icycreek · 3 years
kauheasti on tumblerissa erillaisia ‘imagine your otp in this AU’ posteja mutta en ole yhtään Suomi-teemaista nähnyt, joten päätin täyttää tämän markkinaraon
mökkinaapurit AU
nakkikioskijonossa on tylsää ja tapellaan AU
VR on taas myöhässä AU
Ylläksen talviloma AU
kaksi juoppoa rautatieasemalla AU
Siwan kassa AU
muumimaailmaan lasten kanssa AU
taloyhtiön kokouksessa AU
julkinen sauna AU
ruotsinlaiva/vironlaiva AU
lumi yllätti autoilijat AU
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icycreek · 3 years
what r ur guyses obscutify ratings im curious
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icycreek · 3 years
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icycreek · 3 years
The Witch Who Spoke to the Wind
Sequel to Eindred and the Witch
In which Severin, the golden eyed witch, learns that his greatest enemy and truest love is fated to kill him.
Dealing in prophecies is a dubious work. Anyone who knows anything will tell you as much.
“Think of all of time as a grand tapestry,” his great-grandmother had said, elbow deep in scalding water. Her hands were tomato red, and Severin watched with wide golden eyes as she kneaded and stretched pale curds in the basin. “You might be so privileged to understand a single weave, but unless you go following all surrounding threads, and the threads around those threads, and so on - which, mind you, no human can do - you’ll never understand the picture.”
Severin, who was ten years old and had never seen a grand tapestry, looked at the cheese in the basin and asked if his great-grandmother could make the analogy about that instead.
“No,” she replied. “Time is a tapestry. Cheese is just cheese.”
And that was that.
By fifteen, Severin who was all arms, legs, and untamable black hair, decided he hated prophecies more than anything in the world. He occupied himself instead with long walks atop the white bluffs well beyond his family’s home. Outside, he could look at birds, and talk to the wind, and not think about the terrible prophecy which followed him like a shadow.
His second eldest sister had revealed it - accidentally, of course. Severin lived in a warm and bustling house with his great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, two aunts, and three sisters. All of whom were generously gifted in the art of foretelling (a messy business, each would say if asked), and every one of them had seen Severin’s same bleak thread.
He would die. Willingly stabbed through the heart by his greatest enemy and truest love.
Willingly. That was the worst part, he thought.
Severin, who had no talent in the way of prophecies, but plenty of talent in the realm of wind and sky, marched along the well-worn trail, static sparking around his fingertips as the brackish sea breeze nipped consolingly at his face and hair.
I will protect you if you ask me to, it blustered, and Severin was comforted.
He didn’t care who this foretold stranger was. When this enemy-lover appeared, Severin would ask the wind to pick them up and take them far, far away. Far enough that they could never harm him. The wind whistled in agreement. And so it was settled.
Keep reading
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icycreek · 3 years
“May you have a life of safety and peace”, said the witch, cursing the bloodthirsty warrior.
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icycreek · 3 years
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icycreek · 3 years
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This is a young adult novel, someone write it.
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icycreek · 3 years
okay I’m v curious about this so fanfic writers reblog and put in the tags whether you title your fic before or after you write it
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icycreek · 3 years
please remember that it’s okay to use popular tropes and cliché’s in your writing. just remember to make them your own, and put your own kinda spin on them. 
don’t let yourself be stopped by what other people say you can or can’t do when it comes to writing. you are allowed to write about whatever you want, regardless of how popular it is in mainstream media. 
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icycreek · 3 years
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what’s your fanfic life like? 
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icycreek · 3 years
Writers: If you enjoyed writing it, that’s enough. Writing can be an end in itself. It doesn’t have to be “good” by anyone else’s standards. It doesn’t have to be published or validated in any way. Delight in putting words on the page. Delight in falling down pretty rabbit holes that might not “make sense” to others. IT’S OKAY TO WRITE JUST TO WRITE, just to have fun, just to please yourself. This is your permission slip. Go forth and create nonsense. I’m cheering for you. xo
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icycreek · 3 years
fanfiction is so wild cause im like…..ugh im not in the mood to read a book…..i’ll just read an 82k word fic instead……
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icycreek · 3 years
Here’s to the fanfic writers who can only write sporadically.
Here’s the writers who can’t output enough to keep up with the most popular writers.
Here’s to the writers writing even though they get no feedback.
Here’s to the writers who somehow manage to scrape together a little inspiration and a lot of hard work to write that story they know nearly no one will read.
Here’s to the creators who keep going even when it’ feels like screaming into an empty void.
You’re inspiration, and I don’t know how you do it.
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icycreek · 4 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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icycreek · 4 years
Mamma’s Comforting Words
The Spring was well on it's way and as usual Moomin was waiting for Snufkin by the bridge. He had used all his ways to entertain himself days ago, first day rereading the letter Snufkin left for him, the next three fishing, after those he spent a week building an amazing bark boat. He hadn't sent that boat on its way and still he was waiting for Snufkin.
The evening already in its darkening hours he sat on the bridge staring at his paws. "Did he really leave for good?" Moomin asked himself out loud. "He will come back, I just know it." Mamas warm voice cut through Moomins dark thoughts. "Mama!" Moomin exclaimed as he turned his head towards his mother. "I just meant.." He stammered letting his gaze drop down. Mama placed a soft paw on Moomins head as she took short steps to be next to her son.
Mama took a hesitant seat on the bridge next to her son. She wrapped him in her warm embrace. "Snufkin needs something you don't need much of son." Mama started, petting Moomins soft fur. Moomin nodded against Mamas embrace. "Snufkin is a creature that needs some time alone. Like you need your time on your own adventures and solitary nights, right?" Mama explained lifting her sons head and wiping a few escaped tears from his cheeks.
"Something like that..." Moomin mumbled rubbing his snout. Mama shot a soft smile at her son. "Snufkin needs more of that time than you do. He needs more time to figure out his feelings." Mama continued, pressing a small kiss on top of Moomins head. "My dear Moomin I am just sure that Snufkin misses you just as much as you do. You don't have to worry about that, he will come back in his own time." The words rolled some of the heavy thoughts from the young Moomins shoulders.
Moomin turned his gaze towards the flowing river underneath them. "Mama can you tell me one more thing?" He asked leaning his head against Mamas shoulder. Mamas warm paw rubbed reassuring circles on Moomins shoulder as she nodded. "Can I make Snufkin come back any faster? Is there any way? I miss him so much." Moomin said his voice breaking. Mama sighed and pressed her head against her sons. "I'm sorry honey you can't do anything, but welcome him back with open arms when he comes back." Mama said pulling Moomin against her, feeling the wet tears against her fur.
After a moment Mama pulled back still holding her son close. "Come on, I have food waiting." Mama said getting up with some struggle and handing a paw towards Moomin. The boy grabbed it wiping his eyes as he got up. Mama wrapped a paw around Moomins shoulders and started dragging her son back towards the house, where some warm food was waiting for them.
Just a couple days later Snufkin came back and all of Moomins worries melted for the moment. Mama watched from the porch as her son embraced Snufkin for a long moment before coming undone as Little My started taunting them. They all made their way to the house, all their spirits high. Little my and Moomin argued their way past Mama as Snufkin slowed before her. He took off his hat and pulled on it as his eyes darted between watching her and the ground.
Mama hummed a bit at the boy before him, before closing the distance between them and hugging him tightly. "Come back earlier next year, I don't want to see my son cry." Mama whispered a warning with a smile as she stepped back. Snufkin looked at her with both guilt and relief. "I'll try." He stammered out taking a step towards the door. "See that you are recharged as well." Mama says sweetly as she walks past the frozen in place Snufkin. She pats the boys head gently as she makes her way to the kitchen.
Snufkin wakes from his encounter and goes up the steps after Moomin ready to catch up on all that he missed. All the while Mama listened in on the light steps on the staircase with a small smile on her face.
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icycreek · 4 years
Writer asks answered.
1.) Is there a specific environment you prefer to write in? I almost always write digitally and for some reason I make my best work writing at a time not good for it, so mostly in bed or like while on transport.
2.) Multi-ship or OTP? I write for a lot of different ships, but usually I don’t write a character with more than one pair.
3.) Describe your process for writing a scene. Most likely it will go as this: I get an idea, try to bring it to life and finally rewriting it most likely to fit the story as a whole a bit better.
4.) Do you like to plan something out, or just wing it? Wing it totally, I have tried planning things, but it seems to not work out most often.
5.) Do you prefer solo, collaborative, or group writing? Solo writing for sure, I have never had writing friends and when I’ve had to write collaboratively for school I hated it, but I have been getting better over the years, so I’d like to try it sometime.
6.) Talk about one of your influences. I read a lot of fanfiction and consume a fuck ton of media of all sorts so, I’d be hard to say for sure...
7.) Least favorite part of the process? Finishing and actually writing... I have  a bad habit of leaving almost everything I write unfinished. 
Now for the tough stuff
8.) Do you struggle with perfectionism? I do very badly, I’d really want everything to be perfect, but to make it extra hard I hold myself to a high standard and see my writing as less than.
8.) Do you ever get impostor’s syndrome? Not really as I mostly see a lot of mistakes in my own writing...
10.) What about when you read some really good writing from someone else? I mostly feel fine, since I read a lot anyways.
11.) Have you ever gotten a rude comment about your writing? I don’t think so, but I haven’t dared to post a lot online anyways.
12.) What’s your best advice for someone struggling with their writing right now? For me at least the problem is that I often don’t have the inspiration or energy or confidence to write, so I’d say try not to worry about your quality, just write whatever you want.
Question template from https://rpmemeaholic.tumblr.com/ 
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icycreek · 4 years
The worst part about working on original fiction is u gotta wait like 5 years to get a book draft done in order to SHOW YOUR FRIENDS chapters. Ain't like fanfic where you can just....send em. Tis horrid.
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