ilovewillangst · 2 years
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
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ilovewillangst · 2 years
I hope you have a nice day after this :)
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kedamono x onomadek 7W7
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ilovewillangst · 2 years
I need suggestions bc idk what to write
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ilovewillangst · 2 years
I been putting this off but it's time to do it
Will get hanahaki
Warnings:blood, cussing, and a little surprise at the end ;)
The timeline is after season 4 and they are living in a small town
Wills POV: my heart throbbed while talking with him. I cant help it. Hes so beautiful. My heart kept throbbing, but why did it start hurting. Why is my throat dry. Why cant I breath.
Mike and will were in the middle of a conversation when it happened. Will starting coughing. At first it was small and short. Then it got loud and long coughs. When he tooks his hand off his mouth he started crying. Mike was shook. There was blood and flowers. It wouldn't stop. The more he coughed the came out. Mike was yelling and begging will to tell him who he loved. y-o-u he said in between coughs. Mike started crying. He didn't love will. Will couldn't breathe. At this point they were both crying. "N-no will we can save y-ou your gonna be fine" mike was crying. He couldn't lose his bestfriend,not like this. "Mike tell everybody I love th-" he was cut off by the flowers choking him. The last thing he saw was Mike's face drenched in tears. He had a smile on his face. Mike was holding will in his arms.
Its was a week later when he woke up in the hospital. He saw mike next to him. He didn't recognize him because of the surgery. They ended up with a happy ever after. This is what I wish I could say ...
The rain was falling faster then everyones tears. He was gone, and he wasnt coming back. Mike couldn't save him. After all the flowers had been placed. He was buried.
The irony is that they put flowers after he died from flowers lmao
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ilovewillangst · 2 years
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ilovewillangst · 2 years
Warning: cussing
It was bound to happen. Will was going to snap sooner or later. He was sick of Mike's bullshit.
It was the third time they were fighting. They just couldn't seem to stop. How it started?
They were one town away. They couldn't get to far away because Vecna is still alive. It was a Friday morning and a quiet one at that. Everyone was at the wheelers new house. Everyone was in living expect for Will and Mike who were upstairs. Dustin asked "So how are we going to-" *THUMP* Everyone was shocked by the noise. Then they saw Will storm down the stairs with Mike following after. "Com'on Will" Mike said. Everyone was confused. "What happend?" Lucas and Dustin asked simultaneously. "Will com'on it was a joke." Mike said with no concern "Well jokes are supposed to be fucking funny" Will said with tears swelling his eyes. Nobody's heard him cuss before. They were shocked he even knew how to cuss. Jonathan and Steve were in pure shock."Will your to sensitive you need to grow up". That's when it happened. Wills outburst. "FUCK YOU MIKE!" Will yelled abruptly. The amount of hate and pain in his eyes shook everyone in the room. "w-will" " SHUT THE FUCK UP. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD ITS BEEN. HOW HARD IT WAS TO SLEEP AT NIGHT?" Will yelled. Nobody spoke. Jonathan didn't want them to fight put he knew this would be good for will. He was partly correct. Will just kept yelling. Tears flailing from his eyes. It was like he wasnt himself. He was like his father. That's what will thought. He didn't want to yell but he couldn't stop. He couldn't stop himself from taking the watch mike gave and throwing it. *THUD* wills eyes went wide. He realized what he just did. Everyone was looking at him. Jonathan went through this once and he knew what was going to happen next.
----------------------------------------------------------It was about 4 years ago. Will had gotten mad at Jonathan once and he couldn't stop beating himself up over it. He had thrown a vase at Jonathan. Will just stared at Jonathan. That night he was crying about how he was becoming his father
Will eyes moved back in forth. From Mike, to the party, at the wall and back to Mike. Will's anxiety spark and he ran out of the door. "WILL" Mike called following close behind him. Will made it to the middle of the woods before being caught by Mike. "mike let go ,please" Wills voice cracking with every word. Mike hated when Will cryed he just wanted to protect him but he had done the opposite. Mike pulled Will's wrist closer to him and pulled him into a hug. Will just broke down. Crying and apologizing over and over. Mike felt the pain in his voice. "You dont need to apologize it was my fault" Mike said with empathy. They broke the hug and walked back to Mike's house. As Mike look back at Will and was frozen. Will was just standing there. "JONATHAN HELP ITS WILL" The party was already on the the way when they heard Mike yell. When they got there Will was already in the air
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