iceeold · 2 years
side blogs are over rated. if you follow me for one specific interest THATS TOO BAD CAUSE IM INTO 6000 DIFFERENT THINGS MWAHAHAHAH
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iceeold · 2 years
I know I’m posting a lot today. I’m just on a roll, sorry
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iceeold · 2 years
Cough 👀
Checking the tags for your uncommon kintypes like:
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iceeold · 2 years
Villain - Pinky and the Brain Animatic
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iceeold · 2 years
*disappears for three months* gay mice be upon ye!
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iceeold · 2 years
Rainbow Furby Deepdive
Now that I've decided my website is a sea slug fansite (long story) I don't have anywhere to put my rainbow furby research. I considered putting it in a youtube video, but decided to post it to tumblr instead.
Anyway, here it is! The forbidden furby lore.
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On the 14th of June 2016 supersonicmario0770 made a post on the adoptafurby forums. The thread was titled "Rainbow Furby?" and included a link to an archived ebay listing.
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"I have never seen one of these before or where it came from. I can't find it when I look it up, no sign of it anywhere online but this ebay listing. It's pink with rainbow ears, hair, and chest."
At first most forum members thought it was a customized furby with dyed fur, although some thought it could be an unknown prototype. While the ebay listing is unarchived, we know roughly what it said.
On the 15th aibo7m3 posted this:
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"I would err on the side of caution and and say that it's probably a custom too, but the seller's story is that this furby was an employee gift given to some of the members at tiger electronics (including her husband)."
Two weeks later on July 6th furbyandchips made a forum post, providing pictures of their own rainbow furby.
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"My friend bought me the other rainbow furby the seller on ebay was selling. Identical to this one. I do not believe it to be fake or custom made. I have inspected it closely and the bottom of the box was open, so the inside cardboard can be removed, but the furby is still attached to the cardboard and didn't look tampered with. All tags are present and in mint condition. Everything is as it should be and looks like it was made in a factory and not customized by someone. The seller told my friend the same story which I believe to be true going by the fact the other furby she bought with it was only furby number 4 of that release, which makes me think it could of been someone who worked for tiger to have such a early one. This furby is in a regular box but if you look at some of the other special editions they too were in regular boxes."
Three years later, on the 19th of January 2019 furbyandchips provided an update on their website heyfurby.com.
"Hello Furby Fans! To start off our new blog, I thought I would write about a very interesting Furby in our collection. I do not know her Furby name as I have never switched her on, she is still attached to the cardboard base from the factory. We decided to name her May May, which means Love ;-)
A good friend found May May on Ebay America and I have never seen another furby like her. A while ago I posted about May May on a furby forum to try and find out some information about her, but no one there had ever seen or heard of this furby. I'm not sure which generation she is, if she is a prototype, limited edition or something very special. She has all tags present and looks to be an Official Furby Release.
Looking at the photo you will see she has rainbow eyelashes and a purple face plate, unlike any other furby. She also has rainbow pattern ears, mane and belly.
Her colours are amazing and I wonder if there are any more around like her. We will always treasure May May and hope to eventually find out more information about her. Stay tuned!"
furbyandchips quickly provided an update on the 21st. In this post, furbyandchips described searching the wayback machine for furby.com articles, finding what they were looking for on a page titled 'news updates'.
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From the 9th of November 1999 until the 1st of August 2000 a competition to design a furby took place on the back of Post brand cereals. Children 17 and under were asked to color in their own furby design, and send their entry in the mail by the 1st of August 2000. Twelve designs at random would then be selected and posted on furby.com where a winner could be voted by the public.
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The winner was Brittany from Missouri, who won a trip to the furby design studio in Illinois, as well as recieving their own furby. However, furbyandchips was still left with some unanswered questions.
"So it turns out that this is in fact an official Furby-Tiger Release! (some doubted this on AdoptaFurby Forum). I wonder if 'Brittany from Missouri' still has her Rainbow Furby? Also were any of the other 12 entries created?
As far as I know, there are only two Rainbow Furby's in existence. The one that I own, and the other one the original seller (maybe) still has? After some more detective work, I found out the other rainbow Furby had a highest bid of $525.00 before the seller chose to end the auction early! I can only guess they had a change of heart and wanted to keep it."
Eight months later, on the 11th of august 2019 an update was posted on the private facebook group Furby Collectors.
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"Hi guys! I'm brand new to this group, and while I'm not a “collector” per-se, i am very proud of this furry rainbow dude right here. He's one of three in existence, made in 2000 when i was just 10 years old. i just so happened to be the lucky winner of a coloring “design your own Furby” contest hosted by Post cereals back in the day. i was flown to Rhode Island with my family and allowed to tour the Hasbro factory, meeting the artists, getting sneak peaks into prototype toys to come, and got to meet the CEO himself! He presented to me, in a formal greeting ceremony, with three of the Furbies I'd designed as a little girl. One to play with (kept outside of the box), one to keep sealed, and one they put into their archives. i felt ike a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Truly a dream come true for a kid. Sadly, when i was 16 years old, 13 years ago now, my boxed Furby was stolen from me and sold by my late older brother who had been battling an incredibly difficult and heartbreaking addiction. I've come to terms with it over the years, but have always wondered what happened to the rainbow siblings of this furry cutie. I'd seen images posted online of an Ebay listing with one of the sibling Furbies before but have not discovered much more about their fates. thought I'd reach out here and give a bit of backdrop to this weird story in hopes i may learn something! Here I've included a goofy photo of my multicolored friend from recently and a clipping of the arcticle written from when i was an excited 10 year old girl!"
This still leaves some questions. If the other furby furbyandchips's friend bought was number four, then why would the facebook poster believe there to be only three in existance, why would furbyandchip's believe only two to exist, and why would the original ebay seller say their husband recieved two as an employee gift?
We can most likely rule out the brother making both ebay listings, since he only had access to one furby. Could there be more rainbow furbies that we don't know of?
If you have any more information on this furby, please get in touch! I tracked down the news article the original creator was mentioned in, but I needed a newspaper.com subscription to view it so I wasn't able to get further information from that. I also wasn't able to check the facebook group for further updates as I don't use facebook. If anyone has pictures of the back of the rainbow furby and can share them, that would be appreciated!
Here's some more images:
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iceeold · 2 years
ive started getting my friends to trade me things
what i can be paid in:
• shinies
• snacks
• objects i like [pens]
what i can provide:
• goods
• services
my friend asked me if i had any food. i told her i could let her have some of my lunch. i now have a black ballpoint pen
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iceeold · 2 years
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“What did the ghost look like?” “Huh?” “You said you saw a ghost, but you never said what it looked like.” … “It was rabbits. I know- I know that sounds stupid, but that’s what it looked like. Like these three dancing rabbits, or rabbit people or something, going around in a circle. Just going and going and going… And they were all bruise colored. Purple, blue, that gross sorta… yellow green or whatever you call it. Three dancing rabbits.”
- I See You, Sundrop! Ch. 62
Hey @shirajellyfish. I did say I had another in the works :)
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iceeold · 2 years
Hey! Do you have any tips on how to safely act on or more primal urges, like biting, scratching, humping, stalking, scenting, hunting, etc? I feel quite shy showing these traits and even more coming out as a therian to any of my partners, so it would be very cool find normal-ish ways to bring it up or exploring them by myself
You may have to have some degree of conversation about it but I’ll give some options from “least conscious” to “ok ur an animal”
Scented candle- light a candle of a specific scent to mark the area as yours. Clothes should pick up the smell! As well as blankets so it can be euphoric
Nest- a pile of blankets with a creature in the middle is always fun! Its not really that put of the ordinary anyways plus its quite fun!
Jerky- you can chew the shit out of jerky and people cant give a shit. Find some really tough pieces and go to town
Chicken wings- very HRHRHRHGJRRHHRHGSHS food i hear a lot of people love it for that reason.
Peanut brittle, nuts, and fruit gummies are also good animal foods, fruit as well like strawberries or blue berries!
Slime or squishy- you can really stab the shit out of a slime or squishy probably not fun to bite but you could bite jello for the same vibe.
A designated chew toy. There are stim toys online with food safe silicone usually on a necklace. You could get one to chew passively! There are also dog bone shaped chew toys so as a canine ish (would trexs be prehistoric wolves?) thing myself thats fun
The humping pillow- look… sometimes you find a nice pillow you go have dinner blah blah blah. A designated item to hump isn’t really abnormal or atypical id say and most humans do it so. Knock yourself out!
Scenting something. If a candle isnt enough (its not for me) either go work out or get sweaty or put some perfume on and roll on shit. Its gonna be more obvious but also pretending like your very tired and thats why your dragging your face against the bed is pretty chill. You can also just cuddle with someone their gonna smell like you. You have scented them congrats
Pointed nails. I cut my nails with nail clippers to points and call it good. It works well!
Foraging/ rock hounding- looking for objects lets me animal pretty well and notice my environment. Sometimes its very obvious when im animal mode though sometimes not. So this might be something to possibly be a conversation starter about.
Animal noises- this is definitely gonna be a conversation but just saying you enjoy making them and typically their “cute” so most people think its a quirk.
M-shifting - i recommend meditating and being an animal, getting into that head soace if you can. This is going to be something that has to be discussed about probably which is why its last. But if you find some alone time or they warm up to the idea your good to go!
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iceeold · 2 years
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Some doodles from the latest chapter (mostly) of I see you, Sundrop! by @shirajellyfish. I have been rotating it in my brain for days, in spite of me not really caring about Security Breach all that much. It’s just that good.
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iceeold · 2 years
Мне не помогают всё эти таблетки...
(All these pills don't help me...)
the hospital ward of a paid psychiatric hospital in Piedmont. It's beautiful here, sometimes a little dry, considering our previous place of residence. Utah was good, but after the unknown, I couldn't be there anymore. Mom and stepfather tried to help me and Greg as much as they could. You know, sometimes trying is not enough. We moved here about a year ago, during which time I managed to make a few friends, although it usually takes longer. I didn't feel that way with them... Lost, scared. I was not overtaken by the feeling of inevitable death, the inevitable and the unknown. Dipper and Mabel were the best people in my life, they made me feel so much better. Sometimes they met me from a therapist, I was surprised that they didn't think I was weird or dangerous. You know, they are just friendly, nice, comfortable, but at the same time unexpected and exciting. They are ready to protect me the same way they protect each other.
My feelings for Sarah gradually cooled, I freed myself from the shackles that captivated me and moved on to a sense of freedom. Now I could write about the world, about the beautiful rays of the sun, or about the anxiety and corruption of life that I experience. There are still important people in my poems, they are part of the world, they are the ones who are the guide. They are the ones who are the guide to the world. They are the ones who make me feel that sadness and anxiety are normal, this is something that can be dealt with. "You can handle it. We will try to help!"
Хоть на стену лезь и пальцами в розетку...
(At least climb the wall and put your fingers in the socket... )
The doctor said that external help is not enough, you need to fight yourself. How to fight if there is no strength? Where are those beautiful, soothing hands? I want to be in their arms... Parents, Greg, twins.... Dipper. I liked his words so much. His gentle hands on my back. I liked to run my hands over the scars on his shoulders.Looking at them endlessly, you might think that this is a fork... Actually, I don't know. He only said that they had healed recently, I decided not to ask yet.
Хочется на ружу, там же так красиво
(I want to go outside, it's so beautiful there)
He came to me, he was allowed. I don't know how, but if the twins want something, they will achieve it. We were sitting together. We talked. He asked me how it was, what was wrong with my condition, and I said it wasn't bad. Not bad... It stood still, by and large, but he shouldn't worry. I want him to smile, his soft lips stretched with this small, sweet smile. My poems are mostly now either about hopelessness, or about the outside world that he describes to me. Outlining sounds with soft movements of the lips and a flexible tongue. I always forget how to do it when he's around.
I'm still desperate.
Можешь улыбнуться, это же так мило
(You can smile, it's so cute...)
a gentle touch of my cheek, and these lips are on mine.
But it won't help.
These are the lines from the song. I could write something better, but I don't want to yet.
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iceeold · 2 years
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Queen of the cosmos 😌
(My partner gifted me this long furby and I’m never gonna stop talking about it)
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iceeold · 2 years
But I am
"Im not a sexy furby!"
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iceeold · 2 years
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This is doo-loo! She’s not done yet but I really liked how this photo came out so I thought I’d share!
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iceeold · 2 years
Pinescone hc idea:
Ok so like it’s sorta like beast!Wirt except his soul isn’t in the lantern *yet* he still has to light it.
His step dad gets a job in gravity falls and so they all move there.
Wirt obviously hates it bc spooky woods are a huge Nono thx trauma.
Meets Dipper and they work together to reveal the mysteries of the unknown and junk. Oh btw Wirt lot the candle and now is starving bc he doesn’t wanna hurt anyone
Possibly more story but I haven’t thought that far ahead
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iceeold · 2 years
This is gonna be me while watching the fnaf movie with my parents
"this is my favorite part" i say as the goriest, most nausea-inducing, bloody, bone aching and teeth grinding murder begins to play onscreen
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iceeold · 2 years
New fursona drop
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