ieasha · 1 day
Intimacy is not just physical. To crave a persons presence and energy rather than just their body is the purest form of intimacy.
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ieasha · 1 day
Sometimes I have to step outside my self so I can see my life clearly again
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ieasha · 1 day
I want a whole day with you.
A day where all we do is sleep, fuck, shower, and repeat.
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ieasha · 1 day
perhaps nothing else on earth matters, besides the love you take in, and the love you put out.
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ieasha · 1 day
Find someone who enjoys your boring conversation everyday.
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ieasha · 1 day
Ignore me, best way for me to lose feelings. If you don't care, I don't care. I'll erase you out of my memory
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ieasha · 1 day
Of course you miss me, I wasn’t the problem.
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ieasha · 1 day
maturity is when you stop begging for someone to stay, to love you, or to appreciate you.. you already know your worth. It's better to lose someone than to lose yourself.
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ieasha · 1 day
Tumblr media
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ieasha · 1 day
it was never gonna work out but i experienced all these seemingly profound unreplicable moments that were romantic and moving and made me feel alive and still none of it actually means anything in the long run. but thats okay. sometimes a beautiful moment is just that. a moment. and you have to leave it alone and just be grateful that it happened. woooow
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ieasha · 1 day
growth is saying “ok” when you know you got a paragraph in you
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ieasha · 1 day
having someone you can tell every detail of your day without feeling like you are seeking for attention is such a great feeling
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ieasha · 1 day
I like people who don’t need everyone to like them
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ieasha · 1 day
“It’s okay to take time for yourself, whether to recharge from a particularly demanding day or heal from a hurt or when you just need to be alone.”
— Unknown
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ieasha · 5 days
All she ever wanted was a love that didn't remind her of pain.
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ieasha · 5 days
Making someone feel seen, heard & understood is the loudest way to love them.
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ieasha · 5 days
I don't mind losing sleep if it means I get to stay up with you.
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