassie this is important.  
"Management is going to have a field day!" Niall said around a mouthful of food.  
"I Totally understand Harry." I said. It was true I really do understand. " I like the idea of having time to settle first before things get crazy again." 
Harry looked so relieved that i understood where he was coming from. I was part of the fandom, I knew how vicious jealous girls could be. " it's completely cool." I said to Harry as he engulfed me in a giant bear hug.
Just then Paul knocked on the door.  
"time to go kids." We all piled into his van. I was given the rundown. Basically, I couldn't tell anyone I was Dating Harry, like there was anyone for me to tell anyway. We had to remain separate in public places, I Wouldn't be able to go everywhere with them, and I couldn't draw the medias attention. There were going to be times were we would have to go places separately, but they would never keep us apart in hotels or anything like that. I would be able to tour with them, but red carpet events were a no.  
"wow that's a lot of rules." I said nervously and everyone laughed. 
" don't worry baby doll." Perrie said to me.  
" we're gonna be here helping you. Worst comes to worse we can just say your one of me and El's friends. A cousin even." I had started to feel a little bit better. We pulled into the parking lot. It was packed with fans. I was amazed.  
"wow there right I know nothing." I thought to myself as I watched the boys and their girlfriends exit the car. I had to stay back with the driver and go in the back, in secret. "hey maybe this could be kind of fun." I thought to myself. As if the driver read my mind he said, "hey kid, make this fun for yourself. Your dating Harry Styles. Enjoy it. You may not be able to be public right now, but just think of yourself as some sort of undercover agent. I'm going to be seeing a lot of you. My name is Willis by the way." 
"hi Willis, I'm Cassie. It's nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand. 
Paul ran down and told me to hurry. The area was clear of fans but it wouldn't be for much longer.  
Harry's P.O.V 
I ran through the crowd behind Paul. We stopped occasionally to sign autographs because we loved our fans. I felt horrible. Cassie seemed to be good with the whole not public thing, but then it was said that we would have to stay apart from each other in public places. It was a weird feeling knowing I couldn't have a hold on her every second of the day. Almost like something would be missing. It made me nervous not having her with me right now. I found her at a concert and who's to say I won't loose her at one too.  
I walked.. Let me correct that I errr ran, to the back entrance and waited. She came around the corner like a spy, summersaulting across the floor and pressing herself against the wall. She hasn't seen me yet so I did the same rolling towards her. When she turned around to check her back I covered her eyes and mouth with my hands. I muffled her scream and I whispered that it was just me. She turned around and punched me in the shoulder yelling at me for scaring her like that.  
I took her hand and started walking to the stage with her. I wanted the entire crew to meet her so there would be no confusion when she was just walking around. Wouldn't want her getting thrown out.  
They all became aquatinted with her and just like at home, she fit in with out a hitch. The rest of Little Mix had arrived. Cassie noticed them and instantly started freaking out. 
"ohmygod! Ohmygod!! It's Little Mix I lovee them!" She squealed and jumped up and down.  
" Cassie Cassie breathe, they are just people just like me and the boys." I said patting her head and fixing her hair.  
"oh right sorry I'm new at this. I've never met anyone famous before." She looked at me sheepishly. 
"you live with 5 famous guys and their 2 famous girlfriends.."I said laughing. 
" oh you know what I mean! Lets go meet them!" She started pulling me to them. 
" get used to it babe. Your gonna be seeing a lot of them and meeting a lot of other famous people as well." I said following her. 
" as of right now I will pretend you didn't say that so I don't freak out." 
"everyone this is Cassie." I said introducing her. Cassie just stared at the girls a bit starstruck.  
We all laughed and they introduced themselves. Cassie sat with them as we were called to start the check. 
" Cassie!" I called to her from stage. "wanna help me? Do you want to experience what it's like to be up on stage like this?"  
" oooo yay! Suree!" She said running to me and jumping up onto the stage. I watched as Perrie walked over to the sound control.  
" I wonder what she is up to." I thought to myself. 
I handed the microphone to Cassie and told her to stand center stage. She already placed herself there as if she knew what she was doing. I told her to talk into the microphone to make sure it was working. Just as she was opening her mouth to talk, music started playing. I was confused at first because it was 'wings' but it sounded different. Then I realized it was the recording from this morning. Cassie's voice started blaring out of the speakers. 
" Girls Listen to this!" Perrie yelled to the rest of get band.  
The Cassie did something that shocked me.. She opened her mouth and..  
Cassie's P.O.V 
" sing you idiot!" I thought to myself. As I heard the recording blaring out of the speakers. You have done this before just Do it now. You will be singing for 2 of Britain's Biggest bands. Little Mix and One Direction. I opened my mouth and accepted the words flowing out of it, like a long lost friend. When I finished all I heard was silence followed by both bands, the crew, and everyone else in the arena cheering. I handed a dumbfounded Harry the mic and hopped off the stage. 
Perrie rushed over to me screaming  
"I told you! I Told you she was amazing!" All the girls rushed me and all started yelling and hugging me.  
" oh my god that was amazing. Your so good! Are you serious! Where have you been! That's crazy such a big voice for a little girl!" I just blushed and accepted the complements.  
"God that felt good." I thought to myself. 
"what was that!" Harry asked running over and pulled me aside. He was excited, confused, and amazed all at once. The way he was looking at me is the way every girl deserves to be looked at. With pure adoration and love.  
" I used to perform. A reallllllyyy long time ago before my mom died."  
" I can tell! You were great!" 
" thanks" I said blushing to the shade of an overripe tomato.  
" boys! Time to get ready!" The stage manager called to us. We all piled into their dressing room. It was large but not large enough for this many people. We all took turns changing and getting ready. I was excited for tonight.
Lou said she would do my hair when the boys went to get started and set for the show. She wanted to get to know me better. She seems really nice. Her daughter is adorable! Lux! Ughh I just want to eat her up! I am her unofficial babysitter and Lou started calling me Aunt Cassie to her. God people move fast here, but it just felt so right. This was the life I was meant to live. The boys joked and fooled around. I heard the roar of the crowd begin to fill the stadium.  
" what if he finds someone else... He pulled me out of the crowd what's stopping him from finding someone else." As if he read my mind or I spoke out loud he approached me. He knelt down in front of my chair making me feel like a child ( oh wait technically still am wow that's weird).  
" Cassie darling. I just want you to know, no matter how many girls I see none compare to you. You are mine and I yours. You have nothing to worry about your beauty outshines theirs like the sun outshines the moon." 
I blushed and giggled, nodding my head.  
" good luck." I watched as he raced from the dressing room and the 30 second countdown started. Lou told me to watch the beginning of the show and she would get me we she was ready. 
I walked to the wings and watched silently and the boys started their set joking and trying I mess each other up. Harry got panced, Niall seemed to defy gravity, Louis screamed about Kevin. I laughed and cheered with the rest of the crowd.  
"so everyone, I have a new kitten at home. She was a rescue. Found her two nights ago. She is the most adorable thing I have ever seen and I love her very dearly. Her name is Kitten and this whole concert is for her tonight." Harry said to the crowd as they roared and he looked back and winked at me. It took me a moment to realize that I was "kitten" 
I blushed and Lou came and got me. She did my hair as we Watched the boys on the monitor in their dressing room. Lou told me all about herself and was very interested in me. She thought me an Harry were a great couple and offered to be my mother figure whenever I need one: I was very grateful and we instantly became close. I had no problem accepting her as my mother. I officially had a family, and a boyfriend too! Not bad for an orphan. I relaxed with Lou and Lux as the boys finished their set. The way they interacted with the crowd was amazing. I was so proud to be a part of their life. Now comes the hard part: settling Down and starting a new school. I have to go to the state of California plead my case, and get emancipated form my fathers care. This was it. I was moving on to bigger and better things. I always knew I would. I have giant plans for myself . 
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hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Harry's P.O.V 
I awoke in the middle of the night disorientated from a noise above head. I was confused at first. Why was my bed suddenly so hard? Why was there noises above my head if I was on the second floor, and who was this person in my arms? I looked around and realized that I was in the kitchen covered in breadcrumbs, and the girl was Cassie, my girlfriend. I love the sound of that. " hi nice to meet you. I'm Harry Styles, and this Is my girlfriend Cassie. Yes girlfriend is right. " I thought to myself as I untangled her from me so I could move. She was defiantly a cuddler. She was facing me and had one leg thrown over my body and both arms wrapped around me. I had one tangled in her hair and the other on the small of her back pressing her against me. " god I love the feel of her body pressed against mine." I thought as she stirred in her sleep and I guided her back down resting against my chest and using me as a pillow. I kissed her forehead and drifted back to sleep.  
  Cassie's P.O.V
I woke up to the sun filtering through the windows and shining in my face. There was someone touching my hair. I froze and instantly stiffened. 
" we'll good morning sleeping beauty" the voice that I recognized as Harry's said to me chucking lightly.  
" good morning" I yawned, snuggling into his chest. I remember now. I live with him now, he's my.. Boyfriend. OH MY GOD. I am dating Harry Styles! How many girls can say that?! Oh that's right none! Because I am and they're not! And I'm the first one!  
" we made quite a mess" we both said at the same time. I gazed up into his mesmerizing green eyes and he said " it's ok the housekeeper comes today anyway. How did you sleep?"  
I finally realized that in the most literal sense I had slept with Harry Styles of One Direction. Sure it was on a kitchen floor but we still slept, and as far as I know he never let go of me.  
" pretty well. I was nice an cozy all night. Your like an electric blanket you give off so much heat." I laughed rolling so I was directly ontop of him.  
" well I slept pretty well also. I had a beautiful girl nestled in my arms all night. She was quite the cuddler you know." He said leaning his forehead against mine. 
" oh was she now? Not better than me though right?" I asked jokingly.  
His soultry voice melted off his lips with " oh i don't know I think she was pretty close." We just laid there for a few minutes our lips slowly moving, millimeters closer with every passing second.  
"Here lets try this again." Harry Said right before our lips connected.  
Our kiss was just that, a kiss innocent and blissful. No wondering hands just a sedated curiosity.  
I heard the unmistakeable 'click' of a camera and rolled off to see a sleep crumpled Louis Tomlinson in his boxers at the foot of the stairs.  
" sorry kids but I had come down for water and you two just had a picture perfect moment. I can wait for my water." With that he retreated back up the stairs. 
" must they take pictures of everything?" I asked Harry burrowing my face in his neck.  
" get used to it Cass. It's good practice for the paparazzi." Harry stroked my hair soothingly and told me that it was only 7 am.  
" thanks Harry." 
"Any time kitten, but may I have the honor if knowing what I'm being thanked for." He said pulling back so he could look at my face.  
" for being to first to kiss me. And not making I anymore than that. It was just a innocent kiss and I thank you for that." 
" I was your first kiss?" He said in disbelief. " but your really pretty and you were really good at it!" He said laughing at himself for saying that.  
" yeah you were my first kiss." I blushed and hid my face.  
" well I think that's awesome. Shows you have respect for yourself. I love dating a younger woman. I'm gonna get to be your first everything.. Teach you some lessons of life." Harry said winking at me.  
I just giggled and rolled off of him.  
" come on, get up!" I said pulling him to his feet. " you have a concert today. It's gonna be your best one yet." I said washing my hands in the sink and laughing at the obscene amount of breadcrumbs flaking off of me. 
" oh really why is that?" He said coming up behind and me wrapping his arms around my waist, like I had enviously watched Zayn to to Perrie countless times over the last few days.  
" because you can finally stop scouring the crowd for me. you already have me." I said spinning around and pecking him on the lips before dipping under his arms and running up the stairs to shower. " shot showering first!" I yelled as I ran.
Harry's P.O.V
" I can finally stop scouring the crowd for you." I said as I leaned against the think. " I have you safe I'm my arms forever. I was your salvation and now you will be mine."
0 notes
hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Harry's P.O.V
" ok just relax, breathe, all your doing us making her dinner no big deal" I quietly calmed myself as I got the ingredients for chicken cutlets out of the refrigerator. She had said she didn't want any fancy dinner just something simple and cute. I got three bowls and filled one with bread crumbs and the other with eggs. I started coating cutlets in the eggs and then breadcrumbs. Cassie is gonna love this I just know it.
Cassie's P.O.V
Harry was making me dinner while I sat with Eleanor as she got ready to go out.
"OH MY GOD!" I suddenly exclaimed causing Eleanor to draw a line of lipstick across her cheek.  
" Jesus Cassie! What's wrong!" She said wiping the lipstick mess off of her face.  
" oh Eleanor," I said trying not to laugh but failing. " I am So sorry! I hadn't meant to say that out loud." I tried to help her get the places she missed. "it's just, I was thinking about how much everything has changed in the past two days... And I was asleep for one of them. It hasn't even been 2 days it has been one night and one day!" I said sitting back onto the bed.  
" what do you mean Cass?" 
" well I mean look at me. I came to the concert last night thinking and fully planning on it being the last thing I ever did! And then Harry just so happened to notice me. Me a 15 year old nobody and pull me out of a crowd of thousands. He could have stopped it there but no, he realizes things about me and decides to take me home. He could have just left me to die and continued on with his life unaffected but he didn't. And now he's down stairs making me freaking dinner! The Harry Styles, of One Direction is making me dinner! He is so nice. Why is he so nice Eleanor."  
" Cassie Harry has never done this before." She said fixing her last pieces of stray hair.  
" yeah El, I know. Everyone keeps saying that."  
" he doesn't want to be alone Cassie... Do you believe in love at first sight?" She asked sitting down next to me. 
" yeah I guess." I reluctantly sat up and faced her. " why?" 
" because Cass. Like you said before, there were thousands of girls in that audience, not to mention the millions they have seen over the past few years. And he picked you out of the crowd and refused to let you go. Did you know that Paul tried to take you from him so he could get on the plane easier and he all but growled at him. I've never seen him so happy before Cassie. It's only been a day and a half but... I don't know... This is going to sound so stupid but your going to save him. He saved you an now your saving him. Your making him back into the Harry we used to know, I can see it. He won't even let us stay for dinner tonight.he insisted that we went out."  
" wow" I didn't know what to say. Just wow.  
" well quit standing around would ya. Go put on that American Eagle outfit and have a wonderful dinner with the one the only Harry freaking Styles." She said mimicking me and all but shoving me out the door.
I ran to my... My Liam's guest room, threw on my light wash jeans, pink shirt and brown sandals, and plopped myself in front of my.. Well his vanity. I had already taken all if the thing we bought out of the bags and put them away. I got all my new make up and set to work on covering up my eye better. It wasn't as prominent now. It was more like a purple yellow color, but an ugly reminder just the same. An ugly reminder of my past life that Harry promised I would never have to return to. He promised.. That thought made my mind race and my stomach leap into my throat. I grabbed my new iPhone and plugged it into the speaker on the vanity. I hit shuffle, and Taylor Swifts " You Belong With Me" started playing. I like her. I hope nothing in the future causes me to feel otherwise. 
I started fixing my hair and singing along with the song. From the kitchen I hear Harry join in, it wasn't his normal smooth silky voice, but he was scream singing and it was hilarious. He was trying To mimic her so his voice was cracking.  
" Harry stop! Your gonna ruin your voice! You have a concert tomorrow!" I ran to to top of the stairs and yelled down to him.  
" I will be fine!" He yelled back. 
I walked back to my room shaking my head. I continued getting ready Harry was silent for a little and I could hear the clatter of dishes in the sink. Then the chorus came. He started "singing" again.
" waiting for the day when you wake up and find that what your looking for has been here the whole time. Can't you see that I'm the one that understands you been here all along why can't you seeee you belong with mee Cassieee" instead of singing the next you belong with me he sang Cassie. And I mean he actually sang it. He didn't do that stupid screaming thing. Oh my god his voice! His voice and his accent will be the death of me. His voice is just so silky that I want to wrap myself up in it like a blanket.  
I ran down the stairs as fast as my injured ribs would allow me to and jumped at him. He heard me approaching and spun around just in time to catch my flying frame.
Harry's P.O.V
I thought I was pretty clever replacing the lyrics with her name. I hope I didn't cross any lines. I was almost done breading the cutlets when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They boys and their stupid obsession with photography were taking pictures of me breading the cutlets. The footsteps suddenly picked up speed and I spun around to see a tiny person come flying at me like a missile in the night. All I heard was the nonstop click of cameras and her joyous giggles. I extended my arms and caught her pulling her close. I heard her breathe in sharply and adjusted my arms so I wasn't holding her mid section. She wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my torso.  
" that wasn't my best idea" she said panting from the pain her ribs caused her.  
" yeah probably not the smartest but enjoyable all the same." I said as I leaned back against the counter still holding her in my arms and never wanting to let her go. 
" I really liked your version of her song." She said pressing her forehead to mine.  
" oh did you now?" I asked her staring into her beautiful chocolate eyes.  
"Mmmhmm," she said readjusting herself in my arms. " care to sing another?"
" so breathe in so deep, breathe me in I'm yours to keep," I started quietly and watched her face light up as she recognized the song. "And hold onto to your words cause talk is cheep and remember me tonight while your asleep. cause tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make me change my mind or I won't live to see another day I swear it's true because a girl like you is impossible to find. Impossible to find" 
We continued starting at each other a moment longer before I felt such a compulsion to kiss her I knew I would feel physical pain if I didn't. I started leaning my mouth closer to hers and she didn't protest. Just as our lips were about to meet, " awwwwww!!!" All the boys and their girlfriends chorused together. 
" that was the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" Perrie exclaimed clapping her hands and jumping up and down. She turned to Zayn, " why are you never adorable like that!?"  
She asked him laughing. 
" it's just not how I roll babe" he said sliding his arm over her shoulder.  
I started putting Cassie down. We were both reluctant to let go. 
" yes!" Niall exclaimed. " I got that entire thing on video!"  
" I got some great shots of the entire thing." Louis said flipping around in his camera.  
" oh my god you two are ridiculously adorable! Start dating already! You know each other, its been a few days just go! Ohh the ideas!!" Eleanor exclaimed hanging Onto to Louis for dramatic effect.  
Both me and Cassie turned a few shades redder and took a few steps separating ourselfs, but still in arms length away from eachother.  
" ok well it's time for us to leave. We'll look at the pictures when We get home" Liam said ushering everyone towards the door.
Cassie's P.O.V
Harry and I just watched our friends leave. We were silent staring at each other unsure of what to say.  
" would you like to help me?" Harry asked gesturing for me to join him at the stove.  
" uhh thats probably not a great idea. I am not the best cook. I can bake but not cook very well." I said nervously washing my hands . 
" oh please this is so simple. All you do is dunk the chicken in the egg and coat it with crumbs. Then You hand it to me and I will cook it. Here I'll start you off." He handed me a piece of chicken and guided my hands to what I should do. I then did it myself. Squealing happily at not ruining anything. 
" this is so easy!" I exclaimed.  
Harry finished cooking the chicken and put It out on a plate. I sat at the counter and watched him make a salad with cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. 
" mmmmm so hot.. Ughh why does he have to be so perfect! He sings, cooks, plays drums, is so nice. He's British.." I thought to myself watching him and sighing contently.  
When I went to get the food to put it on the table I felt something hit me in the face. Harry just laughed as I looked around confused. I realized that it was breadcrumbs. He had thrown bread crumbs at me. I scooped up a Handful and casually walked around to where he was.  
" Harry darling.." I said readying myself.  
" yes?" He said in his deep raspy voice turning around slowly.  
I blew the breadcrumbs in his face and ran around the the other side of the counter. That started an all out war. Breadcrumbs were flying, towels being thrown. We were having so much fun. By the time we finished we were covered head to toe and laying on the floor next to each other laughing our heads off.
Harry's P.O.V
" just do it" flashed through my mind. " tell her already." I fought with my self internally as we layed on the floor covered in breadcrumbs and staring at each other.  
" hey Cass.." I said rolling fully onto my side.  
" mmhmm" she said turning her beautiful face to mine and staring into my eyes. I reached out and intertwined our fingers.  
" have you ever had a boyfriend before?" I asked her looking away from her eyes suddenly nervous. So I can perform in from of millions but I can't ask a girl out.  
" not a serious one. I was never able to. It risked To much." She said suddenly sad. 
" would you like to?" I was so nervous I felt as if I Wouk burst. 
" oh Harry!" She exclaimed  
" it doesn't have to be serious yet. I understand if your not ready. I mean we just met. It's just so that no matter where we go and who we meet we remember that I'm yours a your mine. I really like you Cassie I haven't felt this way about anyone is such a long time." I finished in a rush hoping she caught everything I said. 
" id love to Harry! I feel the same way! I felt such a strong connection with you but I wasn't sure if you felt it too." 
" Cassie if I hadn't felt it would i have taken you home?" I said moving a piece of hair from her face. 
" no I guess not. Oh Harry I'm so happy!" She snuggled herself closer to me. Dinner totally forgotten we talked for hours. We talked about everything and nothing all at once. I learned her favorite color, things she liked and disliked, what she wanted to be when she grew up. And her fears.
" so you will stay with me Cassie?"  
" of course Harry. I Would love to stay. I mean I don't really have anywhere else to go, but even if I didn't I wouldn't want to leave ever. " 
" then it's settled. We will find a house close to here and enroll you in South LA High School for the upcoming year. Summer doesn't last forever you know."  
" oh Harry you don't have to do that. Your life is in England. Your job, your family everything. That's your home." She tried to reason with me but nothing worked. 
" no Cassie it's fine. I planned to move down here anyway, now I just have a more urgent reason to stay." 
" Harry your life is there! That's your home." 
" dont you get it Cassie. Home is where ever you are." I pulled her all the way to me and wrapped my arms around her body. Her head resting on my chest as I laid on my back. I kissed her forehead and hummed softly to her. Before I knew it we were both asleep in the middle of our breadcrumb mess. Our untouched dinner on the table and my beautiful girlfriend wrapped safely in my arms, shielded from the world and everything in it.
Liam's P.O.V
We walked into the house at about half past 1. All the lights were on so I expected them to still be awake. We called hello but no one answered. The house smelled great and I walked into the kitchen. I was surprised to see the kitchen a mess and an untouched dinner on the table. I walked around and found them curled up on the floor. They were spooning, Harry the big spoon obviously. Their body's were tangled and hands laced. They were covered in breadcrumbs but looked adorable. I had never seen Harry look so happy in his life. They slept peacefully and I quietly called to the boys. We gathered around them and just knew it was official. They were officially a "thing". We got a piece of paper and has Zayn write " it's official" across it. We laid it on top of their sleeping forms and Louis got on my shoulders. He reached for his camera and took an aerial shot of them. Eleanor can't wait for their one month anniversary. She had been telling us all night what she is going to do with all the pictures.  
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hazzas-kitten69 · 11 years
Cassie's P.O.V
The boys circled me and we zipped up our hoods and ran through the crowd . I latched onto the back of Harry's jacket afraid that if I let go I'd be sucked into the crowd. I flinched everytime a frantic hand broke through my protective circle. Harry had said something about a secret until he knew what "we" were. Whatever, I'll ask him about that later.  
We finally got to the entrance of the mall. The staff greeted us at the door and locked them behind us. My circle disintegrated around me. 
" Hey Cass you ok?" Harry asked his arms circling over my shoulders from behind me. 
" yeah I'm fine. Oh my freaking god that was insane! I had no idea that people were crazy like that!"  
They all burst out laughing. 
" Darling that's not even the half of it." Liam said patting me on the head. " yeah," Niall added " in Sweden they flash us! Thats the best! I love it there!" The boys all laughed and agreed as their girlfriends scolded them. We all laughed as we walked among the stores.
Harry's P.O.V 
I watched with pure joy as Cassie's eyes widened when she realized we were alone in tha mall. She turned and looked at me with a questioning look.  
" Harry what the hell?" She asked laughing as she spun around the fountain the the middle of the mall. 
" well think about what you just saw Cass. Imagine trying to shop like that. We have to have them close off the mall when we go shopping, but we don't shop a lot so its ok." I explained to her the craziness we face everyday. She looked amused.  
" ok Cass were all gonna split up. Me and the boys are gonna go shopping for our manly man things an you go with the girls for clothes and other stuff. Remember Cass buy whatever you want. Please don't worry about the price. Your with me now all my money is here to spend on you" I kissed her on the forehead and started walking away.  
" ok thanks Harry so much " she ran up behind me and enveloped me in the biggest hug her tiny frame could. The boys have a funny photography thing. They like to take pictures of everything . Sure enough Zayn and Louis were there snapping away with their cameras. They said it was quite a funny sight the two of us. Her arms barely reaching around my body.  
" come on Cass let's goo" the girls called to her and she quickly joined them looking back at me as she walked away smiling. God I love that smile. I'm so glad I saved it.  
  Cassie's P.O.V
We walked into every store to try and find me clothes.  
"Cassie eat a bloody sandwich! We can't find you any clothes because nothing fits you! " Perrie playfully yelled at me as we scoured the racks of American Eagle.  
" oh let her alone were doing fine! look at all the bags we got." Eleanor said as she threw a shirt at Perrie and handed me more clothes to try on. I went into the dressing room and emerged wearing a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a pink flowy layered tank top. I grabbed a pair if brown sandals and chucked them on.
" oh my god you look amazing! that is the best outfit so far." They both agreed happily.  
" here I have to take a picture and send it to Harry!" Eleanor said whipping out her phone.  
We wound up taking pictures in every store in every outfit and just spamming Harry's phone with pictures. We were having the time of our lives.  
" I wonder where Harry is" I thought and I pulled out my crappy phone to text him. " ughh I need an iPhone!" I exclaimed to no one in particular.  
" we'll baby doll ur in luck. You just so happen to be with a member of Little Mix and Louis Tomlinsons beautiful girlfriend. Your getting an iPhone and your getting it for free lets go." Perrie said as we walked into The Apple Store. They set up my phone and sent us on our way, very nicely and just as Perrie predicted for free. I Facetimed Harry so that he knew I got an iPhone and we decided to meet up. We had went to every store... Except one. Victoria's Secret. And bras and panties are a necessity.
Harry's P.O.V
Me and the boys met up with the girls somewhere between Abercrombie and Homegoods. They had an obscene amount of bags, but I was happy to see they were able to find clothes for her. We have money to burn so I wasn't even worried. As long as she was happy it would be worth my last dime. We all coupled off respectively, leaving Niall and Liam as dateless. They made the most of it and instantly they both turned into Bruno and strutted their sexy stuff around the mall. We all laughed hysterically.  
" so Cass you ready to go yet?" I asked her as I piled her bags together. 
" umm well I just have to go to one more store because I need underwear and bras. I'll go get Eleanor to take me. " 
"Nah babe it's ok we'll all go." I told her as I lifted bags onto my arms. 
" did you just call me babe?" She asked me as all the blood rushed to her cheeks.  
" uhh yeah I'm sorry I.. I didn't mean to. Come on let's go." I ran a hand through my hair and started walking away embarrassed.  
"Harry wait!" She ran to catch up with me and grabbed my hand turning me around. " I didn't say I had a problem with it." She said looking up at me through her thick lashes.  
" ugh I want to kiss her so badly" flashed through my mind. But all I came up with was " ok good to know" we started walking and got a few feet before we looked at each other and realized we were still holding hands. We dropped hands and I tucked mine into my coat pockets and we continued walking just behind the group.  
We got to the last store of the day, Victoria's Secret and the girls instantly took off running. I on the other hand walked around and imagined found myself imaging Cassie in some if the lingerie. I heard the girls laughing so I decided to make a joke if my own. I put on a bra and thong over my clothing and did my best strut out of the dressing room. Their faces and laughter was priceless.  
Cassie's P.O.V 
" ahahahahahahahahaha" our laughter erupted through the store as Harry did his best strut. " oh my god this guy is a riot..... he looks oddly sexy" I thought to myself.  
" Harry you are out of your mind!" I yelled over everyone's laugher. We were actually rolling and Harry flipped his hair and strutted back.  
After our... Interesting... Experience in Victoria's Secret, we headed home. I had bought about 80 outfits and no one would tell me how much we spent. I finally understood what they meant by a One Direction shopping experience that I would never forget. I will defiantly never forget any of that. I have myself a family!! Now it's dinner time and Harry's cooking!  
* hey guys I'm so sorry. It's been a while and this really sucks. It's like a filler chapter.
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
Save me Chapter 6
~ Harry's P.O.V~
I watched Cassie interact with my friends. These people were my everything, and I hoped they would all get along. I had nothing to worry about. She jumped right in showing them her amazing personality. She got along well with the girls, was able to carry out playful banter with Louis, talked with Zayn about drawing and poetry, and even goofed around with Niall about his eating habits and Liam with his fear of spoons. I laughed along with all of them as we cleaned the kitchen. After we were done and decided to go shopping we all parted ways to get dressed. As Cassie and I climbed the stairs we talked.
“So Cass, what do you think of my friends?" I asked excitedly. She turned to me and became suddenly serious. 
“They are just dreadful. I cannot stand a single one of them." She said mimicking my accent flawlessly. My face dropped and she burst out laughing. “Chill, I was just joking! They are so great! They totally took me in without any questions. It was great!" I laughed along with her."You should have seen your face Harry. It was priceless."
“That wasn’t very funny." I said trying to be stern but ultimately failing, "Alright it was quite funny but I was worried that you really didn’t like them."
“You don’t even have to worry. Like I said before they are great!" She said as we finished climbing the stairs. We walked to our room and Cassie sat on the bed looking slightly uncomfortable.
“What is it?" I asked her sitting down on the bed next to her.
“Nothing just thinking about everything. But that’s not important. What’s really important is what am I going to wear to the mall?"
I laughed and called for Eleanor. 
“El, do you have some clothes Cassie can borrow?" I asked her.
“Harry, she’s, no offence Cassie, She’s like miniscule. She is tiny like has a tiny build. She is so thin that She probably still wears kid jeans and is short. She will be drowning in my clothes, but I mean ill check. Worst comes to worst we can sew and cut stuff." Eleanor said as she walked out of the room. Cassie started to laugh.
"What?" I asked her as she continued laughing.
"Nothing I just, I don’t know I find it funny. She looked determined to find me clothes."
~ Cassie's P.O.V~
Harry and I sat on the bed as we waited for Eleanor to return with clothes. We sat next to each other but there was a gap between us and we were facing opposite directions, each staring out a different window. When Eleanor returned she handed me my clothes and I went into the bathroom to put them on. I stood staring at myself in the mirror. I looked like a wreck. My hair was ratty, and I looked homeless in these clothes... I AM homeless, I thought to myself. Wait am I really homeless? I stood there listening to Harry and Eleanor’s conversation.
"I don’t know Eleanor. I... I really like her.. I think." Harry said. I could hear him flop back on the bed.
“Yeah Harry we can all tell that, but what if she doesn’t like you back? What are you going to do then? Where will she go? Did you even think of that before you took her? Harry you basically kidnapped her!"
“What was I supposed to do? Let her kill herself! Or let her dad kill her! I had no choice! I felt such a connection with her. I don’t regret my choice at all. If she doesn’t feel the same way something can be arranged, but I will not let anyone hurt her." Through Harry's voice I could hear how sure of himself he was. I was pulled from me reflection and stood there staring at the door, struck by the fact that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. I wanted to run to him and yell to the world that I felt the same, but I was afraid that it would ruin everything. I will take it slow just in case.
Eleanor knocked on the door and I stepped out. All three of us burst into laughter at how crazy I looked. Harry opened up the night table and handed her a scissor. She cut the pants at the bottom, handed me a belt and tucked in the shirt. I looked.... presentable, but not at all fashionable. They told me not to worry, they had a "feeling" not many people would be at the mall today. Eleanor left me and Harry in the room to collect her stuff. 
“Harry?" I asked, turning to face him.
“Mmmhmm." He replied as he fixed his luscious curls in the mirror. 
“What about Louis' mom? Can we go now so that it doesn’t ruin the day with its shadow of what’s to come?"
“Yeah sure if that’s what you want. But are you sure?" He asked turning to face me.
“Yeah I guess. I'd rather just get it over with." I said casting my eyes downward in shame.
" Hey, Hey look at me," Harry said as he placed a finger under my chin lifting my eyes to meet his." There is nothing to be ashamed of. You didn’t do anything wrong. She doesn’t even have to know."
“Ok. Let’s go." I put on shoes that I borrowed from El, as Harry called Louis' mom.
~Harry's P.O.V~
As we got closer and closer to the hotel where Mrs. Tomlinson was staying, Cassie became visibly nervous. She fidgeted and twirled her hair. I turned up the radio and what do you know, "Moments" started blaring out of the speakers. We looked at each other, sadness filling both our eyes. Neither one of us moved to change the station realizing how perfectly this song fit our situation. I looked back forward and started to sing. Cassie continued to stare at me.
“Theres a numb in my toes standing close to the edge.
Theres a pile of my clothes at the end of your bed.
As I feel myself fall make a joke of it all."
I heard Cassie join in on the next chorus, quiet and an octave higher but still there with me.
“You know I'll be your life your voice your reason to be. My love my heart is aching for this moment in time I'll find the words to say before you leave me today." 
The rest of the song finished in silence.
“I always wondered if you guys turned off your songs when they came on the radio." Cassie said turning to face me again.
“No, normally we just turn them up louder and sing realllly badly. But if I'm alone I normally turn them off. Were here." I finished speaking as we pulled into the hotel parking lot. Cassie sat rod stiff and I got out of the car. I walked around and opened her door and saw her hands were holding white knuckled to the dash board."
“Cassie," I spoke softly,” Come-on Cass, It’s alright" Her hands reluctantly let go of the dash board as I pulled her from the car careful not to hurt her. We walked over to the front where Louis' mom was waiting for us.
"Harry!" Louis' mom waved me down and pulled me into a hug. 
“Hello Mrs. Tomlinson" I said as I was released from her hug. Cassie stood back slightly arms down at her sides looking nervous.
“Hi, and you must be Cassie. Nice to meet you!" She pulled Cassie into a hug. Cassie let out a small yelp, weather from surprise or pain, or both. Mrs. Tomlinson pulled back, concern filling her eyes.
“Oh dear. That’s a first. I’ve never been able to tell where a person is injured just by a hug. Ribs is it?" She asked dropping her arms and standing back to inspect Cassie. Cassie just nodded trying to regain her normal breathing. 
We walked to the elevator and rode it up to the 5th floor. Upon entering Mrs. Tomlinson’s room we took off our jackets and coats. Cassie was instructed to lie on the bed and I took up my position in the chair in the corner of the room, close but out of the way. Mrs. Tomlinson went into nurse mode before my eyes, becoming completely formal and silently evaluating the situation. She knew about how I met Cassie, but she knew nothing about her, Boy was she in for a surprise. She pulled up Cassie's shirt and let out a gasp. Bruises covered her bony body, and you could clearly see her injury. Her ribs were folded and spiking up. As she poked and moved Cassie she would moan and whimper. Each noise of discomfort or pain made me jerk in my seat as if I was feeling it. My body yearned to get her away from the pain. Nothing was supposed to hurt her. But here was nothing I could do. This was to help her.
“Oh my word." Mrs. Tomlinson exclaimed, “I have never seen anything like this! Good news is that you show no signs of internal bleeding. Bad news is your ribs are broken, shattered even. There is nothing we can do that won’t require surgery, but if you just take it easy they should heal on their own in time. Can I ask what happened?"
Cassie's eyes franticly searched mine.
“Well, you see... she...." I started but kept stuttering.
“Truth." Cassie croaked from the bed, tear streaming down her face.
I explained to Mrs. Tomlinson about Cassie's mother and then her abusive father. I also went on to explain in full detail, including my suicide prevention of the night before. When it was over we all sat there in silence. Me in my chair, Cassie leaning against the headboard, and Mrs. Tomlinson wiping her eyes standing in the center of the room.
“I am so sorry. Was all she managed to say. “I won’t tell a soul." We sat there staring at each other, lost in thought for a few more moments. My phone rang. It was Liam telling me that they were going to meet us here in a few moments to go to the mall. We said our goodbyes and as we left Mrs. Tomlinson said something that shocked us. “I’m rooting for the couple of you" she said. Cassie looked at me in confusion and I looked at her in embarrassment. ‘Thanks Mrs. Tomlinson" I managed to smile back and we retreated to the car.
“What did she mean?" Cassie asked as we walked.  “Oh umm, I'm not really sure" I lied “So that wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be."
“Nope it was worse." She said looking up at me as our hands brushed.
“I’m sorry." I said looking back ahead.
“Sorry for what. You did nothing."
“Exactly I did nothing as you moaned in pain. Nothing is supposed to hurt you anymore while I’m around." I said face palming myself. 
“Harry, stop being ridiculous. Of course it was going to hurt she was trying to find out what was wrong. There was nothing you could have done. It wasn’t your fault. It was my dead-pan of a father's. Now let’s forget about all of this and go shopping. You’re carrying my bags!" I laughed as we climbed into the van and greeted the boys.
“To the mall we go!” We all shouted in unison" WMYB came and and Paul turned it up, rolled down the windows and prepared himself. I looked at Cassie and screamed “I told you so!" Just as Liam started scream singing horribly.
You're insecure  Don't know what for  You're turning heads when you walk through the door  Don't need make up  To cover up  Being the way that you are is enough 
Then I started
Everyone else in the room can see it  Everyone else but you-ou-ou 
 All of us, me, the boys, the girlfriends and Cassie joined in, all harmonies forgotten just pure joy filling our words.
Baby you light up my world like nobody else  The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed  But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell  You don't know (oh oh)  You don't know you're beautiful!  If only you saw what I can see  You'll understand why I want you so desperately  Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe  You don't know (oh oh)  You don't know you're beautiful!  (Oh oh)  That's what makes you beautiful! 
We continued like this for the rest of the song. Laughing and joking around. When we go to the mall we saw swarms of people crowing all the entrances. Cassie looked up confused at first but then realization crossed her face. She was with One Direction now.
“Someone must have leaked that we were going to be here!" Zayn said as he readied himself. We all zipped up our jackets, pulled up our hoods and got ready to jump out of the car. There would be no meet and greet today. We had a new member that we weren’t ready for the world to know about. We circled around Cassie. Me in front as she clung to me and we plunged into the crown completely hiding her from view. I wanted her to be a secret from the public until I knew what "WE" were. Finally in the mall Cassie turned to us and said “Now I understand why it’s an adventure.
      ***** I’m sorry guys! It’s been a while and I know this chapter sucks... I’m sorry please don’t hate me! ********
      ***** I’m sorry guys! It’s been a while and I know this chapter sucks... I’m sorry please don’t hate me! ********
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
Save Me (Chapter 5!)
~Cassie's P.O.V~
Harry gave me a warm, reassuring look as we entered the kitchen. We just stood there silent for a moment as they carried on their chatter over waffles and mixed fruit. I dropped his hand and he called out to everyone. " Good morning everyone. I have someone here who i believe would love to meet you all." I know i probably looked like a complete idiot, but i stood there mouth gaping open. I was a bit star struck. There were four other beautiful, sleep crumpled, famous boys sitting at the table staring back at me. Their girlfriends Perrie and Eleanor were beaming at me like i was a sparkly new gem. All at once they started talking. " Hi, oh you must be Cassie so nice to meet.. wow Harry great pick.. oh you look so great in his clothes.. wow mate a little young don't you think... oh shut up shes adorable." 
They all shouted over each other, It was amusing but hard to understand. 
" Hi everyone, I'm Cassie. Thank you so much for having me here. It is so great to meet you all." I still stood firmly planted next to Harry just a finger twitch away from him. All at once they got up and started rushing towards me arms out stretched. And then.. cue panic mode.
~Harry's P.O.V~
I watched with a sort of detached sense of concern as Cassie jumped behind me and  crumpled to a ball on the kitchen floor. All at once i realised what was happening. She was reacting the the people running at her with their hands outstretched. Probably just like her dad did, only in a different context. They meant it out of love not pain. But she didn't know she wasn't used to this. PTSD. She has Post traumatic stress disorder. I mean who wouldn't after what shes been through. Ok well good to know.. what the hall am i saying I'm not a physiologist I'm just a teenager. 
I put my hand up to signal them to stop. They showed expressions of shock but realization was flooding their faces as they saw, and though about what it looked like to her. They stopped dead in their tracks as i turned back to he,r sat on the floor and pulled her to me.
" Cassie. Cassie love its alright."
" He.. he ran at me like that too. Only on his face he wore a deranged expression of joy." she said. I could feel her small frame shaking in my arms.
" Cassie. Hes not here. I told you before he wont ever touch you again. Hes gone. Forever. He will never bother you again. Here lets stand up and talk to everyone."
She was shaking as she stood up. I steadied her and laced my fingers through hers. She smiled up at me and i said. " alright lets try this again. Cassie this is everyone. Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Perrie and Eleanor." Every one waved and she waved and smiled back.
" HI everyone, I'm really sorry about that. It was just like a natural instinct. I don't even know why i did that, i guess it was just like implanted into my system as a natural reaction. Sorry. I mean you can hug me and stuff I'm not totally crazy.' She said smiling and laughing. Leave it to Cassie to make an awkward and uncomfortable situation totally normal. Slowly Eleanor stepped up to hug her.
~Cassie's P.O.V~
Eleanor circled her arms around my shoulders pulling me into a tight hug. She knew about what i looked like so she didn't hug me too tightly. She pulled back and smiled down at me, " I think were going to be great friends."
" I would love that," I said as i let go of here. Next was Perrie, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall and then even Harry stepped up. They all hugged me like i was some valuable but extremely delicate piece of China.The boys cracked jokes and went back to picking on each other. We sat down to continue their breakfast. I joined in happily taking 2 chocolate chip waffles onto my plate. 
" These waffles are amazing!" I exclaimed as i took another large bite. They all laughed and said ' Thank Perrie."
" Aw guys don't make me blush. No but seriously if you think these are good just wait until Harry cooks for you. You'll be fattened up in no time. Hes the reason me and the rest of Little Mix have had to add in extra workouts to our schedules. His food is the best." Perrie said in her rich voice and she scooped more strawberries onto her plate.
Harry laughed loudly, his lopsided grin reaching the corners of his eyes. 
" So is it true?" I asked him nudging him gently with my shoulder.
"What" he asked me faking cluelessness.
" Well a little birdie tells me that your the finest cook around." I laughed at him as i sneaked glances from behind my curtain of hair. 
' I don't know." he said with his mouth full of waffles and chocolate milk.
" Well you will have to cook for me then.. like for dinner.. tonight." I said to him. I was surprised at how comfortable i felt with these people already. It had been what, 2 days, and i was asleep for the majority of it.
  Family, love, happiness. The words flooded my mind and i was filled with a sense of joy. A normal life. I was so happy that i would have a shot and leading a life full of joy and happiness. We began to finish breakfast and i offered to do the dishes. 
As the dishes piled into the sink, i thought about the beauty of what was happening. I was part of a family. It may not be blood, but it was something closer. It was friendship that bonded them and i was becoming a part of it. They accepted me with out a hitch, like i had been there all along. Louis grabbed the towel from my shoulder and started drying the dished on the side of the sink. He started a friendly conversation with me. He wanted to know about me.
" So Cassie where do you live." he asked me.
" well i lived in Long Island, but i had planned to move to L.A when graduated high school."
" Looks like you skipped a whole step. Your here darling.' He said laughing as he flicked water at me. I looked up and Harry watched us looking amused. He seemed Happy to see that i was getting along with his friends.
" So what do you think?" he asked me.
"Of what?" i said confused.
" Of everything. Of Harry, of the whole situation, of you being here. Hes never done thins before,. Ive never even met any of the girls he liked.. because there was none. He was always the loner on the nights out. Sure he would interact with girls here and there but he never formed a relationship with any of them. He had certainly never pulled a girl from the crowd. You know about the dreams yeah?" Louis said putting the towel down and leaning against the counter.
" Well i think its pretty awesome. I don't know i feel a.. wow this is going to sound so dumb. I feel a connection with him that I've never felt with anyone before. He seems like such a great guy. Hes the only reason I'm still here. And no what dreams?"
" That's so nice. you seem like a lovely girl. I like you, and you make him happy therefore i am happy. Don't worry about the dreams. There irrelevant. not my business to tell."
" No do tell." i said as i splashed him with my soapy hands.
" No I can't its not my place." He laughed as he threw the dirty towel in my face. i looked up at him, stuck out my tongue and wiped my face. Harry came running over and put his large hands over my eyes.
" Hey Cass, uh lets go upstairs for a second. I uh, got something to tell you.'
" Ok" i said laughing as he lead me from the kitchen. once at the bottom of the stairs he removed his hands.
" What was that?" i said playfully punching him.
" you got a smudge he said. Shiny eye is showing.' Shiny eye was our codename for my black eye.
' Oh ok i said rushing up the stairs, I quickly fixed my makeup and ran back down. when i walked in Harry was talking to Eleanor about taking me shopping. She agreed happily and Perrie said she would love to go to. 
" Well its settled then" Harry said happily." Ill call management and tell them the call the mall and let them know One Direction will be coming." And so he did.
The girls sat me down and told me. "Its a big process to go shopping with these boys. You'll see when we get there. Can't have anyone mobbing them."
"Peasants!"" Louis yelled jokingly from the sink laughing "but we love them anyway. They make us.. well us."
" Shopping yay. i haven't been shopping in ages. I'm excited to see what you guys mean, and cant wait to embark on the Oh so mysterious One Direction Shopping experience." i said to them as i smiled.
" oh its quite mysterious" Harry mumbled sweeping the floor.
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
Save Me (Chapter 4)
~Cassie's P.O.V~
I opened my eyes, heavy with sleep and gasped. 
"Where am i?" i thought. I felt the soft satin sheets under my body. i felt the too soft pillows under my head, and the heavy down blanket over my body. I cautiously spread my hands and noticed that the bed was much larger than my twin bed at my house. i shot up quickly, but stopped mid-way. Pain shot through my body causing me to lay back down. i rolled onto my side and grasped my ribs. that's when i saw his face looking back at me. Harry Styles. He was sitting on the floor with his chin resting on the side of my bed. His curls were disheveled with sleep, and he was shirtless. I was in so much pain that i didn't even think " Well hello there." i closed my eyes not wanting to see the concerned, helpless look in his eyes. He feels bad for me. I know it. I don't want to be an object of his pity. 
" Hey." i heard his deep, raspy voice call to me.
" ughg," was all i managed to say, while i tried to get my breathing back to possible. " What time is it?" i asked finally able to speak again.
" its only 7:30am. i know your probably wondering where you are. Your at Liam's. Do you remember last night when you were crying because you said you had no home. Well I'm willing to let this.. well not here exactly, just with me in general, be your home. But only if you would like."
" Oh um, yeah sure i guess that could work." I said to him attempting to smile. " So where am, i exactly?" 
" your in the guest bedroom at Liam's house. Don't worry i slept on the floor."
" Ok." i said quickly laughing but stopping because it hurt.  we just continued in silence. Me staring at the ceiling and him at me. I wonder what is running through his mind right now. 
" Harry?" i asked carefully rolling fully onto my side.
" Do they know. like the boys and Eleanor."
" No they don't know. They cant know something that I don't even know."
" wait so your friends don't know about me. That I'm here."
" oh that. Yeah they do know. I though you were talking about.. it doesn't matter. Yeah they know your here but they trust me. They can tell your special to me on account of Ive never taken a girl home like this before. Careful though Niall seems pretty smitten with you just by a few comments he made last night They trust me and i trust them. No questions asked... until later. They just know i have a friend here with me." he said smiling.
" i like the sound of that. Of me being your friend." I wish i could someday be more. That was an opinion i didn't voice.
" Yeah, me too. Quite a pretty friend at that." he said flashing me a perfect grin.
" so what happened last night."
" You really don't remember do you. Ok well you know the whole beginning and stuff. Ok so basically, you stared crying and you cried and cried and i just held you. You fell asleep in my arms and i carried you to the car. You slept the whole time. Then i carried you onto the plane and when i tried putting you in a seat you whimpered and latched onto me even tighter. I decided not to put you down, and honestly i was a little happy. I felt if i let you go everything would break into a million pieces. So we took a flight all the way to L.A and drove here and then you went to bed., That's it. You didn't wake up once. You were totally out. And can i just say you looked quite adorable."
i giggled and went to get out of the bed. I carefully pushed my self up and swung my legs over. I let them dangle off the edge for a few seconds while i noticed how Harry's eyes traveled the length of my body.  when my feel touched the soft, plush carpet i noticed that i was in different clothing. I fingered my shirt and looked at Harry questionly, while a look of horror passed over my face. He must know. They probably all know.
" Oh yeah your probably wondering about your clothes. well last night when we got home i didn't know what to do. You didn't have any clothes and out bags were all packed away, so i went to Eleanor. She found a pair of her old shorts and i got my softest sweat shirt because you were shivering. She took you and the clothes from me and put them on you." he said.  He looked away from me and looked down at the floor.
" So she knows. And you know too." I said my voice dropping and my head lowering in shame.
" I know that your beat up pretty badly. That your covered in scars, and bruises and burns and other marks. I just don't know how. And she knows too on account of she was the one that clothed you. But don't worry we decided not to tell anyone. We are gonna wait for you to explain. 
Great i thought. He wont even look at me. Uhhhhh now i have to explain. Maybe explaining wont be so bad. I climbed up onto the bed and patted the spot near me. I made myself comfortable under the blankets and carefully leaned back against the head rest. Harry climbed up and sat at the foot of the bed with his feet tucked underneath him. He looked at me like a lost puppy.
" he hit me." i simply started. " 5 years ago when i was 10, my mom disappeared. The police searched and searched but her body was never found. She was pronounced dead. That was all we got. Your mother is missing so were assuming shes dead. No answers no reasons just dead. I was a 10 year old girl with no mother. My dad was silent. For the first week he was ok. Everything was somewhat normal. then the funeral came. We went and after that it all went down hill. He retreated into himself. Totally forgetting about me. He locked himself in his room for days at a time only coming out to eat frosted flakes and shower. I was a 10 year old girl left too her own devices. I lost my mother and father in the same week. It continued like this for about 6 moths." I paused for breath and to collect my thoughts. I didn't look at Harry. My eyes stayed firmly planted on the comforter in my lap. " Then one day i came home from school and he was drunk and sitting on the couch. He told me he wanted chicken and i told him i didn't know how to work the stove very well. He chased me to the kitchen and threw a chair at me. I made him the chicken. It came out dry and with no taste. when i served it to him, he spit it out at me. I apologized and said i didn't no how to work the stove. He swung at me, his open palm connecting with my cheek. That was the start. From there on he hit me for everything. Not being good enough, just anything and everything, regardless of if he was drunk or not. Sometimes he would just hit me for no reason. He would come to my room, kick open the door and drag me tot he hallway. He would beat the shit out of me. I stopped screaming eventually, learning that it only made him hit harder." as I spoke, i seemed to drift further and further away, lost in the horror story that was my life. My voice was shaking but i continued. " That wasn't all you  know. he would punch and kick and slap, anything really. He had even burned me. And threatened me with knives. All these things explain the scars, cuts, blisters, burns, everything on my arms, back, legs, face, and stomach. he was horrible."
' Well now i see why you wanted to end it.' Harry said looking at me. The tears that glistened in my eyes were reflected in his.
' What.' My head snapped up and my voice came out coldly.
" Uhh, errmmm, last, last night when you were crying, you were screaming that it was all supposed to end after the concert tonight. That all you pain and misery would be over."
' Oh oh yeah well lest not talk about tht now."
' Yeah sure. There's a bathroom ever there if you want. You can shower or what ever."
' yeah so about everyone."
" not to worry, you can meet them over a nice warm breakfast."
" ok sounds great." i said as i smiled and climbed off the bed. I went to stretch my arms up but screamed out and fell to the floor. Harry was there and caught me before i could hit. He pulled me back into his lap and just watched me and stroked my air while i tried to regulate my breathing.
" Cass, love this isn't ok. There is something wrong. your ribs. They hurt, yeah?"
"Yeah," my voice came out whisper-ish and weak.
" Can i take a look?" I nodded and he laid me gently to the floor. he pulled mey shirt up and folded it just under my bra. He gasped.
~ Harry's P.O.V~
I saw he a little last night when El showed me, but she looked so different in the light. He stomach and rib cage were covered in scars, bruises, open wounds, and healing wounds. She was so thin that every bone, every thing in her stomach seemed to be popping out. it looked as if the life had been sucked out of her. i let out an involuntary gasp, and she just closed her eyes. A few tears dripped  to her cheeks. I wiped them off but there was an unmistakable flinch when i wiped her right eye. The cover up was almost fully off and a fresh bruise was visible. I looked at her stomach again. I saw bruises and sores everywhere, but the most pronounced were on her left rib cage  They were the freshest and darkest. I placed My hands gently over them and she let out a small whimper full of pain. what i felt wasn't the smooth lines of ribs i expected but the jagged and chaotic lines of injured ones. 
" Cass you need to see a doctor. I've seen broken ribs before. I've had them but they've never looked like this. This is serious.' I said pulling her shirt back down.
" no I'm fine look,' she protested trying, but being unsuccessful at getting up off the floor. She collapsed back down and just stared at me.
" Cassie, I-"
"NO. Harry no i wont see a doctor no. Not the doctor i hate the doctor. And if i go i have to explain everything. And trust me i mean everything and that wont go over  well.":
" Fine not a doctor then. Just Louis' mom. Shes a nurse and is staying in a hotel close by. No questions asked just a diagnosis. She is a lovely woman. And if it helps we can even get some cover-up and cover most of the marks up just leaving your ribs. Does that make you feel better."
She grumbled and i laughed. 
' Its from him." She said. " the bruises are from him. i lied when i said i fell. I didn't fall.  After he beat me i was on the ground and he just kept kicking me. He kept going even when i started coughing up blood. I thought he was trying to kill me. I accepted it. I was honestly looking forward to the cool embrace of death hoping it would counteract the fiery sensation running though my body. he stopped though, just before i was about to black out."
i had no idea what to say. I just ran a distressed hand though my curls and looked at her. She looked so sad.
" your safe here. Nothing will ever hurt you again. i wont let it. ever."
She started crying again and i just held her.
" can i just shower?" She asked me half hardly making puppy dog eyes. 
"Yeah sure. Shower first talk later.'I helped her off of the floor. I handed her a pair of my grey baggy sweats and my rolling stones T-Shirt. 
" My favorite outfit." i told her smiling. " its the soft most comfortable thing i have, and i think it would look great on you." I smiled at walked her to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom i turned on the shower, handed her a wash cloth and a towel. I told her to take her time and enjoy her shower. I closed the door behind me and looked around the room. everything looked different.I was no longer just responsible for myself. I was now responsible for a beautiful, broken, abused, suicidal girl that has stolen my heart. I loved the thought of it even though it sent a spike of fear through me. I'm not alone anymore i though.
! Cassie's P.O.V~
I climbed into the shower and left the warm water rush over me. It felt so good. Like my stresses all rushing away down the drain. " I cannot believe this is happening! Oh my god! I am in L.A with Harry Styles. he took me here! He could have just left me, and went on with his life but he didn't. He actually cares. Someone actually cares about me. i thought smiling to myself. As i washed my hair, i thought of my dad. " Does he miss me? Does he regret everything? You know what. I don't care. I don't care what happens to him. I hope he rots on hell. I have someone who cares for me now. I have someone there for me. If it wasn't for Harry id be dead., Probably in the sewer or at the bottom of a ditch. he saved me.
With that thought i freely let the tears flow from my eyes. 5 years of tears. I watched as they disappeared down the drain.
~Harry's P.O.V~
I straightened up the pillow mess i had made on the floor. i walked down stairs and greeted everyone in the kitchen.
" good morning all of my lovely mates." i said as i approached. They all said their hellos. 
" wow mate why so happy. Get some last night?"
" No man this ones not like that.' I quickly turned serious. " shes different a lot different.' Me and Eleanor made eye contact with each other. " i really like her guys. I know she was asleep for the majority of the time but look." I pulled my dream journal from my back pocket. Start reading from November."
I passed the journal around. All the entries were the same. They all got increasingly longer about the same dream as more and more puzzle pieces fell together. On the last page in bold letters was written Cassie. Just underneath it were the words " When you find her don't ever let her go. You will be her salvation as well As she yours.' i just looked at them. There faces showing different stages of shock. The last one was dated the day before we performed at MSG.
" Its true." I said to them dead serious. " I am her salvation. I'm not sure how shes mine yet but ill find out. Its her guys its the girl from my dream. Everything about last night was exact.' and with that I launched into a detailed explanation of her. I told them everything, I told them about her mom, and her abusive Father, and her suicidal actions. By the time i was done everyone was all teary. I asked Louis to call his mom and see if I could bring Cassie by to have her ribs checked out. He said sure and i asked him not to explain about her dad. I asked Eleanor if she would be cool with taking her to get clothes and cover up later. She agreed quickly and happily. I walked back up the stairs to the guest room and sat on the bed after getting dressed. 
"I don't know but I think I maybe
Fallin' for you dropping so quickly Maybe I should keep this to myself Waiting 'til I know you better I am trying not to tell you But I want to I'm scared of what you'll say So I'm hiding what I'm feeling But I'm tired of holding this inside my head I've been spending all my time Just thinking about you I don't know what to do I think I'm fallin' for you I've been waiting all my life and now I found you I don't know what to do I think I'm falling for you. I'm falling for you." 
i heard it drifting out from the bathroom softly as if she hadn't realized she was singing. She was amazing. Sounded just like her. Her voice was angelic yet powerful, but soothing. I lay back and listened. Finally i heard the shower turn off and five minutes later i heard the door slowly creak open.
" Harry." She called quietly.
" yes" i replied sitting up. he face was half hidden behind the door.
" I cant come out.' She said with a shaky voice like she was holding back tears.
" Oh darling yes you can you probably look awesome in my clothes."
" Its not that its my face. All the cover-up is gone and its scary looking.' She said this as her voice cracked.
" Cassie its fine. here come out and let me see." She walked out of the bathroom looking like she was drowning in my clothes. They were a few sizes to big but she had them folded and tucked right that she looked appealing. Her eye caught my sight quickly. it was shiny and purple and looked really painful. He face was streaked with tears and i quickly got up and hugged her. I held her at arms length examining the eye. i sat her on the bed  and went to get ice. i returned with ice and a bottle of Eleanor's cover up.
" Here look what i got." i attempted to apply the make up to her face but eventually let her do it because i was causing her a loads of pain. I watched as she skillfully applied the makeup and turned around to me looking fresh as new. I ran a brush through her knotty hair and commented on how great she looked and how i enjoyed seeing her in my clothes.
' Your a really great singer.' I told her as i walked down the hall with her.
"What are you talking about. I wasn't singing."
" yes you were. In the shower. You were great you sounded just like Colbie Caillat only different. better honestly. If you can sing Leonia Lewis Liam and Louis will love you forever."
She laughed. I loved her laugh and her smile.
When we go to the bottom of the stairs she stopped. She looked up at me and i could tell she was nervous.
" Now darling there is nothing to be nervous about. Your gonna be a hit." i said to her. She silently took my hand which shocked me a little but we continued into the kitchen. right before we entered i told her,
" We will get you proper clothes later. you haven't been shopping until you have been shopping One Direction style. Lets say no one will bother you at the mall."
~ Give me some Feed Back pleasee!!!!
~*Lilly for ever*~
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
Save Me Chapter 3
~Cassie's P.O.V~
I sat on the white couch in the boys dressing room. At first i didn't know what to do. I fiddled with my thumbs in my lap and looked around , audibly sighing. I was told to make myself at home and that's what i decided to do. I flipped on the t.v, and watched the boys perform. They all looked so happy.. i wish i was as happy as them. i tucked my knees underneath me and slid down on the couch. I'm so happy to be here. this is great. Paul checked in on me a few times. The last time he checked in on my he said they boys would be finished in 5 minutes. i thanked him for everything and he said,
"Hey can i tell you something?"
'Yeah Paul, sure."
'Hes never done this before." i cocked my head to the side like a confused puppy. " Hes never asked me to go get a girl from the crowd before. You must be something special."
" Oh, well thanks. I hope so." when he closed the door i jumped up and down with excitement. I was literally freaking out. HES NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!! I'M THE FIRST PERSON HES ASKED PAUL TO GET! i walked over to the vanity, placed my bag down and touched up my make up. I applied another coat of mascara, fixed the smudges of eyeliner under my eyes, and put on another coat of my shimmering pink lip gloss. I adjusted my top making sure my boobs were framed perfectly, and ran a hand through my brown wavy hair. I then went and sat back on the couch and watched and waited. Just Breathe. he is just a person. Just a normal guy. Only, except hes Harry Styles. The one, the only Harry Freaking Styles, and your sitting in his dressing room.. Because he wants you to be. Your here because he wants you to be. I cannot wait to tell my girls.. wait. Its over tonight. it all ends tonight. All my pain and misery, all the abuse, it ends right after this. I readjusted my self on the couch and went to fix my hair. the bruises on my wrist caught my sight. Shit. Shity shit shit. I didn't have anymore cover up. i hadn't planned on needing it.
~ Harry's P.O.V~ 
" Thanks for coming out everyone. We appreciate all of you being here, and love you for your support. X-Factor started us but you all kept One Direction Alive. We love you all forever." Liam finished up the concert and we all hugged and ran off stage. I started talking to Zayn when all the boys started asking me about the girl i sent Paul too get. " Yeah mate shes quite fit, from what i saw.' Niall commented.
I told them i'd explain later and told them to stay out of the dressing room for a little. I sprinted to the dressing room. Before i opened the door i asked Paul how i looked. He told me i looked smashing as usual. I smiled and lightly punched him in the arm. He fixed one of my run-away curls, and told me, " Kill it tiger, I talked to her for a total of 30 seconds but i can tell shes a keeper. There's something just so shiny about her. Like there's a light inside of her that refuses to be pushed down."
i thanked him and slowly opened the door. When I walked in i was shocked. She looked even more beautiful up close then she did from the stage. She was petite. Probably like 5 foot 1 1/2 inches. Maybe 5'2. And she had brown wavy hair that went to the middle of her back. she looked up at me with these big brown eyes framed with thick lashes and smiled. She looked like she could use braces for her overbite but her smile was beautiful none the less. I wanted to run to her and scoop her up in my arms. I wanted to never let her go.
"Once you find her never let her go." Replayed in my head.
I walked over to her and extended my hand out to her sitting frame on the couch. She looked like she wanted to shake my hand but i saw her left arm clamped around her right wrist. She quickly pushed her right arm behind her back and took my hand. I pulled her small body up for a hug. When she was standing pressed against me  i latched on to her and hugged her as tight as i could. she let out a small yelp and seemed to have trouble breathing. I quickly let her go and held her at arms length. A small iridescent tear shimmered on her cheek. I lowered her to the couch and quickly apologized. 
~Cassie's P.O.V~
" Oh darling I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. are you ok?!" Harry asked with a genuinely concerned tone to his voice.
" Yes I'm fine its totally ok. I just i uh.. f-fell. i fell and hurt my ribs." he looked at me skeptical but didn't say anything. It was like he knew that i was lying. well i wasn't completely lying. after my dad beat the shit out of me i did fall. i fell to the floor. 
" Alright. so tell me about your self love. For one, what is your name. i didn't quite catch it."
" Cassie. My name is Cassie. And I'm from Ronconkama, Long Island."
" Cassie, what a lovely name. And how old are you?"
" Oh i hate that question. so many relationships are ruined before they ever start with that question."
" Age is just a number in the equation of love." Harry replied witch a cocky grim appearing on his face.
'Yeah and jail is just a room." I laughed back to him " Ok I'm 15."
" That's a great age. i remember when i was 15. i was in White Eskimo and i was loving life."
" So you don't care?" i asked him peering at him through my lowered lashes.
" like i said before age is just a number." he said smiling at me.
~Harry's P.O.V~
I knew her name, i knew some of her story. I knew that if i let her go tonight i would loose her forever. What i didn't know was why she was clutching and hiding her wrist, and why her ribs caused her that much pain. i knew that i wanted her i wanted her so badly. i wanted to wrap my arms around her and never let anything hurt her ever again. I wanted to be hers and her to be mine, in that moment forever. us staring into each others eyes, the low lighting of the dressing room just adding to the mood. Her light laugh broke the silence. we talked about nothing and everything for 2 hours. It was now past midnight.
' Can i drive you home?" I asked her. A look came over her face and i wasn't ready for her next answer.
" i have no home, just an empty house full of pain. it was all supposed to end tonight."
My next words shocked the both of us. " I know" a tear dripped from her eye and i swiped it away from her face with my thumb. That was it. The makeup had smudged. It was all over and she knew it. The fresh bruise was no longer covered by her make up. i looked at her and more tears erupted from her eyes. I pulled her tiny frame onto my lap and tucked her head to my chest. " h-he -he h-hits me." she cried.  " Bad. h-hes s-so angry -s-since s-she died. a-and i- I'm the only o-one there."
I now knew why she wanted to die. She was abused. I let her cry. she felt so fragile as if i moved she would break into a million pieces. She cried into my shirt violent sobs wracking her body, "shhh," i cooed. " your safe, your not going anywhere I'm here your safe." Her make up and tears combined, staining my shirt. I held her trembling frame until she fell asleep nestled in my arms and pressed up against my chest. I called for Paul, quietly hoping not to disturb her. He got the van and rallied up the boys. I carried her bridal styles to the van, and claimed the back seat. i laid her down  and sat down myself pulling her gently back on to me as i reclined taking up the whole seat. I was laying here with a beautiful, broken, abused, suicidal girl sleeping peacefully in my arms. I explained to the boys, not about the dream, but about her. They knew her situation and they could tell that i was really into her. Zayn tried to tell me that i was being ridiculous and that's when i explained about the dreams. They were all silent until Zayn said he didn't believe me. I told him that when we got home he could look at my dream journal for the past few months. We drove to the air port and got on a plane to L.A. Cassie never woke up once. She was conked out. On the drive from the airport to Liam's house in L.A we took the same seating arrangement. I finally laid her into Liam's guest room bed, and made a pillow mansion on the floor for myself. Home at last. She was safe, and alive and no one was ever going to hurt her again.
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
Teenage me: *hisses at sunlight*
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
SAVE ME A Harry imagine- Chapter 2
~ Cassie's P.O.V~
I threw my covers off at exactly 10:15. I tip-toed into the living room to see my dad passed out on the couch, drunk as usual. My last time seeing him. It invoked fear and a strange excitedness that turned my stomach into knots. i climbed back up my stairs and out my window. I walked across my roof and jumped off. I grabbed the large tree branch that hung over my garage and swung down to the ground. I tucked my heels into my bag and took off running. When i got 5 blocks away my heart stopped racing and i started to jog. only about 10 more miles until the train station  Ronconkama.. farewell old friend.
~Harry's P.O.V~
I passed just behind the curtain.  I could hear the arena filling up. " You will not look at at the spot until after what makes you beautiful. You will not do it and that is final." I repeated this to myself over and over. If shes not here tonight i don't know what i will do. Oh bloody hell. i don't know what i will do if she is hear tonight  I'll loose it either way. Oh my god. oh good lord i cant do this. No. you know what i can do this and i will. i will go and and perform. if shes there ill find her. If shes not well then.. ill just continue being all alone... i guess.
" Harry 2 minutes come get ready with the boys." The stage manager yelled to me. I walked over to the boys. We did our pre-show traditions. i was extremely nervous and it showed. my nervous energy was effecting everyone. The only person who truly understood it was Louis. The rest of the boys thought it was because i had been sick. Even though Louis knew, he showed no inclination of it. I didnt know if that made me happy, or if it saddened me. ' AM i really loosing it?" I thought.
" 30, 29, 28..." I heard the crowd chanting  i knew when they hit 1, we would run out and start with kiss you, then back for you, and then what makes you beautiful.. just like in my dream. the funny thing is, the set had just been decided on an hour ago. But what ever. That isn't important right now. All that matters is going and and crushing it. For the fans, for myself, and for her.. where ever she may be. 
~Cassie's P.O.V~
I got to my seat just in time  the 30 second countdown had just begun and i was standing in Madison Square Garden, third row, dead center. I had just 3 rows, about 12 feet, from the amazingly gorgeous boy band One Direction. they were to come on at any second. Suddenly i herd the band start playing kiss you. The crowd went nuts. I screamed along with them releasing my nervous energy  I was so excited to be here. I put off my thoughts of my impending doom and focused on having the time of my life.. the last time of my life. I was so jumpy. I kept swearing that I saw my dad coming out of the corners towards me but all it was, was a vender or a another fan.  The boys bounced around the stage joking with each other as they sung. They all had great stage presence, making contact with the audience  Except for Harry. He didn't even look at us once. He seemed to be so preoccupied with all of the boys, flipping them and pulling there hair. He looked totally ridiculous but seemed to be having the time of his life, yet he seemed reserved. Like there was something he wanted to do but couldn't quite bring himself to do it. But what do I know? I'm juts a fan that's all. And that's all ill ever be. 
~Harry's P.O.V~
I bounced around stage doing everything humanly possible to keep from looking at the audience  I knew if i looked i would be directly pulled to the third row in the dead center. Is it just me or does three songs take forever to get through. I was running out of things to do, and i still had another song to get through. Then WMYB started playing. i immediately calmed down and focused solely on singing. I planted myself center stage and kept my head down. I couldn't afford to mess up now. As my solo approached, i looked up. I was overwhelmed at first. I saw thousands of girls in the audience. About a dozen or so cameras started flashing around the front center of the arena, and hundreds more around it. I still didn't look. I walked to the front of the stage and began singing. Slowly, very slowly, i looked down to where the cameras were, hoping with all my heart that she would be there, and yet a part of me wished she wouldn't be. 
There she was. Eyes wide, looking exactly like i saw her in my dream. Same facial expression of awe, that same one piece of hair repetitively falling into her face as she stared up at me. My voice caught in my thorat. Dozens of cameras flashed behind her simultaneously  giving off the impression that the was shimmering. I looked back at Louis and he knew immediately what was happening. he had a look of excitement, disbelief,  confusion and a hint of fear on his face. he immediately ran off stage and got Paul. I reached for her hand and started her in the eyes while i continued singing. At the end of the song, i ran over to the band and told them to start playing Moments. It was what was playing in my dream and it fit perfectly for the situation. I raced back to the front of the stage and grabbed back onto her hand.
~Cassie's P.O.V~
Oh. My. God. I can not believe this is happening  Harry Styles is holding my hand, and singing moments directly to me. It almost as if he knows... no that's ridiculous. He cant know,  you have never even met him. But he was holding onto my hand so tight  as if he was to let go, i would be lost forever, and so would he. This is amazing. I am so glad i choose to do this. The song is almost over. 
" You know I'll be
Your life, your voice your reason to be My love, my heart Is breathing for this Moment in time I'll find the words to say Before you leave me today"
The song was over but he was still standing there grasping onto my hand, and staring at me with his emerald eyes that felt as if he was peering into my soul. We stood there silently staring at each other like we were the only two people in the world. After about 30 seconds i started to pull away. It was obvious that other people were getting agitated. he reluctantly let go of my hand, like he was afraid it was all a dream. 
The boys started to sing Rock Me. Harry kept looking over at me as i laughed, cheered, and sang along with the other fans. I felt someone tap me on the back. He was very  large and wearing all black. "Its my father! hes sent people for me." it immediately rushed through my mind. My entire demeanor changed in an instant  Fear crashed through me like a tsunami. As the man reached out for me i screamed and attempted to back away. There was nowhere to go. I was trapped, and now im dead. I looked up frantically at Harry, we made a "settle down" gesture with his hand and motioned for me to go with the man. I instantly settled a little bit but i was still fear stricken and riddled with anxiety. At least it was just.. omg Its Paul. wow now i feel like a total and complete idiot. i walked through the crowd with him. He lead me to a dressing room and apologized for scaring me. I told him not to worry, and asked him where he was going. He could see that i was obviously scared and nervous. he said that if it made me feel better he would wait outside the door. I thanked him and entered the dressing room. I was told to make myself at home. I flipped on the t.v and curled up on the couch,watching the boys perform from THEIR dressing room.
~Harry's P.O.V~
All i wanted to do was finish the concert and get to her. I knew she was there. I had sent Paul to get her. She looked horrified... i wonder why. I couldn't wait to finish the concert and finally get to meet her. I hope i am making the right move. i really do. There is nothing i want more than to have someone to call my own, someone to fill the empty pieces of my heart. Have i found her? I hope so..
~ Lilly
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hazzas-kitten69 · 12 years
SAVE ME A Harry imagine- Chapter 1
~ Cassie's p.o.v~ 
" Cassandra get me my dinner. Hurry up you lazy ass, no good for nothing child. Maybe I should feed you less so that your not so fat and can move faster."
I was used to this abuse from my father. After my mom disappeared 2 years ago nothing has been the same. He became lost for a while. Doing nothing but sulking around . and then he became really angry. And who was there for him to take his anger out on.. oh right.. little old me. It doesn't really matter anymore. The closed fisted blows no longer sting as badly. The vicious words go in one ear and out the other.. sort of.
I thought all this while i went and retrieved his dinner. I hope it was what he wanted. I was in no mood to be beaten tonight. It would ruin everything. Actually it doesn't matter, beaten or not, I'm still going; and I'm still going to enjoy my last night on earth. Because I won't be waking up tomorrow. I'm done. I rubbed my freshly bruised ribs and ducked to avoid an coming plate. 
I handed him his dinner and asked if i could go to bed. It was 10. I had a half hour at least before he passed out and I could leave. I retreated to my room and started getting ready. I knew he wouldn't be checking in on me anymore like he used to when i was a child. I spent a few moments looking back on my childhood memories of me as "daddy's little princess." now a days, i was just "daddy's little punching bag."
~ Harry's p.o.v~
I couldn't get this dream out of my head. A few nights ago i had a dream. we had just gotten to New York, and we were getting ready for our concert that night. Madison Square Garden . my dream finally coming true. It was my first and hopefully not my last time performing there. Finally the rush of adrenaline that i enjoyed so came, by the roars of the crowd. i ran out onto the stage with the boys and we began our set. We got through kiss you, back for you and what makes you beautiful, when i noticed her. Standing in the third row, dead center was a girl.. more like an angel. She was shimmering and staring up at me. I reached down and grabbed her hand. In that instant everything stopped. I felt a firm grip on my shoulder, when i looked over there was nothing but a hand. There was a voice attached to the hand. It spoke to me, "when you find her, don't ever let her go. She will be your salvation, as well as you hers. She is special, it will be her last night if not for you."
I woke up from this dream and thought to my self " just calm down. there is nothing to be freaking about. I am certain it was just a dream."  But the thing is, I"d been having that dream for the past moth. Over and over, and sometimes it would go as far as me loosing her, and seeing her on the news the next day as dead.  At that moment in my head i heard the same deep soothing voice call to me, "Harold my dear boy, head my advise wisely. take caution in what you think. Salvation" 
I rolled out of bed and ran to Louis' room.
*Bang bang* " Louis! Louis! Louis open up please! Its an emergency!"
"Ughhh Harry, this better be important. It is, yeah?"
"Yes!," i replied. "Yes extremely please!"
" alright, alright come on in." I opened the door and darted in as quickly as i could. I explained to him the dream. 
" I think it was god Lou."
" woah Haz, calm down there mate. it was probably just the pizza you and Niall ate before bed."
" No mate I"m serious. I've had this dream before, It has to be."
" Alright man what ever you say. if it will help you sleep better.."
" Louis, I'm scared for our concert tonight. What if shes not there.. and it really was a dream and i still have to be all alone... or what if she is there.. oh man. don't tell anyone, yeah? its our secret, i don't need them thinking I've gone off my rocker."
" yeah mate, look go back to sleep, we have like 3 more hours until we have to get ready for sound check."
~Cassie's P.O.V~
i lay in my bed thinking about how i was going to do it when i got home. gun... no there are no guns in the house. knife.. too painful. i rubbed my throbbing ribs and looked at my bruised wrists. *idea* i could just piss my dad off and hopefully have him beat me to death.. no not reliable enough. Pills. Yes pills will work. Its easy and not painful. just OD and its all over in a haze. 
Thoughts like this scared me. They scared me so badly but i couldn't take it anymore. If i didn't finish myself, he eventually would. There is no way I'm making it to being an adult. He'll kill me first.. so i won't let him. I wont let him have that joy.. I'll take it from him just like he has taken everything from me.
30 minutes... 30 minutes and counting until i sneak out of my window to start walking to the concert. It starts at 11 so i should make it.
~Harry's P.O.V~
When we walked into Madison Square Garden i gasped. It was huge! I had never seen it before. I walked around for a while. Finally the stage manager called me over to start the sound check. we walked onto the stage and we started singing what makes you beautiful. I got to the middle of my solo before I screamed and realized what i was looking at. I was looking at the scene from my dream, only with out the people. I looked over at Louis obviously frightened. He called "Umm fellows how about we take a break." he walked over to me and sat me down on the end of the stage. "L- L- Lou -Louis. its exactly the same. Its- its the same scene from last night. I've never seen MSG before i swear i swear it I've never seen it before."
" Ok Harry. I believe you. look mate, its probably just some coincidence  Lets finish the sound check and talk later."
" No Lou. i don't want to talk about it. Ever. we will never speak of it."
"Ok what ever you say."
*this is my first fanfiction so please dont hate on me.*
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