im-a-theoretician · 10 years
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always check before starting ur car
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
For the next five questions I cannot not tell a lie.
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
Mission: The Loading Docks
Well I feel silly for not regularly updating this blog. Especially since I promised Rung I would continue to maintain it to log my memories. But, to be fair, bigger things has been happening recently, and I believe these things are legitimate excuses!
If you recall from my latest log several months ago...Prowl has demoted us and given us guard duty after our less than stellar performance capturing the hitman I described in my last entry. Getaway and I were stationed at the loading docks as common security personnel, and our orders were to walk around and make sure nothing suspicious happen. That means the vast majority of the time was spent watching cargo get loaded and unloaded on and off ships.
Absolutely mind-numbing "work" after a couple of days.
The worst part was that our assignment was to last a week. We thought we were able to treat this job as a chance to have some downtime, except for the fact that our guard duty shifts left us with just enough time to gulp down some energon and recharge just long enough for us to be fully functional and alert before going back onto the docks. It was borderline abuse, but then again, that was probably the disciplinary part of this operation.
But we managed to stick with it. I'm guessing it's because we did feel a little guilty screwing up the previous mission.
In any case, a few days went by where literally nothing of interest occurred. By the fourth day I was praying to Primus for something, anything, to happen on the docks to break the spark-crushing monotony of pacing back across the dock for the ten thousandth time.
And then...well, you know the saying, be careful what you wish for?
As I was about to make my next trek across the walkway, a ship docked next to me when I felt a dull pain shoot through my head. And in mere seconds after that, that same ship suddenly opened up, and around ten or so highly armed Decepticons suddenly stormed the platform. I had barely enough time to react before a few of them got the jump on me and pushed me down onto my knees, pinning my arms, and pointing the business end of their guns at me.
"Keep the guard alive! We might need him to get us through other parts of the station!" they said. They were, of course, referring to me. I didn't resist, mostly because I was caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, but also because it's not wise to fight back against people with high-powered weapons aimed at you. I also recall being a little miffed at being referred to as a simple 'guard'.
Anyway, I stayed there, watching them quarantine the area and taking a couple more people that were unfortunate enough to be in the same area as hostages, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Getaway peeking from beyond the platform. I tried comming him silently, but my internal sensors only produced static. They must have some sort of jamming device, which would explain the sudden headache. Getaway apparently figured that out before me, already making discrete signs with his hands asking if I was ok. I struggled a bit, getting a poke from one of the Cons as a warning, but I also nodded back at the same time to relay my condition without being obvious.
I could tell he was a bit relieved before he ducked back down, keeping out of sight. Meanwhile I then took this time to survey the area, assess the situation, and try to figure out the motive. The Cons were efficient, already having set up a barricade and trying to gain access to the gate. From that it was clear they were planning to unload something, and judging by the gate they were trying to open, it was something big.
But apparently they underestimated the encryption on the gate, because after a few tries, they were still not able to get the gate to open. It was only a matter of time before they resorted to their backup plan, the person at the gate signaling our direction to come over.
"Get up," one of the Cons holding me down ordered, keeping his gun pointed at my head as both guards holding me pulled me back onto my feet before roughly dragging me to the control panel.
"What is the code, Autobot? I promise won't kill you, but a world of pain will be yours if you decide not to cooperate..." the ringleader demanded (I'm assuming he's the ringleader of this operation, he appeared fairly important and more competent than the rest of the group).
I did know the code, but naturally I wasn't going to tell them right then. I also had no idea what Getaway was up to, but I assumed he was working his own kind of magic to do something about the situation. So if he was, that meant I needed to stall for time. I then conjured up my acting skills, and proceeded to play dumb. "I-I don't know! I literally just started here! Honest!" 
That apparently wasn't the right answer, as I ended up getting smacked hard in the face with the butt end of his rifle. "Don't play stupid with me! Tell me the code now, and I will let you keep your face..."
The blow to my head righteously pissed me off, and I could even feel some energon leak out of my nose. But I continued to play the dumb, and now whimpering, useless guard. "I s-swear, on Primus's hand of creation itself! I was literally just hired, and they haven't told me anything!" I blubbered, hoping my pathetic tone would buy me some sympathy, and more importantly, time.
The ringleader scowled, drilling the firing end of the rifle into the underside of my chin. "One last chance, Autobot. I'm going to give you to the count of three, and if you don't tell me then..." He clicked his rifle on. "One, t-"
He wasn't able to finish, interrupted by the engines on the Decepticon ship suddenly switching on and immediately undocking itself from the port. It then proceeded to fly erratically, bumping into a few ships along the way before heading back out into space. Everyone watched the spectacle in shock for a second when the ringleader turned his attention back onto me. "YOU!!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!" he screamed, back to pressing the end of the rifle onto my face once again.
"I-I-I didn't do it! How could I??" I stammered. That was easy to act out, since I was telling the truth that time.
That didn't help the ringleader's temper, however, as he was done with me at that point. "USELESS!!"  he yelled into my face, about to pull the trigger...if it weren't for another shot coming out of nowhere hitting him in the chest.
That was my queue. I took that opportunity to break loose, freeing one hand and then using both hands to knock the other guard still holding onto me off balance. A shooting battle was happening behind me, so I disarmed the guard at the same time and shot all three Cons in the legs before running off and ducking behind some nearby crates. At this point all I had to do is hold them off until reinforcements arrive, but it was one versus at least 8 more cons...
...that is until Getaway suddenly slid in next to me, almost scaring the transmission fluid out of me. But I'm glad he's ok and has joined the battle, and with the both of us together, our odds have dramatically increased.
Long story short, after a brief shootout, the cavalry arrived and took control of the situation and captured every one of the Cons left behind on the docks. Later they also managed to track down the ship they disembarked from and confiscated what it was holding. (A bomb. Typical.)
One debriefing session later, I learned several things. Not surprisingly it was Getaway that caused the ship to undock and fly away. He snuck into the ship, activated the controls, and hopped off just before it took off.
More surprisingly, we found out from Prowl that this whole scenario was planned all along. "Planned", in the sense that Prowl received intelligence that a Decepticon invasion was going to occur sometime during the time we were assigned to guard the docks. So then he did what he does best, piecing together what information he had to create a situation with the best possible chance of the best possible outcome, and had us watch over the docks to not only 1) discipline us, but 2) to plant two agents on the scene to quickly mitigate any threat, and at the same time 3) test us to make sure we were still capable agents.
Well, we passed everything and saved the day, so we managed to be back on Prowl's good side (if he has one). We were back to our regular job, and after a couple of days of rest and recuperation, we were to begin our next mission.
Which will be detailed in another log sometime in the (hopefully near) future...
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
tailgatingminibot replied to your post:40 81 90
(it was 40, not 41 tho 8O)
...did I seriously answer the wrong question???
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Well, if I knew, they wouldn't be very secret now would they? ;-)
0 notes
im-a-theoretician · 10 years
rodimusstars replied to your post:tailgatingminibot replied to your post:26, 32, 37,...
Totally do have my own oil bath and shower racks~
Let the record show that our captain has been holding back the good stuff all for himself!
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
tailgatingminibot replied to your post:26, 32, 37, 52?
And I thought you were most known as “that amnesiac guy”. Also Rodimus has WHAT?! That’s just not faaaaaair! D8<
That is one thing I would rather NOT be known as, thank you very much. ;-)
And seriously, it is definitely not fair that he has his OWN tub while the rest of us lowly crewmembers have to SHARE one!!
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
That…is what we call, ah, what would you call it…the Internet? World Wide Web?
Internet, Extranet, same thing right?
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
Yikes, I’m glad that we are separated by an extraordinary amount of distance, the only thing connecting us is the words on the Extranet.
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
19, 22, 67
19. How do you feel about spark bonding?
If you like it, by all means, do it!
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Oh yes. And there are times where I should’ve gotten in trouble with the law, but didn’t. Lucky me~
67. Can you name every major city-state on Cybertron?
Of course I can. I wouldn’t be a very good super-learner if I couldn’t, now would I? ;-)
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
I…am going to have to put my foot down and say “no”.
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
This is unexpected.
How may I help you?
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
Already answered, my gray-sphered, optic-protection wearing anon~
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
31 58 63
31. What position do you usually recharge in?
Oddly intimate question…On my back, just like most everyone else.
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I don’t THINK I do…why don’t you tell me?
63. Biggest fear?
Losing more of my memories, of course.
0 notes
im-a-theoretician · 10 years
26, 32, 37, 52?
26. What are you most known for?
I’m a super learner, of course! And being the most charming mech you will ever have the pleasure to meet~ (only one of the above is true.)
32. How big is your living space?
As big as anyone else’s is on the Lost Light. But smaller than our officers’, of course. Especially Rodimus’s. I heard he has his own personal oil pool in his quarters…
37. Favorite swear word?
52. Favorite way to have your energon?
Definitely high grade. I’m not much into those energon snack thingies that are popping up nowadays.
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
96 and 23
96. How do you feel about minicons?
To be perfectly honest, most, if not all, of them…are absolutely adorable…
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Does Senator Shockwave count?
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im-a-theoretician · 10 years
40 81 90
41. Are you a good liar?
This is a dangerous thing to admit…but yes, I can be.
81. What is your idle fidget?
Hm, I’m not sure, but let me ask my significant other…
…Getaway says that apparently I twitch my hand when I’m nervous. Like I’m reaching for a gun.
Very disconcerting.
90. What makes you angry?
Ooh, plenty of things. Turning back on your word. Liars (don’t read my answer to 41 above…). Not being able to remember things every now and then. 
…actually that’s pretty much it. I don’t think about what irritates me much, I believe I am a very calm person otherwise~
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