ifyoulikepodcasts · 6 years
spoiler alert: 
If you aren’t sure “horror anthology” is your thing but you do like superpowers and conspiracies and overarching plots, you should really really give this a try! It is NOT what I osmosed from fandom, for sure. :D 
Need a new podcast to listen to?
This is just a friendly PA that The Magnus Archives exists and is 10000% a thing you should listen to.  
It’s a horror podcast, but not a bunch jump-scares, and it covers so many scary things.  
If you’re into (or into) monsters, or folks so tainted by horrific powers that they’re practically monsters, you’re in for a treat!  (Especially re: one of the most original takes on vampires I’ve come across in ages.)
There’s lots of queer characters, and lots of awesome ladies, both major and minor, and handled very well.  
The sound production, though simplistic at the start of the series, is solid and just keeps getting better.
Please take a listen, and let me know what you think!  (Side note, if there’s something in particular that scares you a lot and you want to know ahead of time if it’s in the series, just ask me.)
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 6 years
Hey! Could you plug Hit The Bricks? It's a girl who wanders a world made of people's dreams. Only the pilot is out so far, and they're testing the waters for interest before making the first season.
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 6 years
If you like the Penumbra Podcast, Rex Rivetter, Jack Tracer: The Arcane Files, or Dining in the Void, try Lesser Evils! It's on iTunes, Google Play, or almost everywhere else you can get podcasts.
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 6 years
Have you heard of "the message" it's a wonderful fiction podcast. If you liked limetown you will love this podcast, about aliens with a great, great teist ending
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 6 years
I keep recommending this to people, but have you heard of Book Snub? It's a comedy podcast hosted by 3 lesbians where they read bad books and make fun of them. It's super fun and would probably appeal to those who like to listen to mbmbam or other comedy podcasts
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
I couldn’t really keep up with Ars Paradoxica either tbh. Oakpodcast has a little less going on and fewer episodes. The Bright Sessions is a similar kind of genre, but there’s not much interactive element to it.
If you like...
The X-Files
The Da Vinci Code
The Ring
Ghost Adventures (or any other paranormal type show)
Then you might like The Black Tapes Podcast.
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
What specifically do you like about The Black Tapes Podcast? 
The creepy supernatural element? Try Spines and What’s the Frequency? podcast.
The investigative element? Try Passage, Tunnels, and Limetown.
The secret code/conspiracy element? Try Ars Paradoxica and Oakpodcast.
If you like...
The X-Files
The Da Vinci Code
The Ring
Ghost Adventures (or any other paranormal type show)
Then you might like The Black Tapes Podcast.
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
We're newbs! We're true-crimey! And both hosts = women.
Hello! We're a new true crime podcast (just release episode 5!) and we are looking for feedback and other true crime podcasts to network with. We haven't received nearly any input and we're honestly rookies to podcasting so if you wouldn't mind listening and sending us any critiques, ideas to improve, or comments -- it would be SO greatly appreciated. We can't get better if we don't know what we're doing wrong/right. If you can, thank you! If not, any direction you can offer to get better or convince people to give us their honest reviews would be superb.
http://ofmythandmercy.com http://ofmythandmercy.libsyn.com/rss Thank ya! Cassandra
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
have you heard of Crossing Wires? post apocalyptic, with a couple cool ladies in it (including a lesbian couple I think)!!!
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
If you like...
The Far Meridian
Alice Isn't Dead
...you might like Unplaced (@unplacedpodcast), which the story of a woman who wakes up one day to find that no one can see or hear her, and everyone she knows is slowly forgetting about her. 
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
If you like...
Zombies, Run!
The Walk
Natalie Dormer
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Virtual reality games
...then you might like The Discovery Adventures (worked on by Tom Crowley of Wooden Overcoats, no less).
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
Any funny/ light recs? I’m looking for stuff like psychobabble and shane and friends
Mod response: I haven’t listened to those two, but my go-to audio dramas for humor are Wooden Overcoats, EOS 10, and Zombies, Run! I don’t know that any of them are what you’re looking for, so maybe our followers can direct you to some of their faves.
Followers? Any suggestions?
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
If you like...
The Giver
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Mass Effect Series (especially  Miranda Lawson, Oriana Lawson, Grunt, and Jack)
Greek mythology
Basically any kind of dystopian young adult series where the climate is a mess and no one can have kids
...you might like Lesser Gods. @lessergodspodcast
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
Do you
like period pieces, history, or psychology?
have a weakness for narrators who are grad students struggling to finish their theses?
enjoy underwater horror complete with Lovecraftian monstrosities?
get attached to characters even though you know that the boat they’re on is going to sink and they’re all ultimately going to die?
like ensemble casts full of all types of different characters?
wish poly relationships were shown as healthy and loving?
want a cool new podcast to listen to?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, I have a recommendation for you! The Blood Crow Stories is a horror anthology podcast, with each season focusing on a different story. The first season is about a student named Max who, while researching for a thesis, finds a bunch of tapes from the early twentieth-century ship the SS Utopia, which sank under mysterious circumstances. The colorful characters, historical atmosphere, and emotional ups and downs make this podcast one you don’t want to miss.
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
If you like
- Gravity Falls - Welcome to Night Vale - and maybe just a hint of your rowdiest local NPR station, you might like:
King Falls AM! @kingfallsam
(And if you like all of that with a twist of The Twilight Zone, give Uncanny County a shot!)
Mod note: Thanks for the submission! I do want to give a heads up that KFAM needs a lot of trigger warnings for slurs, ableism, and some other disturbing content, and that the creators are known for being very anti-”PC.” Not saying don’t listen, just be aware going in if that might put you in a bad place! Thanks again for submitting!
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
Like the original Grimm fairy tales? Wlw and horror?
Try Mabel
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ifyoulikepodcasts · 7 years
If you like...
The Berenstain/Berenstein theory
…then you might like RABBITS
*Mod note 1: The Berenstain theory is actually called the Mandela Effect
*Mod note 2: Trigger warnings abound in Rabbits, but one I haven’t seen any reccers mention yet is the gross way the show treats sex workers. Take care!
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