imaginekuro · 7 years
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@objectionably-wright Here you go bitch! See, I wasn’t lying when i said i’d make you he~ There are like 7 more under the cut. Love you and I hope you like them ♥♥♥
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imaginekuro · 7 years
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For the world’s biggest KuroP, love you bitch~ <3
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imaginekuro · 7 years
Mafia AU
Soft lips pressed gently at the agent’s throat and he had to hold back a gasp. Fuck. A criminal such as this did not have any right to be this gentle. Not at all. Dammit.
A soft chuckle the made his heart race wildly reached his ears. “ ‘s okay Hasumi-danna~ ‘m not gonna hurt ya. ”
Large calloused fingers stroked gently though his hair is a way that made him sag heavily in the other man’s arms. Why was he doing this? He didn’t deserve this? He... He didn’t deserve any of this...
“ Heh, yer probably wonderin’ why ‘m treating ya so sweetly even when I know yer FINE agency--- well ex-FINE agency now, I suppose--- aren’t ya? ”
Yes—of course he was wondering, only a fool wouldn't. Yet the former agent had no strength to speak, or even nod. All he could do was lay limply in the others arms as he clutched at the gunshot wound in his abdomen, praying to whatever god may be listening that if he did die here, it would be relatively painless... not by some mob torture practice in vengeance for having lied.
“ Truth is, Hasumi-danna, I’ve known ya were a FINE agent the who time. Ya know Kanzaki-san? He’s one of my guys yanno. Told me ya were comin’, he also knew it was meant ta be a suicide mission fer ya. That ol’ Snake that heads FINE wanted ya ta get caught an’ killed. ”
Kanzaki was the spy? Souma Kanzaki was a member of the Akatsuki family? The would-be-samurai newbie who followed him around like a loyal puppy at times? No way...
Old Snake... Did he... did he mean Eichi?
His Eichi?
His oldest friend...? The same Eichi Tenshouin who he's been friends with since grade school wanted him dead...? So then... Hibiki wasn’t a traitor...
He was just carrying out orders when he shot Keito...
The wounded agent tried desperately to speak up, to ask at least one of the millions of questions bubbling in his brain, but all he could do was cough harshly as he tried to force the shallow airflow in his lungs to form coherent words. Pain bloomed in his chest as he hacked up blood.
The mafia boss shifted him in his arms carefully, oh so carefully, to make it easier on him. “ Hey now Hasumi-danna don’t go tryin’ ta talk like that. Ya can ask question later when yer all patched up. Fer now just try ta hold still an’ stay wit’ me until I can get ya ta infirmary, ‘kay? ”
Though it was posed as a question, Keito knew it to be a command. The agent did not wish to simply lay back and settle for such a thing, but he was smart enough to know he had no other options at the moment... If it wasn’t for this brute of a man... he would still be bleeding to death in that alley while that bastard Hibiki showboated around some poetic nonsense he wouldn’t be able to understand anyways. So Keito merely nodded in exhaustion... even if his heart hurt with the revelations of the night...
The agent would except Kiryu’s help... He would let him patch him up... He would obediently wait for answers until this man deigned to reveal them... He would lean against the soft but firm muscle tone of the man’s warm chest as he was carried back to the Akatsuki base for treatment as the world faded to blackness around him and wait...
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imaginekuro · 7 years
Kuro Titty is the Only Titty that Matters
Kuro Titty is the Only Titty that Matters
Kuro Titty is the Only Titty that Matters
Kuro Titty is the Only Titty that Matters
Kuro Titty is the Only Titty that Matters
Kuro Titty is the Only Titty that Matters
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imaginekuro · 7 years
Nazuna likes to get on his tiptoes to pat Kuro on the head. Kuro likes it because it's cute and it makes him feel slightly less gigantic. Nazuna does it partly because it makes Kuro smile and partly to make sure he isn't getting taller.
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imaginekuro · 7 years
Hasumi Keito was one to pride himself on his calculated perfection. On his carefully constructed form and grace that allowed him to spearhead the powerful force that was Akasuki with ease. Yet even he made mistakes. One such mistake, for example, was cleaning his glasses while walking down the school's spiral stairs, causing him to trip and fall the rest of the way down. Letting out a distinctly unmanly screech, toppled down, down, down. Hasumi landed in a heap at the foot of the stairs, ass in the air, books scattered across the floor, and glasses absolutely no where in sight.
"God fucking dammit."
Not too far away, one Kuro Kiryu had looked up from the water fountain at the sound of the screech to be greeted with a thoroughly amusing sight. A week ago he would have run straight to the danna's aid. A week ago he would be picking up the other's school work and handing him his glasses and likely carrying him to the nurse.
A week ago.
Now he was free to simply laugh.
Of course, Kuro Kiryu was not a cruel man. So rather than leave the other to flounder miserably about, he picked up the wayward eyeware that had scuttled across the floor to stop not too far away from him. Crossing the deserted hall, Kuro came to a stop in front of the green haired teen, holding out the glasses. "Here."
Then without another word, he turned and departed. No need to stick around where he wasn't wanted. Still. The redhead couldn't help but chuckle under his breath.
After all, where was the source of the other's so called newfound happiness?
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imaginekuro · 7 years
Spooning is important, especially with OT3s. Madara is the big spoon and Arashi is the little spoon. Kuro is in the middle. He feels safe and warm and loved. Arashi likes to be a little shit sometimes and wiggle against Kuro but it only takes a couple kisses on their neck from Kuro before they settle back down. Sometimes Madara likes to get a little more touchy as well, on some occasions he’ll simply brush his fingers though one or both of their hair and make them hum in contentment. On other occasions he likes to slide his hand between Arashi and Kuro and run his fingers lightly along Kuro’s abs until Kuro is flushed and shivering. 
Sometimes they’ll trade places and it’s Madara’s turn to be a little shit or Arashi’s turn to get wandering hands or Kuro’s turn to tease Madara with soft bites on his neck until he’s panting, but in the end, this is their favorite. It’s Madara’s and Arashi’s favorite opportunity to show the one that brought them together just how much he means to them, how much they cherish him. It’s Kuro’s favorite because he feels absolutely at ease with two of the people he loves most in the world surrounding him.
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imaginekuro · 7 years
Gentle fingers carded through crimson hair as the distraught teen sat hunched in sadness. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to have his heart broken like this. Yet here he was. Broad shoulders usually held with such pride and strength bowed forward, head hanging between them, is if to hide the wounds engraved so deeply upon his heart. 
It wouldn’t have this bad... if Hasumi at least had the guts to speak up before... before he went off behind his back with Tsumugi...
Maybe then at least... he would only feel sad, and not like the other had just sucker-punched him straight in the heart. 
“ It’ll be okay Kuro-chan... ” The hand in his hair stopped its gentle ministrations in favor of wrapping around his shoulders to pull him in closer for a hug.
Kuro raised his head as he allowed the other to pull him close. Their faces were pressed together, ear to ear, and his body was twisted at a slightly awkward angle to accommodate the height difference. Nonetheless, he appreciated the gesture. It was sweet. 
A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “ Yeah... thank you Narukami... it means a lot. ”
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