"as a ni dom it feels like my brain can do things on its own"
Like spiraling thoughts or like telling yourself that you really shouldn't/don't need to eat the whole bag of something right now or that you should finish your task first before doing something else but doing all of that regardless?
I narrowed down the functions to pretty much know my second and third function.
But I can't figure out if I have Si as hero and Ni as demon (fourth shadow function) or Ni as hero and Si as demon. How can I not know this? It drives me crazy.
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As an INFJ, I'm totally used to my friends
- not answering at all
- answering after a week
- answering after two months
**istj hasn’t replied to infj’s message for days**
ISTJ: I’m SO sorry I meant to really it’s just been so busy and there’s been such bad service at mine and here’s a screenshot proving the service has been awful see my phone hasn’t even…
INFJ: dude. INFJ: **used to enfp taking weeks to reply** INFJ: ITS OK ITS FINE it’s literally f i n e
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You heard of the infamous infj door slam, yeah? Or saw this meme with an infj in a box, trying to come out, being hurt and immediately getting back in and making the walls a lot thicker? Try combining that.
An online friend of mine has a condition that I don't have, but many tips to help that condition actually help me with my anxiety (since they are focused a lot on mental health). So I told my friend about that and they didn't understand it. I don't know how they felt about, if they were hurt because I compared myself to them even though I don't have that condition or if they just didn't think much about it, no idea. But I felt ashamed for asking and didn't dare to write with them again for a while. And that was the door slam. I just can't think of anything to text them. I lost my connection to them. Just because of that.
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The 16 personalities a Cognitive Biases
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Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and everything else:
@ mbtitime and @ typefy.me for more serious content about the 16 types
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Hey! I have something to say.
So I'm an a INTJ and have INFJ AND INFP friends and they were discussing about who have worst temper or whom they fear the most between 4 of us and all of them rank INFJ first.
For INFP I was at the last and for INFJ I was again in the last position along with INFP.
And this leave me shocked (kinda) because intj's are the scariest or their anger is not good (I found that on Google). Yeah, I don't get angry that easily because from my prospective that's meaningless, I would less care about my emotions, I just don't give much attention to my emotions/feelings. But still INTJ stereotypically are the most scariest (?)
Is that mean I'm not an INTJ or what? If you have an answer I would like to hear it.
definitely don't think you have to start reconsidering ur type aah like for starters ur emotional tendencies aren't connected to mbti, but yes, certain types might tend to certain emotions.
interestingly, yeah, i do find the intjs around me (and not just intj over here) tend to anger rather than sadness. that's not gonna be for every intj tho, and that's not to say i think that the ones around me have a temper, or that i'm scared of their anger. tbh kinda the opposite.
anyways ur little analysis on how anger is meaningless is very intj of you, i will say. intj's aren't known for regularly expressing anger either.
anyways, yes often intjs are scary but really really definitely a stereotype. it's more just that they can have a certain intensity from the whole Ni-Fi thing, and especially with the bluntness of Te they can feel like a force. no need to reeavulate ur type just for this i promise sbhssh its not a necessity to be scary
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I narrowed down the functions to pretty much know my second and third function.
But I can't figure out if I have Si as hero and Ni as demon (fourth shadow function) or Ni as hero and Si as demon. How can I not know this? It drives me crazy.
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I've been obsessed with the concept of 16 personalities for over a week, without looking into other concepts. Kinda sounds like strong Ni to me.
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Did I say that I finally know who I am?
I don't. I found out that I could also be an INFP and even though both of them have completely different cognitive functions, I cannot figure out which type I am.
I'm about to cry out of frustration.
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Going through infj memes and alternating between laughing, saying "yep" and singing "but it's trueeee"
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This site is amazing. Understanding, relatable and informative!
Fellow infj, go check it out!
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I teared up reading more infj posts. I didn't know that others struggle with the same things. I didn't know it's part of my personality that I struggle with the balance between being alone and doing what my loved ones want to do to make them happy. I knew that I did it but I didn't know others do that too!
I don't believe in everything because obviously every person is unique and a lot is based on stereotypes, but feeling so understood that I tear up is amazing
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Potential indicators of introversion and extroversion in NFJs
Moderately stimulated when alone in a room
Extremely easily overstimulated by being around people and needs very little or even indirect engagement with them for moderate stimulation and well-being
May have difficulty focusing on work when music or radio is on
Less concerned about visual appeal of spreadsheets and more about substance of data
Clutter in the home tends to be accumulated more passively and/or in lesser quantity
Chemist, software engineer, social psychologist, literary fiction writer, artist/cartoonist, small business owner, real estate, mechanic are popular careers
Earth tone pants, pencil skirts, shirts, knit sweaters, comfortable shoes
Low brain activity when alone in a room
Drained by being around people but needs to engage with them in structured activities occasionally for moderate stimulation and well-being
Often enjoys having music or radio on while doing other activities
Obsessed with colour coding spreadsheets
Actively accumulates decorative clutter in the home
Biologist, environmental engineer, social psychologist, accountant/financier, sports coach, arts educator/administrator, journalist, documentary filmmaker, artist/photographer, literary fiction writer are popular careers
Red and black checkered or plaid flannel sweaters, jeans, socks with fun patterns/little animals, knee high boots, sandals or ballet flats, sunglasses on top of head
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16types being rude AF sometimez.
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Which one are you?
Follow me on:
Instagram, Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, Medium 👉🏻 @ mbtitime
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Still trying to figure out if occasional mental breakdowns over small things is mental illness or just the general experience of being INFJ
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Like really🥺🫀No am not questioning!
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