*getting a text at 2am*
oh she's horny
*getting a text at 4am*
oh she's ✨️mentally ill✨️
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Tumblr when I look up th1ńsp0: u okay?🥺 Do you need help?🥺 I can help🥺
Also my Tumblr notifications: would you like to follow @ starving_fatty_proana_whore? I think you'd like their content:) ᶠᵃᵗ ᵇⁱᵗᶜʰ
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just made this meme about myself lol
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I'm curious of how many obese grandma's triggered eds
Thanks nana, I appreciate your gift
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So... I've been losing a lot of weight lately and my body dismorphia is up to the sky 📈📈📈
Yesterday a pretty lady told me "Wow, you're skinny and with a little waist" and I felt confused (but made me felt satisfied for a minute, ngl).
It's horrible to think people are lying when receiving a compliment. In my head I'm still the fattest person in the whole world and I still need to lose like 10 pounds to be skinny
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Our brains are fucked up, lol
Normal people when they eat 1000 cal in a day: wow I’m so hungry I undereated today
Ed people when they eat 1000 cal in a day: WHAT A MASSIVE BINGE IM A DISGRACE FOR THIS COMMUNITY
Btw that’s my today’s daily intake so I had to make fun of it or I’m unaliving myself otherwise
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Sometimes you've just gotta settle for smelling your “binge-worthy” foods. It's really not worth eating. At the end of the day, that taste is going to fade away, and then you'll see no progress.
It's your choice 💅🏾
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I've been binging for almost the whole week and I think that now it's time for restriction
So... My brain and I had this conversation:
Me: If I already hate me, doesn't matter if I eat or if I don't
My brain: Yes, but... If it's the same hate, Guess what's better being sad and fat or being sad and also a skinny legend?
Me: A skinny legend
My brain: Then why don't you just stop eating and get skinny?
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tips i found to avoid binging
1. Tell yourself, “If I’m really hungry, I’ll eat something in 20 minutes.” And grab a glass of water in the meantime (you could be thirsty, not hungry). By setting a short delay, you give yourself time to figure out whether it’s real hunger or just a food craving.
2. Is your brain focusing on eating just one very specific thing? That isn’t hunger, that is a craving. It’s normal to have cravings, but it’s best to ignore it. Ask yourself, “Would cold chicken/boiled broccoli satisfy me right now?” If yes, then it’s real hunger. 
3. Is your stomach growling after you just ate a meal? Your stomach can growl while digesting! Try to eat slower. Drink more water between bites. Give yourself a bit of time to digest because a growl doesn’t always mean hunger.
Bonus: Are you dizzy/shaking? Eat some fruit! Your blood sugar could be low, and fruit is the good kind of sugar your body needs (and low cal). 
Stay safe everyone.
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realisting things to do instead of eating
(bc all the “look at thinspo” “drink water” is fucking boring.)
1. literally take a nap
2. fill a page in your sketchbook
3. try a new makeup look
4. do a new stick and poke
5. make a self insert charactee for ur comfort show
6. age regress
7. rearrange ur room
8. make some tea
9. play video games (trying to beat fnaf rn)
10. make new outfits with old clothes
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tw: major mentions of ed, tips on how to lose extreme amounts of calories daily
so as a minor who still lives with my parents, i dont have access to gyms and i cant exactly skip a bunch of meals without it going unnoticed. ive looked on tumblr for some diets/exercising plans for people who generally want to lose weight (that are short and dont require any equipment- you can literally do them in your room), and have reblogged ones i think are helpful, but i have some tips that may help for people who are in my situation (or something similar)
- pack your own lunch and put more fruits/vegetables than snacks like chips or treats like chocolate and cookies. some good fruits to eat are bananas, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, and raspberries. i couldnt find a bunch of vegetables i apologize :,)
- something else to pay attention to (in you lunch) is the carbs you put into it. things like white bread, potato chips, candy, and donuts/baked goods should be moderated, or, if youre willing (and only if you're willing) kept out of your lunch altogether.
- doing (SOME) exercises. ok yes ik exercising is gross and if youre in school its literally impossible (or you cant do it in your room bcs you share it with somebody) i suggest exercising in the morning BEFORE your shower bcs nobody wants to sweat right before going to school and i reblogged a morning exercise routine (i hate that word) thats pretty short and not high-intensity
- quite different from my last three tips, i've heard that drinking ice cold water burns calories (and just drinking water generally), drinking green tea raises metabolism (getting more than 6 hours of sleep also does this), taking cold showers generally burns calories because your body has to heat back up to it's original temperature, hence burning calories
- i thought this one kinda funny, and that's: if you feel hungry or if your stomach is starting to hurt, punch yourself in the stomach or do sit-ups. this reduces feelings of hunger (probably because you just bOXED YOURSE-). also curling up into a ball.
these are a few tips i have, i'll update when i think of some more things, good luck :)
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some tricks i use (2)
> only eat when you’re actually feeling hunger in your stomach, not when you’re craving something. if you’re craving something make yourself some tea with no sweetener, lemon water or black coffee.
> try not to drink your calories, it’s better to eat them because that way it takes longer to digest and you’ll feel full for longer. 
> make a list of tasks (like a to-do list) that you have to be done with before a certain meal. for example: i have to clean my room, make my bed, wash my teeth, shower, get dressed and finish a drawing before i can have my breakfast.
> start your day with a coffee (it can be a latte) or tea (you can add milk) instead of food, because it helps to kickstart your metabolism for the day. after a while you’ll get so used to it that you won’t even think of having a bite in the morning. 
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♥︎ s k i n n y ♥︎ a n g e l ♥︎ g r o c e r y ♥︎ l i s t ♥︎
going shopping now, so thought I would share the type of stuff I usually get ♡︎ ...
Frozen Blueberries & Raspberries
Kale & Spinach
Unsweetened Almond Milk x2
Red & Green Bell Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
Chia Seeds & Flax Seeds
Black Beans, Chickpeas & Lentils
Green Tea, Peppermint Tea & Ginger Tea
80% Dark Chocolate
Rice Cakes
Babyfood Corn Puffs
Apple Sauce
Vanilla Stevia
Apple Cider Vinegar
Coconut Water
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i literally cant stop baking my low calorie muffins r cooling rn...
Low calorie banana muffins
45 cals each - servings: 12
*reminder: oats and bananas keep u full for longer!!
• 75g oats (281 cal)
• 1 egg (60 cal)
• 1 tsp baking powder/ soda (0 cals)
• 2 bananas peeled (200 cals)
• vanilla extract (optional)
- set oven to 425 °f or 220°c
- mash all ingredients together or blend (blending is easier) until fully combined
- fill whatever muffin pan u use ( i spray mine with zero cal cooking spray before i bake) you should have enough of the mixture for 12 muffins:)
- bake at 425°f/ 220°c for 5 min
-lower temperature to 375°f or 190° and leave to bake for 10 min
- take out the oven to let sit/chill for 2-3 min
if you can use a food scale to measure your ingredients☺️
* you can also add whatever mix in you want
ex: blueberries, raisins, nuts, etc
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