icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
Overly Attached Wife Part 1.
Ariel is in Mexico until Friday and I feel myself slowly succumbing to a feeling of distinct lack of purpose, and crippling social anxiety. Even though I know he's safe with his family, the horrible thought of coming home to a husbandless apartment has filled me with so much despair that I'm too terrified to leave the apartment for the foreseeable future. If I didn't start work on Monday, I would be wholly content to hole myself up in my apartment until his return. Unfortunately, that's not an option. I don't know what to do. I'm fully aware that this sort of dependency isn't healthy, and we have discussed this before, but at least he has the luxury of a distraction in the form of an all inclusive resort, while I have nothing. I have friends who invited me to do things, but I can't seem to say yes. I feel like my heart is broken even though there's no sactifiable reason for it. When I'm stressed I neither eat nor sleep, and it's all my will not to drink myself to either state so I'm walking a precarious line. I want him to have fun so I don't blow up his phone every five seconds. But this is superb hard. All I wish is for my baby to have a safe, speedy return.
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.
No one should scroll past this
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
CITE IF YU KNOW! sorry caps, i mean, *Oryx* lock was pressed. RUNNING WITH IT.
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
I need help
Does anyone know if there is canonical Grimoire evidence that the Awoken have powers similar to or more powerful than Guardians?
Like, I’ve heard some speculations that Mara Sov has the power of telepathy and I have sat and watched Petra Venj a lot (don’t ask why) and have occasionally seen her make her knife float in the air, but I don’t know the specific Grimoire cards that prove/disprove this.
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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New Social Space - Felwinter Peak
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
Tea Time ♡
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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Destiny is slowly becoming a no-fun zone according to this user. And I'm over here like
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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Rise of Iron - Trials Cloak
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
Have you seen the new chroma colors they sneaked in? (theres now green, magenta and orange) I just got magenta from a sterling treasure
I just woke up so I just saw that they did when reading the patch notes!
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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Rise of Iron Hunter Trials Gear + SIVA Ghost
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
can u not
I feel like there aren’t enough normal people who play Destiny. It’s like my fire-team options are
12-year-old who wants to be carried or thinks he knows everything about the game plus his voice is annoying;
thirst-machine who thinks everything that’s female is obligated to sleep with him and will harass you in PM after you boot him for the 1123487346283746283th time, and;
shit-talker who doesn’t take you seriously and KS’s you nonstop, and then complains that you’re ‘useless’ despite you picking up after he makes stupid, reckless mistakes.(Can anyone say ‘unsung hero’?)
Oh! Let’s not forget ‘Has every gun and needs to tell you’ and ‘oh look at these twelve super secret quests I’m gonna annoy you about bc I’m too low level to do them alone but you’re not so carry me’.
like can u not
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
....determined Half-elf Fighter from a slave owning city who is afraid of dogs.
So I’m a comic relief character? C’mon.
What's your D&D character?
Copy and paste your results:
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
We approached the trio of class leaders, and the first to react was Ikora. She looked up, her eyebrows raised in surprise as she wandered away from the table and approached us.
“Analiese,” she said with a small smile, hands folded in front of her pleasantly. “I had heard that you had returned from the Temple of Crota; Eris Morn was quite eager to speak with you, but it seems she’s run off somewhere. The Vanguard was very happy to hear that you survived, though the rumors of your state were… troubling. But it seems Messi has gotten you to a coherent state again. What a blessing that man is.”
“Happy to be back, Ikora,” Ana replied with a nod. “Has… has Cayde heard that I’m out yet?”
Ikora shook her head. “Cayde has been attending to his own business until just a few hours ago, and I don’t believe news of your release has reached him yet. Though I’m sure he won’t be upset at your visit. He’s here now.”
“And Zavala?”
“Zavala was the first to hear of your discovery, thanks to your friend here,” Ikora answered with a nod in my direction. “I presume the Titans keep amongst themselves, as do the Warlocks and the Hunters. Perhaps you should speak to Cayde; he was rather distraught when he heard you went missing all those months ago.”
“Thank you, Ikora,” Ana answered with another nod.
The three of us began wandering back over to the Vanguard table, where Zavala was the first to look up. His eyes met mine for a brief moment before they wandered back over to Analiese. Cayde was bent over a map, muttering something to himself as Ikora cleared her throat.
“Did I win the bet?” Cayde asked as he looked up, though the surprise on his face indicated that he’d been greeted with something other than what he’d been expecting.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he said, putting his map down. “It’s Eris 2.0.”
“Hilarious,” Ana replied, setting her helmet down. “I’m going back into the field today but I figured I should come see you before that happens.”
“Whoa, hold on now,” Cayde said quickly, putting his hands up to slow her. “You’ve been in the Tower for what… four days now? Five? After a year of being trapped in some Hive ritual that messed you up so bad you couldn’t even remember your own name? Don’t you think you should take a break?”
“Milien is missing,” Ana replied with a frown. “Not that I wouldn’t love to catch you up on all the things I’ve been doing, but that’s sort of something that’s been on my mind.”
“Yeah, I saw the broadcast,” Cayde replied with a shake of his head. “Seriously though, you should take a walk with me. Your friend will tell you, there’s a lot that’s been happening, and I think you might want a rundown before you go back into that Temple.”
“Sure,” Ana replied as Cayde abandoned his map and began leading us out of the Hall of Guardians.
“Guardian,” Zavala called from behind me, and I turned instinctively. The Titan Vanguard was gesturing me over to speak with him.
“Yes, Zavala?” I asked, walking over to him.
“Have you been given the official briefing regarding the mission that Commander Mrrw-Skyth is leading?” he asked, and I shook my head.
“No, Sir,” I replied. “The Commander has been very vague about exactly what we will be doing once we return from the Reef.”
“I see,” Zavala replied. “Then allow me to enlighten you on the nature of this mission.”
“Greatly appreciated,” I answered, as we headed over to the panoramic window.
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
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Beautiful lethality, relentless style.
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icheeriopuff-blog · 8 years
Eris. Get your rock off my map.
Cayde-6, Destiny: The Taken King
AKA my all time favorite character seriously who tf has a crush on a robot I do yep ​
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