idle-maiden · 5 years
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“Both sides of time are revealed to you… And you alone. What shall you do?”
Welcome to tripolarity: a new Discord RP server dedicated to Fire Emblem: Three Houses. After your acceptance to Garreg Mach Monastery, get ready to experience the immersive world of FE:3H firsthand!
Challenge the cruel hands of fate! Take on the role of a character from the game and relive through events of the story. Forge new bonds, make new choices, and see where the flow of time takes you.
Deploy for monthly combat missions! Just like the actual game, we’ll be hosting voluntary combat missions for our faculty and staff. What better way to bond with others than through actual life and death situations?
Enjoy a monthly calendar of events! The monks of the monastery like to keep busy… And so do we! Aside from the canonical in-game holidays, we’ll also celebrate some of the more obscure ones while enjoying the “traditions” of both.
Embrace tweaked in-game elements to further enhance the RP experience! Thanks to some slight alterations to gameplay mechanics, all RP members can choose to experience in-game story events firsthand—regardless of whether or not Byleth’s a member of their house! The Knights of Seiros can also choose to be affiliated with houses to further encourage more student-adult interactions.
No prior RP experience or full-game completion necessary to apply!
With monthly activity checks to better fit busy schedules, a variety of RP formats to properly accommodate different roleplaying styles, and a supportive community full of friendly folks, what’s stopping you? Apply today to find out what fate has in store!
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Hilda Valentine Goneril has left the party.
Hi there, everyone! Mod Jess here. I messaged the main blog last night and let a few of you know in advance, but I’ve chosen to drop from the RP as I’ve realized that tumblr rp is a bit difficult for me to keep up with nowadays. I wouldn’t want to hold a spot that someone else might want in the future! I’ve decided to stick to primarily Discord RP instead and would be happy to give you my Discord ID if you ask for it!
I know I wasn’t a member of the group for long, but please know that I had a great time while I was here! Everyone is so kind and so that really helped to give me a positive experience. Thank you again for everything!
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Despite being given minimal noble duties in House Goneril---a conscious choice on her part---Hilda’s always gone above and beyond in preparing for the Founding Day celebrations. It’s always been a voluntary effort, and now that she’s away from home for the first time and can’t directly partake in the festivities, Hilda’s taken on a new, similarly worthwhile project: spreading the Founding Day cheer throughout her new home at Garreg Mach.
But Hilda hadn’t expected that her efforts would start out like this: having to convince her new housemate of the magic of Founder’s Day.
“I can’t believe you right now,” she whines, childishly stomping her foot. “It’s so much more than just a ‘pat on the back’! What about the floating lanterns at Derdriu? And all the dancers that storm the streets at noon? And oh, goddess, don’t get me started on the feasts---the outfits!” Hilda can’t help but squeal at her building excitement, a dreamy look taking hold of her features. “Come on, Leonie, I’m sure that even you made Alliance Bracelets as a kid---that was the best part!”
Alliance Founding Day | Leonie and Hilda
“Okay, so what’s special about it?” Leonie asked curiously. Hilda had come up to Leonie asking her to celebrate the Alliance Founding Day with her. Sure, she didn’t mind celebrating holidays at all, but she also didn’t really know what exactly there was to do to celebrate today. She barely knew about the holiday at all. 
She had heard of the holiday sure. It was the day the Alliance was founded and secured their freedoms. But for Leonie, who wasn’t a noble, she didn’t really have time to celebrate it. She had to hunt, do work, and cook. Every day life was full of strife, and rarely did she celebrate holidays. Now that she was at Garreg Mach though, she could at least try to.
“From what I can tell, it’s just a self pat on the back right? No different from any other day.” Leonie rebutted. She was sure Hilda had a different opinion about it, but that’s what Leonie thought of it. It didn’t have any customs her village was familiar with at least. 
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Hilda tilts her head in curiosity at the statement before jumping backwards in shrieking surprise. Once she realizes what’s just happened though, she bursts into laughter, reaching upwards to grab as many of the flying gummies as she can.
She had expected nothing but fun from Henry, and she’s happy that he didn’t disappoint.
Trick or treat~!
“How ‘bout a trick and a treat!”
And with that, a swarm of red gummy bats come flying out from the mage’s coffin (a super cool accessory to his super cool vampire’s costume, obvs), and oh, how Henry finds himself amusing. He plucks one of the bats from the air and chomps into the ooey gooey goodness. “Nya ha ha!~”
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Mercedes’s eyes were blown wide. Tears still floated a bit in them but not out right crying anymore. Her eyes stared into Hilda’s own sweet colored eyes. Mercedes wasn’t going to get out of this one. She had spoken too loudly. Dangit, how was Seteth and Flayn so good at speaking under their breath.
Mercedes looked away from Hilda and sighed loudly. “Alright Hilda… Get comfy…” She said softly before looking over the letters. Once she saw Hilda shift in her seat some, she continued speaking.
“I was born to a house that is no longer apart of this world. It was destroyed and my birth father was murdered. My mother took me from there, and we moved into a church. My mother remarried and… They had a child. He is… my half brother.” Mercedes couldn’t tell her much about it because she didn’t know the full story.
“He’s… Still alive that I know of, but, he and I don’t… see eye to eye with each other. I have one letter but it’s not directly from him. It is about him though, I cherish it.” Mercedes looked back to Hilda’s small pile of letters from her brother.
“That’s… Why I muttered that. I wish he would write me, but, he would probably get caught doing so.” Mercedes pondered on the thought and looked down and away. Her foot tapping on the wood flooring some and thinking about what he could be doing right now. If he had ate today, if his hair was still the light blond that their mother’s was.
“I do miss him, but I don’t need people asking questions about this.”
Hilda had just wanted to get a rise out of Mercedes—that didn’t mean she wanted… This. Whatever this was.
The response she receives isn’t an emotional one at all and, as sadistic as it sounds, that’s all Hilda had been looking for: a traitorous twitch of the lip, a glassier glow to her eyes… Not an immediate explanation. Not something that would actually make her feel bad. And now that she has it, Hilda’s not quite sure what to do with herself.
“Oh,” she says, unable to meet Mercedes’ eyes as she fidgets with the hem of her skirt. “Oh, that’s…”
Hilda realizes how bad she must look and has the decency to look ashamed.
“That sucks,” is what she finally manages, colored cheeks betraying her jumbled emotions. An assortment of questions rush to the forefront of her mind, but Hilda bites her cheek to keep them silenced. “It must be hard on you…” Her eyes flicker back to the pile of letters from Holst, feeling the roots of guilt beginning to take hold of her.
until it’s gone | hilda/mercedes
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idle-maiden · 5 years
As Mercedes read the letter, she teared up a bit. It wasn’t the fact that the letter was heart touching. It was the fact of receiving a letter. What she wouldn’t do to get a letter delivered to her by her own brother. She passed the letter back to Hidla and hiccuped quietly.
Pulling out her handkerchief, she wiped her eyes gently, “Sorry for getting a little worked up, it was truly beautiful to read. I’m sure your brother cares about you so much and loves you unconditionally.” She finished wiping her eyes and then looked out the window of the dining hall. She saw the small lake that was reflecting the sun’s rays off of it.
She murmured under her breath, “I just wish my brother would write me…” Was all she muttered before turning her attention back to Hilda and smiled. “You should write him back though, with being in Fodlan’s locket, that’s a dangerous area. What if the worst was to happen?”
Hilda had been watching Mercedes out of the corner of her eye when the other girl began to read the letter---more out of a subconscious curiosity than anything else. So when the blonde began to cry, Hilda had to stop her jaw from dropping at the sight. She haphazardly sets the letter back on top of the pile, turning her full attention to Mercedes. “Oh my god, are you alright?”
Scooting closer towards her, Hilda places a gentle hand on the other girl’s back as the blonde apologizes, shaking her head ever-so-slightly. People shouldn’t have to say sorry for their tears: it’s a simple truth, as far as Hilda is concerned. She’s about to make another comment about Holst in an attempt to lighten the mood when she hears Mercedes say something---or rather, breathe it.
(”I just wish my brother would write me...”)
Wait, what?
Hilda’s lips part to remark on the comment, but the moment is over as quickly as it occurs. Before she has the chance, Mercedes smoothly switches the topic of the conversation back to the letters, and Hilda’s left wondering if she had imagined the words to begin with.
“Yeah... I’m going to write him back,” she says slowly, eyes still a little wary as she studies Mercedes’ features. There has to be some sort of tell, right? Some sort of sign that Hilda wasn’t just hearing things? At this point she’s more interested in the mystery at hand than Holst; despite what Mercedes is saying, Hilda’s still convinced that her brother could be put on the back burner. Besides, perhaps this would be interesting enough to make it into one of her letters---goddess knows Hilda needed some content. 
“The worst thing that could happen to my brother is that he dies fulfilling his duty. He would get praised for dying a hero’s death, become a legend back at the Alliance, and I wouldn’t have to deal with his constant pestering anymore.” She leans a little forward as she says the words, still trying to decipher the emotion in Mercedes’ eyes. “And is that really so bad?”
until it’s gone | hilda/mercedes
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idle-maiden · 5 years
byleth had sought the silent vigil of the cathedral after hours, her mind spun with all of the reintroductions and battle plans and the history of the last half a decade.  it was all so much, and she needed space to process everything.
she startled a little when hilda’s voice echoed out to her, ❛wasn’t it your idea to remeet here on the day of the millennium festival?  i awoke from a deep sleep to keep the promise we made.❜
❛you have grown much in our absence hilda.  i never would have guessed that the day would come where you would lay upon dirty rubble.❜  there is a teasing lilt to byleth’s voice as she cautiously climbs up to hilda’s perch to lay down next to her, ❛are you pleased to be back?  …it is good to see you.❜
the mercenary stares up at the sky, almost…afraid to close her eyes again.  five years of sleep really ought to have made her more energized, but she felt the heavy tug of fatigue on the edges of her consciousness, on her time worn muscles.  byleth did not want to sleep ever again, afraid that she would sleep for another long period.  that she would miss out, that she would disappoint people and fail others.
Hilda’s heart twists at the mention of the promise, a feeling of melancholic nostalgia washing over her. She opens her eyes tiredly when she feels the professor settle in beside her. It simply doesn’t feel right.
It simply doesn’t feel real.
“Yeah, well, there was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime party going on when we reunited---not a five-year-long war,” she quips. “Bet you didn’t see that coming when you agreed to the promise.”
A part of her knows that it’s wrong to feel as bitter as she does---and hardly fair. It’s strange: this feeling of wistful peace tucked carefully away from the raging battlefields not even miles away... Hilda’s happy to be with her friends again, with the professor again, but at the same time...
“A lot has changed,” comes her quiet response. “You missed out on a lot while you were gone, Professor... Sure, I’m glad to be back and I’m glad that you’re back, but...”
She sits up to stare down at the woman beside her. “You were gone. For a really long time.”
(And we needed you.)
the premise of progress | hilda/byleth
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Although Linhardt never skipped class on purpose, he couldn’t help but either sleep in the middle of the lesson, or just skip it entirely. The topics taught almost never aligned with his interests, so he found it very difficult to care or pay attention. On an occasion there’d be a class he missed he truly felt awful about due to it actually being something that piques his interest, but for the majority, he’d feel bad, but not enough for him to act on making the lesson up.
After spending most of the night pouring over books, Linhardt just wanted to sleep all day, but he knew he couldn’t. However, on his way to class, he found a rather comfortable tree to rest under. Just five minutes… he thought. Surely nothing could go wrong, right?
Five minutes turned into an hour, and an hour turned into Linhardt awakening abruptly to a voice. With a yawn, he stirred, eyes hazily gazing up at the pink-haired girl. He took a moment to wake up before recognizing the young woman before him. She was that girl from the Golden Deer house…. Hilda. Linhardt was aware of her reputation of laziness, and her skipping classes was a common occurrence. What was the reason for this, he wondered.
“Hilda, right? What brings you out here?”
Hilda’s never been a religious girl, but there are some occasional moments when she feels really obligated to say a quick prayer of thanks to the goddess.
And this moment is definitely one of them.
At first, Hilda had been a bit concerned over coming across a body in the middle of the monastery. But at the realization that she’s come across Linhardt---the Linhardt---she can’t help but grin at her luck. Oh, she had heard about him alright. If there was anyone that had a reputation for missing out on classes to rival hers’, it would be him---and he usually got away with it!
“Oh, silly,” she laughs, plopping herself down beside him. “Same reason as you! Why else?” In all honesty, she feels a bit surprised at their current location. Aren’t they practically out in the open? What if they get caught? “Though I would like to say you’ve picked an interesting spot for this. Is there some kind of strategy to it or something?”
an exercise in assumptions | hilda/linhardt
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Mercedes took a seat next to Hilda and smiled softly. Seeing the letters from Hilda’s brother made her happy, and gave some form of hope that her own brother would write her. Even one letter would be nice to receive but Mercedes wasn’t going to say that to Hilda.
“Maybe not respond to all of them separately but respond to all of them at once. Tell him that you’re well and that you’re making friends. We can always go see him if he would like that.” Mercedes gave a soft smile. She wanted Hilda to have a close relationship with her brother if they didn’t already.
“I mean, with all these letters he must be absolutely concerned. Is he your older brother or younger brother?” Mercedes cocked her head and went to grab one of the letters, “May I read one?”
“But I mean, I wouldn’t want to disappoint him,” Hilda pouts. “It’d be unfair, right? Knowing Holst, I’m sure he’s expecting something great from me.” After all, her older brother is one of the few that’s open in his praise for her---and sure, Hilda knows that it’s well-intentioned, but she can’t help but squirm in discomfort at even just the idea of it. “He shouldn’t have done it in the first place. How does he even have enough to write about? There’s no way border duty is that interesting---it’s never been that interesting.”
She sneaks a glance at the other girl, surprised at the offer. “Trust me, Holst really isn’t that great. He’s my older brother, but all he ever does is baby me. And I mean, yeah, sure, go ahead. They aren’t particularly interesting.”
The letter that Mercedes is reaching for is the third letter in the set, one that Hilda finds particularly cheesy: it begins with a vivid description of the sunrise over the horizon of Fodlan’s Locket, followed by an interesting conversation he had heard between a soldier and one of the Almyran servants, and ending with a reminder of his constant support for his beloved younger sister---with a post-script rhyme reading, “Even though we’re miles apart, I’ll always keep you in my heart.”
until it’s gone | hilda/mercedes
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idle-maiden · 5 years
an exercise in assumptions | hilda/linhardt
Mondays are bad enough, but Hilda finds that they’ve become exceptionally worse ever since the professor started singling students out for private tutoring sessions. Hilda usually likes to think that she’s good at one-one-ones with people. But with the professor? No way! All it takes is one good look at the professor’s eyes for Hilda to immediately feel weighed down by the other’s expectations for her... And who wants that?
No one, that’s who. But especially not Hilda.
In all honesty, skipping classes isn’t something that she’s proud of. The truth of the matter is that she’s not very good at it. In her attempt to always have a believable alibi---after all, disappointing others is the absolute worst!---she’s been caught almost every time she’s tried to skip. Oh, class had already started? Hilda was too busy helping out at the dining hall and simply lost track of time! The professor’s looking for her? Oh, sorry, Hilda’s just trying to finish an old extra credit assignment---no need to worry!
At this point, she finds herself wandering the grounds of the monastery, racking her brain for an easy solution. Lost in thought, she almost trips over someone that’s... sleeping?
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Mercedes was hesitant to even talk to Jertiza. She knew that he wouldn’t want to even face her, after all those years. She kept to herself on her relationship about Jertiza. No one should know that they were half siblings, it would stir questions quickly.
Passing by the training grounds, she made her way to the dining hall. Perhaps baking would calm her mind about Jertiza. Upon opening the doors she spotted a familiar pink haired girl. She looked to be sleeping or maybe she was trying to get out of doing something. Whatever the case was, Mercedes stepped near her and gently poked her shoulder.
“Hilda? What are you doing? Did you eat too much and now you’re bloated?” Mercedes didn’t know what was truly wrong but she just wanted to make sure she was okay. She wasn’t going to question the letters unless Hilda brought it up first.
“Bloated?” Hilda repeats, sitting up in her chair and turning to look at Mercedes with an aghast expression on her features. “What, no! I mean, do I look---”
She cuts herself off there with a shake of her head, realizing that she doesn’t want to know the answer to that right now; she has enough on her plate for the time being. Gesturing to the letters as she begins her explanation, Hilda scoots over in case Mercedes decides to sit with her. She’s never been one for verbal invitations, always welcoming of the company of others and assuming that they think the same way. She doesn’t know Mercedes all that well, but why would she be any different?
“It’s my dumb brother,” she huffs, crossing her arms with a childish pout. “I don’t check my courier inbox for one week, and now he expects me to respond to all of this? That’s ridiculous!” 
until it’s gone | hilda/mercedes
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Hilda gasps at his admission, feigning ignorance as to why Seteth would ever come to such a conclusion. “An event like this that fosters bonding with others? Of course I’m participating! And better late than never, am I right?”
(She does well not to mention that she’s really only interested in the fun costumes and free stuff. She knows that doing so would only make her look bad, and she’s certainly not in the mood for a lecture.)
Shifting her weight from her heels to her toes in excitement, Hilda beams at the modest offering. “Thaaaaaanks, Seteth!” she singsongs before picking a few of her favorites and skipping away.
Trick or treat~!
From Event Trick-or-Treating.
Holding a hand up to his face, another cough escaped him as he walked through the church home building, his objective to reach the staircase where he could finally find peace in his private quarters. Seteth’s throat was still mildly burning from the chocolates Byleth had given him, having confused the tradition of the holiday. After having a train of several students requesting candy in his office and the pepper sauce incident with the Professor, Seteth was exceptionally ready to turn in for the night.
As the audience chamber grew clearer before him, the man felt awash with relief, as there wasn’t a single person in sight. Making a sharp right turn, he immediately halted before he could collide with a person that had just entered his field of vision. It was none other than Hilda, who immediately chimed in with a “trick-or-treat.” Drawing in a breath, Seteth silently lamented the victory he had hoped to obtain, but kept his features composed.
“Hello Hilda. I must admit, I am surprised you are participating,” He replied, geniunely bewildered her typical laziness had not restrained her, “I suppose I have little choice but to give you candies as well.” He said, offering her a small selection that he had procured from the town several days prior.
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idle-maiden · 5 years
the premise of progress | hilda/byleth
It’s dusk now in Fodlan and, as Hilda lies in the midst of the rubble of the cathedral, the sky shines with a brilliant cacophony of colors: deep violets, rich oranges, wisps of yellow and blue and pink all blending together just over the horizon.
She’d be lying if she said that the sight wasn’t beautiful, but it’s something she finds difficult to appreciate---though, to be fair, she supposes that she’s never been one to step back and really just... appreciate things. It’s never been in her nature.
So why change that now?
Breathing a soft, tired sigh, Hilda allows her eyes to shut. She finds that she doesn’t really mind the dirty rock against the smooth of her upper back; doesn’t really mind the harsh smell of age-old smoke, or the taste of iron still sharp on her tongue, or the silent figure she can sense nearby----perhaps someone who’s just entered the cathedral. Hilda wonders if they had even noticed her.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had to kill,” she says simply, softly, just loud enough to break the silence that had threatened to absorb her. “How long have you been gone now? ... Five years or something?”
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idle-maiden · 5 years
until it’s gone | hilda/mercedes
Six letters. In one week. All envelopes stamped with marks for express delivery, and the most recent signed with a post-script professing Holst’s “utmost regret for being unable to write every day” like he had originally promised.
Hilda breathes an incredulous sigh as she stuffs the letter back into the envelope, slumping forward over the dining hall table as she does so. Of course she missed her brother too, but wasn’t this a little... much? Yeah, so maybe she had laid it on a little thick with her complaints about the monastery in her last letter, but she hadn’t expected her brother to react so strongly. In fact, she had initially chuckled at his declaration of a promise, her heart aching a little at the image of her gallant brother, swearing that she’ll never feel lonely again as long as his body breathed life---she hadn’t expected him to actually be serious.
With her head buried in her arms, she’s completely oblivious to her surroundings. Though, in all fairness, it’s not like Hilda would really care if someone saw her like this; it’s not like she has anything to hide.
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idle-maiden · 5 years
a helping hand | open
There are a lot of things that Hilda doesn’t like: battle, expectations... battle expectations... But the absolute worst would have to be chores---especially when said chores require her to get messy. Hilda didn’t even want to come to Garreg Mach in the first place, but now that she’s actually expected to help out? Goddess, please; if someone doesn’t save her soon, she’d personally send a letter of distress to her brother, demanding to be rescued from the horrors of everyday life and vowing to never set foot off Goneril lands ever again.
With a sigh, she turns her attention back onto the task at hand. A mild scowl is evident on her features as she weighs her options to get this over with as soon as possible.
And, as though the goddess had actually heard her prayers, Hilda’s thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps emerging from the other end of the corridor.
Hilda’s not one to take such obvious blessings for granted.
Without missing a beat, she twirls around on her heel, smile bright and playful as she calls out, “Oh, hey you!”
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Spooky Emblem: Let the Trick-or-Treating begin!
Halloween wouldn’t be the same without the annual tradition of trick-or-treating! Drop into the inboxes of your friends, family, enemies, or even a stranger with a “Trick-or-Treat!” Will you receive a trick? Or a treat?
Send a “Trick-or-Treat” in a fellow member’s ask box to get Spooky Emblem started!
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idle-maiden · 5 years
Spooky Emblem: Thread Prompts!
Below are a collection of starters to get event-themed threads started. Immerse your muse in the Halloween season, from exploring haunted houses to eating way too much candy!
💀 - Against your muse’s better judgement, your muse accompanies my muse to explore a creepy abandoned shed in the middle of the woods. 
👻 - My muse has been cursed! Until the clock strives 6:00am, my muse is a ghost, roaming the streets unseen or heard. Will your muse be frightened or elated by the presence of a mysterious ghost?
‎🧟 - The zombie apocalypse has finally come. Corpses are rising from the ground, hungry for the living! Your muse manages to barricade themselves in a barn, but the shelter can’t hold out much longer.
🕸 - After hitting up all of the Halloween parties for the night, our muses decide to take a shortcut home. However, in the dark of the night, our muses end up caught in an abnormally large web. 
🍬 - Our muses make some spooky-themed treats together. Spider cookies, cupcakes with fingers, ghost suckers…the possibilities are endless!
🌕 - With a large, beautiful full moon above them, our muses become entranced by its radiance, almost as if they were under a spell. The light becomes blinding and when it finally dies down, the two are now in the world of the dead, surrounded by the spirits and ghosts of those who were once among the living! 
🎃 - Your muse enters a pumpkin carving contest with my muse! Will they take a fun and casual approach to the competition? Or will they try to best one another?
🏠- Our muses go to a haunted house together! Will the frights and creepy sights send them running? Or will they fail to impress? It’s an ordinary haunted house…right?
🥤- Our muses decide to play a drinking game to make passing out candy all the more entertaining. How long until they are too drunk to pass out candy?
😨 - My muse is absolutely convinced they saw a spector standing outside their window, tapping on the glass with a twisted smile. Terrified, my muse turns to your muse for help!
👯 - Your muse works for a haunted house, putting together the creepiest displays, performing as an actor, and otherwise making it a frightful experience! When my muse is challenging to scare, your muse pulls out all the stops!
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