iammrskeltal · 7 years
Taylor Swift and The REAL diss in Look What You Made Me Do.
A word of advise, the more you read, the more sense it makes, it is a LONG text, but please take the time to read it.
Okay gals and guys, ladies and gentlemen, im here to genuinely break down the REAL meaning of Look What You Made Me Do. I mean, yeah, sure, a lot of people just go on and on about how the track is just basically a diss track to all of taylor’s “celebrity feuds”, but let me tell you, there is SO much more than that. It becomes way better when you see it like this, so, lets get to the point, Yes, it is a REALLY long text, but well, its worth it….i guess.
I’ll prove my point with the lyrics, i’ll break the song and build it up again, and you will see a new song, a way better song (yeah, believe me, it can get better).
First of all, what is the real target of the song? Not Kanye, not Kim, not Katy. No no, like Blank Space, the main target here is the media, how they portray her to the world, how they manage to create things about her, what she does, what she doesnt, how they always have something to say about her, everything. Now, lets break the lyrics down shall we?.
“I don’t like your little games Don’t like your tilted stage The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don’t like you I don’t like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie You said the gun was mine Isn’t cool, no, I don’t like you.“
To be honest, this part was the most difficult of them all, i mean, with all the Kanye and Kim feud still going on, i really thought this was aimed at them, i even considered to leave this piece of the song behind, but then it hitted me like a train, the last piece of this puzzle was placed. So, this start isnt really that hard to get once you think about it, the media plays gameswith Taylor Swift, they invent stuff, they like to generate drama around her life (yeah, i know!, even more drama than it is already!). But why the tilted stage, right?, this means that they like to focus on her, like, if any artist do the same thing as her, they don’t even talk about it, even less if its a male artist (mainly their relationships), for example, how many artists decided to NOT share their political stance? A lot. And how many were called White Supremacists about it? Yeah, you guessed it right, only Taylor Fucking Swift. Or, well, let’s see, how about counting people relationships like its some kind of game? Hoping and waiting until they break up to write even more articles about how Taylor Swift always does the same thing over and over?. I mean, a lot of artists tend to have a lot of relationships, but who they care more about? Yeah, you got another point, Taylor Swift again. And this is a perfect crime, i mean, lets talk/write about Taylor Swift, say whatever we want, invent stories to sell and get views, say whatever, nobody will care if its true or false, just say it and thats it, its a win-win situation since taylor persona is so bashed that people nowadays tends to believe most things they write about her. What’s true doesn’t matter anymore, they decide which role Taylor have to play there, no matter the circumstances, yeah, sure, she can make mistakes sometimes, like everybody, but for the media, Taylor is always the one to blame.
As the songs says, they lie, they laugh, they blame her (say the gun was hers), and you got another story to tell the people, no matter the authenticity of it, thats not important.
"But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!”
This part is pure gold. Just listen to this, she already showed us that she stopped getting frustrated about what the media said about her (yeah, sometimes its inevitable but im talking in general), with time she got harder (because she tries to not care about it) and smarter (because she learned how to cope with it, she learned how to turn it into her favour). She rose up from the dead because, lets be honest here, how many times did you read in the media “IS THIS THE END OF TAYLOR SWIFT?”, “IS THIS TAYLOR SWIFT FEUD GOING TO BURY HER?” or well, things like that, maybe not literally but you got my point fellas (take the song Mean as an example), and she is still here, better than ever.
AND THEN, THE BEST PART OF THAT VERSE, just listen to this, im going to write it again, I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, you read it? Well, now get this, which name is she talking about? Who did she checked twice?  It can’t be Kim, this would be the first song about her, Kanye? maybe, i mean, she has “Innocent” about him, but i believe this would be more of a Kim song, do me a favour and let’s think about this for a second. WHO TF IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? The f**** Media, Blank Space was the first check on that list, she decided to answer the media in that song, she understood how to play the game and made them know, and now Look What You Made Me Do it’s the second check to them, she, again, copes with all the negativity they throw at her constantly and decides to use it again and show them she can beat them.
But if you don’t believe me, there is more, there is MUCH, just keep reading.
“Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do”
The chorus changes dramatically when you understand the real meaning of the song. Its not about a new and bitter Taylor who changed for worst because of all the problems, who was forced to be dark or something like that, its not a counter-blame about who she became to be able to move on with her life, no, i mean, we saw her, she still is our little beautiful heavenly pie we always knew, what the chorus really aims for is the news about her.
Just put it in perspective, she says “Oh, look what you made me do”  like, oh, so, what did you invented now? What did i do now? So now apparently im a white supremacist, so now apparently im anti-gay, oh, so now im not friends with Selena/Karlie anymore, oh…now Joe it’s upsed because im in the spotlight? There are MILLIONS of things like this, and the list goes on and on, every piece of news that isnt true about Taylor’s life become something that the media made her do (for everyone that reads those news and actually believes them). The media knows that for some people, the rumours they spread becomes something Taylor did, they become her actions (even though she didn’t do them).
“I don’t like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me You asked me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (What?)”
When i listened to the song i tried to link this with the Kanye and Kim feud, but i couldn’t, now i get why, it isnt about it. This, in my opinion, is about how the media wanted to get to know taylor, before she understood the game, she invited them into her life, she was more public, but then everything changed. This whole verse is a metaphor about how the media stole her life in some kind of way, she is no longer in control of the truth surrounding her life, the kingdom keys (her home, her life) dont belong to her alone anymore. Now the media can say whatever they want and it will become the truth about her life to some people. They not only took her keys, they threw a feast means they started spreading rumours about everything, i mean, a feast is A LOT of food for many people, they enjoy it, they talk about her just because they can, no matter true or false, about old loves, the new one, old friends, new friends, politics, whatever floats their boat will get published just because she was naive enough to let them get deep into her life in the past, she gave them a place to sleep, a place in her life, and now they are part in control.
“The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma And then the world moves on, but one thing’s for sure Maybe I got mine, but you’ll all get yours”  
This changes a lot too, now its not about a Taylor that lingers in the past, trying to get a dark revenge to everyone who wronged her (gotta admit that would be funny tho). This is the image the media portrayed about her since forever, she is never the one hurt, she is never the good one in the story, she is the one to blame, she plays the victim, even if people played with her, for the media, she uses people and throws them away (its not like we all have more than ONE relationship in our fucking lives, right??). The world moves on and the media always shares more news about a Taylor who will get revenge on eveybody, they say DRAMA and KARMA is all she cares about, dont talk about how she helps people, fans, ill people, people affected by natural disasters, women in need, no no, all Taylor wants is REVENGEEEE, at least thats the image the media sells about her. They say she is stuck in her own world where only revenge matters, no matter the circumstances or the problem, taylor never gets to tell a story about her life, no no, the media tells us that taylor gets revenge, taylor uses people. And Taylor finishes this by saying “Yeah, i know things happen in the world, i know the image you portray about me, im preeeeeetty aware of that, but dont worry, ill use it”
And now, the last part of this masterpiece:
“I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams”
This is basically the image the media portrays about her, nobody trusts her and she doesnt trust nobody, she uses people and people know she uses them, there is never trust, never friendship with anyone. For the media the squad is fake, her celebrity relationships (as friends or lovers) are fake, she cant have boyfriends, she only have targets, she cant have rebounds, she only wants stories to write new songs, she cant have friends, she only wants attention, she cant have problems/fights, she generates them for profit. The media managed to make Taylor look like a crazy woman who only cares about money and herself, not giving ANYONE EVER her trust, and thus, not receiving it, since she doesnt want it anyway, because she uses people. The actress starring in your bad dreams is pretty strong too. What is a dreams? Lets say its someones imagination going wild, is Taylor able to control what other people dream of her? Absolutely not. So, the message here is that she is playing the main role in a fictional story someone is making about her, is she able to stop it? no, is she able to act and stop being the bad in that dream? nope, neither, it is a bad dream (a bad story) and she is starring it. If people try, they can always find her as the main villian in their fictional stories, and there is almost nothing she can do about it. If people wants to blame her for anything, they will be able to (for example, white supremacism again, i mean, no matter what she does, no matter if she proves people 1283183 times that she is not racist, she is called a White Supremacist, i mean, she have really good black friends and danced with Todrick Hall (who says she is the sweetest person), you HAVE to be a white supremacist, right??? RIGHT??. Okay, so, to conclude this part, since she is not the one dreaming it, so she can only see what other people makes her do, she, as a person trapped in someone elses bad dream can only Look What You Made Me Do.
I hope you liked what i wrote, i have to say im sorry if something its not well written since english is NOT my first language, but well, this is what i really think  Look What You Made Me Do is about.
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