iloved1lfs · 2 months
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iloved1lfs · 2 months
PAIRING: Patrick Zweig x Reader
Sypnosis: Patrick and you have been best friends since kids (along with art) and started dating during high school. He comes to visit you at Stanford for a tennis match you have, but the visit was not what you expected. Which then follows you in your future events.
Warnings: none. Follows the movie slightly just with my own twist.
This will become a series. Working on future parts.
PT. 1 PT. 3.
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After moments alone sobbing you finally composed yourself, you grabbed your phone to check the time for your match, which started in 30 minutes so you headed to the girls locker room. You entered the girls locker room to see all your teammates, you acknowledged them and started to get ready putting on your Stanford uniform, and tennis shoes.
You saw Tashi enter the locker room and head to her locker which was next to yours. There was thick tension between you, neither of you spoke to each other, and got ready in silence. It was time to step on the courts and as you grabbed your bag and made your way out Tashi caught up to you.
"I am sorry." You didn't respond as you continued to walk. "You can hate me all you want I didn't mean for it to happen." You looked at her, and she looked ashamed.
"You were my best friend," A flash of hurt displayed on her face when she heard the word 'were'. "Best friends don't do shit like this, a sorry isn't going to fix anything." You guys reached the courts and you separated from her, you went to the court where you were gonna play on.
You look towards the bleachers searching to see if Patrick was there, you were glad he wasn't there or seeing his face would've pissed you off but you only saw Art who was looking at you, he shrugged. You distracted yourself from what happened prior and focused on trying to win, you let out a sigh. First you were playing doubles, your partner was Tashi so for the moment and both of you wanting to win you forget about what happened earlier and show great ass teamwork.
You won your doubles match 6-0, 6-1. Two hours later, it was the evening, it was your singles match. It was match point, 6-2, 5-1. 40-30. You were the last one playing for singles, your teammates and people on the bleachers cheering for you. You were about to serve, all the cheering quieted down, you let out a sigh and throw the ball in the air as you smack your racket against the ball, and it reaches the opponents service box. She returns it with a strong low forehand, and you hit it back with a strong low backhand. You both are going back and forth until she decides to lob it, and you reach your hand out in the air, and while the ball is mid air you smash the ball hard letting all your anger out. Your opponent tried to get it, but was unable to do so.
"Come onnn!" You yelled with your fist near your chest, you smiled at the win and that the match was finally over. You walked up to the net shaking hands with your opponent and then after heading to your team where they cheered for you making Stanford win in the end. Each of your teammates pat your back hugging you, telling you good job as you thanked them. You looked over at Tashi who was clapping for your win, but didn't get close to you.
You looked over at the bleachers where everyone was cheering for you guys, you saw Art clapping with a smile on his face and still didn't see Patrick near him at all. You grabbed your bag and headed out the courts making your way to your dorm.
You were tired, exhausted physically and emotionally, so you quickly avoided running into Art and Tashi to continue talking about what happened prior to the match.
You got to your hallway where your dorm was located at, you halted, Patrick was sitting down next your door with his head in between his knees and his bags beside him. You grabbed your dorm keys and walked to unlock your door, the noise immediately catching his attention, he stood up as you unlocked your door ignoring him.
"Can we talk please?" He stopped you from entering your dorm. You tried to push the door to go inside, but he blocked you once again.
"Move Patrick there's nothing to talk about." you pushed his arm away and you entered your dorm. He made his way inside as you were about to close the door. "Patrick get the fuck out." You raised your voice a bit, wanting him to leave you alone.
"Can you please fucking listen to me for five minutes." He was desperate for you to hear him out, but you weren't giving in.
"There's nothing to talk about Patrick you fucked up and an apology isn't going to fix shit." You were numb you didn't shed a single tear, he looked down ashamed as he stood in front of you. "I loved you so much, I gave you everything and you didn't love me-"
"Yes I do baby please-" You laughed at his response, he looked at you with tears in his eyes.
"Are you joking right now you love me?" You get closer to him centimeters away from his face, you had enough of the bullshit Patrick was saying to you right now. "If cheating on me with my best friend is your form of loving me you must be out of your fucking mind." You whisper close to his face, he apologized to you and you ignored it as you sat on your bed.
He stood there in front of you running his hands through his hair frantically, he knew he fucked up and he didn't want to lose you. "listen I know I fucked up, but we can work through this."
"No Patrick we are done," You stood up and got close to him in front of his face. Sadness and guilt clouding his features, but you didn't feel bad. He wasn't the one hurting. "You don't deserve me, I've been nothing, but loyal and caring to you, and you go and fuck someone else. MY BEST FRIEND. I deserve someone better who will love me, care from, and want me, and not go to someone else to get his dick wet." He looked at you with tears in his eyes.
"I can't come to hate you but I hate myself because I will forever love you," You blink away the tears that are threatening to run down your face. "So please go and leave me alone."
His eyes filled with tears, but blinks them away, he nods his head. You sit down on your bed, as he walks to the door and pauses, he looked at you as you avoided looking at him. He wanted to say something, but instead he continued to walk out the door.
When Patrick left your room he knew he fucked up, growing up he was never shown how to be or feel to be loved. He cherished what you both had a lot, he loved you so much, he still did but he took you for granted. He shouldn't have done what he did for so long, he fucked up something amazing. He lost the person who loved him He is willing to leave you alone, but he won't forget you and stop loving you.
That was the last time you saw Patrick that same day he left to go back to the ATP tour, and the last time you talked to Tashi. You've seen her around campus, but never had a conversation, during practice and matches it was hard to avoid her and talk to her, since you were doubles partners. You saw Art around campus, had class with him and would talk to him, but not as much as before.
You were playing at the New Rochelle Challengers, you were a pro tennis player, you were content in your life. Everything was going well for you, winning some opens as a well known tennis player, but after your knee injury, you took a long break to recover. Now that you are back playing you decided to go for a challenger, in hopes to meet an old friend who is participating.
You made it to the registering counter to sign in, nobody was in there until an older lady appeared. "Hi, I'm here to sign-in."
The older lady looked at you starstruck and said your name. "I can't believe I'm meeting you, I'm one of your fans. I'm so happy you are back on the court" You smiled at how enthusiastic she was.
"Thank you!"
"I know who you are, but it's protocol to ask for your name." You told her your name and she looked for it through every page.
The door opened and the lady looked over your shoulder, you didn't care to look. "Welcome may I help you?"
"Yes I'm here to sign in, hey told me to come here." You tensed up it was a familiar voice that you haven't heard in a long time.
"Patrick Zweig." Your heartbeat was going so fast, you knew you were going to face him sooner or later, but not now you weren't prepared. He hasn't seen your face yet, so he won't know that it's you.
"Okay once I find her name oh here it is," The lady says your name and she highlights your name, you squirm your face at the mention of your name. You felt his eyes on you and you just smile at her.
"Thank you." You say and she smiles, you pass by Patrick glancing at him and looked away quickly. You sped out the building, Patrick lingered his gaze on you.
He has seen you on television as you played in the US Open, Roland Garros, etc. However, that didn't compare to seeing you in person, you were still beautiful to him, he still felt guilty all those years after the incident. He never forgot about you and never stopped loving you.
You let out a quick breath as you walked out the building, all you wanted was to get back to your hotel and avoid him as much as you can.
He looked different compare to the last time you saw him. He looked a mess, if you didn't know anything about tennis players you would've thought he was a homeless person. He looked like he needed a shower and definitely needed to shave his beard.
You almost made it to your car where your mom was waiting for you until you heard your name being called. You turn around to the direction of their voice to see Patrick calling your name. "Fuck." You muttered.
You ran into the passenger seat of your car making your mom question your action. "I'll explain just drive please now." Your mom didn't question and just drove away, you let out a sigh as you drove away. Leaving Patrick there looking after your car.
Your mom knew Patrick since you guys were little kids, she took care of him, and loved him as if he was her own. She knew about your break up with Patrick, but you never told her the actual reason as to why you guys broke up. You didn't want to ruin the close relationship they had with each other, your mom was more of a parental role for Patrick growing up than his own parents. She thinks your break up was due to long distance, and thinks that there is a chance you can possibly be together again.
Before you arrived to the hotel you went to go eat. You arrived at the hotel an hour later, you were ready to lay down on your bed and sleep. You go in the lobby and check in at the reception, they told you to wait a couple minutes since they wanted to make sure your suite and your mom's suite was settled and ready for the both of you.
Your mom went to go sit down at the lounge, while you went to go get a drink and your mom a coffee. You sat down on a stool telling the bartender your order and looked to your left and it was Patrick with a woman whose back was facing you. Yet he was laughing with whatever she said which made you a bit jealous, you loved Patrick even though he hurt you. However, you still were not going to give into him if he did anything.
He looked over her shoulder to make eye contact with you, you looked away hoping he doesn't walk over to you.
"Excuse me," You heard him say to the woman, the bartender gave you your drinks and you were about to leave when Patrick came up to you.
"Didn't expect to see you here?" He said as he nervously put his hands in his front pockets.
"Are you staying here?" You nodded and he nodded too, awkward silence arose. You look towards the woman, she was beautiful and already was looking at you nervously before she took a quick sip of her drink.
"Is that your girlfriend?" You look back at Patrick as he chuckles.
"Are you on a date?"
"No funny story actually," He leaned against the bar counter. "I need a place to stay and I found her on dating app, so hopefully I can stay with her." You look at him with a blank face, you didn't find it funny.
"This is the part where you laugh." You didn't laugh at all.
"So you're homeless." He denies it quickly as he tries to explain. "You are homeless you have no place to stay and no money."
"What? Are you worried about me?" He joked trying to lighten the mood like old times, but it was too soon for that.
"I stopped worrying about you long ago Patrick," He flash of hurt masked his face when you said that. "I'm not worried about you. I'm worried that she's going to give in and consider taking you in."
He looks back at the woman and gives her an awkward smile before looking at you. "Well you're right she is giving in due to my charm."
He hasn't changed one bit he is still a natural flirt, and he used it to get him anything. That's what he did before you guys got together, when you were first best friends. Now he's using it to his advantage to get a free place to stay.
"Patrick it's so nice to see you, you've grown handsomely." Your mom comes up to you both greeting him cutting the conversation short. "Are you staying here?"
"No I unfortunately don't have a place to stay."
"You can stay in the suite if you'd like you two will be sharing it." You look at her as if she lost her mind. She winks at you and you shake your head.
"Thank you, but-" Patrick declined even though he really wanted to take up the offer, but your mom kept insisting.
"No I think he's fine." You said sternly trying to get your mom to stop pestering him.
"Nonsense you are staying in the suite and that's final." You were about to open your mouth, but she gave you a pointed look, which made you shut up. She left to go get an extra keycard for him and you stood there while Patrick went to go talk to his lady friend.
Your plan to stay away from Patrick as far as possible wasn't happening. You sighed feeling a headache forming due to today's surprises, you went to go sit down at the lounge area.
"I'm sorry if you don't want me to stay I can definitely let your mom know that I'm not staying and I'll find somewhere else or someone to help me." You look at Patrick who is sitting down on the empty couch next to you, he played with his fingers as he looked at you nervously.
"My mom will question me as to why I'm acting weird towards you and why I don't want you to stay. I haven't told her why we actually broke up," He stayed silent as you looked at him. "She thinks we broke up due to distance."
"How come you didn't tell her the truth?" He questioned.
"Because I don't want her to hate you." You said quickly, you felt his stare boring into you. he didn't expect you to say that. “So just stay with us even though I don’t want to be near you.” You whisper as you saw your mom walking towards you both with the keycard in hand.
It pained Patrick to see you acting cold towards him, but he knows he deserves it. You have every right to act the way you are acting currently, but he hopes to get you back. He knows he fucked up and there's no excuse for his actions, but he missed you ever since your break up. He never stopped loving you and he knows he took you for granted, he hopes that you would give him a chance even though he knows you hate him. Regardless of you saying that you couldn't hate him, he is willing to make it right.
Once the keycard was settled, you both make it to your suite as your mom goes to her room. Opening the door, you both step inside the suite, which was spacious a big living room, big enough to stretch and exercise before matches, a small kitchen area, and a bedroom a few steps away from the entrance.
You make your way inside the bedroom and look at the big bed in the middle of the room, with a bathroom. "Fuck," You mutter as you realize there's only one bed.
You set your bags down and walk towards the living room, Patrick was standing there awkwardly looking around. "I can sleep on the couch I don't mind."
You look towards the couch to see that it was quit big on length, but it looked extremely uncomfortable to sleep on.
"We are both adults we can sleep on one bed," He looks at you shocked at your response. "Besides it looks uncomfortable."
he nods his head and makes his way towards the bedroom putting his bags in the bedroom. You sat on the couch reliving the recent events that took place earlier today.
"So how have you been?" You heard Patrick ask, he sat down on the other end of the couch.
"Fine," You say not sure if you share to him any more information.
"I've seen your matches you are quite the star on the court," You slightly got caught off guard with the compliment, blushing slightly.
"Thank you I try my hardest to do my best." I say and he nods, awkward silence emitting between us. "Have you been doing good in your matches?"
"You haven't watched them?"
"No I haven't." Disappointment flashes on his face, the truth was that you have seen his matches. However, he was totally different from before when you both were younger he was crazy good, but now he's just good he's not THE Patrick you used to see on court.
"So how are Art and Tashi?" You changed the topic.
"Uh I haven't talked to them after what happened, especially with Art we became distant." You were surprised that he didn't keep contact with Art they were super close.
"I'm surprised they got married." Patrick laughs in agreement. "She never was interested in anyone her main focus was on tennis so it's surprising."
"Yeah well maybe she eventually ended up loving him as much as he did towards her." He said and you agreed.
Silence filled the room and Patrick kept looking at you as if he wanted to say something to you, but he kept closing his mouth when he was about to open it. "Spill it Zweig."
"I really want to talk to you about what happened, years ago." You've been wanting to avoid this conversation because you don't know how you would react to what he will say.
"Listen I fucked up and I took you for granted, I am such an idiot for hooking up with Tashi." He pauses as he looked you, you looked at him with a serious expression which intimidated him. "I know I hurt you so much and I've been beating myself up about that, I just wanted to apologize and I wanted to let you know that I still cared about you all these years."
You stared at him in silence processing his words and he had a guilty expression on his face. "I appreciate your apology and an apology can't fix anything the only thing we can do is move forward from it and move on from the past." He looks relieved at your response
"Do you still think that we have a chance together, again" Your eyes widen at his sudden question, you didn't know how to respond. You were hurt from what he did, but you missed him all those years, you couldn't possibly hate him. Yet you weren't easily giving into him.
"I don't think so, I'm not sure," Disappointment fills his face. "I'm mainly focused on this tournament it's important for me to win."
He nodded.
You only wanted to win because Tashi was playing, and if she made it to the finals you were going to give it your all so you could see her lose in the sport she adores. It's the only thing you could take from her the one thing she cares about.
She took what you cared about, Patrick.
Hope you guys enjoy! Really late update since I've been working recently and haven't had time, but now I do! Updates coming soon!
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iloved1lfs · 3 months
heyy i have a series idea
so reader and art both go to stanford and are friends w benefits when reader gets pregnant. she decides to keep the baby and tell art, who helps her w anything and everything (cravings, horniness, mood swings, backache, swollen feet, dr appointments and detailed birth).
i hope I didn’t cross any limits, in any case ty
Heyyy for sure I can definitely write about that! Don't worry you didn't cross any limits! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. More updates to come of course on this series I hope you like part 1 please be patient, but they will be out soon!
{Art Donaldson x Reader}
Warning: None.
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You were in your dorm not feeling well, you were supposed to go to class, but you felt sick and off.
You get a message, but didn't bother to look at it and laid on your bed with closed eyes trying to sleep. A few minutes later you heard a knock on the door, you let out a soft 'come in".
You opened your eyes to see it was Art peeking over the door. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Yeah well you didn't show up or answered my message so I wanted to check up on you." You let out a lazy smile as he sat down at the edge of your bed. "Just to make sure you were alive or else who would I fuck."
"Fuck off." You nudged him playfully as he laughed, He sat there looking at you in peaceful silence before he spoke up.
"You don't look too well though what happened." He was concerned, he put his hand on your head to check for a fever, but you didn't have a fever. That action alone made your heart flutter, but you and Art were nothing more than just fuck buddies, he was attractive for sure. You made it clear that you both are nothing more than just fuck buddies and wanted to keep that boundary.
"I woke up and felt like shit so I decided to stay in." He nodded, but you can tell he looked a bit concerned. After a few minutes of talking he decided he would leave you alone to rest. "I'll get better soon so we can get back to our activities." You smiled as he let out a chuckle as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah you do that." He smirked and leaned over to you giving you a peck on your forehead before leaving your dorm. Even though you clearly set a boundary it was hard not to catch feelings for him.
A few hours later you didn't feel sick, but your body felt off something wasn't right. You were currently studying with Tashi at the library for some exam you had tomorrow.
"So are you feeling better?" Tashi broke the silence and you raised a brow on how she knew. "Art told me, he was worried."
"Yeah he came to the dorm to check up on me, I'm fine now, but my body just feels off." She looks at you and squints her eyes. You look at her confused, she hums and goes back to studying. "What."
"Tashi what tell me?" She stays silent for a few seconds before she finally sighs.
"Hear me out and don't freak out," You motioned for her to continue talking. "What if you're pregnant?" You looked at her and chuckled.
"Yeah right," You look at her and she wasn't laughing at all. "You were being serious?"
"Think about it yeah you feel better, but your body feels off and you felt nauseous earlier." You nodded your head. "Is your period late?" She whispers, and you realized that you were supposed to start your period a few days ago, and you tried to use the irregular periods excuse.
"Have you guys used protection recently." Tashi snapped you out of your thoughts and you slowly shake your head, and a billion of thoughts start running through your head. You can’t be pregnant you guys were careful when you didn’t use protection you couldn’t.
“But we’ve been careful.” You deny the possibility.
“Yeah well thats what everyone says and they end up pregnant.” You were getting anxious as time went by.
“Let’s get a pregnancy test to make sure you aren’t.” Tashi places a hand on yours reassuring you that everything will be fine.
You nod and you both hastly make your way to the nearest store. You find those electric pregnancy test and purchase it, quickly make your way back to your dorm.
Luckily you share your dorm with Tashi, she locked the room door so nobody would barge in and you quickly went to the bathroom, reading the instructions and took the pregnancy test.
After you took the pregnancy test you waited for the results which were ready in five minutes. You stepped out the bathroom and saw Tashi sitting down on your bed, and you sat next to her.
“What if it’s positive?” She grabs your hand and smiles at you.
“Then you do what you want it’s your choice and i’ll support you either way.” You nod your head, you were anxious as you waited for the results.
Five minutes passed by and you went into the bathroom to check the results and closed your eyes as you reached for it. Your heart was beating so fast, you were so anxious about to have a panic attack. You could hear your heartbeat through the silent atmosphere.
You took a deep breath before you finally opened your eyes.
You felt like you were going to throw up, you couldn't believe that you were pregnant. You and Art have always been careful when having sex, but the recent times you've had you wore no protection. You've always wanted to have kids, but of course when you are settled down and doing better in life, not right now while you are still young and in college.
You hadn't noticed that you started crying, you heard the bathroom door open as you kept staring at the test in front of you. Tashi looks over at the pregnancy test and pulls you in for a hug.
"It's okay, don't worry." She comforts you as you sobbed in her arms.
After a few minutes of her comforting you and you sobbing your eyes out, you finally processed everything.
"So, what are you going to do?" She took you out of your thoughts and you sighed. A few moments of silence passed by as you decided what you were going to do.
"I'm going to keep it." You looked at her to see if she was going to judge you based your decision.
"I'll support you no matter what, and I'll be here too through this journey with you. I'm your best friend of course." She smiles at you as she holds your hands in support and you feel more relaxed with her comforting words.
"But," You stare at her as she pauses. "You have to tell Art."
"What if he tells me to get rid of it, or he doesn't want to be in the baby's life." You were thinking the worse, you didn't want to tell him. His career was also on the line he was at Stanford for a tennis scholarship, he is meant to become a pro tennis player. Meanwhile you had to really earn your position to be in Stanford, you didn't want people talking about how you are having his child, and he becomes embarrassed.
"If he is a dick about you being pregnant then fuck him he's a pussy and he doesn't need to be in the babies life, I'll help you out I'm not leaving you alone." You look at Tashi and she was serious. You throw yourself at Tashi hugging her tightly and she hesitantly reciprocates.
"I don't know what I'll do without you." She smiles and pulls away.
"Yeah well I guess we'll never know." You both laugh at her response and she looks at you. "Now get ready on how you're going to break the news to Art."
Fuck you weren't ready for what's about to happen.
I hope you enjoy part 1 currently I am writing part 2 it will most likely be ready by tomorrow to be posted. Don't forget to request thank you for the support!
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iloved1lfs · 3 months
Losing You
PAIRING: Patrick Zweig x Reader
Sypnosis: Patrick and you have been best friends since kids (along with art) and started dating during high school. He comes to visit you at Stanford for a tennis match you have, but the visit was not what you expected. Which then follows you in your future events.
Warnings: none. Follows the movie slightly just with my own twist.
This will become a series. Working on future parts.
PT.2 PT3.
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You've been practicing for the past two hours tennis against your best friend Tashi who you met at the beginning of attending Stanford. You've played against her in the finals of a tournament before going to Standoord, which you lost making you second place. You both were on a tennis scholarship and talked about tennis way too often, but it never got boring. You sat down on the bench drinking water as she came next to you, reaching in her bag for her water bottle.
"Is Patrick coming to see you play today?" You smiled in response and she rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm guessing that's a yes, aren't you excited?"
"I am, but I'm nervous it's been a long time since he's last seen me play." Patrick has visited you at Stanford months before his pro tour began, but recently your season started and his to so he hasn't been able to come to your games. Yet he finally had time and is seeing you play which is nerve-racking.
"Don't worry you're one of the best players I know." She snaps you out of your thought and nudges you, you thank her since the beginning she always told you that you were the best player she knew.
"Well I got to go get in the zone before the match I'll see you in a bit." She grabs her stuff and waves at you before leaving off the court. You start to pack your stuff since you were done practicing and heard a whistle behind you.
You turn around as you zipped up your tennis bag, you saw your boyfriend with a smirk on his face. He drops his bags, you ran to him and jumped in his arms as he spins you around, you grabbed his face while you both shared a passionate kiss as he slowly let your feet hit the ground.
"I missed you." You tell him as you look over his beautiful face that you've missed over the past months.
"I've missed you more baby you look sexy." He says with a smile on his face.
"I'm sweaty, but thank you." You shyly said and he grabbed your face pulling you in for another kiss.
"Love to see you lovebirds back together again, but please it's disgusting to see you suck faces." You looked behind Patrick to see Art in his Stanford tennis outfit, since he had practice.
"Well I haven't seen my boyfriend in a long time so we will do as we please." Patrick laughed and Art rolled his eyes.
"Anyways are we going to go eat before your match or what?" You nodded your head and you looked at Patrick who grabbed his bags from the floor.
"You guys go I'll catch up with you I just want to put my stuff down in your room baby." He gestures to his bags on his arm and hand. "They are quite heavy." He lets out a laugh and you nodded your head.
"Okay well I'm going to go shower in the girls locker room before we go eat Art so wait for me." Art nodded and you told Patrick the way to your dorm room just in case he forgot, but he said he remembered and went off to your dorm.
After you took a shower you and Art went to the canteen to get food. You both sat at a table and you looked around the area to see if Patrick would enter at any moment, but you couldn't find him.
"He's probably lost." Art said as you kept looking around and you looked at him with a deadpan stare, and he looked at his food.
"He knows his way around the campus he can't get lost." Art nodded his head in agreement.
"So how are you and Patrick doing recently?" Art asks before taking a bite of his food.
"Good. We are great." You said taking a bite of your food and he looks at you with a weird expression.
"What?" You look at him and he shakes his head looking down at his food. "Tell me."
"It's nothing." He brushes it off as he leans back against his chair and you furrow your brows.
"Clearly you need to tell me something about Patrick or our relationship based on your reaction." He laughs and shakes his head.
"No it's nothing." You both were arguing back and forth until he finally gave in. "I'm just surprised that you guys are still together."
You squint your eyes at him confused, a few seconds of silence pass between you before he speaks up.
"I'm sorry-"
"Why are you surprised?" You cut him off.
"No I'm just-" He was tiptoeing on telling you what he needed to.
"Art stop being a fucking pussy and tell me." You were fed up with the secrecy, his eyes widened at your sudden reaction. He sighed looking around and then back at you.
"Is he fucking around with other girls?" He hesitated to answer you, but that silence alone answered your question. Your heart was beating fast and you stood up.
"No he isn't-" Walking out the canteen you were unable to think, but your legs were moving. You kept hearing Art call after you, as he chased after you.
You opened the door to your dorm, looking around none of Patrick's bags were in there. You were confused on who he could've been with. You heard footsteps behind you and Art was panting behind you as he caught up to you.
"Listen I'm sorry-" You turned around to look at Art, he stops talking.
"Fuck off Art and tell me where he is." He stayed silent. "His stuff would be here by now he knows where my dorm is. He's been here before. He doesn't know anyone else here, but you, me, and Tashi." You breathe before you continue.
"I'm going to ask Tashi if she has seen him." You walk past him, but he grabbed your arm, you look at him. You furrowed your brows at him and yanked your arm away, walking towards her dorm.
"I don't think that's a good idea." You didn't care what he had to say. He followed you closely trying to stop you, but you kept making your way down to her dorm, which was down the hallway.
You reached her door and heard Art cuss under his breath.
"Hey have you seen Pat-" You opened the door and didn't expect to see what you saw. Your boyfriend and your best friend all up on each other on the bed, he had his shirt off and she was in her undergarments. Your heart was beating so fast, you didn't expect to see this image in front of you.
Patrick pulled away from the kiss he shared with Tashi, he looked past her to see you standing. His smile faded and his eyes widened, he pushed Tashi aside.
"I can explain." You didn't answer you looked between Tashi and him. You couldn't believe that this was happening in front of you all along, you questioned when it started, but your brain wasn't functioning. "Baby please I can explain."
"Explain? I saw everything." You hadn't noticed that tears were running down your face, Patrick had a hurt look on his face as he saw you cry. "Fuck." He muttered.
"Please listen to me-" he tried to get close to you, but you stepped back.
"No Patrick I'm not. This shit started when?" You looked at them both, they stayed silent as your silent crying turned into sobs. "Since when?" You raised your voice getting inpatient.
"After the tournament ended." You looked at him in disbelief, and looked at her she had a nonchalant face, as if she didn't care. Yet deep down you knew she fucked up she just doesn't want to appear as weak.
"Fuck you both. Fuck you Tashi for acting like my best friend and fucking my boyfriend behind my back." She didn't say anything, but looked down in regret. You looked over at Patrick who had sadness cloud all over his features, shame and guilt.
"And fuck you for doing this to me when I've been nothing, but loyal and wonderful to you. I loved you and I thought you loved me but clearly it's all bullshit."
"I do love you." Patrick said his eyes welling up with tears as he got closer to you causing you to take a step back, you shake your head as he tries to convince you to listen to him calling you names, that would make you blush, but you were just broken.
"If you loved me you wouldn't have done this." You sobbed and wiped your tears off your face, you decided to leave since it was too much for you. All you needed was to be alone at the moment, you heard Patrick say your name, yet you ignored him as you went out of the dorms and made your way around campus, You sat on a bench where you were alone and started sobbing releasing all your emotions before your match began.
I hope you guys enjoy part 1 I am definitely going to make it into a series and hope you guys enjoy reading it. Please request anything you want for challengers, I'm focused on challengers right now! But part 2 coming soon! About to post an Art Donaldson series in a few minutes!
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iloved1lfs · 3 months
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✮ Tashi Duncan ✮
coming soon...
✮ Art Donaldson ✮
I'll be here (series)
✮ Patrick Zweig ✮
Losing you (series)
Requests are open!
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iloved1lfs · 8 months
rookie love | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x hamilton!reader
sure it's a rookie mistake to lose it in a corner, but is it a rookie mistake to fall in love with lewis hamilton's younger sister?
request from the lovely @starfriuts
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liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 1,324,772 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, yourusername & logansargeant
f1: welcome the rookie class of 2023 !! 2021 f2 champion oscar piastri will race for mclaren, 2022 f2 champion y/n hamilton will be racing for aston martin and 2022 f2 runner up logan sargeant will be racing for williams!
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user1: MY prema girlies
user2: 2019 rookies i am so sorry but there's a new favourite in town
yourusername: two hamiltons on the grid i know that's right 💅 👯‍♀️
lewishamilton: they hate us cause they ain't us
yourusername: they can't handle the sass
lewishamilton: neither can the fia
yourusername: ... yeah i've been briefed :(
user3: okay, walk with me. if y/n does all of grill the grid, lewis might do the secret santa again
user4: hopes and prayers
fernandoalo_oficial: i'm teammates with a rookie hamilton, i think i've seen this film before
yourusername: i lived through that old man, don't think i won't use your own tricks on you
fernandoalo_oficial: well there's no dna test necessary here
yourusername: the slay is hereditary, but clearly skipped your generation
fernandoalo_oficial: HEY
oscarpiastri: get her jade
fernandoalo_oficial: EY?
user5: the way the grid are not ready for how ride or die y/n and oscar are for each other
user6: bro just quoted COCO MONTRESE for her i am so ready
logansargeant: dude we're getting the band back together
oscarpiastri: f1 boyband have nothing on us
yourusername: xnda who?
lewishamilton: :/
yourusername: no one is safe sorry lew @charles_leclerc you're next piano boy
charles_leclerc: WHAT
user7: i know the aston martin pr department sweating buckets with both fernando and y/n
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liked by oscarpiastri, lewishamilton and 1,332,551 others
yourusername: the hamilton name comes with the wardrobe
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user8: finally lewis has some competition
user9: if there's something a hamilton is going to do it's going to be wearing a monochromatic outfit.
lewishamilton: was the third photo really necessary?
yourusername: yes!
lewishamilton: you're so corny
yourusername: i know this man ain't speaking.... DIGITAL FOOTPRINT
lewishamilton: girl. i've read your diary and your code names don't mean SHIT
yourusername: YOU WHAT?
lewishamilton: got bored when you had a work call ?
yourusername: come to aston's hospitality i got something to show you
lewishamilton: just text me
yourusername: no. spoiler: it's my FOOT up your ASS
user10: so i thought the tussles would be between fernando and y/n not y/n and lewis
georgerussell63: this is just how they are, they'll be besties again in like two minutes
oscarpiastri: why is my outfit not on here you said i slayed :(
yourusername: you did slay !!
landonorris: he literally wore a team shirt and chinos
yourusername: yes but on the oscar scale that is a slay
oscarpiastri: exactly
landonorris: ok?
yourusername: watch your tone mr. norris, you're being awfully loud for a ripped skinny jeans owner 🤨
landonorris: ????
oscarpiastri: :)
user11: okay i think i get the whole ride or die thing now
logansargeant: believe me it gets worse
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 1,844,902 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: bucket list moment ticked off to share a podium in f1 with my baby sister !!
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user14: two hamiltons in f1 and on the podium before gta 6
user15: we got two hamiltons on the podium but still can't escape a max win
yourusername: thank you for not posting the picture of me bawling my eyes out
lewishamilton: i thought i'd be nice, just this once. i'm proud of you
yourusername: thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu. insane to be on the podium with my biggest idol
maxverstappen1: y/n that's very kind of you
lewishamilton: really?
yourusername: 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
maxverstappen1: saw the opportunity and had to go for it
yourusername: i respect that
lewishamilton: but i am your biggest idol right?
yourusername: yes.
user16: max really out here like i will make a double hamilton podium about me LOL
oscarpiastri: that's my best friend GO BEST FRIEND
yourusername: oscar piastri podium coming soon @mclaren get ur shit together
yourusername: no i mean every word i wanna be on the podium with oscar :(
oscarpiastri: slumber party ?
yourusername: i'll be there @logansargeant u coming?
logansargeant: i don't really feel like third wheeling
this comment was deleted
logansargeant: if you're buying the room service - yeah
user18: y/n x oscar truthers we have some more evidence for the board
user19: gets first woman in f1 on the podium... immediately assumes she’s in a relationship with another driver
user20: i see where you're coming from but watch the prema videos and tell me there's no tension there
user21: idk if oscar can handle all of that ...
user22: i have faith in my goofy lil guy
liked by yourusername
user22: WHAT
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 612,094 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: pookie was on the podium
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user23: okay you shipper bitches may have had a point...
yourusername: when pookie calls you pookie you know it's real
fernandoalo_oficial: i have never felt older than when i listen to you and oscar talk for more than five minutes
yourusername: the girls who get it, get it
oscarpiastri: and the girls who don't.... well
fernandoalo_oficial: i am a 42 year old man
yourusername: and it shows
oscarpiastri: ... oop
user24: oh they annoying... KEEP GOING
lewishamilton: so this is what you left the after party for?
yourusername: yeah and what about it?
lewishamilton: okay like maybe i need to separate you and oscar cause why are you eating me up
yourusername: i'm me but oscar is a victim of the sassy man apocalypse
oscarpiastri: guilty as charged (i learnt everything from your sister)
user25: you guys acting like oscar being like this is a surprise ... we didn't all see him scalp alpine last summer?
user26: the way in my head him and y/n wrote that tweet together and were giggling the whole time
yourusername: we can neither confirm or deny
user27: that's confirmation to me
logansargeant: when will the logan sargeant erasure end?
yourusername: when you serve as much as me?
logansargeant: i am TRYING
yourusername: plus this is an appreciation post for me, stop trying to steal opportunities from women
logansargent: HUH?
oscarpiastri: so disappointing from you logan...
logansargeant: i'm so done with you two
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liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 1,309,562 others
yourusername: summer break is annoying i wanna go racing again
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user31: WHO IS THAT MAN?
user32: my brain (psychosis) tells me it is oscar
user33: i'll believe you
yourusername: girl. sort the tone and i'll call you
lewishamilton: do you think i am dumb? i know exactly who that is, i just need the confirmation so i can beat his ass
yourusername: why would i tell you if you're gonna beat his ass?
lewishamilton: JUST TELL ME
yourusername: you'll have to find me to do that, see you in zandvoort xxx
user34: i think lewis is having brocedes flashbacks
user35: i know bro is PACING
fernandoalo_oficial: you wanna give me a tow in qualifying?
yourusername: why would i do that old man?
fernandoalo_oficial: @lewishamilton i know.
fernandoalo_oficial: guilty 💅
yourusername: fine. one tow.
fernandoalo_oficial: thanks girly
user36: we have to study the girlypopification of fernando since being teammates with y/n
oscarpiastri: it's missing pookie hours
yourusername: i am having separation anxiety
user37: these hoes think we don't know 😂
user38: they think they're throwing us on their scent ... YALL NOT SUBTLE
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 802,778 others
oscarpiastri: does this count as a win?
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user39: sorry max we got an oscar win we don't care about your championship win
oscarpiastri: slumber party is gonna eat i fear (why do we have to race tomorrow?)
yourusername: you know who else ate? YOU TODAY
oscarpiastri: hehehehe i guess i did
yourusername: no i am so fucking proud of you
oscarpiastri: love you
yourusername: luv you too
user40: okay so they're just playing with our feelings now?
landonorris: proud of you bro (please turn down the beyonce)
oscarpiastri: don't make me enter my lemonade era
landonorris: are you threatening me with a brocedes?
oscarpiastri: maybe?
yourusername: lmao watch your ass lando, i gave him the play-by-play i was in the brocedes trenches
lewishamilton: 1. happy for you oscar 2. SHUT THE FUCK UP
oscarpiastri: oops?
yourusername: sorry lewis, we'll stop joking about britney if you finally call him
nicorosberg: stop calling me that
lewishamilton: why are you here?
nicorosberg: just observing...
user41: poor lewis having his trauma used as a joke 😭
logansargeant: i'm defo skipping this slumber party
user42: you want to elaborate?
logansargeant: no. i don't think i will
user43: JUST SPILL
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liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 1,903,448 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: got my first win, me and my boyfriend are better than you x
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user45: i'm gonna need all the bitches who came for me for shipping them so give me my flowers
oscarpiastri: finally. you're too cute not to kiss all the time
yourusername: then hurry up and come here
oscarpiastri: gladly
user46: no i think he actually went, these bitches usually never shut the fuck up
lewishamilton: ...
alexalbon: no he's actually going to scrap you RUN FOR YOUR LIFE
landonorris: those dumbasses don't know what is about to hit them
yourusername: why is logan texting me 911 who is being dramatic
yourusername: wait
yourusername: is that him already
georgerussell63: yes for such a short man he's surprisingly fast
lewishamilton: OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR
yourusername: no!
lewishamilton: I JUST WANNA TALK
oscarpiastri: your tone is scaring me
yourusername: OSCAR NO
lewishamilton: OPEN THE DOOR
user47: it's been 20 mins, can we have an update
oscarpiastri: i am alive!
lewishamilton: regardless of what just happened, i am so proud of you y/n !!
yourusername: i love you big brother :))))))
lewishamilton: you're such an inspiration, here's to many more!
user48: lewis being all supportive now after he's scrapped oscar?
lewishamilton: i didn't fight him, he had 30 seconds to convince me not to kill him
oscarpiastri: i did very well :)
lewishamilton: sure
yourusername: you did great babe
oscarpiastri: :)
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liked by logansargeant, yourusername and 1,099,457 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: please don't put me into the barriers lewis, i love your sister
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user51: i think it's safe to say that the 2023 rookies have out done the 2019 rookie sorry not sorry
oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU TOO POOKIE
logansargeant: can i like have a medal or some championship points for 1. dealing with this nonsense and 2. keeping this a secret
yourusername: you're our favourite third wheel? that's all i got
oscarpiastri: we also pay for your room service every time
logansargeant: ... fine
user52: they're all so close to me, need y/n and oscar to be the first husband and wife to both win a championship
yourusername: that's the plan 🤞
oscarpiastri: are you PROPOSING TO ME?
yourusername: not yet...
oscarpiastri: hehehehehehe
yourusername: maybe you need to leave your slag era so i can wife oscar
lewishamilton: DO NOT SLUTSHAME ME
user53: the hamilton piastri house about to be ground zero for the sassy man apocalypse
landonorris: you people are so grossly in love, how did we miss it?
alexalbon: speak for yourself it was so obvious
yourusername: we we're pretty obvious
oscarpiastri: yeah i can confirm that when we told you we were having a pillow fight, we were not
landonorris: WHAT
lewishamilton: delete this.
fernandoalo_oficial: @yourusername did you guys do this so you didn't have to give me a tow?
yourusername: yes xoxoxo
note: i hope you enjoy. life is insane right now but i got my first article at the top of the google rankings so there's that. also ordered my graduation gown and dress!! much love x
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iloved1lfs · 8 months
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iloved1lfs · 9 months
ive been sick for three weeks now and i havent uploaded anything once i get better i will upload all ive written sorry for the delay everyone 😞
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iloved1lfs · 9 months
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coming soon…
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iloved1lfs · 9 months
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
Hello, Thomas Shelby.
A/N: hello again! It’s so good to be back. I’m officially on Christmas break from university so I’ll be more active. This is part 2 of ‘ Goodbye, mr Shelby’. This came later then expected because I was in hospital over the weekend with a severe infection but I’m recovering slowly. Thank you for all your support and love on my precious works. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!.
Summery: Grace has died and Tommy is grieving. Through his grief, he realises something. Something that has been in-front of him for years.
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Word count: 926
In the quiet aftermath of her departure, a heavy silence settled upon the tommys world. The once vibrant hues of their shared life now muted, he navigated the echo of her absence with a heart heavy with grief and anger. Every room held fragments of her laughter and the subtle traces of her presence in Charlie, now haunting reminders of a love that transcended overtime.
The aroma of her perfume lingered, a haunting presence that both comforted and intensified the void. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, the business dealings of the Shelby Company requiring his attention, yet his mind was a tempest of grief.
Tommy spent most of his time in his office, either dealing with work or coming up with a plan to avenge grace for her death. He found strange refuge with his brothers Arthur and john.
Last night, Tommy had finally snapped at John after a meeting with then went wrong.
“ legitimate business John is the priority” Tommy states, his dark eyebrows pulling down towards his eyes. Patting his cigarette into the ashtray. The smoke filling the gap between Tommy and his brother.
“Since when” John bellows angrily, his voice immediately turning a switch inside of Tommy’s head.
Tommy suddenly stands up, causing the whiskey glass on the desk to rattle against each other , slamming his hands down then points towards John. Tommy lips tighten and curl inwards.
“ since my wife took a billet meant for me” he yells.
Polly had found out about this incident and knew she had to do something for her nephew, she did not like the route he was heading down by not accepting his grief.
Polly Gray held a conflicted relationship with Grace Burgess, harboring a certain distaste for her. Despite their differences, when faced with Grace's untimely death, Polly found within herself a sense of empathy. Despite her reservations towards Grace.
Without telling anyone but Ada, she had contacted someone that she knew could help me. Someone he hadn’t seen since the morning he married grace.Amelia.
Amelia’s house {London}
The bloody Shelby family. Amelia had been in London for just over a year when she had a phone call late last night.
As the soft glow of twilight spilled into her small room, Amelia sat by her window, watching as the stars shine down onto the London streets. She was immersed in the rarity of quietude of the evening. The outside world seemed to slow down and the rhythmic hum of the working city began to lull her into a peaceful and much welcomed state.
Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere was rudely shattered by the blaring shrilling ring of the house phone. Startled, Amelia placed down her cup of tea on the window sill and instinctively rushed to answer it, the anticipation building with each step since it was late at night and she wasn’t expecting anyone to ring.
The unexpected call introduced a palpable excitement and as she picked up the phone, her heart raced with hidden curiosity. She wondered what surprise or connection awaited her on the other side.
“ Amelia thorn-field speaking” she announces.
“Well hasn’t London got you speaking polish” pollys voice echos through the phone, full of torment.
Amelia gasps softly as she hears the familiar voice “ polly? Oh Polly, is that you?” She asks, her voice full of hope.
“ it’s your lucky day dear” Polly hums through the phone “ now I wish I could catch up but I’m ringing on an urgent matter” the older woman admits.
That was 12 hours ago, for the past five of them hours Amelia had been travelling. Travelling back to the place she once swore to herself she would never return too.
Amelia stood at the familiar crossroads on the outskirts of arrow house, a place she wanted to forget. The grit of determination she once held now fading as the memories of her lost love come swirling back into her head. The phone call had changed everything- news of tommys profound grief reached her. Causing an undeniable force to pull her back.
Amelia takes a deep breath as her heart quicken its pace. She gazed at the house as she walked closer to the house that held her love. The front door seemed both a barrier and a portal to the unknown, where the echoes of Tommy’s lost love awaited her.
Willing herself to face the uncertainty that lay behind the door. Leaving, her on the precipice of a reunion that held the promise of joy but also the promise of heartache.
As Amelia turned the door handle, the door creaked open, revealing the beautiful and homely interior of the house. Stepping over the threshold, every creak of the floorboards seemed to resonate with the echoes of Tommy’s wedding day, the echoes of her footsteps as she left the property on that fateful day.
Tommys office comes into view, Amelia’s throat dries up as she walks closer to his office. She knew she had to do this but she was so nervous she wanted to turn around and run away. However, she remembers Charlie and how that little boy had lost his mother and someone doesn’t help Tommy, he could also loose his father.
At that thought, Amelia opens the door slowly. Tommy was looking down at his desk, writing someone on a piece of paper. His glasses arched on his nose and a cigarette held between two of his fingers. The office closely from how many cigarettes Tommy had smoked. The smell of old and nice whiskey invaded Amelia’s senses.
“ not now Polly, I’ve got business. You know my schedule” he states stressfully, not looking from the paper.
Amelia doesn’t say anything, she wanted to put she couldn’t. She places down her bags onto the floor and walks closer to Tommys desk.
Tommy sighs “ Polly, what did i-“ he looks up, the words don’t finish as he makes eye contact with Amelia for the first time since his wedding day.
“ do I look like Polly?” Amelia jokes, trying to fill the tense quietness that has plagued the office.
Tommy stands up, walking around his desk and stands infront of Amelia. His hands reaching to her face, his cold skin making contact with her soft delicate and warm skin. His eye filled with apprehension.
“ are you really here?” He whispers, his eye glancing from her one eye to another.
Amelia heart swelled with an overwhelming surge of happiness. The awaiting reunion had lifted the loneliness that had attached itself to her months prior.
Tears welled up in her eyes, glistening like diamonds.
“ yes, I’m here” she whispers, lifting one hand to Tommys cheek, stroking his cheekbone solder “ I’m here” she repeats.
The grief suddenly released from Tommys chest, making it feel like he could breathe again. At the moment, he realised that the grief wasn’t for grace but for his long lost love.
The air hummed with an unspoken tension as Tommy leant in, their breaths syncing in the quiet anticipation of their first kiss. Time seemed to stop as their lips met in a delicate dance, a fusion of warmth and vulnerability. In that fleeting embrace, their worlds faded away, leaving only the tender exchange of a thousand unspoken promises.
The gentle caress of their lips carried the weight of a love story unfolding, a symphony of emotions encapsulated in that beautifully shared kiss- a poignant beginning to a journey of intertwined hearts.
17 February 1926
Two years. Two years since Amelia went back to her love. She couldn’t imagine where she’ll be if she didn’t. She wouldn’t be married and she wouldn’t have two kids of her own and pregnant with her third.
As the first rays of morning sunlight gently spilling into the master bedroom. Amelia stirred in her sleep, feeling a soft warmth beside her. Slowly, she opened her eyes to her husband, Tommy with an ear to ear smile as he held their one hear old daughter with a smile mirroring his. The realization of a new day dawned, and so did the awareness of the life growing within her. Tommy eyes filled with anticipation and tenderness, met hers. One of his hands gently cradled her burgeoning nine month belly, a silent acknowledgement of the miracle taking place.
The room was infused with an ineffable happiness, and as Sarah felt the reassuring presence of her partner and the life they were creating together, the morning held the promise of a shared journey into the beautiful unknown of impending parenthood.
A/n: Well wasn’t that cute! 🥰. I can imagine Tommy and Amelia having ALOT of children.
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
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✮First Encounter
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
PAIRING: thomas shelby x reader
SUMMARY: Takes place in season 1 of peaky blinders, you are grace’s sister. She was hiding something from you, so you followed her to where she works, the garrison. When you run into someone Grace has been hiding you from.
WARNINGS: age-gap (reader early 20s), no smut.
A/N: It’s a fluff nothing much is going on, but I think I am going to turn this into a series, comment and let me know what you think. If I should or not.
SONG: West Coast by Lana Del Rey
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In a blink of an eye everything changed, you along with your sister Grace lived in Galway for awhile. Until one day your sister put news upon you that you’ll be moving to Birmingham for some time. You left everything behind, your friends, your things, the memories. You both were starting anew, you never recieved an answer as to why you had to leave your hometown. Grace would avoid the answer to that question many times, she was always leaving the house her job, which she never talked about. Grace overall seemed extremely overprotective especially since moving to Birmingham, she would always bring up these so called “peaky blinders” what a funny name. She would tell you to do what you got to do and come straight back home not getting distracted by anything else, or don’t go out at all. Which scared you, you needed answers. A conversation wasn’t going to get you the answers you need so you had to take matters into your own hands.
You were reading a book as you sat there on the couch, Grace was gathering her purse, curious to where she was going. “Where you going?”
“Work.” She replied keeping it short, you nodded your head.
“Grace,” She looked at you. “Where do you work exactly?” She paused her movements and hesitated to answer that question.
“The Garrison.” The Garrison. You asked what that was. “It’s a really good job I help doing finances for important people, an office job.” She gave you a smile, and you returned the gesture. She came up to you placing a kiss on your forehead and hugging you.
“Stay home I won’t be out too long okay.” You nodded your head and she opens the door, but stops to turn to you. “Don’t open the door for anyone alright?” You nodded quickly shooing her away and she smiles, while shutting the door behind her, leaving you alone.
You quickly drop your book beside you on the couch, running towards the window, opening the curtain slightly. Seeing where Grace was going you waited until she was no where in sight, today was the day you’ll find out what she is hiding or at least find out where she works.
You wore a collared white shirt, with a blue skirt and a black sweater, and putting on your shoes. You stepped outside the house, the gloomy chilly weather hitting you as you stepped outside. You made your way down the steps, and made your way to where you saw Grace heading.
You got lost after a few minutes of wandering around, you had to ask someone for help. You look around and see this man with his back facing you.
“Excuse me sir?” He turned to look at you as he smoked his cigarette. “I was hoping you can tell me where the Garrison is?”
He started laughing, you were confused at his reaction. “What is a pretty lady you going to the Garrison for?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your concern,” You grew impatient, just wanting to know where the place was. “Now please can you tell me the Garrison is at before I grab that cigarette of yours and burn it against your skin.”
He puts his hands up in surrender and huffing out smoke. “You go down that street there,” he points as you look at his gestures, as he continues to give you directions.
You thank him and make your way to the Garrison. The more you kept walking you felt more out of place, there was men everywhere that were looking at you like your candy. You saw a group of men come out of a building all drunk, laughing and causing chaos. You look up from the building they came out of and in big written letters it said ‘THE GARRISON’.
You took a deep breath and made your way through the big brown doors of the Garrison. Upon walking in there were loud chatting, many men sitting down at tables drinking their hearts away. This didn’t look like an office job that Grace mentioned. There was a sea of people in the place, smelled like alcohol everywhere making you scrunch your nose. You look around and see a glimpse of blonde hair, with a red sweater, you took a few steps closer and stop in your tracks.
It was Grace, serving drinks to a couple of men who looked that if they drank anymore they would pass out. She hadn’t seen you yet since she had her back turned towards you, you clear your throat. “This doesn’t look like an office job Grace?”
She quickly turned towards the direction of your voice, and her eyes widened upon seeing you.
She excused herself from the men, and made her way towards you. She reached you looking infruriated that you didn’t listen to her. “What are you doing here?”
“Grace you’re a bloody barmaid? YOU LIED.” You said loudly, she shushed you quick pulling you away from the middle of the pub, trying to not get the attention of the men, and bringing you near the far end of the bar counter. “Are you going to explain why you lied?”
“Please, Y/n go home and I promise I will explain everything to you.” She put her hand on her temples, stressing out.
“No Grace,” You shake your head and she is shocked. “I am done being kept in the bloody dark. This clearly doesn’t look like a fucking financing job or an office doesn’t it?”
“Y/n you can’t be here there’s dangerous people here,” You scoff.
“Please Grace I’m not falling for your stupid warnings, you clearly just want me to leave.” She grabs your arm tightly and you try to pry her hand off your arm.
“Leave now.” She said sternly, trying to take you out the pub, but you kept fighting against her tries.
“No I’m not leaving until you tell me everything.” You were both causing a scene that everyone around you were now looking at you. Screaming at you two to fight.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” Everyone stopped their cheering and screaming. Grace stopped and sighed, while closing her eyes. “You need to leave now Y/n.” she whispers at you, you shake your head.
“Fuck,” She said under her breath displeasingly. You were confused at her reaction.
The sound of footsteps got closer towards your direction, and you look behind you. You saw a man who looked a few years older than you, dressed up in a nice black suit, and a newspaper boy hat. He had light blue piercing eyes, and the most intimidating stare ever, his presence seemed powerful, but overall he was quite handsome. He looked at you up and down no emotion on his face, then looked at Grace.
“Who are you?” Before you had the chance, Grace stepped beside you and he looked at her.
“My sister, she was visiting me today.” You scoff at the lie she came up with, he glanced at you at your sudden reaction.
He turns around towards everyone who was surrounding you three. “Everyone go back to what you were doing. Nothing to see here.” Everyone does as they are told, and he turns his attention back to you two standing before him.
Grace grabs your arm pulling you beside her, you shake off your arm away from her. “I hope it’s not a problem, Mr. Shelby.” He stayed silent looking at us, and shook his head.
“Just don’t cause any more ruckus in my pub Grace, it’s quite simple.” She nods her head and you scoff in disbelief. The fact that he was setting orders to your sister, you couldn’t stay quiet.
“We weren’t causing a ruckus, your people are just nosy sir.” You challenged him. Grace looked at you with wide eyes and shushed you. He looked at you amused that you dared to speak back to him.
“Excuse her, Tommy." He took out a cigarette from his pocket, and placed it on his lips. He took out his lighter from his back pocket, then lit up the cigarette, and inhaled the smoke, all while looking at you. Usually if someone talked back to him, and challenged him he would put a bullet between their head, but he found you amusing instead.
He was intimidating, his stare is intimidating it felt like you were staring not his soul, but at the same time he looked quite attractive while doing so.
Grace got called over to serve some people. “Stay here don’t leave when my shift is done we’ll go home.” You looked at her as she left, leaving you alone with Tommy.
You looked at him as he observed you, he was curious about you. His stare was so intense that you had to look else where.
“I’m Tommy Shelby,” He said and you glance at him.
“I figured,” He chuckled softly, tapping off the ashes on the bar counter with his finger.
“You’ve got quite a mouth eh?” You’ve always been more opinionated than Grace, she was more of taking everyone’s shit. However, you were the complete opposite you weren’t going to take everyone’s shit and stay silent.
“Is that a problem?”
He smoked before answering. "No woman has ever spoken to me the way you do."
"Well I'm not most women Mr. Shelby." All he did was stare at you with an amusing smile. The way his name rolled off your tongue did unexplainable things to him, he was interested in you.
"I'm guessing you haven't heard then eh?" You look at him confused at his response, before he can even manage to get a word out, Grace cuts into the conversation, with her purse on her right shoulder.
"Tommy can I get off earlier, so I can take her home, I don't want her waiting for me late at night here." Tommy stares at you and purses his lips, then nods upon Grace's request.
She thanks him and Grace grabs your arm gently leading you away, not giving him enough time to say bye to you. You both make it out of the Garrison, making your way home in deafening silence.
After minutes of walking you both made it home, and before you can go to your room, Grace speaks to you. "Why did you go against what I said?" She said calmly which was quite intimidating, and you pulled your hand away sitting on the living room couch.
"You want the truth or a made up lie dear sister?" You sarcastically smile at her, and she sighed in annoyance.
"This isn't a game Y/n." She kept her cool.
"Well then, I wanted to know the whole truth as to why I have to be locked up here as a prisoner everyday, I didn't come with you to Birmingham out of the blue just to be a fucking prisoner," She opened her mouth to speak, but you cut her off. "I wanted to see where you worked and clearly that financial job you said was a fucking lie, so, instead of lying some more tell me the fucking truth I want to know everything. Why can't I be roaming the streets like a normal person or hang out with my friends?" She stayed silent and took a seat beside you.
"I can't tell you everything, but trust me everything is in control," You rolled your eyes. "All I can tell you is that I was trying to protect you from the peaky blinders." You furrow your brows in confusion.
"The man you met, Tommy," You nodded your head. "He is part of the peaky blinders, him along with his family and a couple other people they are apart of this gang, he's the leader of the gang."
"They are dangerous people they aren't as nice as they seem, HE isn't as nice as he seems, they kill people. I was protecting you from encountering them, but now you've caught HIS attention." Your mouth has gone dry and you regretted going out today, you felt guilty for not listening to her.
"I understand that you want to protect me, but I can't be a prisoner here," She looked down at her fingers. "I won't go to the Garrison no more, but I want to be able to go out to the cinema with my friends."
she stayed silent looking at you, you sat there pleading with your face. "Fine." You smiled and gave her a huge hug, as she hugged you back slightly laughing. "Don't back on your word then."
"I promise I won't."
However, that little encounter wouldn't be the last, it was just the beginning.
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Originally this was going to be a fluff one shot, but I think I'm turning it into a sequel, what do you all think? Also I just finished school so I'll be able to write the ideas, I've been having recently. Next thing I'll be publishing is this Diego lainez x reader x Sebastian Cordova one shot! Stay tuned.
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
i just discovered your page and FELL IN LOVE WHAAAA
this MIGHT BE WEIRD but since i watched what you write forrr n i didn't see AAAANYTHING about specifying you don't write about trios sooo, i'm feeling comfortable enough to making you a request about a trio with sebastián córdova and diego lainez
it could be in whatever situation you want, but pleaaaase not vainilla i don't like vainilla 😭😭😭
and if you can't it's completely fineeee and i'll support you 'cause im amazed with your blog, like really
but i extended a lot m sorry 😭😭😭 thx for readinggg
I AM SO SORRY FOR RESPONDING SUPER LATE TO YOUR RREQUEST!! of course I can try to write a trio with those two futbolistas! It will take awhile for me to post due to school, but I will start writing it right now and brain storming ideas. SO PLEASE BE PATIENT BUT I WILL DEF WRITE ABT THAT!
Also I appreciate you for discovering my blog and liking what I post there's not that much, but once I'm on break I WILL WRITE MORE! THANK YOU FOR LIKING MY BLOG! <33
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
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✮ Fascinating 18+
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
-PAIRING: Jonathan Crane x reader
-SUMMARY: You are taking Dr. Crane's psychology class, you haven't noticed that he has been kind of obsessing over you. You stay after class to ask him a question, however you didn't expect for it to take a quick turn.
-WARNING: Phobias, mention of hemophobia(fear of blood), smut, a semi-obsessed Jonathan crane.
-A/N: My smut writing skills are a bit rusty so i'm sorry if it sucks
-SONG REC: Feiticeira by Deftones
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Dr. Crane has always been obsessed with fear, how to mind works when fear is inflicted on one individual. He never obsesses over a person, if he ever has it’s only to manipulate them into letting him experiment on them with his wicked serums he creates, to see the satisfaction of fear written all over their face, to see how they would react to their fear becoming a reality. When he saw you step through that door of his psychology class, he was intrigued by you he couldn’t deny that you were a gorgeous girl. He simply couldn’t take his eyes off you, the way you payed attention in class, the way you took notes, god the way you smiled, or answered his questions in class. You were perfect. He didn’t want to use you for his experiments…just yet of course, he never felt this certain way before. He needed you, he craved for you.
“Now class any questions about today’s lecture about the introduction of algophobia,” He looked around the class intensely, you and everyone stayed silent. “Well then you all can go, tomorrow we’ll go more into depth about algophobia.” He walks towards his desk taking a seat and reading his papers that are scattered on the desk.
Everyone quickly got out of their seats rushing out the doors, while you stayed back putting away your stuff. There was a few students who were still packing up while you made your way towards Dr. Crane, you let out a shaky breath, he was quite intimidating, but undeniably attractive. You've heard many different rumors about Dr. Crane going around during class and on campus. How he experiments on people, his obsession with fear. It was quite nonsense, but you were curious.
“Dr. Crane,” He quickly looked up towards the voice, you let out a nervous smile, he didn’t expect to see you in front of him and he masked the surprise look on his face.
“Yes miss…?” He pretended to not know your name. “ Y/n. Correct?” You nodded and he smiled mischievously at you. The thought of you standing in front of him, had his heart racing, he cleared his throat to compose himself. “Do you need something?”
“I had a question…” You looked at him, and he stayed silent waiting for you to continue. “I was just curious as to why you were so focused on the idea of fear?” He looks at you eyeing you up and down, making you shift underneath his intense stare and he chuckles, pushing his glasses up slightly with his fingers.
“Y/n, my field of study is psychology, fear is a big part of psychology of course. As a psychologist I want to know how one reacts to fear, no how the mind reacts to fear, ” You gulp as his tone of voice changed from soft to a harsh whispery tone, as he stares at you. “It’s a universal emotion that everyone fears it’s unavoidable. Even if your fear is something stupid such as clowns or spiders. How interesting it would be if those fears became a terrifying reality through i don’t know…” He got up from his chair and walked around towards you, as you eyed him, he stood close behind you, “a serum?” He whispers in your ear, you turn around and take a few steps back. He found it funny the way that you reacted to him scared, god it turned him on.
You were about to thank him for clearing up your question, but he cut you off. “Are you scared of anything y/n?” He had this dark look in his eyes, he wanted to see how you would react to YOUR fear if it became a reality. Oh the satisfaction he would get to see you scared god it turned him on just thinking about it. You stayed silent not answering his question. “I’ll take your silence as a yes.”
“I do,” You kept your eye on him as he slightly leaned himself on his desk, with his palms resting on his desk. he looked so devilishly handsome, you were thinking unexplainable things, you were imagining how he would look fucking you. Your thoughts were interrupted by him.
“Well then what is it?” He boringly said wanting to know what your fear was so that maybe later he can try to experiment on you, if you'll let him.
“Blood.” Fascinating. He thought.
He nodded his head as he brought his fingers up to cover his mouth. “I see…I can see why that is your fear.” He stood up and walked towards you getting close to you once again. You looked at him and could see the wheels turning behind his eyes knowing that he was going to suggest to do something crazy and you took a step back. "Of course the smell of blood can be too much," You could smell the metallic smell in the air, making you squirm in disgust. He looked at your reaction, testing your limits. "Feeling the red liquid course through your body," You envision it, and start to shaking a little bit. "The taste of it or blood seeping out of your body with no end." You were disgusted, feeling a bit queasy, you were hyperventilating. He just stood there taking your reaction in. once again, he was Fascinated with what he was seeing.
“I would love to experiment on you,” He said smugly with a twisted smile on his face. You looked at him in disbelief and shook your head calming yourself down. The rumors were true, your heart was racing.
“No Dr. Crane I think it’s best we leave our conversation here. Thank you for answering my question.” You step forward to leave, but he grabs your arm preventing you from leaving. You look at him with wide eyes and he tilts his head.
“Oh but once I have my attention on something I want, I can’t seem to let it go that easily my love.” Even though you were frightened, your heart still fluttered at the nickname.
God the fear behind your eyes right now in this moment had him hard, he needed you.
“Dr. Crane please,” You didn’t know what you were begging for, to let you go so you can go home, or so that he can fuck you.
He pulls you closer to him, your breath hitched, and he grabs your face making you look at him. You were so close to each other just centimeters of distance between you. “Please what darling,”
If you moved any closer your lips were going to touch, you couldn’t pull away. Your heart was beating out of chest so fast. “Fuck me please." He was surprised those words came out of your mouth, on the outside you looked like saint, but in reality you were a whore. He didn't even question it, and crashed his lips onto yours, pulling you close to him.
Moving your hands up to the ends of his hair tugging it a little bit, he lets out a soft moan. He thought he was dreaming the way your lips molded with his, it felt so perfect, you were so perfect.
He pulled away from you, both of you panting, he swiped everything that was on the desk as they crashed down the floor. He took off his glasses throwing them to the side. He picked you up putting you on the desk and you grabbed his tie pulling him close to you kissing him passionately once again. He moved his hand down your body placing it on your thigh, where it touched the hem of your skirt. He moved his hand higher between your legs reaching over your clothed wet pussy.
He pulls away smugly looking at you. “You’re already wet for me.” He rubs you through your panties, you moan softly moving your hips against his fingers, it wasn’t enough.
“Please more,” He chuckles at your desperate pleas.
“You’re such a desperate whore,” He kneels down in front of you, and you were confused. He reaches underneath your skirt taking of your panties, he put them to the side.
“God you’re so wet for me,” He lightly touches your cunt with his fingers, gasping at how cold his fingers felt. He gave you no time to react as he laps his tongue up and down your cunt.
You let out a loud gasp gripping his hair as he increased the pace with his tongue. You throw your head back with your eyes closed, and he looks up at you, at how you react. Moving your hips up against his face wanting more, he enters two fingers pushing them in and out quickly as he continued to eat you out. You were unable to contain your moans, the intense pleasure had you squirming away from him, you tried pushing his head away, but he pinned your hands down beside you on the desk and wrapped his arms around you, holding you still and close to him.
“I’m close fuckk,” You breathed out your climax coming closer, but he pulled away right when you were gonna cum. Leaving you there high and panting heavily.
He stands up grabbing your face, “As much as i want you to cum on my face, let’s save that for another day.” He turns you around, your backside facing him, your heartbeat was beating super fast. While you’re head was all over the place. You heard him take off his belt and unzip his pants, you glance behind you and he takes out his hard cock.
“What if someone comes in?” You were scared of gettung caught, but for him the idea of getting caught. Gave him a thrill.
“Then we get caught darling,” He said whispering in your ear as he kissed your neck.
He was big and you weren’t sure it was going to all fit in. He stroked it against your wet pussy, and he lets out a grunt.
He scrunches up your skirt, giving him a clear view of your ass, he spanks you and you hiss in pain. He grabs your hips holding you steady, and without warning he pushes into you, “You’re so fucking tight.”
You let out a loud yelp at how big he was and he covers your mouth with his hand. “As much as I want to hear those pretty noises coming out of your mouth,” He starts to move his hips at a steady pace not letting you adjust as you let out another muffled yelp under his hand. “I don’t want our time getting cut short.”
Those yelps eventually turned into pleasurable moans as he continued to move in you, he took his hand off your mouth, and grabbed your hair pulling your face towards him and started kissing you roughly. You moaned into the kiss as he digged his fingers on the sides of your hips, moving faster against you.
Your tits bounced up and down underneath your shirt, the sound of your skin slapping against each other. The harder he went the more difficult you were able to stand, you gripped the edge of the desk, while biting your lip harshly from moaning.
You look back at him with hazy eyes, seeing that he’s already staring at you with his mouth slightly agaped. His hair sticking against his forehead, and his tight suit flexing everytime he thrusted into you.
He kept thrusting hard going deeper each time hitting that sweet spot and you started to feel that knot feeling on your lower stomach. you panted heavily, he moaned feeling your walls clench around his dick. Seeing you squirm and whimper as you were about to come, he only moved faster. You moaned loudly, immediately putting your hand over your mouth as he hit your sweet spot over and over again.
“I want everyone to hear who’s fucking you, who’s filling you up, i want them to know you’re mine,” His words were hazy and you were in pure bliss, he slid his hand down to your cunt and rubbed your clit. You let out a loud cry at the intense pleasure you were feeling. You didn’t bother to muffle your cried and moans, you were in ecstasy.
You started to shake as your high came near. “Cum all over my cock darling.” You let out a loud moan, as you came all over his cock. Not a moment later he lets out a grunt as he comes inside you filling you up. You catch your breath and he slids out of you, and you felt his seed seeping out of you dripping down your inner thigh.
He gathers himself up and fixes himself. You stood there catching your breath, looking down you see his cum on your thighs. You put your skirt down fixing yourself and sitting on the edge of the desk. He grabbed your panties from his back pocket and wiped your thighs, you gasped because of how sensitive you were in that area and he smirked at you.
He placed the panties on the desk beside you, and he took off his grey suit jacket and gave it to you. He grabbed his glasses that he threw to the side and put them back on, running is hand through his hair fixing it.
“You’re panties are dirty, so use my jacket to cover yourself it’s big enough.”
“Dr. Crane I don’t think-“ He rolls his eyes knowing that you were going to protest.
“Take it, I don’t want you showing off your pussy to the whole campus.” He looked up at you with a deadpan look.
“You’re mine.” Those words either meant a good thing or a bad thing. You had a feeling it wasn’t going to be purely a good thing, but fuck it.
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I am sorry for the really long delay, I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I APOLOGIZE IF THE SMUT WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I am so rusty right now, and I apologize for the delay I blame school. Don't forget to request and for those who requested I will get to those request on Wednesday or Thursday!
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iloved1lfs · 10 months
the jonathan crane one shot is done i just need to proofread it and create a tirle sorry for the delay school also got me busy be posting it tmrw fs fs
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