The Awakened State’s CORE MISSION - What I stand For 💃⬇️
This is What The Awakened State’s CORE MISSION IS ABOUT
This week I deleted over 900 posts on my website that were highly misaligned with my brand, my message, who i am and what I stand for.   If you found me from google from these pages - let me just start by saying - that was who i used to be, but it’s not me today. That was Ashley the free mentor from Tumblr who just wanted to help whoever would listen. The Ashley in the past really just wanted to be heard - that’s why I kept over 900 posts from tumblr so I felt Seen with my website. I think I kept these pages to feel safe in my Brand and Company as a whole. But they are filler like extra iceberg salad - you don’t really want to eat it - but the filler still tastes good lol. But These New Age Messages are NOT who I am. Even though these posts on dream symbolism, past live reincarnation, Q&A numerology and Astrology facts that I probably didnt even write(in 2015 copy and paste astrology was a thing) - have absolutely NOTHING to do with Who I am now and precisely what I teach. They are fun to talk about with me but it’s NOT what I truly teach and Keeping that knowledge from you is of disservice to both of us. After deleting 900 pages - I have never felt more CLEAR about who I truly am, what I actually do, and Who I am here to help. Let’s just clear the air here. The Awakened State is about teaching others how to navigate the changes of spiritual awakening from bringing a practical edge to spirituality. I teach others about the power of Energy work, Emotional Mind-body Healing and learning how they can manifest/co-create their lives from the inside out. I hold strong to standing for a company that supports the individual to Feel Emotionally Empowered through these life-altering changes of Spiritual awakening. The Awakened State strongly stands for creating a world where we No longer suppress our Intuitive abilities but embrace them in our lives. The Awakened state’s core mission is to help others Master their Energy and their Mindset so they can Attract in the life they desire to live, not the life they settle for. Spiritual Awakening is truly a catalyst point to Learn how to Emotionally heal yourself through understanding your energy body and Embracing your Intuitive Power to Manifest a life you are obsessed with. We do not stand for “High vibe only” fake positivity and strict new-ageism concepts but rather Practical Spirituality. The Awakened State strongly values teaching, inspiring and educating on bringing Practical Systems to Spiritual Principles so we can apply them back to our personal lives. One of my deepest Specialities is bringing psychology into Emotional mind-body Healing work so you can learn how to reprogram & rewire Energetic Patterns in your Nervous System. We do this through the use of Subconscious reprogramming alongside of Energetic Mindset work. One thing I teach differently is how to identify patterns and how to shift those patterns so you become an energetic match easier. This is a foundation in many of my programs at The Awakening School. I teach others that they hold the power to Heal themselves from the inside out so they can MANIFEST from the inside out. Our Values strongly incorporate that you feel: Empowered by our Articles, you feel hopeful of true Change, and Confident in knowing that you hold the power to shift energy & Attract in Solutions for any area of your day-to-day lives. Without Question - I know what it’s like to keep beating yourself up for having negative thoughts, after negative thoughts, thinking you’re doing it all wrong because you’re not positive enough to manifest or even “be spiritual”. Therefore the spiritual community has you feeling shamed about your emotions and human-ness. Thinking the Ego is bad and that who you are with your emotions isn’t enough to succeed so we shrug it off, push it down saying, “just be positive and you’ll get what you want”  or my favorite “Just relax more and you’ll start to allow more”   B. S. If manifesting was as easy as “relaxing” and “feeling good” then I’d be Attracting What I wanted every time I orgasmed.   nice try…lol But don’t you see we’re missing something here? But What if, there is a better way? If there’s anything I’ve learned on this journey it’s that often ‘high vibe only’ culture has you in a state of unconscious resistance and emotional suppression that often leaves you feeling more defeated than joyful. This can be sooooo harmful to your self-esteem and your personal state of well-being. I truly believe in sustainable manifestation, built from a regulated nervous system and a Solid foundation of Aligned Belief work. Most people in the industry of law of attraction barely scratch the surface when it comes to the REAL Inner work, which is why so many people become frustrated by the Law of attraction and healing work. Wouldn’t it feel so much better to create your desires from a place that feels Safe and empowered? wouldn’t it be so more inspiring if you began to naturally raise your vibrations so you feel motivated into aligned actions of your heart - instead of forcing yourself positive and pushing yourself into frantic action induced with pressure? How would it look to imagine that you could co-create your life from the inside out, from a place that feels confident, empowering, and truly safe in your body? That’s what I wish for everyone. It’s what we stand for here at The Awakened State. ___ This is a conversation we will talk more in-depth on in the New Podcast episodes Coming Tomorrow. Awaken & Manifest Your Best Life Until then, I am formally inviting you if you would like to work deeper together.
My signature program, The Soul Aligned Manifesting Circle, helps you Attract in the Deepest Desires of your Heart through the process of sustainable manifesting.
When I say Sustainable, i’m talking about creating a manifestation system that is both practical psychological & reliable so you welcome in your most Emotionally Liberated path possible for true success. If you’re interested in learning more about my signature program, The Soul Aligned Manifesting Circle. Where I teach you an in-depth version of sustainable manifestation and emotional Mind-body healing practices, Then without question you must check out this NEW exclusive training on how you can immediately learn how to Manifest successfully where I’m featuring: The 5 Manifesting Secrets to Quantum Leap - Without the Fluffy B.S. In this Training you will learn: 💎How to Get Over the Fluffy Methods out there and Actually Start doing the Work That “Works” when it comes to Manifesting! 💎Learn the Valuable Process of What it Takes to Actually Quantum Leap (This is BIG) 💎Have More Fun with Manifesting Games So you walk away knowing how to Manifest immediately with Action steps & Thought prompts to help. 💎End Your Confusion & Doubt when it comes to Knowing what you need to DO When it comes to Getting real Results with Manifestation 💎How You can Make Manifestation Fun & Easy in your Life with a repeatable System that IS so much easier than hunting down tiktok videos to find Manifesting methods that work for you - not against you(I know who you are) Enjoy the FREE masterclass! Keep your eyes On your Inbox/Posts tomorrow for the OFFICIAL PODCAST LAUNCH!   You can SIGN UP FOR FREE CLASS HERE: https://www.theawakenedstate.net/5-manifesting-secrets…/ If you have further questions on The Soul Circle VIP or working together, just email me at our contact box on the website at theawakenedstate.net below and i’ll get back to you. talk to you soon! theawakenedstate.net 
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I don't want to talk about your limits and spend time dissecting ourselves. Manifestation and energy work can be fun! I want to bring back the fun and invoke your inner magic when it comes to energy work. I want to talk about your dreams. Your desires. Your deepest soul vision. I want you to have fun and do what works. I want you to experience life's magic 💎🔮 I don't want to waste your time with fluff that only gets you so far. *ahem* visualizing *ahem* We go deep. And we go deep fast into the work that actually works when it comes to manifestation and energy work. My latest youtube series is named and I quote "How to Manifest _______." Very tongue and cheek with this one lol. will be exploring how to manifest in all sorts of different areas of your life. Because lets face it. The possibilities of manifestation are endless! We have material goals like career, money, 🚗 s, houses, and then we have Immaterial goals like boosting your self esteem, confidence (we just covered this on the channel, check my YouTube to see it 😀 📽) love, self-care, etc. And I want to make sure you receive the best TIPS when it comes to Mindset and Energy work with Manifesting. So tune into the channel for each weekly video drop every Friday! (Or Saturday if I get distracted 🙃) It's been a hot minute loves, Ive been honestly pretty busy, Ive been enjoying summer while it still stays hot, (indiana summers be like that...) I'm gearing up for The soul aligned manifesting circle which is a new upgraded experience, like you have no idea what's coming 😘 A new podcast is coming 🙌 😍 🎙 And MANY MORE SURPRISES. 🌈💃🌈💃 Stay tuned! And how has it been? How did that supermoon treat you? Let me know below 👇 💎 #updates #awakeningtips #manifestingmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFMTufuX9P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Every day I show up to pilates and actually do what I say I'm going to do - I know I am pushing past my own resistance and severing patterns in my nervous system 🥰 The Mind-Body Revolution(my recent 90 day challenge i hosted on youtube) series taught me a lot about habit, but more importantly it taught me about perseverance. Not everyday is going to be rainbows, how we get through things is quite literally to shift out of the resistance and doubt that is poisoning our attraction power and decide differently how this is going to go. It's never about overcoming, its about being on the journey of Stepping into your higher self who (spoiler alert 📢) is never actually separate from you , you just think she/he is. The real journey is to be the next level now Claim what you want now. Entertain new ideas, thoughts, beliefs and habits now. Because if you dont claim what you want now, No one will do it for you So you will simply repeat what you did yesterday Change doesn't happen in a vacuum It happens when you get your ass up and into the ring, into the field now. Get out into the field now. And you fucking learn to combat resistance as you go Stop dancing on the sidelines of desire of your own life, it does NOT work that way and your own resistance will keep telling you so 😘 Btw my newly published book: AWAKEN YOUR POWER TO MANIFEST IS NOW ON KINDLE!!! 💃📚 (see last slide!) Grab your copy today by heading to Amazon. 👉🔮And there is only 3 more days to join my out of the vault workshop Awaken your Aligned Vision to create your own success Blueprint with manifesting techniques All at LINK IN BIO 💃🙏 #abundanceisyourbirthright #manifestation #manifestingmagic #manifestingtips https://www.instagram.com/p/CfwwH25uHn8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I AM...healing. I am whole. I am whole, I am healing... I am not perfect, I am too much, in my wholeness that is just enough. The flaw- in the personal development world, too much focus on hunting shadows to fix our wholeness, Not building on from the wholeness already there and present. The flaw - not enough focus on applying and training the mind to embody possibility. Too much focus on limitation and constant contraction. The seduction of the shadow self is strong. Rather than focus more on our quantum intelligence and wholeness already present. We are often brainwashed to feel not enough as we are, dissect more, pick apart, pick the wings off one by one. The flaw- depend on the emotions to manifest, never the belief or the embodiment. The result, allow the emotions of the egos conscious mind to dominate your results putting you in lack and snapping you into newtonian concepts of cause and effect. Always slightly out of reach...never actually healed. Pattern never actually broken. It is unnecessary to constantly hunt the origin of shadow all it does is keep us more focused on limitation. It contracts our focus and keeps us in the pattern Not our wholeness. Not our nature expansion. The key 🔑 Extract the wisdom of the shadow Give the body what it needs to heal Embody your authentic self as truth Allow magnetism to guide you. Break the fucking pattern 🔥 A revolution is brewing, A revolution taking place in our minds ✨ There is an easier way, Join the Mind Body Revolution Experiment and see for yourself. (Link in bio for more info) It is time to do things differently Less hunting, more embodying. Less perfect, more authentic rawness Less healing, more wholeness Less contracting, more expanding Less misalignment, more Authentic alignment with who you truly are Where the noise dissipates and you begin to hear yourself again. I am here for the revolution The light and the shadow are one. Do you treat them that way? 🤔🌷 Which flaw is holding you hostage? Lets talk about it below 👇 💫 📷 my eyes are still healing from the pink eye I got from my son,gotta love school lol 😆 this is real me. 💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/CbXxrQLuz80/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The power of believing in yourself can take you farther than anything ✨ Its almost my birthday, and I'm amazed at how much I have changed and grown over the last few years. Things that used to take forever for me to process now take days sometimes even hours. My ability to shift energy and mindset since gotten so much easier and clearer than ever before. And I believe a big part of that is due to self belief. I'm officially a published author on AMAZON EVERYWHERE, Awaken Your Power to Manifest. And the majority of this workbook I released is on learning to manifest with self belief over the course of 30 days. I honestly believe self belief is one of the most powerful tools in our spiritual toolbox when it comes to going after our goals and manifestation. The reason is simple, even the early masters like Napoleon Hill have said similar concepts that the mind feeds and influences the subconscious mind. Therefore when we are in disbelief. Fear or uncertainty we create disbelief within ourselves And here's the weird part - so that becomes ALL WE SEE We see the disbelief in the pathway and direction of our desires, doubting ourselves vs the encouraging, certainty of self belief. Believing in ourselves is the answer you're always looking for. Not hidden wounds, not dissecting shadows, not hunting down the limited belief to end all beliefs. No. The power will always be in your ability to transcend the bullsh*t with believing beyond what you can currently see and knowing it exists for you anyway! This is a process of shifting, changing our mind, and looking at seeing things differently Where are you making things harder, more of a struggle or complicated when your soul knows their is a more simple aligned pathway unfolding Its the one you create with your self belief 😘 In awaken your power to manifest You will learn how to: 💎 end doubts & shift energy 💎 learn to manifest successfully in 30 days 💎 practice manifesting consistently to help you build self belief 💎 naturally raise your vibe 💎 have a healthier mindset and outlook on manifesting 💎 go get/ align with what you want! On Amazon everywhere 📚 💜 🔗 in highlights too! Muffin 📷 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cas19E4OA81/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pssst Want a sneak peek into the free ebook i just made on the mind body revolution? A powerful free training series im starting on YouTube. 📽💎 ➡️The mission: Reach as many people as possible to understand the journey of utilizing the mind body connection with our goals and intentions for faster results. Why its important? The reason we often don't meet our goals or manifested intentions is due to not working with BOTH the conditioning of the mind (mindset work) and the physical energetics of the body (embodiment work through habitual behavior) These two components working together create MASSIVE MAGIC AND RESULTS. Take it like this. The mind feeds the body the right information, the actions start to become easier and easier to take as you're now creating a compounded habit.( I teach you how in the free training. ) This is the bare basic understanding, head to the video or my blog for the full breakdown The 30 60 90 day journey is to witness your own transformation and pick 3 goals to create your own mind body uplevel experiment on! 💎what are you ready to say enough is enough, im ready for change on? 💎Are you ready to join the revolution and create your own challenge? This is sooo fun to share with you all. I have everything you need to get started in the free ebook and training i made for my community. Just pop onto the link in bio to get started! 🥰Let's create a movement of intentional living with the mind body revolution! 💎Please share this with anyone you feel would also benefit from this free challenge. Like this graphic to help spread the word. 💎Drop a comment to let me know if youre in! Lets go! 💃 I'm on day 18 and wooooo we are just getting started stay connected on your journey by also getting a weekly check in on our off line community space the awakened network. Lack consistency or accountability?? I gotchu 😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CapqhapOjL-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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"By visualizing your goal already completed, you flip your mind onto the frequency that contains the way that it will be attracted to you" - BOB PROCTOR ✨✨ @proctorgallagher 🙏✨💜 This man completely shifted how I was seeing mindset and today I honor his memory and miraculous work. Really sad to hear about Bob Proctor's passing a few days ago. He was such an incredible, charismatic and influential man. Bob had a lot of influence on some of the reasons I studied law of attraction and married mindset with energy work. His work also helped me COMPLETE my first ecourse I made as I had a lot of doubts to overcome. I remember reading his book in one sitting, and then immediately I went to the library to grab Napoleon hills book after reading what an influence think and grow rich(a real CLASSIC in turns of growth mindset and success) had on his life towards the law of attraction. His story of being mentored by earl nightingale and starting with low self-esteem from creating his very first business with nothing but the power of will, determination, devotion, and his Mindset. He created a company of success driven individuals rooted in loa teachings neting roughly 20k million. He impacted millions. His company lives on beyond his physical presence. A true legend. He inspired me a lot on his approach on success mindset and the law of attraction. I even quoted him in my soon to be released book, Awaken your Power to Manifest. Thank you Bob. Eternally grateful 🙏 Do yourself a favor and get his book we are born rich to honor his memory, you won't regret it 💜🙏 Did you know Bob or his work? He was one of the original teachers of law of attraction and success mindset even before The Secret or workings of Tony Robbins. Here are some of my fav quotes from him, enjoy! #bobproctor #loafounder #mentorsthatinspire #inspiration #manifestation #lawofattraction #youwerebornrich #growthmindset #successmindset https://www.instagram.com/p/CZpLdkbONfp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It Should be Called Magnetic Action, not "Inspired Action" True magnetism feels like being *Magnetically Pulled from within* Action. Is inspiration the same thing as being magnetically pulled? Maybe we are splitting hairs here, but let's think about it: I can be inspired to write a to dolist and call it 'manifesting' I can feel inspired to conjure up a plan and call it 'manifesting' I can feel inspired to write a step by step bullet point list and say it's 'aligned action' But Activating your Magnetism is a little bit sneakier, it feels like a DIRECT PULL, A pulsating sensation to suddenly break out of routine and do something wild, completely different. It feels Random. It often may feel chaotic or maybe even a little off the beaten path, slightly...crazy. Our Intuition is nonlinear. Receptive. inconsistent even. (our ego hates that) Our wild intuitive impulses are often the crazy ideas that position and pull us to exactly where we need to go, what we need to do and who we need to be by For example - I just randomly decide to watch this video - with exactly the right advice I needed to hear in that moment, Suddenly I am PULLED to do something different than I was doing in my random train of thought and daily routine. perhaps that is real inspiration, but do not be seduced or swayed by the ego telling you how to get in 'inspired action' VS Magnetically Pulled from WITHIN ACTION. Manifestation is not something that is pulled out of thin air but rather activated WITHIN you, you're never manifesting something from nothing. Rather you're aligning to something that ALREADY EXISTS within you. What are your thoughts on Action in the manifesting process? P.S. If you didn't hear, Awaken your Power to Manifest: A 30 Day Manifestation Challenge of Energy Tools, Gratitude, And Rituals will be debuting on Amazon VERY SOON! This is an interactive workbook experience unlike anything i've seen done out there. Can't wait to share more soon! https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKXnmfumIT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Full Moon in Cancer  - ALIGN YOUR HEAD AND MOVE WITH YOUR HEART - Amist Mercury Retrograde/ Venus Retrograde This Moon is a different shift in energetics as we have not really a simple water moon. There's a lot of air element coming with, along with the energies of Venus retrograde and Uranus, mr revolutionary about to go direct - (haha, I think we all get that joke with the world on fire these days LOL )  This won't just be a simple emotional moon but a moon that is backed with emotional intelligence. A deep thinker kinda moon - What aren't you seeing? Are you willing to change your perspective about this?  While Cancer has us honoring our emotions, we are also carrying the Logical Bits of Aquarius introspection - saying - But don't make emotional choices without thinking clearly - In other words - Don't allow your emotions to dominate your results this time! Use your head along with your heart - Be strategic but Aligned with your Heart. In other words, this is a moon to NOT be overly emotional in our choices but evaluate and reassess - How do I use my head with my heart? My Logical structure with my Emotional Intelligence. mmmm Yes Full moon in Cancer amist retrogrades feels like a bridging between working with the solar plexus to get your Aligned hustle on - While also taking those moves with your HEART  chakra (venus retrograde in motion) Am I in emotional integrity with myself?    How can we Move with both our Head and our Heart?  Aren't we contradicting ourselves here? Or are we learning to create some balance between the masculine and feminine versions of ourselves - are we tooo out there in energetic madness that we're forgetting the structure and Order that creates the freedom to enter Flow.  Or are we too in the structure and strategy - that your Heart just simply isn't in it?  This is what this moon is here to ask us  How can I flow with aligning my head with my heart Catch the next energy report by subscribing to the newsletter in bio! ✨❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/CY2hgcSsUlL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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COVER REVEAL! 🧐🔥🔥 HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is the official cover reveal of my book that will be released on Amazon later this month. I can't keep it a secret much longer lol. This is some of my most earliest foundational teachings on manifestation. I wrote it in 2017 and then I decided to go back and update it with the fresh perspectives I now have today in the present. Since learning about manifestation and the power of gratitude my life has never been the same. The Awakened Bliss Creator Manifestation challenge 2.0 Updated. Unleashing from soul Energy tools, Keeping Manifestation simple and doable So you instill habits over the course of 30 days cultivating your self belief and accelerating the true desires of your heart. These teachings have changed the course of my entire life and I am sooo excited to be able to share them with you. Stay tuned 😉 💃🔥🔥🔥 https://www.instagram.com/p/CYM4ZPNuT43/?utm_medium=tumblr
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a Blessed Solistice ✨🎄🎅🎄 The last week has been a whirlwind, I am taking time for some tlc. And giving myself a week off. Be present 🎁 Be merry 💃 Eat lots of good food. 🥧 Sleep in 😴 Enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy 😊 Hope you all do the same in the best way you can. 🙏 Sending love from my family to yours. Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, joyeux noel and a warm holiday season to all ♥️♥️♥️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CXriCQFuDqK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Lets talk about Next Level Identity work - who are you inside the vision beyond the vision? Yes, not the vision you want now, no go deeper into the space where you are now already the person inside your current dreamed up desires and go even deeper into the desires and vision you desire after you are living inside the vision already. #trippy Because that's what it takes to fully be the person. Ive been a little bit over this whole conversation around lets spend a shit ton of time dissecting our wounds, let's continously keep searching for what we are limited by and let's focus on the vision from a level of I must work towards my outcome from a space of, If I just do enough work If I just heal enough karmic baggage If I just find the limited belief to end all my limited beliefs, Then I can be on the other side It is almost masochistic dissecting and pulling ourselves apart in this way and yet the industry is built on this model of healing comes before real action and success. Let's create a revolution of intentional living build from the space of the Quantum. When everytime I truly leap - it occurs because I finally let that shit go and focus more on Being My Next Level self Now. It occurs when I step into encouraging myself and emotionally empowering my personal sense of identity It happens when I OVERRIDE the past programming from a space of awareness Bringing in a new choice. A New habit. That officially BREAKS the cycle. Mmmm we cannot do that when we are obsessed with healing and locating how to be unstuck because you are simply telling the universe How do I figure out how to be unstuck You are constantly In a repeated cycle of What must I do to get there Who must I be to get there What vibration do I need to get there Its a seduction. We must always go deeper into the vision beyond the vision and unlock who is my next level self? Would she really be tolerating this? What would she do differently? Where do we need to let go so deeply we immediately flip the switch and change perspective? Or we can continue to act moving TOWARDS instead of from the quantum embodiment of who you were always meant to be. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXTrcZnuHAl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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If I knew the answer was to encourage myself, I would of saved myself years of sabotaging my desires... But I didn't Because constant criticism was more normal Lack was more normal Beating myself up for having a negative moment was more normal Doubting myself and what I could do More normal What we see as normal is what we expect until we are willing to change our normal and how we believe manifestation is really created. We begin to change WHAT WE EXPECT We think its about all the fancy shit but really it's about looking into the depths of who you are and asking: but actually what do I need to give myself? Not what do I need to let go but what do I need to give myself? The facade is the conversation of I can't have what I want, but the true journey is the acceptance of knowing its already yours Over and over and over again Where do you need to shift the conversation you are telling yourself? ✨✨✨ Fall adventures, isn't this tree gorgeous? #manifestingtips #mindbodyhealing #mindsetmatters #encourageyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGwBU6lJlL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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In a world of so much upheaval, chaos, and uncertainty - make sure you spend time being outrageous, silly and doing things that bring you happiness. 🧹🖤 Prioritize what deeply matters to you. Because in the end that is all that truly matters, what brings your soul alive? ARE YOU DOING THAT? or are you letting the shadow take over and guide your decisions...🤔 This week on the blog, i hosted a special Halloween episode, were diving into SHADOW WORK! If you missed it, check it out on YouTube! Also if you didn't hear there is a FREE 5 Day Manifestation challenge going down on Monday! You walk away with a manifesting ritual to begin OWNING YOUR MAGNETISM. You still have time to secure your seat by registering at the link in bio. OR drop a comment and I'll dm you the link. See ya soon 😘 Happy Halloween witches 🎃 🍂🧹🖤 #shadowwork #halloween #energywork #freechallenges #empoweryourself #manifestation #manifestingmagic #getspooky https://www.instagram.com/p/CVsyGa_rRuQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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You are already more than enough just as you are. You are doing the best you can right now. There is always more than enough time for what matters to you. You are doing a great job. When you be yourself more and more of your natural self surfaces You are exactly where you're meant to be You are beautiful and worthy as you are. You did enough today and thats great. Your desires are always leading you to your highest good. Everything is always working out in your favor You are wildly supported. You are divinely loved. You are naturally abundant. You are made for greatness. You are smart. You are kind. You are magnificent. You know the way forward. Keep going, you're doing great. 🙏👆🤗 Self encouragement changes lives. Try it sometime 😘 How's you're week going? 💕 . . . #encourageyourself #selfmotivation #selflove #selfcare #empoweryourself #loveyourself #befreefromyourthoughts #awakeningtips #energywork https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5R4iRllKz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Been taking a social media break. Home renovating. Its been time consuming and energetically draininglol. At this point I am taking a month off to get life back in order. It is what it is at this moment. Doing routine or orderly things has been quite chaotic. Rooms rearranging, molding, shaping, taking form. These are things I used to dream and write about...getting a house, smooth hardwood floors,, painting my kids rooms bright af colors. manifesting left, right and center all the time. These days. But I'm exhausted lol. We can find the order In the chaos. And the rebirth in the dismantle of the old. The old must be purged and renewed in order for the new to be born. So where ever you're being Remember manifesting never really coming from what you're doing But who you are being And in that space, naturally you are drawn and pulled magnetically into the being That materializes exactly what you desire. That full moon was a doozy! Whats been coming up in your world? 🥰 Until next time 💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS7idYLnNWl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Let's talk about EXPANSION There are moments throughout all of life that feel like a crossing of comfort vs growth There are moments that feel like you're contracting, shrinking, unsure on which direction to turn and yet you choose anyway to expand. There are moments where you have to decide will I allow myself to continue to tolerate this or choose a new normal instead? There are moments where we must witness our own emotional soul's liberation where the egos voice grows so small, the expansion of the present moment out weighs it. The focus suddenly shifts. The problems that were once BIG, and scary in our minds. Suddenly feel. Like ants on the ground. The air clears and a new level rises to meet us. You feel the change in the air as life transitions to meet you. Opening. Growing. Expanding. Shrinking. Afraid of the new, the old reappearing, contracting, opening again, growing, breathing in expansion. Sometimes we must meet a crossing with ourselves to honor the fear and walk through anyway. To honor the old and dismantle it anyway. To see our fear but to choose higher universal truth anyway. But soul always asks us: will you, lovely choose to bloom or will you choose to listen to fears voice instead today? It is always a matter of awakening your emotional soul's liberation Step into your full Bloom. As life, the universe, God, angelic forces catches up to meet us there. 📷 Just moved, renovating, adjusting, so many boxes lmao, manifestations coming to life, left, right and center. More posts probably next week when i feel more myself 😅 feeling in full bloom 🌸🌹🌷 How was that lions game portal activation for you?! (I was moving across state the whole day talk about manifesting activation lol ) Let's chat! Share with me below. Happy Friday the 13th 😜😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CShG9uknPKF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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