im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Oh look I'm alive and with art!
I wanted to do a screen shot re-draw, but with skzoo instead of Stevonnie and Garnet.
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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BNHA Cosplay <33
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Virgil, to the sides: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Virgil: Not you Patton, you're an angel and I'm glad you're here.
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
CW: gun
I forgot my watermark on the other one but thats far from the point
Viola, Bucky Barnes(winter soldier) in a silk, thigh slit dress while carrying a gun >:3
His arm was difficult 😭
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Crazy that his pocket is the same color as dark mode...
Anyways, simple steve rogers to tide you over until I get finished with the Bucky drawing!
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Im 100% gonna try my best to draw Mr. James Buchanan Barnes in a fancy dress, long hair era.
Hello, and welcome to my re-hyperfixation of the marvel universe.
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Pretty bad pixel drawing of 2012 tmnt mikey 😭 i just thought he looked really cute in this sceen, its a screen shot redraw :'))
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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woah what a mess
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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@arkkosun  AU all babies <3 <3 <3 
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Everything Ends: Part 8
Tmnt Masterlist. Everything Ends Masterlist. Ultimate Masterlist.
A/N: OKAY I finally got it to work, it took many drafts, many restarts and way more patience than I have but hopefully if you’re seeing this it means Tumblr finally let me upload the next part! Enjoy!
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“Aw come on, you won’t let me with you again?” Donnie whined, it wasn’t something he often found himself doing, but these were different circumstances. Leo heaved a hefty rucksack over his shoulder, the metal of the arm easily taking the brunt weight. 
The leader in blue sighed, pinching the skin between his eyes, “I’ve already told you, D. We need you to stay here and protect the base, watch over the injured and make more tech. I know you want to fight but you’re too important to our cause.”
Keep reading
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Slash: Schrödinger’s cat is overrated. If you wanna see something that’s both dead and alive you can talk to me any time of the day
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Hi! Maybe you could do a fluffy ***PLATONIC***
X little brother reader? Like how they would interact and stuff? And maybe just general headcanons of them w/ a little brother. It can be either be 2012 or rise, I don't mind ^^
Take your time w/ this request ^^
Well I can certainly try my friend! Idk if u meant u wanted all four of the turtles but thats what I'm going with atm <3 apologies if they're a bit short, this is officially my first time writing for some of these guys <3
Rise Turtles with a little brother reader !
Little Bro
- Raph -
Oh get ready for Overbearing Mother Of The Year
Especially when you were really little, he needed to know where you were and what you were doing at all times
You, Leo, and Donnie had to beat the topic to death trying to convince Raph to even let you use the stove by yourself.
And Mikey ("You might burn yourself!!! You can't use the stove! Raph tell them they can't use the stove!") was not helping.
But when Raph isn't being the most helicopter mom you've ever had the misfortune of living with, he's really the best big brother you could ask for
Whenever you need advice or comfort or anything really, you always go to him
And even if he doesn't know what to do, he's good at giving you excuses that either make you laugh enough to keep your spirits up, or actually calm you down themselves.
He's really the best.
Now if only you could convince him to let you near the turtle tank.
- Leo -
Almost every second you're in sight he's showing off, like all the time
He really wants to be the Cool Older Brother to you and Mikey, and he's maybe trying a bit too hard
If you encourage him it will only escalate until he's doing dangerous stunts to impress you and get validation
And then Raph has to get involved and ruin his vibes :(
But if you tease him and (gently) make fun of him for showing off, he's gonna go "I dunno what youre talking about. Me?? Showing off??? Psh. No. I would never."
And then he'd sulk about it for an hour or two.
He just really wants you to think of him as your cool older brother who you can go to for cool advice.
- Donnie -
If you're up for it, and/or not too accident prone, you'll probably end up as his lab assistant.
Or at least he'll try to turn you into his lab assistant
And of course he pays you in brotherly affection. A pat on the head or a brief hug is your allowance for holding his things in place for him
And he also has a tendency to show you his inventions or gadgets first.
He'll finish something and turn to you with his mad scientist eyes and you have to hope and pray that his newest peice of tech doesn't involve something dangerous
He'd rather die than ever hurt you, but sometimes he just gets too excited to even realize he's waving around his dangerous weapons
Wear protective gear maybe.
- Mikey -
He's so excited to not be the baby of the family anymore you will not believe.
Though he has been 100% infected by the family bug, and is absolutely mother henning you almost as much as Raph.
You cook together really often, food is one of Mikey's love languages so cooking with him is one of your favorite activities
He lets you mix the ingredients and if you're baking he lets you lick the icing off the mixers
And he'll draw or play video games with you, literally indulge in almost any activity you want just to hang out with you
He'll absolutely crush you in almost every video game, and then proceed to beat you over and over under the pretense of "Oh its practice :)"
As much as it annoyed him when he was your age, he absolutely sides with Raph when he goes on his "You're too young!" Rants.
He's nodding along and occasionally adding in his own comments about how "you're just our baby brother you can't do that yet! You're too young! Too fragile!"
Also please dont think about all five of you sitting in a circle in front of Splinter's recliner, watching old Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies on repeat, just the five of you sitting in each other's company and relaxing for once. Yeah don't think about that.
(Reblogs > Likes)
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im-a-big-mess · 2 years
Its hilarious to me that you can scroll down my timeline and just see all of my hyperfixations as i go through them, all from the shit i repost 🤣
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