Jungkook as an ISTP x Cognitive Functions
So, as BTS released MBTI test results with Festa 2017, I was going to go back on all of my analyses and re-think everything in order to make my impressions fit with what I was seeing. But then I realized they ranked the accuracy of their results, and that delighted me. Because oftentimes, the MBTI is taken in Korea in high school as a career aptitude test, which means the accuracy of the results is questionable. And, sometimes it is just really hard to get an accurate result taking MBTI tests, even if you try to answer the questions truthfully. Which is where cognitive functions come in (and, of course, exploring other type descriptions as well). 
A lot of people who like MBTI don't know about cognitive functions, but they are basically what determines one's MBTI type. Here's a link to a good article about cognitive functions, which I will be using as a source for this post.
I'm a bit of a cognitive function rookie myself, so if I get something wrong please feel free to correct me. This series of posts will be based on cognitive functions. I might do some later posts just relating to their actual type descriptions. :) 
I'm going to go with what most of the members said about their types; particularly, I think J-hope, Jin, and V seemed to feel that their types were quite accurate. Jimin seemed mostly satisfied, but I still think there is the possibility he is something else (but will comment later). HOWEVER, Rap Monster, Suga, and Jungkook's types need some more fleshing out. CLEARLY. And although Rap Monster gave his type 4 stars, that one 5th crying star was too much for my heart...I still think he's INFJ. So without further ado, let's talk about why Jungkook is not an INFP.
As an INFP, Jungkook's dominant function would be Fi. In a dominant position, Fi exhibits itself as a moral compass. An Fi user is highly preoccupied with how an action fits into their moral code, and will make decisions based on where that action finds itself in their sense of morality. My INFP brother has very strong feelings about his morals and judges everything by those morals. They don't have to match the system around him, but are instead his own unique set of ideals that influence all of his decisions. A caveat: Fi users usually know very well how they feel about something and are comfortable with theirs and others feelings.
His auxiliary function would be Ne. Ne is focused on the possibilities of a concept. Ne users will entertain all of the manifestations of an idea, no matter how crazy.
His tertiary function would be Si. Si is a nostalgic function. Si in the tertiary position is concerned with matching previous facts and experiences with current ones and making connections between those experiences. It manifests as nostalgia as well sometimes, or a longing for the past.
His weakest, inferior function, would be Te. Te is an executive, logical function. In its inferior position, Te manifests when the user is stressed out. And a stressed out, inferior Te looks like someone on a power trip. Lol, just kidding, but the frustrated Te user comes across as someone who cannot set in motion the plans they have, and feels inferior because of this. They fear others perceiving them as inferior, incompetent, or immature, and will lash out with "bossiness" and sensitivity to criticism of their decisions and executive abilities. *This is one reason why Rap Monster /could/ be an INFP, because he sometimes has these types of reactions to the other members when under pressure.
However, I don't believe Jungkook is INFP. My reasoning goes as such: we do not see Jungkook vocalizing his use of an internal, emotional, moral compass as an evaluation of his decisions. While he is often seen observing, his observations are made towards the physical that he is interacting with; he is intrigued by how things work. We don't see Jungkook getting nostalgic, either. Whether it is because he's so young, or because of his personality, he isn't often seen reflecting back on his earlier days like, say, Yoongi. Instead, Jungkook lives in the moment, a typical trait of SPs.
Finally, I refer to the "Hamburger Incident" and "Birthday Surprise" videos. Under both situations, Jungkook does not become aggressive. Instead, it feels more like taking pot-shots at a puppy...which is exactly what it is, based on his inferior function as an ISTP. He insists he brought hamburgers, he insists he didn't get the dance moves wrong, and then he retreats because he isn't able to insist on his point in the waves of his highly emotional response (which he is unable to control).
As an ISTP, Jungkook's dominant funnction would be Ti. In a dominant position, Ti presents itself as a fact-gathering, highly introverted function. Ti users can appear quiet and shy, and when presented with a new situation will sometimes hang back to take in all of the information they can about the situation before making an analysis of what they wish to do next. They are preoccupied with determining how all logical systems work and love to point out any inconsistencies in those systems. We can see Jungkook using his Ti in his cool, almost nonchalant reaction to most things occurring around him. He quietly takes in information and enjoys spotting the inconsistencies in others stories. He is assured of his assumptions regarding the world around him and this contributes to his "I got this" attitude in most situations which he can, or has already analyzed. Ti users tend to be independent thinkers who prefer making their own observations before determining whether or not something is as others say it is.
Auxiliary Se: Se is a physical function. Se in the auxiliary position is fascinated with the physical world and wishes to experience many enjoyable feelings, sensations, and emotions. They are preoccupied with the current moment and wish to live out as many exciting, exhilarating moments as possible. We can see this in Jungkook's affection for roller coasters, the banana boat ride, the paraglider, and just about anything that gets his adrenaline running. He is most at home in the moment. His introversion still rules, however; he cannot match up to Jimin's extroverted prowess on stage, despite his smooth dance moves in practice videos. His image leans toward the quiet, sexy one instead of the spotlight stealing heartbreaker. And he's comfortable with that.
As an ISTP, Jungkook's tertiary function would be Ni. Ni in the third position comes across as a kind of passion for perfectionism, which Jungkook shows us constantly. He is the golden maknae- he can do everything, and he prides himself in that. When his abilities are questioned, such as in the video where he is surprised for his birthday, he just works even harder, believing that there must be something wrong in his approach which can be improved upon. This is the essence of tertiary Ni. In fact, I think his second and third functions were easiest to pinpoint in this analysis. Lastly, an ISTP's inferior function is Fe. I'm going to quote the post above as I think they just nailed the inferior Fe description so well for this one: "As an inferior function, Fe originally manifests as the user being reluctant to dabble with or express emotional concerns, as the user cannot logically make sense of many of his or her own emotions and therefore doesn’t feel confident in moderating them. As Fe matures, its user will feel increasingly comfortable making and keeping emotional commitments to others, as they grow more confident in what is expected of them. The inferior-Fe monologue (prior to maturation): “Feelings make me freeze with anxiety because I don’t know how to moderate them. I am terrified of accidentally offending someone.” "
And this is Jungkook's feelings in a nutshell. His birthday surprise video sums it up well; although he is delighted to be surprised by the other members and staff, he is somewhat offended that his emotions were so easily toyed with. He doesn't enjoy showing emotional sides of himself, as he himself doesn't understand those emotions. He is also terrified of offending others as can be seen during the "Hamburger Incident". He becomes paralyzed by the fact that he might have unknowingly hurt or offended someone, all while being hurt and offended himself and perhaps not even realizing it. Others might assume that an ISTP is made of steel based on their cool, risk-taking, highly independent, sometimes impulsive personalities. But they are not. In more developed positions, Fe is the loving, people-pleasing, puppy-dog warmth of Jimin and J-hope. Those with inferior Fe can exhibit that too. But at Jungkook's age, they are usually terrified of showing that side of themselves, as they don't understand it. Though affectionate, Jungkook can come across as a bit cool and reserved to anyone other than his closest friends, which arguably are some of the other members of BTS. His moments of emotional breakdown are a result of either feeling comfortable showing those emotions in front of others, or being assaulted with a sudden onslaught of disapproval and criticism, which literally hits him in the feels. An Fi user, like an INFP, would be 1. more comfortable with this emotional response (instead of describing it as "annoying" as Jungkook did) and 2. would react rigidly to others criticism, perhaps even lashing out or becoming cynical. Jungkook simply collapses, and that's why I think he's an ISTP. A huge thanks to Heidi Priebe for her amazing article on cognitive functions, which introduced me to this lovely mess which is typing. 
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BTS x MBTI analysis
so, I’ve been looking around the internet for stuff about bangtan sonyeondan (BTS/Bangtan Boys) personality types based on the MBTI, but I couldn’t find a collection that suited my impressions exactly (some were really close though!). As a result I’m writing up my own hehe.  Obviously we all have our own opinions and mine are completely subjective so with that, I’ll get started. I’ll eventually link each member’s name to a longer post fully analyzing why I picked that type and my thoughts behind it--once I write those posts, hah.  Let’s go youngest to oldest, shall we? Jungkook: ISTP 
Why: Jungkook has puzzled me for a while. Kookie has manly charisma mixed with standoffishness, and that baffled me. He’s also constantly moving. I entertained ESTP, but I couldn’t get over how delicately shy Kookie is sometimes, almost coming off as a feeler, so I thought about ISFP, too.  I had to get help on this one, so I looked for what others were typing him as. I saw ISTP come up in a few results, looked at the description, investigated the functions, and decided. Yes, this is it. Jungkook is an ISTP.  Cognitive functions: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe
Taehyung: ENTP
Why: I have this ENTP guyfriend who dressed up in a lady bug dress for Halloween and went around his college taking selfies with all the little girls dressed as lady bugs and it was a mix of weird and cute and I don’t even know, but Tae is just so extra.  My opinions sound officially uninformed right now. But actually, the ENTP’s dominant function is extroverted intuition. It’s that guy with the attention span of a squirrel entertaining a gazillion different off-beat, socially inappropriate ideas at once, and that is Tae. He also has a fascination in how things work and tweaking situations, especially if he can make them work to his advantage, a typical Ti trait.
Cognitive functions: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si.
Jimin: ESFP
Why: Jimin’s entire face, body, and movements scream “sexiness”. Actually that isn’t a good reason, I recognize that. Overall, Jimin came across as a wave of movement, a constant desire to be one with the moment. His body is his pen, canvas, and greatest weapon. He’s always in on the action, and always ready to make new friends. Whenever a member needs love, he’s there, and he’s comfortable enough with his emotions to properly deal with seeing theirs. ESFP was a no-brainer for me.  Cognitive functions: Se-Fi-Te-Ni
Namjoon: INFJ
Why: Yeah, I know, big tough guy with a deep husky voice who goes around writing explicit pre-debut songs. Doesn’t strike you as NF cinnamon roll material. But let’s go ahead.  Namjoon loves to talk about creating connections among people, and how we can all experience a particular feeling or moment, no matter who we are. He lays low in many situations, particularly emotional ones, in an effort to read the group’s general state and act accordingly. He doesn’t show his own emotions very often. He has strong intellectual curiosity. And he experiences the physical world in an unpredictable and uncomfortable way sometimes (bless his poor speakers...sunglasses...appendages...). Cognitive functions: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se
Hoseok: ENFJ
Why: Hobi is your local Mr. Sunshine, self-proclaimed and proud of it! Hoseok isn’t afraid to announce that his role is to make you happy. He wants everyone to feel comfortable and liked, to the point that he might sometimes forget his own wants or needs. He sees people, events, and life in general as a wealth of connections (similar to Namjoon). He wants to be connected. Unlike Namjoon, he is better at adapting fluidly to new situations and is fairly in tune with what is going on around him.  Cognitive functions: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti.
Yoongi: INTJ
Why: I have an INTJ brother who is also the king of shade and queen of ice.  No, but really. Yoongi perceives the world of music in particular as interconnected, and he has big dreams related to the mainstream industry and hip-hop in Korea. These complex dreams he balances against a harsh perception of reality, where other people criticize, scoff, and drag you down for such idealistic views. His counterattack is to level out just as much salt as he is given. ;)  Cognitive functions: Ni-Te-Fi-Se.
Seokjin: ISFP
Why: Jin is our one and only pink princess who is doing his own thing, no matter what you think about it, people. Jin’s emotions are rooted in his internal world, and he’s not really a people-pleaser or a trend-follower- he makes up his own rules. He actively seeks out new external stimuli to fulfill his desire for novel experiences. He dislikes being underestimated or dismissed by others and will actively voice his frustration with this behavior even when he might just be overreacting.... “STOP BEING THIS WAY TO HYUNG”. Cognitive functions: Fi-Se-Ni-Te.  Longer analysis for each member to follow...sometime...
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