igarinsmusings-blog · 3 years
FEAR OF CHANGE: PRODUCT OF OUR UPBRINGING | Political Commentaries | musings and entertainment
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Watching the hate, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia openly plaguing our nation nowadays, I realized to my surprise I was brought up to be just like that. I spent a few years in the South American nation where I was born, and aside from a different language, principles and bottom line are so much alike that it boggles the mind. We are taught to dread everything that is different, we are taught to fear change, there are names, usually, demeaning to designate members of a different culture. Dismissing insult as nothing but a jest. As far as any gay individual, they are outright insulted with disgust and condemned to hell, if such horrendous behavior is not curved. And of course, religion, is shoved down our throats as the only true way by which to exist, and abide by teachings, that superior being demands from us all, otherwise, be sent to that place of extreme suffering, pain, and hopelessness…Does this place seem familiar?
And those religious zealots who cross themselves and call on god for everything and anything, ironically are the same who beat their kids mercilessly for a transgression or bad grade in school. They abuse their children physically and mentally, they drink in excess, they cheat on their spouses, they steal whenever possible, and some engage in crime as the only way to provide for their families. But they will scream and shun any woman who exercises her right to not bring another being into this maddening world, just because it is her body and her right to do with it as she pleases. Fear remains at the core of every action. Change is unknown and dark. The usual is safe, whereas ambition and ideas of different are product of influences we must avoid, or so we tell ourselves to excuse a routine we abhor, but it is excused as a must for those before us endured it and so must we.
Reading opened my mind, it told me of a world with different beliefs, idiosyncrasies, foods, likes and dislikes, colors, but just as valuable and for some just as the one and only acceptable ones. The contradictions and similarities are staggering and at the same time hilarious. Racism and rejection are taught early in those Third World nations, where wealthy look down at the masses with disgust, as if being poor is a disease. We are rejected because of how we look because our lack of material possessions. And in truth, those looking down on us are the ones keeping us down in the gutter, demeaning us, insulting us, degrading us. A few of those who were discriminated. may one day find themselves among the privileged and several of them will adopt that same degrading attitude to which they were subjected and treat others therefore with the same lack of feeling and respect they were once dealt with themselves.
Most of us are not taught to respect, we are taught to fear, -oh yes, usually abusive parents will rename the dread they produce in their children as respect-, but no, we are taught to fear, because if we go against what we were told there will be harsh consequences for wanting to be ourselves. If we were taught to respect, we would not harass those who are different only because we want to feel superior over others to rid ourselves of the overwhelming frustration the abuse, we endure…
It is frightening to accept our shortcomings and realize the power is within us to change and be better, accepting, and humble. Humble is not weak, but like please and thank you, a matter a courtesy and respect towards humanity.  
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igarinsmusings-blog · 3 years
The United States In Disarray | WhiteHouse | President - Trump
Does this make sense to anyone? A man is elected president, -Trump-, despite insulting a national hero late Senator John McCain, making fun of a handicapped reporter, stating that because he is famous, he can grab women by the crotch and they won’t mind, referring to people coming across our border as being criminals.  Using hyperbole as the means by which to make sense of statements that in spite of number words, still remain nonsensical, childish and at times ignorant at best.  A man three-times divorced due to infidelities, a man involved in innumerable lawsuits from people who had done honest work for him and yet he had decided not to pay them their due.  A man who had in the past been accused of racism by not allowing African-Americans to rent in his properties.
Upon taking office, lies poured out of the White House including the meaningless size of the crowd at his inauguration which indeed was one of the smaller crowds for such an event.  Many of those handpicked by the newly elected president have resigned under a cloud of mystery or to avoid being looked into and perhaps questionable deeds found out, nine others have been indicted for crimes related to the Trump campaign and connections with Russia, something that for those who are unable to understand the extent of which is treason.
The man campaigned on a promise to build a wall at the southern border with funds that Mexico would provide…Well, of course this didn’t pan out, so 34 days ago he closed the government because the House will not approve of $5.7 billion that can be used for far more important things and will not be allocated for building this wall that was to be funded by Mexico, so now, does anyone else see the contradiction and outright nonsense behind this?
While in office, Trump has referred to those marching in a white supremacist rally as fine, and that makes him a racist.  He has taken the word of Putin a known dictator and assassin of his opponents, over the findings of our intelligence agencies regarding Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and this makes him a traitor.  He has stated he had no business in Russia, then stated that this was not done while campaigning, then went on to state that these negotiations were no longer entertained upon taking office, that makes him a liar.
And now, after reopening the government with a 21-day timeline in which he will get his $5.7 billion for this idiotic wall or barrier, otherwise he will shut down the government again and declare a national emergency.  What in the world is this? How can this great nation be at the mercy of this individual who sits in the White House only because 62,985,105 people who just wanted to see a Caucasian man in the White House, who believed or turned a blind to the reality before them, that they were voting for a corrupt, unprincipled and outright disgusting individual.  This is absurd and ludicrous and if this was happening in another country, we would be throwing our arms in the air stating how ridiculous this is that a nation would allow their elected officials to be such scum.
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igarinsmusings-blog · 3 years
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I am furious! I can't stand the injustice surrounding us. The blatant racism and disregard for humanity is beyond comprehension. African American men are shot for no other reason, other than the murdering cop being trigger happy, power hungry, or perhaps after 26 years of service in the police department confusing a taser for a gun…Not likely, should have come up with a different excuse.
And then we see a Caucasian male ram a truck into a police officer’s car, hit another with a hammer, then get on his truck and drag an officer holding onto the door, and yet no weapon was drawn…Incomprehensible, how can we possibly witness such indifference to life and decency. Wrongs as such make the blood boil and drives to question beliefs, respect, and even laws. How can these uniformed individuals hired to protect everyone, instead pick and choose whom are they going to harass, apprehend and even kill? Who are they? How dare they?
No, we must, no we shall not, no, we will not stand idly by and hear thoughts and prayers. No, those are just meaningless words, indifferent, and condescending. Instead, we must rise, and hold all those real criminals in uniform accountable for their actions. Every single person who feels they can insult and harass another person because the color of their skin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or anything that makes them different from, will be dealt with and held responsible for such transgressions. They must be arrested, fined, jailed, if they own a business make sure they are ruined, if they are employed, make sure they are terminated. Yes, we must enforce this with relentless initiative and force, no more, we will no longer abide by such humiliations, no, we will not.
For decades, racist scum wearing hoods, or heads shaved, or wearing police uniforms have roamed the streets murdering people just because the color of their skin, religious belief, or sexual orientation. Well, we must put on end to this right now. We will hold those racist criminals accountable with great anger and vengeance because they have inflicted too much pain and we will no longer just hope for thoughts and prayers. No, we demand change, change will come to our everyday lives, because we all have a right to walk our streets and not fear being murdered only because of how we look.
And let’s not look too far to find the culprits behind these crimes, a lot of them have been known to belong to the Republican Party. That same party that elected a president who referred to those in a white supremacist rally as fine, -racist-, who believed the words of known dictator and assassin of those who disagree with him, Putin, over the findings of our intelligence agencies, -traitor-, who was accused by more than 23 women of sexual misconduct and rape, -sexual predator-, who allowed a foreign country Russia to  elect him back in 2016, who used his office to promote his business, -corrupt-. Yes, anyone who supports such an individual and believes what he says, definitely has an issue with reality and truth, therefore, no wonder they are guilty of such atrocities and if given free rein, we could be certain they would do far worse.
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igarinsmusings-blog · 3 years
Ignorance — When Indulged Becomes A Disease | Racism
Is it freedom of speech when someone’s life is threatened? Is it freedom of speech when racial beliefs and the eradication of people because of their race, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs, are upheld? No, it is not. Elected officials who claim that the government is being run by lizard-like individuals who drink children’s blood?! Really, how low have we sunk, how embarrassing that our “freedom of speech” belief has driven us to watch this type of ignorance, celebrate a man who occupied the White House from 2017 to 2021, who spread lies any chance he got, conspiracy theories if he did not get his way.
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This is not the time to sit idly by hoping that by some moment of enlightenment those who preach violence will realize their wrong. No, this is not going to happen. They will feel emboldened by our silence, they will see that for what it is cowardice on our part or fear of them, and like the bullies they are, they will enact more and more attacks on whoever does not agree with their ignorance and hate. We are witnessing violence against Asian-Americans because of the lies utter by that racist, corrupt, lying, and sexual predator that used to be in the White House, -Trump-.
We must rise and bring that same hate to those who embrace white supremacy. They are disgusting, ignorant terrorists, who must be dealt with accordingly and bring them down by showing them what is like to be persecuted, and those in government who do not condemn them and denounce them as the criminals they are, must be ousted from their positions and prosecuted whenever possible.
They are a disease, and illnesses are not reasoning with, they are eradicated.
Republican Senator from WI Ron Johnson stated that on the 6th of January he did not fear the racist mob that stormed the capitol, because they were law-abiding citizens, really since do law-abiding citizens murder and attack police officers. But if this mob had been BLM or Antifa, he would have been concerned. What do we think should happen to an ignorant worthless piece of trash that says such outrageous and blatantly outright racist words?
We are being attacked by white supremacists, so we must all rise and overcome their hate. We must eradicate such immoral and inhumane principles, we must make sure our children can live in a society where people are respected and not judged as being undesirables only because of the color of their skin, their ethnicity, their sexual orientation, their gender, or religious beliefs. Now, let us not forget that religious beliefs are often linked to terrorism and injustice, so on this, we must be vigilant and careful not to accept or condemn too quickly.
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