ibzecena · 7 years
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Last sit on the train please!!!
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ibzecena · 7 years
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The long railway...
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ibzecena · 7 years
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The Sunshine, The Girls of the Bench and the Secrets.
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ibzecena · 7 years
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Warm safe place but hiding the most darkest secrets about 1932.
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ibzecena · 7 years
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Sunshine seems doesn’t stop the pass of time
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ibzecena · 7 years
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Waiting for the Train of Time!!!
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ibzecena · 7 years
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Stairway to Back in Time
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ibzecena · 7 years
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Maybe I can see how the time is moving
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ibzecena · 7 years
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The family walking through the time.
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ibzecena · 7 years
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No time inside...
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ibzecena · 7 years
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The Train of Thoughts...
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ibzecena · 7 years
Nice Retro Cover!!!
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the cover to Daredevil (1998) #3 by Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti
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ibzecena · 8 years
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#JeansDay👖 #GrayJeans #LightBlueJeans #SelfishShoes #PEarthShoes #Friendship #SomeoneSpecial #NadieDebeSaber #Shhh #Secret #HighHeelsVsCasualShoes #TaconesYCasuales #HavingGoodTime #LatePost
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ibzecena · 9 years
Tu tiempo es limitado, así que no lo desperdicies viviendo la vida de otra persona. No se dejen atrapar por el dogma . No dejes que el ruido de las opiniones ajenas silencien su propia voz interior . Y lo más importante , tener el valor de seguir su corazón e intuición. de algún modo ellos ya saben lo que realmente quieren llegar a ser. Todo lo demás es secundario.
Steve Jobs
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ibzecena · 9 years
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs
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ibzecena · 9 years
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Luna llena, atardecer e inicio de la noche en Colonia Zacamil, Mejicanos!!!
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ibzecena · 9 years
La visita del Papa Francisco a Estados Unidos (Y)
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TIME’s new cover: Pope Francis Meets America
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