ikindalikehockey · 2 years
I’m so tired of all these “Trump wouldn’t have let x,y,z happen” people.
Please. Give me specific examples. How would he have fixed any of this?
He would have stopped the war in Ukraine? How? Be specific. Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like Russia has been threatening in invasion since long before Biden took office and instead of helping, Trump withheld aid from Ukraine in an attempt to blackmail them into giving him dirt on a political opponent.
He would have saved gas prices? How? Because to me it looks like corporations are making record profits, and still raising prices because they KNOW people will blame Biden and not corporate greed. I can assure you that Trump would have no problem with corporations making record profits.
He would have prevented the overturning of roe v Wade? Are you stupid? He appointed 3 of the justices who spearheaded the movement.
For the love of god, politicians are not your favorite character on a TV show. Their actions have real world consequences and you standing here acting like they’re God is disgusting.
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
I vote every pro life person in America gets put on a list and whenever a child needs an organ, graft, or transfusion, we legally require them to donate it, even if it will kill them because it’ll save a child and children’s lives matter more. Sorry Brad, little Amy needs those lungs more than you. Sorry Karen, little Alex needs your heart.
We should also make them pay all the medical bills themselves, and refuse to let them take time off of work to recover (you know, if they survive lol).
Y’all don’t like that idea? You think it’s a violation of your rights to have your bodily autonomy stripped even if it keeps someone else alive? What an interesting concept… I wonder how no one has ever thought of that before.
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
Y’all I-
Some man, some literal cis-man, like without a uterus, just said to me “You just don’t understand how pregnancy works.”
My dude… I’ve been pregnant 3 times. Had one miscarriage. Recovered from pushing a whole full term child out of my body and am currently pregnant again. I think I’m significantly more qualified than you in this area but go off I guess.
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
I think a lot of people who have never been pregnant and support these laws fail to realize how difficult it is to not do anything that could harm the baby during pregnancy. A lot of it comes down to weighing risks and benefits and that looks different for everyone. I tried the “follow every recommendation perfectly with no exception” thing when I was pregnant with my daughter and I was miserable the whole time. (Also there is a lot of conflicting info out there that makes it impossible to follow everything perfectly) So sending people to jail for eating deli meat or runny eggs, drinking caffeine or forgetting to take prenatal victims is really, REALLY not good.
Another consequence of overturning Roe: charging mothers who don’t provide the absolute ‘best’ environments for their babies.
In 2019, a pregnant woman gets into an argument, and the other person shoots her in the stomach 5 times - obviously the baby is lost. The pregnant woman (who got shot) was charge with negligent homicide for ‘bringing her baby to the fight.’ It took 7 months of protest for her charges to be overturned.
Now that Roe is overturned? Can a mother be sued if she doesn’t take folic acid pills and her baby is born with spina bifida? What about the mom who doesn’t realize she was pregant until the 2nd trimester, drank in the 1st, and decides to keep the child? If her baby is born with fetal alcohol syndrome, is she charged with negligence for not keeping her body in tiptop shape, even though she didn’t know she was pregnant?
These are not hypotheticals. If a woman’s body is no longer her body, but *always* either a potential or future baby carrier, then we’re in for a whole host of crimes against pregnant people.
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
I’m so sorry that this is so long, but I have so many thoughts on this. TLDR at the end.
ALMOST everyone I’ve ever heard make this argument is an able bodied, nuerotypical, middle to upper class person who has no disabled children, friends or close relatives.
They like to ignore that a huge percentage of families can either not financially or not emotionally support an extremely (or even in some cases moderately) disabled child. We have a horrible health care system with insurance companies that often deny the therapy or in home care disabled children (and adults) need and ignore the fact that most families require more than one full time job to afford basic necessities already which leaves no parent able to stay home with the child who most daycare centers won’t accept (depending on the disability). They scream “adoption” while ignoring that most disabled children (especially POC) put up for adoption end up bouncing around foster care until they age out of the system and then end up as the people they hate so much who depend on the government for (what is usually subpar) basic care. Then they fail to see the irony that the policies they support are the main reason people would choose to terminate a pregnancy after finding out about the disability.
I’m pregnant (very unplanned) and idk what I would do if faced with that choice. Not because of eugenics or that I wouldn’t love my child, but because this country really isn’t friendly or supportive to disabled people/children/or their parents. People have to have fundraisers to afford things that should be provided by the government or at the least insurance companies. My husband and I barely make it by financially as is. We live in an apartment complex that is not even remotely accessible to people with any physical disabilities that prevent the use of stairs and can not afford a single other place within a 2 hour drive of our places of employment. I have to beg, plead and fight for my insurance to cover any of my mental health meds or appointments and still end up paying ridiculous deductibles and often have to switch from meds that work to ones that don’t or cause side effect with no warning bc my insurance randomly deiced the ones I was on were to new/expensive/experimental regardless of how much my I, my doctors and pharmacist try to fight them. I don’t even want to think about the fight they would put up over potentially significantly more expensive therapies and treatments. Actually I know already because my cousin is on the exact same insurance plan as me and has a nonverbal son with the most severe level of autism and neither her or her partners insurance will cover a single god damned therapy or service for him or support for his parents.
TLDR: screw this country and screw the people who use this argument to shame people who made or considered making what they decided was the best choice for themselves and their families in a country that refuses to support its own people.
Unfriendly reminder that reproductive rights are BOTH the right to have a child AND the right to not have a child. "Legalizing abortion will make eugenics happen" a) no the fuck it won't, and b) even if it did the person carrying the child gets to make the choice
The solution to the slaughter of disabled infants is not ban abortion it is to create support for disabled families you absolute truckknuckles
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
I wonder how many bookstore employees have had to move “The Handmaids Tale” out of the current affairs section this week.
I will not confirm or deny whether I have contributed to this phenomenon.
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
I want to fight. I want to dress up in a red robe and white bonnet, drive to the state capital and carry around signs about how the government is killing us and how we are about to have less of a right to our own body than a corpse because if we don’t fight, it won’t end here. They’ll come for access to birth control, LGBTQ rights, interracial marriage, voting rights, the religious freedom of anyone who isn’t Christian. The list goes on and on.
But I’m scared.
I’m pregnant, and I have a 15 month old daughter. I want to fight for my children to have a better life, and I want to fight for the rights of everyone with a uterus but I’m terrified that I’ll end up in jail for peacefully protesting and leave my children without a mother, that I’ll be hit with a rubber bullet or tear gas and lose my pregnancy, but most of all I’m scared that protesting won’t work no matter how hard we try.
BLM protest went on for months all over the world and no progress was made. Yeah, it spread awareness, but when it came down to it the media moved on, politicians ignored us, and nothing was improved. We screamed and begged “defund the police” and they laughed in our face as they raised their budgets. Police where I live just killed a 17 year old black child and faced no repercussions. It barely even made it onto the news.
We live in a dystopia where people are jailed for protesting peacefully. Where the government doesn’t care what people think, and the scariest part is that a huge chunk of the population either doesn’t see it or doesn’t care because it doesn’t effect them yet.
I’m done. I don’t want to be a hero. I want out. For me and for my children. I want out of this hell hole of a country.
Anyone who knows how to go about getting citizenship in another country, please give me some advice. Where should I try to go? What do I need to do? Who do I need to contact? I don’t care how much family I’m leaving behind. I want out.
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ikindalikehockey · 2 years
Here’s the thing pro-lifers don’t understand.
I don’t care why you’re pro-life. You’re wrong.
It’s against your religion? I don’t care. Mind your own business. Freedom of religion applies to everyone, not just you. Abortion is a protected right in many religions. Aside from that, religious freedom does not mean you have the freedom to force everyone to live by your religions rules. Quite the opposite actually.
You’re infertile and somehow feel entitled to other peoples children? I don’t care. Your lack of ability to carry a child does not give you the right to force someone to go through the trauma of pregnancy and childbirth so that you can fulfill your need to be a parent. Hire a surrogate. Take in one of the 400,000 children in foster care. I don’t care, but leave people with a uterus alone.
The fetus is alive? I don’t care. So are cancer cells, bacteria, cockroaches, wasps, spiders, mold, grass and trees. Unless you’re going to refuse cancer treatment, stop washing your hands, stop treating your home for pests and mold, and mowing your lawn or cutting down trees, sit down and shut up.
The fetus has bodily autonomy? No it doesn’t. If it requires the life of another person to survive, it does not because the rights of a parasite do not supersede the rights of a living breathing person. Doctors can’t legally harvest organs from a corpse without the consent of the dead person or their next of kin. They can’t even legally compel them to give them up. It doesn’t matter if little Sally is going to die without a part of Greg’s liver. You legally can not take it without his permission. You are literally arguing for a corpse to have more rights than a living person.
So in conclusion, if you’re pro-life, you’re wrong. I don’t respect you or your opinion, and I will fight until my last breath to ensure that the rights of all of my fellow uterus owners stay in place despite your dumb, dark ages opinions.
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
mental illness is you sitting exhausted in a corner and you’re like, “hey brain can you just shut the fuck up and chill for a sec” and ur brain’s like “fuck you” and runs around setting the house on fire
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
literal actual professional doctor: you have xyz mental thing
me: are you sure i’m not faking it for attention
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
hahaha but like why am i such an insecure paranoid piece of shit
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
The 5 Stages of Grief-- I Mean of Plotting a Book
(And a masterlist of blog posts that help along the way)
All plotting styles are different and these are just the 5 stages that I go through and think are most common.
I will be updating this with links as new posts are published, so bookmark this post if you find it helpful!
1. That little idea
The little idea can come from literally anything. That’s the beautiful thing about a creative mind. The idea is also usually very, very tiny at first. It’s a character or a setting or a bare-bones plot or a prompt. But it’s an idea!
Prompts Masterpost Using an Image as Inspiration
2. A bigger idea!
This is where you flesh out the little idea. I braindump (i.e. writing down every little idea I have pertaining to the story, including plot points) during this time. This is also a good place to figure out the central idea/question/themes, and important characters.
The Ten Genres 50 Character Name Ideas OC Names of the Day #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 How to Make a Story File (w/ template)
3. Setting the stage
Now is the time to flesh out your worldbuilding, characters, arcs, and relationships.
How to Make a Story File (w/ template) When You Have a Large Cast of Characters The Anti-Villain: A Study in Motivation My Personal Character Files: The 6 Box Method (w/ template) Some Worldbuilding Categories ½ Some Worldbuilding Categories 2/2 Worldbuilding in Detail Vol. I: Flora and Fauna Worldbuilding in Detail Vol. II: Religion 7 Worldbuilding Tips Little Quirks and Habits for Your OC Words to Describe Dress of a Character (Semi) Master List of Character Motivations
4. The Worst Puzzle Known to Man
Now you’ve got to start arranging the plot points you have into a cohesive-ish order. I find this is also the time I get tired or bored of my story, so I’ve included my post about beating writer’s block. Because, as we know, it can happen well before you even start writing. 
Tips of Writer’s Block 5 Better Ways to End Your Story Raising Stakes
5. 5 Seconds to Launch
A working outline should be ready for you to work from now. You’ve ordered the plot points, filled in the gaps, your characters and their relationships are ready to go. While I have a “working title” from the get-go, this is when I settle on the final title.
5 Ways to Find Your Novel Title Gillian Flynn: A Closer Look at Two-Word Titling Some Titling Formats and Examples
Reminder: I will be updating this with links as new posts are published, so bookmark this post if you find it helpful! Please let me know if any links are incorrect!
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
I don’t think a lot of people understand that no matter how progressive or well-read you are, there are always going to be moments in your life where somebody pushes back against something that’s so culturally ingrained you never even considered it before. And you’ll say “Huh, it never occurred to me to challenge this but you’re right,” and that doesn’t mean you were “morally toxic” before, it means you’re a non-omniscient human capable of growth.
Also, some preferred terms for things will change and evolve, and terms we prefer now might eventually be considered gauche or even offensive, and that doesn’t mean you were a bigot at the time for using them. It means we evolved as a society and chose new terminology to reflect that change.
Nobody is a fully formed realisation of progressivism that can predict all shifts and modes of thought. The world will always change, and hopefully you will, too
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
For anyone not keeping up, Trump held a rally earlier today, told his supporters to storm the Capitol building with him, then went to hide in the White House.
Protestors tore through 4 layers of barricades and are fighting cops to get into the Capitol building. A possible bomb was spotted and the Madison and Cannon buildings have been evacuated while a bomb squad was called in. And just now the Capitol has gone into lockdown.
But also Pence issued a statement that he is not doing anything with the electors and McConnell denounced Republican senators’ efforts to stop counting the electoral votes.
And as I was writing this, the protesters breached the Capitol and Pence was pulled from the Senate chamber.
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ikindalikehockey · 3 years
So for years black girls have had to read fanfics where y/n was automatically described as being paled skinned with long flowing hair and blue eyes. We couldn’t relate to it exactly, it excluded us, it ignored us. But we read it cause it was all that was out there. Now when we start writing fanfics for other black girls to feel included and represented, now you all are saying that you ‘‘can’t relate to it” therefore don’t support black writers when we were supporting your work all those years even though you were acting like we don’t exist within these fandoms. 
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ikindalikehockey · 4 years
Harry Potter AU in which Fred and George are in different houses and they steal and wear each others ties whilst doing stupid things in hope of the others house losing points
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ikindalikehockey · 4 years
My biggest pet peeve about tumblr is people who preach about the growth and development of their favorite players but then make posts calling less popular players trash for something they did literal years ago. Yes people grow. But people you don’t like grow too. Don’t act like you were born the person you are today. I was a complete asshole up until I was like 14 and I didn’t know any better because that’s what I was raised around. I was lucky to make friends in high school who tought me a lot about being a good person. Even public figures should be allowed the chance to become better people without their past being constantly thrown in their face.
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