iambabystay · 3 years
Hello baby Stays!! I hope you have been doing well and keeping safe and healthy!! (●’◡’●)ノ
I’m back to shower y’all with some more content…..I’m keeping it fluffy as of now since I haven’t tried writing anything else so far….
So here y’all go….
The boys had been very busy with their recordings, prepping, lining up the songs along with mixing and editing. In short it was nothing less than being ✨Chaotic✨
You had planned on visiting the guys and see if they are doing well…..but more importantly you had gone there to see your boyfriend. Chris had been knees deep in work. Running round, doing errands, arranging meets and making sure the album is released on time and they have a successful comeback. You hardly saw him these days but it was alright. You knew he was gonna be this busy since he had such a busy career and you knew better to respect his time and space.
As you entered the JYP building you saw 2 guys standing at the elevator door frantically pushing the elevator button in hopes of the lift reaching them sooner. They seemed worried. But as you got closer, you recognised them right away, they were Han and Hyunjin. You greeted them and they greeted you. You asked them why they were in such a hurry to which they replied, “Chan hyung is in pretty agitated today and we don’t wish to get on his bad side, so we’re hurrying up from our break.”
You entered the lift with them and the atmosphere was very tensed. As you came on the floor, it was bustling. You could hear pretty loud music from one of the recording studios at the end of the floor and you knew that’s where you were gonna find Chris since the boys headed in the same direction as well. As you entered the room, you saw a figure sitting on the chair in front of the editing computers with headphones on and fingers continuously tapping on the keyboards, creating a melody of its own.
You quietly greeted the other members in the room and took a seat behind on the couch. You did not disturb Chris. Also you didn’t want to be a hindrance in his work.
The members were really anxious. This was the atmosphere that you had already prepared yourself for. As soon as Chris was done with his work, he turned around to find you sitting behind him with a sweet smile. You could see that the way he smiled back, he just felt relieved to see you there. You hugged him and told him that he was doing just great and there is not a single doubt in your mind and heart that his hard work won’t be paying off. This album is definitely gonna be a success. He laughed hearing that and said, “You know I still need to work harder and be better. It’s still not enough.” To which you retaliated, “You better not say that ever again. If you see from our eyes, you’ll know how much efforts it takes to even do half of the work you do. So please stop underestimating yourself.” He just hummed and gave you a tight squeeze before letting go.
It was break time and everyone had gathered in the cafeteria. Just as they were deciding what to eat. You came in running and yelled, “WAIT. NOBODY ORDERS ANYTHING!!” Everyone was surprised and Hyunjin literally jumped in his seat with his phone almost falling off of his hands. (our drama llama).
You then placed 5 bags on the table(yes that you carried from the car to the cafeteria with the help of the guards). Everyone was still confused as to what the matter was. As soon as you started opening the bags, a very familiar and homely aroma filled the cafeteria. Everyone seemed excited to see what you had in those bags. To their amazement, you had packed home cooked meals for the entire team. They were more than happy to see that. Changbin literally screamed in excitement, “Yaah…Finally Y/N!! This is what I’m talking about🤩🤩…”You laughed at his silly antiques, and took out the containers which contained fairly large proportions of food.
Chris saw you struggling and came to your side to help you out. He said, “Babe, you didn’t have to do this. We could have had something at the cafeteria.” To which to replied, “Sweetie, I know what y’all have been going through for these past few months. Even though you don’t show it, all of you have been pretty stressed out. I just thought I could do something to help you guys feel better, even a little.” To which he smiled and kissed your forehead. You heard a loud Ahem, and you turned to see a very hungry Seo Changbin with a pair of chopsticks in his hand and a cloth stuffed on the collar of his tee like a bib. All the members burst in laughter. You did not delay it any further and the food was served. Everyone was very pleased and you could see their stress disappear. They were enjoying the meal to their heart’s content. They were being playful and being themselves after such a long time. You missed this. You missed seeing them so carefree and child like.
You sat to eat your food after everyone had sat down to have theirs. Chris waited for you as well. You both sat down in front of each other. You ate your food and talked about stuff, joked around a little. Over all it was quite a fulfilling meal you had over the past few days. The same could be said for Chris and the other members as well. As soon as you all had put the trays away, you still had a trick left up your sleeves. You received a call and went out to answer it. You came back in a few minutes later with 2 shopping bags. Then you placed it on the table and handed out a large glass of boba tea to each member. With little cards attached on them saying “fighting”. They all literally laughed like small children.
Chris was so happy to see you do this. He thanked you every minute and so did the others. You stated that you didn’t wanted to be thanked to do what you did. It was your responsibility and your duty to cheer them up and motivate and support them during such times. Everyone did a group hug and then headed upstairs to get the unfinished work completed. They were more motivated and focused now. They wrapped up earlier that day. All of you headed to the dorm together. Everyone headed to bed. You and Chris went to bed as well. He held you close and didn’t wanna let go. He said, “ I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I’m the luckiest person ever. You’re just so pure and loving. Thank you babe. Thank you for everything today. You don’t know how much it helped us.” To which you smiled and kissed his cheeks and said, “ I know you guys needed this. And please love, don’t thank me, it’s not a favour, it’s my love for all of you.” He pulled you closer, squeezed your cheeks and peppered you with loads of kisses. You laughed and peppered him with kisses as well. Then you both slowly dozed off to sleep.
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iambabystay · 3 years
It’s my first time writing fanfics!! I hope you guys enjoy it!! Do let me know if you guys want any kind of improvements and have any special requests ✨
☀︎︎ Even though his schedule must be jam packed, but he never forgets to drop you a sweet text. Reminding you that, you are the one who he loves the most and who keeps on motivating him and supporting him.
☀︎︎ Whenever you guys hang out, he’s always hugging you and snuggling up to you. He says that he misses you a lot during his busy schedules and would love to take you along if possible (although you’re not opposed to this idea, you don’t want him to end up in any sort of trouble).
☀︎︎ And OH MY GOD!! HIS HUG!! 😍😍😍😍
He gives the best warmest hugs in the world!! ( of course you can make that out from all the v live hugs 🌚) . Whenever he hugs you, you are engulfed in his arms, his broad shoulders cover you and you feel safe.
☀︎︎ Also, he just loves to share his hoodies with you. He loves to see you being all happy and excited the moment you get to pick a hoodie from his wardrobe. Whenever you put on his hoodie, he giggles and pulls you closer and peppers you with soft kisses all over your face saying , “Oh my gosh! This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!”
☀︎︎ When you guys cuddle, he always spoons you. He is very caring and protective by nature. He wants to make sure that you’re always taken care of and are warm and happy. But if he’s had a rough day, he’ll just silently come and plop over you, placing his head on your chest and hugging you, not speaking a word. You just stroke his hair and let him fall asleep. The next morning, you wake up to a “breakfast in bed”. That’s his way of thanking you.
Bang Chan indeed is the best Boyfriend Material ✨
(Pun intended)
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