iamahobbitbean · 9 months
Let talk about Susanna Collins
This women is such a brilliant writer.
When she wrote the hunger games. Well it is a very detailed and overlay beautifully written story. Ms.Collins let so much room for other additions to the books series .
She is writing goals.
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iamahobbitbean · 9 months
Happy Christmas everyone
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iamahobbitbean · 10 months
if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
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iamahobbitbean · 10 months
We were robbed of Hope and Josie
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iamahobbitbean · 10 months
Lets talk about Finnick O'dair
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All this hunger games stuff. The edits and the interviews. Make me really miss Finnick.
Th youngest victor in the history o the games. He was only 14. When he was 16 years old he was sold by Snow. Which is gross. Poor Finnick.
He deserves better.
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iamahobbitbean · 11 months
Lets talk about Hope Mikaelson
Hope Andrea Mikealson. The miracle child. The one and only Tribrid. Lets just say that I love Hope Mikealson a lot. She is one of my favorite characters.
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For all you guys who don't know who Hope Mikaelson is. Here's a quick summary of her. Hope is a character form the TVDU. She was born on May 2, 2012. To werewolf Haley Marshall and original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson or
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(I know you can hear this photo if you have watched the show as many times as I have. ) Hope family is basically the whole reason for the TVD. Her grandmother Esther Mikaelson. Created vampires. Doing a spell to turn her children into the Original vampires.
Her father is also the earths first hybrid. (werewolf and vampries) His wolf side is why Hope is in alive. The miracle baby. Hopes mom. Haley Marshall passed on her werewolf side to her daughter. Both being a part of the crescent wolf pack. The bloodline of the first ever werewolf.
So her family being a long line of witches, dad vampire side and mothers werewolf side. Made Hope a tribrid. The only one of her kind. Which is why she had people after her. Even before her brith.
She had a hard begging. Hope was ripped from her mothers arms at her brith and almost killed. This was just the begging of her trauma.
But now that you know a little about Hope. Let me talk about why I love her
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Hope is so Selfless
Hope said it herself "My name is Hope Mikaelson. I come from a long line of villains."
Her father is known as 'the great evil' He was feared and had so much darkness inside of him. Klaus put his siblings to sleep by putting daggers in them. Making them miss years or not even decades. Klaus also gave Elena Gilbert a lot a trauma, killing her aunt is one of them.
Hope could have inherited this angry. But she didn't. Hope put herself on the line constantly. Even becoming a full Tribrid to save the world from Malivore.
Hope would do anything and everything to save the people she loves. Sure she does make mistakes. Like hope turning Lizzie Salesman into a vampire is one. But she had her humanity off and regretted it.
Overall Hope is always the hero.
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What Hope did for her family
"this was our hope our family's hope" This was said by Elijah Mikaelson. He told this to Klaus after he thought they lost hope, that later became name. She was her families Hope.
The Mikaelson's protected Hope with everything. It is pretty clear they loved her. All of them.
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Rebekah took Hope away from danger when it was too dangerous for her to stay in New Orleans. Raised her or seven months. Later on Rebekah took on part of the Hallows soul to protect Hope. Hope made her feel human.
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Hope to Elijah was everything. He once said "I would violate everything sacred under the sun in the name of recusing my niece." Elijah even gave Hope her name. Thinking it was his job to keep her safe. He did that even dying for her.
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Kol and Hopes relationship is rarely seen in the shows. But I can tell Kol is like the fun uncle. Having taking a piece of the Hallows soul in him to save Hope. He seemed to me to be the only one to keep in contact with Hope, understanding her upset of not having her family together.
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Freya is like Hopes second mother. Being there for almost Hopes entire life. Freya taught Hope spells and magic. Hope to Freya is like her daughter. Hope trusted her enough to let Freya stop her heart.
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Marcel might not be a Mikaelson by blood. But he is a Mikaelson. Hope and him are brother and sister. Marcel never harmed Hope and kept her safe. Loved their bond.
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What Hope did for Klaus
It safe to say the Klaus loved Hope more than anything. His littlest wolf. Hope changed Klaus for the better. There wasn't anything that Klaus would haven't done for his daughter. He in the end died to protect Hope.
Before Hope Klaus was well a monster. But Hope brought out a softer side of Hope, with her Klaus experienced Unconditionally Love.
"My dearest Hope. My littlest wolf. My miracle child. What a gift to be able to leave you one last message. So please carry it with you in the years to come. I want you to know this. You will make mistakes in your life. That comes with being a Mikaelson. You will go through hard times. For no one with your power always knows how to use it properly. You will find love and you will lose it. For such is the burden of immortality. But the most important thing about your life is that you live it. Because you are my Peace. And I regret a lot of things, but I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. I love you so much. Always and forever."
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I could list so many more reason I love Hope. But let me leave it here. Hope has been through a lot in her life. I miss her. At least she got her happy ending.
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