idkhowtohuman · 5 years
“YEET!” I exclaim loudly through tears as yet another hprp’er breaks my heart into pieces with beautiful works of art.
yeet to my feelings of normality, of general happiness with nonfictional people, yeet to my broken heart, and yeet to all the ships
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
Hello, many of you might not care, but I'm taking a little hiatus from all internet. I have a lot of personal stuff going on, and i have to focus on finals as well, I don't know how long this might last, it might be permanent for all I know. I realized that at 18 years old, I still have no solid ground for myself and am always getting swayed to and fro by what others say. I want to improve myself, and there's no shame in that.
Thank you so much, for all the wonderful friendships that I've made, and the fun experiences. This community was accepting and inclusive and I hope one day to come back to it.
You guys are all wonderful, continue to spread love, positivity, and not just tolerance, but acceptance. Reach out for help if you need it, that's what hands are for.
Much Love,
Some girl.
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
So, first, contacts are not for everyone, they bother some people more than others. Me personally, I've been wearing them for years and can wear them the whole day and forget I have them, my best friend, has them longer than 2 hours and she goes crazy. everyone is different.
Second, don't try to tell yourself they feel the same as your eyes because they're not, it's plastic, in yo eyes. they're going to feel all sorts of funked up.
Third, There are many different techniques for putting on contacts. I'll list a few, because different eye shapes. always make sure that the contact has a comfortable U shape, if the contact looks like a bowl with little ledges, it's not going to fit into your eye and it's going to uncomfortable and you're going to cry. Okay placement 1: pull down your lower lash line and DELICATELY place the bottom end corner of the contact in, let go of the lash line and the contact should fit right into place. Second: Look to the side and fit the contact into the center space of your eye, you might need to mirrors for this, but since your eye is bigger in the center, you should be able to comfortable get the contact in without stabbing your cornea. 3: using two hands, put one hand on your forehead and pull upper lash line and one hand on your cheek and pull lower lash line with middle finger, your contact should be on your index of your bottom hand, be delicate okay? don't try to pull your lids to the opposite extremes of your face, and place the contact in the center.
TIP AND MEMORIZE: INVEST IN A GOOD CONTACT SOLUTION even a travel size one, always moisten your contact with solution before you put it in, I like to put solution in the cup of the contact because it gives a liquid barrier between the plastic, i use biotrue. ALWAYS CLEAN YOUR HANDS, if you don't dust will get in your eye and you think it won't hurt but it will feel like your eye is being scratched out.
Fourth, Make sure to go to your doctor and ask if you have an astigmatism, they can affect the kind of contacts you need.
Fifth, especially when you are first starting out using contact lenses, make sure to keep your solution with you, and constantly drop some in your eyes, they will keep your eye and your contact lens moisturized and minimize uncomfort.
Sixth, sometimes, a tool to put in contacts is better than the tip of your finger. They exist, look up some videos on how they work and see if they might be for you.
Seventh, BE GENTLE
Eighth, Taking your contacts out, there are also a lot of different ways, but I assure you long nails will make the job nearly impossible. The best way I have found is to hold the edge of the contact to your eyes and look away, this will disrupt contact with your cornea. From here two things can happen, you can drag the lens to the corner, where it will bunch up and make it easy to pinch from the eye, or you can try to pinch it off right from where you have it depending on your comfort.
Ninth, DO NOT SLEEP WITH LENSES I REPEAT DO NOT SLEEP WITH LENSES. bacteria gathers in your eye and sometimes can cause you to lose an eye, your contact might rip and cause you horrible pain, and your eye will be irritated.
Might be a weird question, bur do you have any advice on how to get contacts in? I got some the other day and I can't seem get them in. The right one I can put in after about 5' of poking. Trying to get the left one in usually involves about 20' of almost poking my eye out and crying before I give up and just wear my glasses...
(( .It’s not weird at all! I don’t know if I am the right person to ask for advice, but I’ll try.
I had the same problem with prescription lenses, I never managed to put or keep them on for more than 10 minutes. I actually can only with the lenses I use to do rps. I think it’s because usually colored lenses are soft and more flexible(?)
I would advise you to take some softer ones (so you can actually put them on, without crying) and start slowly. Maybe keep them at first for 10 minutes, then 20, then 30, etc… So you can get used to the feeling. And don’t try to put them directly on your pupil, you just need to blink and the lense will fix itself. Another thing that helps me a lot is to stare at something immediately after putting them on (I don’t know, it kind of relief from that horrible sensation)
but if you really can’t stand them, just don’t put them on. I would never be able to keep them more than a few hours. I mean, it’s still something in your eyes, they hurt!
In conclusion; Contact lenses are a pain, glasses are so much better and they also make you look cuter. So do what makes you feel the most comfortable :3. ))
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
Didn't Seamus kiss you and you responded: "that's gay." or am I confused?
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
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.... what is on your bottom lip Al?
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Albus: I don’t want to do this
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
Marlene: No homo but I totally kill that guy for you.
Lily: There are so many things wrong with that sentence.
Marlene: What? No! I am totally gay, I mean "No HOMOcidal"
Marlene: Geez Lily get your murder slang together.
Lily: ... I need new friends.
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
Sirius : Remus ! Hey Remus !
Remus : Sirius not now.
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Remus : I did ?
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Remus : Piss off Pads…
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
After the Yule Ball...
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Harry: …Right. 
(4th year, Yule Ball Ron is online! Feel free to send him some asks!)
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
SOME INCLUDING: STAR, RAINBOW and a weird American meaning which I don’t even want to get into it’s kind of ridiculous. AND WHILE I REALLY LIKE BEING A STAR (I love astronomy and star-gazing) THE MEANING MY PARENT INTENDED IT IN IS THE ORIGINAL MAYAN ROOT MEANING MOON OR MOON GODDESS
TALKING TO THE MOON (Bruno Mars baby) or Moon-talking (from moon-walking ‘cause Michael Jackson and I’m a nerd)
Help me out amigos
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
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Tom you're so smart, how come you ended up in Slytherin, says something about your inner nature? Maybe you're not a kind as everyone thinks.
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Tom: But isn’t it a rather bold assumption to believe that Slytherins cannot be kind… and everyone else is faultless? 
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Student: *snorts* Yeah, suppose you’re right… *casts one more look at Tom then waves and turns to leave* 
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
Sometimes I look at people being drunk, and I just, feel, fleel drunk. Ya know?
And then I remember the one time I was actually drunk.
Which was not a pleasant experience, because i went to party, and then like, because I had a conversation with @astroboletos that I couldn't judge alcohol without trying it... I drank the party.
I proceeded to drink half the ocean and then I fell into bed.
thank you to @jenlizrose and @meganhufflepuffrp for reminding me of such an experience with their tipsy gifTs.
P.S. if you've never been drunk, you should think of that motion sick feeling, that's about it.
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
thinking out loud // harry //
– (ooc): this is a quick test run for harry! which i have secretly been very excited for! hnnng! –
Draco: ”I’m on the verge of doing something stupid.”
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// Draco turns to look at Harry, indignant and flustered, and it suddenly dawns on Harry… //
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(ooc): you lot seem keen on ginevra, so she’ll be back tomorrow, specifically to answer questions(!)
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
Yoyoyo, I was watching Les Mis, and I just had a painful idea for an rp. I would really love some help executing it.
Does anyone want to help me out? Ppppllleeaasse??
You don't need to have watched Les Mis. Just be passionate about ANGST.
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
yo who doesn't.
Just wanted to let you know I now have PTTSD (Post-TT-Seduction-Disorder) and honestly? Not even mad
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
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Welcome to Tumblr.
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idkhowtohuman · 5 years
You are very pretty. I hope your day is lovely!
Nonnie, I am tearing up in my car, this is so kind. Thank you so much. I hope you have a great day as well, you beautiful flower.
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