rhodesnora · 1 year
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Sandra Bullock
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rhodesnora · 1 year
Aughh, ma… Don’t try to guilt trip me please. 
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Oh, quiet. Then you shouldn’t have given me something to guilt trip you about in the first place! A call to your Ma goes a long way on her heart and mind - remember that. 
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rhodesnora · 1 year
I mean, you know Seymour. He’s always up to something. 
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Thank you for having me, I really didn’t know where else to go and I didn’t really have anyone else to call. This is all so embarrassing. 
Oh, it’s only embarrassing if you let it feel that way, sweetheart. We think of it as a welcoming and exciting experience! Whether you’re here for two days or twenty years, we’re so happy to have you. Are you hungry? You’ll get to pick a Welcome Dinner for tonight - anything you want and I’ll cook it up! But in the mean time, I can make you a snack too. We like food around here! 
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rhodesnora · 1 year
I just feel stuck. Stuck in my life and not accomplishing anything. 
Yeah, life can feel like that sometimes. Stuck and not knowing what your next step is. You know, even I have to remind myself some days that not every day has to be productive and sometimes, rest is productive. How about a question...what would you like to accomplish next? Not overall. Not in ten years. Just next. What’s a small something you can accomplish that’ll work you towards your goals? 
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rhodesnora · 2 years
This house is even bigger than Seymour described it to be…
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Oh, our sweet star Seymour! How is he? More importantly, how are you? I’m so excited you’re here, Anniston. We just finished up setting up your bed. 
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rhodesnora · 2 years
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Nora Rhodes posted on Facebook: These two are growing like weeds and still doing everything awesome in honor of their big bro. Be still my heart 💙” 
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rhodesnora · 2 years
Well, I guess we start at the beginning? You know how I wanted to prove to everyone my band could make it without like… the nepotism of having Eli’s record label? Not that I think he’d ever offer us a deal, but… Anyway. That’s not the point. We’ve been touring for the last few years and we’ve got a small, dedicated fan base. And I met someone and… God. Ma, I don’t wanna talk about this.
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When you up and leave us and don’t even bother replying to my social media messages you don’t get the choice to not talk about it, baby. If you don’t want to talk about it now, so be it, but I want to know soon. I missed you. We all did so much. Your sister has grown leaps and bounds since you’ve gone. Mm, you should see if Gage would do an episode of the show and play your music? Still a bit of nepotism, but not as much I suppose. 
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rhodesnora · 2 years
Doing ice cream in your office sounds right up my alley. 
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Then that’s what we’ll do! I think I still have some mint chocolate chip that hasn’t been found yet - lucky me! 
Alright, my girl. Talk to me. 
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rhodesnora · 2 years
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I never thought I’d be the depressed type, but… god, I think I’m depressed. 
Oh, honey. There’s no type. Life just simply knocks you down one too many times sometimes. Why don’t you come into my office and we’ll eat some ice-cream and talk for a little while? Or would you rather I call Dr. Kole for a session this week? 
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rhodesnora · 2 years
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Sandra Bullock, Santa Monica, June 1994. Photo: Ron Galella.
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rhodesnora · 2 years
I got mixed up in some bad stuff, ma. Please. I’m tired. I just want to rest. 
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Nuh-uh. Have this cup of tea and these vitamins and at least begin telling me what’s going on. You can tell me the rest later if it’s too much for now.
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rhodesnora · 3 years
I will explain everything, I promise. Just let me get settled in again.
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No, no, no, adult or not you do not get to call me from jail and then not explain yourself right away. I’m worried sick, sweetheart. Tell me what happened. 
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rhodesnora · 3 years
(Okay I just pasted this + added my characters in!)
Staying Home:
Miles, Aubree, Gus, Ava, Cami, and baby Benny [Baby Benny’s Birth]
Taylor, Chaisee, and Alistair [Med School Rotations]
Carrington [He’s gotta work]
Arthur, Sophie, and Kerrison [They just didn’t want to go...]
Maybe Casey? Idk if my boy Casey’s going, but maybe!
^ I can def see him and Stone staying home w/ the kids this time!
Turner - He had dance stuff to do & doesn’t feel totally cool w/ the fam yet.
Aleks - Time at home/the studio without Travis around sounded glorious, so he stayed home. I wish I was kidding.
Nora’s House:
Rooney, Waverly + little sibs: Story, Diesel, Atlas, Willow, Arlo, and Milo
^ Leah + Callie too
Colbie, Soren, Mina and Moon
Orion and Wren
Maya (and Oliver!! I think he’d make the trip!)
Grey (required by his outpatient program so Nora can regulate medications)
^ + Avalon
Bo + Dylan
Bryce and Ryder’s House:
Issy, Jack, Shiloh, Ila
Noa, Brooklyn, Maverick, Layla, and Collie
Joey, maybe.
Travis and Milania’s House:
Ramona and Frieda
Kinley, Morgan
Jaci Mae
Maisie + Cal’s House:
Alice + Chandler
Britton and Caiden’s House:
Sunny and Preston!!
Zion? I think Sunny focuses on him
^ And Rebel because she wants to be with her friends too.
Ilia, Savannah
Salley Kate
Atti, Rae
Luca + Iris
Eli + Lily + Sailor
Hawaii Housing
(Please add your characters where you see fit!)
Staying Home:
Miles, Aubree, Gus, Ava, Cami, and baby Benny [Baby Benny’s Birth]
Taylor, Chaisee, and Alistair [Med School Rotations]
Carrington [He’s gotta work]
Arthur, Sophie, and Kerrison [They just didn’t want to go…]
Maybe Casey? Idk if my boy Casey’s going, but maybe!
Keep reading
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rhodesnora · 3 years
Quarantine Prompts | Sixteen Prompt: Write something that begins and ends with your character looking up at the stars. Challenge: Your character must be with someone in the beginning, and alone at the end.
“You see that big star right there, Ems? That’s part of the Big Dipper.” Seventeen year old Crew beamed, pointing up towards the sky. 
“And that one, that’s Orion.” Elena, his girlfriend, cooed, her voice as smooth and as sweet as honey. 
“They’re called constellations,” Crew bounced Emersyn on his knees, “Can you say constellations?”
He grinned, “Ah, close enough.” 
The sky was dark, and it seemed as the stars shined extra bright that night. It was as if they were sparkling just for them, telling the high school couple, both from very different backgrounds, that everything would be alright. Would it? As Crew, his girlfriend, Elena, and their daughter, Emersyn, sat hidden under the blanket of nighttime, he wasn’t so sure. Elena was the heiress to a kombucha throne. Her dad had started some half-alcohol, half-kombucha drink brand, Bitchin’ Bucha, and her mom was a former pageant girl turned spokesmodel. They ruled Los Angeles. Crew, on the other hand, barely ate more than once most days. He scavenged when he could, ate big lunches at school when he went, but other than that, he was on his own. A modern, real-life Aladdin. A street rat. Sure, his dad was around, but being around and being present were two entirely different things. When Crew started sneaking around with Elena, his dad didn’t even notice. And when she got pregnant? Crew knew he couldn’t confide in him. This month, his dad was on the hunt for something having to do with Pizzagate, and Crew hadn’t seen him in eleven days - not that he was counting or anything. 
“Can you say mama?” Elena asked Emersyn, fixing the collar of the little pink dress she had on.
“Dada! Dada!” 
Now, Emersyn Leigh Van Doren was just shy of turning eight months old. She had Elena’s eyes, Crew’s big smile, and the most perfect skin tone. Her hair was fluffy, and she was always dressed in the best designer clothes that money could buy. When Elena got pregnant, she told her parents that it was a boy named Brett Beaumont’s baby. Supposedly, Brett went to Elena’s school. He had brown hair and brown eyes too, and sure, if you squinted your eyes, Crew guessed Emersyn kinda looked like him. 
“I want you to come to her birthday party…” Elena broke the silence, the only other noise being the waves splashing on the shore. 
They always met at the beach right outside of Half Moon Bay. Elena wouldn’t admit it to him, but Crew was pretty sure she was scared to come fully into his part of town. He didn’t blame her. Half Moon Bay was definitely a lot different than where she’d grown up. Still, the beach they always secretly met at was nice. They sat on a grassy hill that overlooked the water. Sometimes, they’d let Emersyn dip her toes in. The first time her feet ever felt sand, she freaked out. It was really adorable. 
“No…” Crew scrunched his nose, “You know I shouldn’t.” 
“It’s going to be jungle-themed. Wild One,” Elena’s eyes were filled with a couple tears and Crew could see the waves reflecting in them, “Get it?” 
He squeezed her hand, “Yeah, babe, I get it.”
Even at seventeen, Crew loved being a dad, and he was so selfless, so determined for Emersyn to have a future different than his own, that he didn’t mind not being in the picture every day. If Emersyn lived in Elena’s beautiful home with everything she ever dreamed of, well, than it was okay that he only saw her secretly. Elena might’ve hated holding that secret, but at least their daughter wouldn’t grow up hungry. 
“Fuck,” Elena groaned, noticing her phone lighting up as it laid on the blanket they’d put out to sit on, “My dad…ugh. He’s called five times.”
Crew cleared his throat, “It’s okay. Go.”
“I’m sorry, Crew.” She sighed, picking up Emersyn’s diaper bag. 
While their visits normally lasted hours, they’d only been at the beach for a little over twenty-minutes. 
“Nah, it’s okay. Mm, quick, c’mere,” Crew gave Elena a long kiss on her forehead, and then a matching one to Emersyn, “Bye.”
He swallowed hard. He was frustrated and disappointed. Elena could only sneak away every so often, especially at night and with a child so young, and Crew didn’t know when the next time he’d seen them in person would be. Still, he couldn’t be too pressed. It wasn’t like he had any real say in Emersyn’s life anyway. 
As Elena walked off, she turned back to face him, “Crew, I love you.” 
“…I love you too.” 
Then, she scurried away with Emersyn, leaving Crew alone as he’d simply always been. 
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rhodesnora · 3 years
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Nora Rhodes posted on Facebook: “We also celebrated our most special guy last Friday on what would’ve been his 22nd birthday. All the hearts he touched in his twenty years of life will always impress me. I hope you had a delicious cake in Heaven, Koby. We all miss you so dearly. ❤️” 
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rhodesnora · 3 years
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Nora Rhodes posted on Facebook: “Celebrated two special + momentous birthdays in the last week...Happy 10th Birthday to our sweet Story and Happy 9th Birthday to our Diesel! We all love you soooo much! ❤️”
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rhodesnora · 3 years
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Nora Rhodes posted on Facebook: “When I receive texts with new headshots and think...oh how I wish time would slow down just a little bit! Who is this smoldering teenager? 😢💞” 
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