ian-sherwood · 6 months
Ian was a petty thief before joining! Still does steal stuff to help the poor in Westfall.
What qualities does Kat look for in prospective recruits for Unit Eight? Does she/where does she draw a line when it comes to criminality?
What qualities does Kat look for in prospective recruits for Unit Eight?
Consistency and reliability
Situational Awareness
Charismatic and/or combat prowess
Is not horny on main 24/7
Questionable moral compass
Kat is very picky about selecting recruits and tends to watch them from afar for several weeks before approaching them with an offer.
Does she/where does she draw a line when it comes to criminality?
Unless you were an extreme terrorist or slave trader, Kat doesn't care. She's an ex-criminal. All but one member of Unit Eight are ex-criminals. Hell, SI:7 was founded by reforming criminals. As long as you are not openly bragging about your criminal life, it's fine.
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ian-sherwood · 9 months
Ian be like: "Put me in, boss! No one messes with the people of Westfall!"
Actually, it's a good thing Ian probably isn't made aware it would make him very upset and angry...which wouldn't bode well with his condition.
Disinterring Toxins
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The Director sat in the candle-lit office, her focused gaze scanning the detailed case file spread out before her. With an exasperated breath, she reached for the crystal decanter at the edge of her desk, pouring herself a generous amount of whiskey into a glass. Detailed within the file were the recent discoveries of three new victims in the Westfall area, all of which had been killed using a similar modus operandi. The victims had been found in different locations across the region, one in Moonbrook, another on the northernmost coastline, and a third along the river that separated Westfall and Duskwood.
After letting out a heavy sigh and taking a long sip from her glass, the Director rose from her seat and proceeded to place three red pins onto the map that hung on the wall. The map showed six distinct locations where corpses had been found, but there was no discernible pattern to indicate the killer's next move. Even when the points were connected and the center identified, the search area was vast, covering almost the entire region, and yielded no promising leads. Kat was growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress in the investigation.
As her tired eyes perused the multitude of pages, notes, and pictures plastered around the edges of the Westfall map, the Director couldn't help but feel fatigued. Her fingers went to pinch the bridge of her nose as she struggled to make sense of the complex puzzle before her. The amber liquid in her glass lazily swirled as her mind mulled over each piece of information, and the azerite stone around her neck shimmered to life, staving off the fatigue for the moment. The political tension caused by Agent Thurmon's inferno had only served to hinder their investigation, further complicating their access to Moonbrook. To make matters worse, the already delicate trust between Stormwind agents and the local communities had eroded considerably due to the actions of the Defias holdouts that were roused by the Agent's actions.
The Director found herself in a difficult and complex situation that required her to burn a political favor in order to avoid an official hearing upon one of her agents and their accompanying operative. She dismissed the thought with a gulp of whiskey and turned her attention to the basic analysis of the toxins collected from the first victim. Unfortunately, the analysis provided little information that she didn't already know from previous encounters with Tindall. As she waited for the detailed report from the eldest Parkhurst sibling, Kat sank back into her chair, rubbing her forehead as intrusive whispers from a darker beyond slithered in the recesses of her thoughts, reminding her of all possible truths, that more bodies would surface in the days to come.
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[ Mentions: @ani-thurmon @maxparkhurst ]
[Zion Tindall]
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ian-sherwood · 9 months
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ian-sherwood · 9 months
anonymously make an assumption about me and i'll confirm/deny it
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ian-sherwood · 11 months
Reblog this if you are an active Alliance WRA/MG  or Horde WRA/MG Character Blog!
My dashboard has been a little quiet lately so I’m looking to find more WoW RP blogs to follow, support and interact with! Let me see those amazing OCs!
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
"Ohhhh, an assignment! Aww... with Myz.."
Chasing Shadows
The Director sat at her desk, staring intently at the stack of case files in front of her. She took a sip of her whiskey, letting the familiar burn of the alcohol radiate through her nerves. Shadows in the corners of her office held a darker, more sinister presence, kept at bay by the lamp upon the desk. She flipped through the files, analyzing each report and shred of evidence with a critical eye.
Victims in Westfall were burned by caustic fluids from the inside out, and others nearly melted down to the bones by unknown chemicals. Undoubtedly Zion Tindall's work surfaced again after vanishing from Duskwood a year prior. With a displeased exhaled, the Director's pen scratched across the deployment form. Agent Thurmon and Operative Castillon were to run down leads, as Kat checked off boxes allowing Thurmon some grey space in interrogation methods and Castillon permission to exhume any bodies already buried in Moonbrook.
Pressing the wax seal to the order with a heavy hand, Kat poured another glass of whiskey and moved on to the next folder.
Priests from the Conclave were found dead in Stromgarde. Signs of extreme torture before the bodies were hung from stones outside the city gates. Beaten and battered before being shot in the back of the skull in a clear execution. The methods used indicated that Angelus Withers had moved north again after ripping through a group of forsaken apologists in Duskwood two years prior. Kat collected another form to recall Operatives Arilyth and Sherwood, knowing that Myz would appreciate another chance to capture the Hallowed Harbinger after slipping through her fingers five years ago.
Wax pressed once more as the order was sealed for delivery to the addressed persons. With an exasperated groan, the Director pinched the bridge of her nose before downing the entire contents of her poured drink.
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[Mentioned: @ani-thurmon @myzariel @ian-sherwood]
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
Send me a rumor about my OC and I'll confirm how close it is to being true!
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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Sentinel Hill, Westfall (53, 51)
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
WHAT DA?? Ian is just the test subject?? Rude! I also don't trust why Kat needs potions thst bring out the feral nature of a worgen...
To Rattle the Chains
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Kat stood upon the stone outcrop, the gentle breeze rustling her hair as she gazed out over the serene park. Her eyes drifted across the vast open space, listening to the one-eyed alchemist below as she collect a bowl of soup from a street vendor just below her perch. Their gaze meeting for a brief moment in silent understanding.
With a covered bowl in her hand, Max respectfully approached her, acknowledging her position. "Director," Max spoke as she settled on the stone, holding the bowl carefully in her lap.
Kat's attention turned towards the bowl in the alchemist's lap, her curiosity piqued. "Is the soup for actual consumption, or some sort o' experimentation?"
"I don't play with my food," Max scoffed, tapping the lip of the bowl. "Augustine is watching the shop this evening. Thought I'd fetch him something."
"How kind 'n sisterly." The Director muttered, feigning interest.
Max clicked her tongue in jest, "I do try," she replied, turning towards the promenade below. "Business or pleasure, Director?" the alchemist asked with a smile, gesturing to the people below.
A curt snort forced through the Director's nostrils as her lips flattened at the corners. "As much as I love jokes about pleasure everyone seems t'make... Do I ev'a make an appearance in public for anything other than business, Miss Parkhurst?"
"Suppose not." Max hummed in agreement. "You'll have to excuse me, Director, if I so wish to cushion your professional demeanor with a bit of light-hearted banter."
A faint smirk curled the edge of Kat's lips, "Th' absolute audacity," she muttered before scanning the area. "A quick word, however, is my business here. I'll try not t'bend your ear for too long. Wouldn' want the soup t'go cold."
Max nodded understandingly, "Certainly not. Cold soup makes for a terrible meal," she quipped, raising a brow. "You have my attention. Unless you'd prefer a more quiet place to speak business?"
Shifting her attention fully toward the alchemist, the Director gave her a knowing stare. "When do I eva enjoy public crowds or the noise?"
"Fair enough," Max chuckled, rising to her feet with the bowl held securely. "Lead the way, then."
Kat motioned vaguely as she turned on her heel, leading Max to a quieter spot for their discussion. Choosing the longer route to ensure none were tailing, the two made small talk on the newly re-opened shop that the Parkhurst siblings had acquired. Whether or not the Director truly cared was uncertain, but the long walk to the far corner of the graveyard in silence would have been less than ideal.
Navigating beneath the vine-covered trellises, she approach one which held a tub of water and a handful of fish. Gloved hands rested upon the weathered rim as she stared down into her reflection in the water. Sinister thoughts and whispers of self-loathing began to stir in the deepest recesses of the Director's mind.
"I trust things have been goin' well with Sherwood's potions?" She inquired without looking away from the water.
Max took in the scenery with a subtle nod. "More or less," she remarked, turning to lean against the trellis. Her myopic gaze traced the vine's path upwards, tongue tapping against the backs of her teeth. A sigh eventually fell from her lips. "I've been researching the technicals behind the curse along with corresponding treatments. The result is just a lot of theory and postulation, though, without a real test subject."
The alchemist's fingers drummed against the bottom of the bowl. "All that to say— I've only a trial sample to offer."
As she gazed at her reflection with disappointment and disgust, Kat let out a low hum from behind her lips. Shifting her focus to Max, she leaned back against the water tub as her arms crossed beneath her bust. "Ian serves as the primary test subject, being th'only worgen in our crew," she explained. "But that's no' th'only reason for our conversation. There's something else that doesn' require Sherwood or anyone else's involvement."
Max's gaze snapped back to Kat, and the corners of her cordial smile twitched upwards. Revealed the faintest hint of a fox's wicked grin. "Then, at your word, I'll have the first samples delivered to Mister Sherwood." She paused, head canted as she recollected her smile. "You've my attention and discretion, Director."
Kat raised her hand for a brief moment before nestling it back into the opposite elbow with a shallow nod at Max's initial statement, a silent green light to deliver the trial potions to Ian. "Good. I need somethin' t'do th' opposite of wot Ian's potions will do. A concoction that will, let us say, uncage the beast within someone who is afflicted, rather than calm it."
Max's brows rose to meet her hairline as she incredulously blinked. "Might I ask why?"
The Director maintained her solid expression as she looked the alchemist back in the eye. "You may not."
Max clicked her tongue. Then nodded. "Fair enough."
"I do no' plan anythin' of ill intent. If that is of concern." Kat offered in a monotone.
A hum escaped the alchemist in her breath. It sounded more contemplative than condescending. "I am paid to craft potions and maintain discretion." She summoned her cordial smile and offered it to Kat with a slight inclination of her head. "What you do with my creations is beyond my concern. Though, I appreciate the reassurance nonetheless."
Max's shoulder rolled in a subtle shrug. "A lot of frivolous fluff to say I trust you, Director."
"Trust is generally earned, no' given, but I appreciate th' statement all th' same." Kat chuffed with a quick roll of her eyes.
"Fair enough. I'll begin work on your request as soon as I am able." Max replied before her brow raised once more to voice a slight concern. "This will require more valuable herbs and reagents, so you know."
"Send me th' invoice and I'll make sure it's taken care of. Either that or a list of th' reagents 'n herbs and I'll arrange a delivery." Kat dismissed the matter with a shrug, unbothered by the financial impact it may carry.
Max's warm smile lit up her face ever so slightly. "Wonderful. You can expect to hear back from me soon," she said, pushing herself away from the trellis and tilting her head inquisitively. "Is there anything else that needs to be addressed?"
"No, that's all," Kat replied, gesturing with two fingers towards the path. "You should go before the soup freezes."
"Of course." Max chuckled softly and started down the path, waving briefly over her shoulder. "Enjoy your skulking, if that's what you prefer, Director."
The Director let out a low, grumbling sound, lips pursed tightly as her gaze narrowed. "I do not skulk," she muttered, glancing briefly at her reflection in the pool before heading off in the opposite direction.
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[ @maxparkhurst ] [ Mentioned: @ian-sherwood ]
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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A crate dressed in brown packing paper and tied with twine waited for Ian at his doorstep. Being no bigger than a bread box, it appeared light. A cacophony of glass rattled inside when the deceivingly heavy package was lifted. It smelled faintly of peroxide and alchemical ash. The envelope tacked on the front labeled the recipient but not the sender. A crimson wax seal needed to be broken, first, before reaching the letter within. 
To one Ian Sherwood,
   It read in a precise font. 
Here is a month’s supply of your requested medication. Thirty-two ounces need to be taken every twelve hours; once in the morning and once in the evening. I advise you to take it with food. As this is a test trial, I’ve supplied you with antihistamines should any unexpected side effects occur. Please keep a daily record of your both physical and mental state. Diligent notes are appreciated. 
Best wishes,
M. Park 
Straw cradled a line of vials inside the crate. Amber-colored contents churned within the treated glass, casting a faint glow. Leather strips coiled around the neck of each vial. Cards that read off dosing instructions were also attached to them. At the bottom of the cards was a warning written in bold, italic letters: DO NOT MISS A DOSE 
A leather-bound book also accompanied the vials as promised. With its pristine cover and crisp pages, it appeared to be a recent purchase. 
Faint floral whiffs and the distinct scent of alcohol wafted from the vials when opened. They tasted severely bitter despite the vaguest infusions of honey. A jaw-clenching bitter that’d make any reasonable man question his decisions. It’d be best served with something sweet to offset the acrid taste.
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Ian came out of his bedroom approaching the dark-haired woman that sat at the dining room table, his neighbor Eve Goodwin. As he drew closer he noticed a small package sitting on the table in front of her, "Well well I wasn't expecting any gifts today, though they are always appreciated, what did you bring me, madam Eve?" Ian teased as he leaned forward placing a hand on the desk as he looked at the package and then Eve. "I didn't bring you anything. It was on your doorstep and figured I would be nice and bring it in so someone doesn't steal it." Eve retorted before standing up from the chair, "I just came here to double check that you were going to watch my cat the next few days since I have to leave the city for business."
Ian's attention fell to the package as he lifted it, surprised by it's weight for a moment as he gently shuffled it to hear the rattling inside before perking up at Eve, "Hmm? Oh, right, your cat. Yeah, of course don't worry about it I got you covered. How hard can it be to take care of a cat?" Ian laughed as he then focused on the package and began to open it carefully revealing the vials of faintly glowing amber liquid. A purse of his lips came as he pondered what they were until he reached for the letter and opened it. His eyes scanning over the letter briefly as he realized what the vials were for. "What are those? Eve asked gazing from the package up to Ian.
"Uh.. nothing, just some samples of alcohol from places I've never been." Ian lied, horribly, with a smile, "Anyways, yes I will watch your cat no problem, just bring her over whenever."
"Right..." Eve side-eyed him for a moment, "I'll bring her over later with her food and everything." She started backing away towards the door as she spoke eventually smiling, "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." Another smile was given from the young thief as he watched Eve leave, as soon as the door closed his attention immediately returning to the letter. This time giving the letter a better read through.
"Twice a day? Seems like a lot, but okay." Ian shook his head and continued to read, "Anti - hiss - mines? The hell are those? Side effects?? What am I the test subject here?" His shoulders then slumped accompanied by a roll of his eyes, "I have to take notes too! What is this??" He let out a heavy sigh as he dropped the letter with a pout.
Tomorrow would mark the beginning of his new treatment having to detail every aspect of it..
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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Alabama Hills, California // Corey Wolfenbarger
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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Ian waiting to be added to the banner
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The full guild banner commission!
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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While out pickpocketing eggs into people’s inventories Ian ran into @foxglovethings​ LOL
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
200 Word Challenge
Theme 3: “It’ll make you feel better”
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Stormwind City, Year 31
Sitting down at the table in the Pig and Whistle Ian let out a grunt of pain, his eyes darting around anxiously. 
“Relax, kid. No one is going to come looking for us, they didn’t even know we were there.” An older gentleman with salt and pepper hair sat beside Ian as he patted him on the back, “You did good out there for your first theft in the city. This is where the big scores are, the goods that can make you rich.”
The young Ian let out a sigh of relief at his mentor’s reassurance, he was a nervous wreck going on his first real job in the city, having only stolen from people on the roads who looked well off or guards. This was new. “Are you sure? I did make a lot of noise falling out of the window like an idiot. And hurt my leg to boot.” He whispered.
“I’m positive.” The older thief reassured him again before waving at the barkeep and making a hand gesture to which the man nodded and within a few moments brought a bottle of Badlands Bourbon and two glasses. Leaving it on the table as he stepped away back to the bar. “Come, drink with me, it will make you feel better. To a job well done! You’re first of hopefully many. Your mother will be proud.” 
Opening the bottle he filled both their glasses about halfway before sliding one over to Ian. The young thief blinked as he looked at the drink having never had alcohol before, his parents taught him that it dulled the senses. Giving a shrug he grabbed the glass before bringing it to his lips and taking a big sip.. PFFTTT! Ian immediately spat, sending the gold liquid flying everywhere and coughing. “I think it’s gone bad..” he choked out pointing at his glass.
The older man laughed as he watched the young Ian cough up a lung, “You get used to it, kid.”
(Thanks for the tag @caedun​ I went ahead and did this on my alt instead of Damien!)
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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It's your favorite bartender! Ready to mix, flirt, and serve all at once.
Done by @hettikovacs on Twitter
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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Ian out and about celebrating Noblegarden, pick pocketing eggs onto people without them noticing.
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ian-sherwood · 1 year
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