idiotsofbadging · 6 years
I'm pretty sure all of his badges are stolen from other users. 
One example: https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=38386742
I've messaged Amputate about it. 
The only other badge I definitely recognize is "sadboys".. Z30 is the owner, but is disabled now. 
If anyone else recognizes one of Targos badges, please message the original owner! 
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
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More idezz theifin
Original https://www.deviantart.com/jiggyjaggy/art/Comm-Pixel-Set-7-613451025 please let the artist know!!!
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
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More of idezz being a theef
Original https://www.deviantart.com/furreon/art/Miki-Pixel-607472040 bet you’ll find the others she stole for free badges on the original artists de gallery. btw please let them know!!!
Please try to get in touch with the mods of bling directory to get her removed from the directpry if its possible!! https://badgedirectory.com/all/5aff6e31618a7b00018b3f28
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
Bat did it again lol.
I found this badge:  
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…And felt like I had already seen it anywhere, so I did some research and realized it was from Bat. ROFLMAO.
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It’s called “Love-Struck Badge” and maybe it can be also flagged for not fitting the GA thing.
Link: http://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=40615208
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The thing is this badge is traced/copied from a fanart drawing made by the talented Sakimichan.
Link: https://sakimichan.deviantart.com/art/Cupid-X-reaper-YAOI-tag-666218287
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HQ proofs: https://imgur.com/a/ezwmpMd
Please inform Sakimichan about this :(
Who is the pixel artist? 
@sakimichan-sushi - DeviantArt - Instagram
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
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Bat can't keep down her thot levels.
As we can see, she can't keep her AP stuff (this includes dp's) just for AP's. I bet she's like that dumb type of imvu girls whose say "they flagged because they're envy of me" envy envy envy! ROFLMAO. 
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
proof I am myself, not jade
I forgot to add the evidence to prove that I am who I am. I am not afraid to share my name.
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Proof that I own my page: 
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Proof I am who I say I am: 
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^ This is located on my Homepage. 
We’re not entirely sure what this proves, but we do believe that you are not one of Kiss’ alts. 
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
The real story.
Hello to everyone on this page. My name is Rachael, or Rae. (Degradation previously, now Cinerarium) 
I was told that my name has been going around on here and people have been snooping on me, claiming that I am an alt account for Jade. I am not, nor would I want to ever be like Jade. I don't appreciate that people are spreading rumors about me and speaking of me without knowing who I am, and saying things that aren't true, so I'm clearing the air right now:
I started dating Dark about a month and a half after he split from Jade. I am aware of Jade's alt accounts and in the beginning she tried everything she could to get Dark back. She faked a suicide attempt, as we all know. Dark didn't go back to her and has since been with me and we've been happy together. We keep a very far distance from Jade, as I am not affiliated with her or anything that she does. and I do not want Dark communicating with her either. My profile has been the same build for a while, yes I am twenty-two and I am from Pennsylvania. I don't know how to create a badge, but I do draw my own art with my tablet, a piece that I made is used on my profile card. I am an artist myself, and I would hate to have my art stolen from other people/users on imvu. I am aware that Bat/Kiss/Jade steals artwork/designs for badges. Now that I know people are speaking about me, I will be checking this page frequently. I have done no wrong and I would appreciate if everyone would keep my name and Dark's name from their lips/fingertips. I will say again: 
WE are NOT affiliated with Jade, I do not talk to Jade, I AM NOT JADE. If you have questions or concerns, find my homepage (Which you seem to have done already) send me a friend request, PM me, and we'll talk. 
I hope this cleared the air for those of you who thought/believed that I was Jade. Thank you for listening.
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
Kiss added me for some reason (I make premade art and customs!) and I quickly unfriended her. I'm unsure what that was about and it's had me on edge lately. Hope she's not trying to steal my art or something..
Kiss has a long history of theft. Stay safe anon. 
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
where's Hollokitty? Is she still badging ?
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
Make sure to submit the correct images so we can give proper feedback, But yes that looks traced for sure, did you make sure she hadn't done it to anything else? Might try it again, you know how spiteful people can be once they've been called out.
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
Re: Art theft badging
The link in my previous submission doesn’t have the traced badge art anymore because she was made to take it down because she had no right to sell it. So for those of you that are saying they aren’t “similar” it’s because it was changed. 
proof of theft:
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Thanks for submitting this!
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
In Regards to Dark
I think the post about Dark@Imvu is old. Him and Kiss supposedly broke up and he’s with Degradation@Imvu now. Not sure if Degradation is just another one of Jayde’s alts or not but it doesn’t fit the usual profile. Doesn’t say she’s from Australia, states that she is 22 not 24, doesn’t have any of Jayde’s badges displayed (nor does Dark)etc etc.
If you look up Horrify’s User ID from your blacklist on gaf210’s website it shows that yes Dark was Horrify. Also I wanted to check Ghouly’s User ID but it was no longer on the list but I am more than certain Lolli changed Ghouly to Vampira when she changed Vampira to Bat because she still has both Vampira and Bat
To the anon that submitted this post, your images will not show. Feel free to resubmit them and we will edit them onto this post. 
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
Sorry Luxure but Pheonix's badge and your DP aren't the same.. Okay so what she used pink? big whoop de do.. The pose isnt the same, she's not holding something like your premade is, She's got hair locks in her badge your premade doesnt show that she has any hair at all.. Just because they're both ass images and using pink doesnt mean its theft.. any idiot can see that..
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
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Seems Kiss has a new name or really her Bf? she has the name Dark now replaced it with Hehe Maybe you’d like to add it to the list? also I seen she doesn’t have Ghouly anymore someone else must have taken it.
Does anyone have any proof that this is another person and not just her? I’d like to keep the list as updated as possible (and I will be going back to update it since I have abandoned it lately).
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
I'd say they didn't copy or trace the Display picture in the "Pheonix" post, they look absolutely nothing alike. The skin tone and pink are darker in the Display Picture and the pose isn't even the same. The only similarity is the fact that the underwear and stockings are pink.
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
Hi yes, that's old. I already proved my innocence with receipts of her threatening me, her off-site harassment, etc. Blueberry lied about pretty much everything and she's now blocked/shunned by a lot of people in the badge community for being a toxic person. There's some stuff about it on burning-badgers but this is an old topic and the other blog was deleted. I wish people would stop bringing it up so I can stop repeating myself, but I know that's not your fault.
Thanks for letting us know! We have no way of telling when the post was submitted. 
If you could send us some proof, we’ll clean this up off the blog & refrain from posting about this in the future. 
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idiotsofbadging · 6 years
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Alexandrea has been stealing from this artist.. https://cryptid-creations.deviantart.com/gallery/
Alexandrea has been known to heavily reference in the past.
Contact the artist here:
DeviantArt - Tumblr - Twitter
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