ichigo-grimm · 9 years
Alright! So about 2 weeks ago I got my Campus Voxbox. Inside was St. Ives Apricot Scrub, Jergens Instant Sun,Sour Punch Punchies and Straw, Softlips Cube and L’Oreal Smooth Intense. I received these items free for testing purposes. But these opinions are my own. The Soft lips cube i got in Vanilla bean.. And it smells fantastic. It made my lips fell good but it comes of really easy. I don’t feel like my lips absorbed it, that it just sat on top of my lips. Jergens instant sun....I don’t personally recommend..I love the concept of it not being lotion.. (cause i hate lotion) but it didn’t cover as well as lotion.. Parts of my skin were colored and some wasn’t. I came out very splotchy. (I wasn't fun.) But the color did last a while so if it works on your skin or you’re better at applying then me good for you, it will last a good 4 days before fading with only one application. St. Ives Apricot Scrub it’s smells so good. It has little exfoliates in it that made my skin feel like new. I could feel it buff away dead skin and oils.Only thing, it supposed to help with controlling blemishes, i didn't really notice a difference with blemishes.Sour Punch Punchies...cute, bite-sized sour candy. I really liked these. They are sour without all the sticky, sugar-sour powder. Sour Punch Straws.....i personally thought they tasted good at first then waxy like. They were just a bit to sour for me so i couldn’t enjoy them but they aren’t bad.Oh I got them in the rainbow pack so i liked the fact there was variety not just one flavor. L’Oreal Intense Smooth....I honestly can’t give oyu a reveiw on this product because It was given to me as a sample size and it didn’t even cover half my hair......(My hair is crazy thick) So I’m sorry about that.
Thanks For Reading I hope these Helps if you’re think about any of these products. <3 ICHI
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ichigo-grimm · 9 years
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ichigo-grimm · 9 years
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Got my #Carefree #influenstervox Today! Wonder whats in it?
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ichigo-grimm · 9 years
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Found this little gem at Burlington coat factory!
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ichigo-grimm · 9 years
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Ever have those days where you just stop caring like this? XD
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ichigo-grimm · 9 years
Haha totally
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ichigo-grimm · 12 years
So it's been awhile since I posted. The weight thing never worked out but I am jogging now! :)
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ichigo-grimm · 12 years
Okay! So today I'm starting my weight loss program. I'm currently 192lbs. I plan on losing 20lbs by my Uncles Wedding which is June 30, 2012. Let's see if i can do it. :/ I'm not great when it comes to exercise but I think im going to get one of those step intake things and try that. I also started SlimFast, So I'll let you know how it works. The only problem I see hear is I'm a Snacker. I love to eat little snacks without thinking, hopefully i over come that.  
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ichigo-grimm · 12 years
After A rain storm there always a rainbow...
It may not always be clear but its there. We must believe everything happens for a reason. Believe me It's one of the hardest things to remember and beleive in.
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ichigo-grimm · 12 years
Computer Hate :(
So I noticed today, there is ALOT of hate going out on the internet. Why? All these hate comments and post on web pages like Facebook and Twitter. They're Social Networks!That's all. I doubt they were made for the Verbal Slaughter of people you don't like or have a petty problem with. "I'm so tired of the drama of all this" Then please stop making it. How hard is it for human kind to get over themselves. I'm not saying I'm above it (because I have fallen prey to it to), But wouldn't It be Grand if instead for posting all the negative on websites, so you can make a scene, go talk directly to the person in a clam manner. "Someone told me you were talking about me. I'm not getting mad at you I just want to know why?"
    Today Do Something Nice For Someone! Tell someone they look good, Hold the door for someone, let someone merge in front of you. A little thing can go a long way :)
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