imaginependergast · 7 days
I’d love to hear you muse over the Grumpy+Sunshine trope with Pendergast and his s/o.
Unconventional for him, I believe, but it makes me happy to think about it!
Ahh you're kind to use the term muse. A lot of times I think it's really just droning.
Agree that it's unconventional. Personally, I don't really clock him (or any of the characters, really) as being grumpy or sunshine enough for the trope and I'm not particularly a fan of this trope. But! In the spirit of the Imagine I will go with it with the caveat that Pendergast would be a soft version of either grumpy or sunshine.
As the grumpy the critical and pessimistic aspects of his personality are more pronounced. I think it would be hard for him to initially bond with a sunshine-y person because he'd just dismiss their eternal optimism as naivety or not having the life history he does. But once his partner breaks through he starts to soften up. Their sunniness helps him reevaluate his own past and look for any silver linings.
As the sunshine, obviously, he initially has trouble being with someone grumpy because it reminds him of how dourly he could look back on his past. Sunshine! Pendergast would reflect on his past and his present (and future) as being informed by the negative things in his life but that he's come out better by handling them and that every challenge can be learned from and glean something positive from. But being with someone grumpy would, eventually, teach him it's ok to just be down sometimes and not always need to find the good in things. That it's ok to acknowledge he fucked up and things went bad. Not everything needs to be a moment of happy reflection.
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imaginependergast · 8 days
The Penderpals forming teams to see who could finish an escape room first.
To be fair I set Pendergast and Diogenes as team leaders and put the rest (including Proctor to make things even) into a randomizer. The teams are:
Pendergast, Coldmoon, Proctor, Hayward
Diogenes, Constance, Corrie, Vinnie
I love the chaotic energy of Team 2 and think they would win. I think Constance especially would be good at finding hidden doors or handles from her lifetime at Riverview Drive. I think Diogenes would also have a similar instinct when it comes to obtuse combinations whereas Corrie and Vinnie would be good at connecting the dots to the more mundane aspects of the puzzle or make connections to things in the room that might be related to the real world (e.g., solving parts of the room by figuring out clues related to song lyrics or something).
Assuming they each had to do the same room, which team do you think would do it faster? My vote goes to Team 2.
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imaginependergast · 11 days
I had a thought that you may enjoy. Please consider introducing Pendergast to honey wine or mead. I know he is very much a wine and whiskey man but it is a type of wine and smooth and sweet. Personally I can see him either hating it or far more amusingly getting absolutely, messily drunk because that stuff does not taste of alcohol and it is so easy to drink a whole bottle. Also please enjoy the image of drunk Pendergast, I have only read a few of the books so I have no idea if we ever see that
This is an interesting one.
I think he's probably a wine purist and wouldn't particularly like how sweet it is and the addition of honey. But! But I also love the idea of him, either out of courtesy or determination to give it a fair chance, drinking more than he planned to and getting sloppy. Yeah that's a thought I like. Big admin approval for not sober Pendergast.
As far as I remember we never see him drunk, but we do get a reference to him enjoying some less than licit substances in an early book. And a less than positive reference during the Helen Trilogy.
Kind of related, here's an Imagine I did a few years ago about if the Penderpals went to a dive bar.
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imaginependergast · 12 days
Before dating Hayward, Pendergast acting as Vinnie's wingman one night. His strategy is that any women who come onto him, he steers to Vinnie by being utterly insufferable and stuck-up. Of course he doesn't tell Vinnie the plan and is adamant that's how be behaves when looking for the ladies.
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imaginependergast · 13 days
Vinnie trying to teach Pendergast about football, probably while watching a terrible Jets game.
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imaginependergast · 13 days
Diogenes dramatically revealing himself at the end of Cabinet of Dr. Leng.
Diogenes: I am your angel of vengeance.
Constance: *pointing the stiletto at him* Stay back, slut.
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imaginependergast · 14 days
It’s the onslaught of spooky season, so naturally I ask- what do Pendergast and friends do for the fall season/ halloween?
I was just thinking about this. I think I already have a few spoopy and spoopy-adjacent Imagines in mind but I don't want to blow all my ideas too soon.
But ask and I shall (happily) deliver.
Pendergast: He doesn't like the cold but does appreciate the weather getting cooler and the days getting shorter. It's time for evenings by the fireplace and heavier wines for the darker season. I have a theory that he tries to get Constance out a bit by taking her for walks and he enjoys it most when the leaves begin to change. I also think, maybe more so when it's new in the season and if he's feeling a bit soft, that the red in the trees reminds him of Diogenes.
Constance: Isn't a fan of sunlight at 9pm so is happy when the sun begins to set earlier. I think after such a long existence and all the time she spent in hiding means she has more complicated thoughts about the changing of the seasons, especially since (I think) the transition from summer to fall is one of, if not, the most dramatic. For her it's like watching a cycle that you're not part of. I do think the season would influence her, even if she doesn't want to admit it. For example, the musical compositions she chooses start to be more minor key and she prefers tea with a hint of spice or cinnamon. Diogenes: Changes his cooking with the seasons so begins using ingredients and recipes ideal for autumn. Being someone so attuned to colors, even if he can't properly see them, I think not being able to see the fall foliage for what it truly is would be a fresh reminder of what The Event took from him. I can imagine him standing around a beautiful view of the leaves and someone innocently stating how beautiful it all is and he has to bite his tongue. This is also when he starts wearing his best sweaters.
d'Agosta: Enjoys the occasional pumpkin beer while it's in season but is most excited for football. When it won't impede on work he stays up late to watch games. Assuming he and Laura have a house, they hand out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
Corrie: Even as a working stiff is excited for Halloween and tries to scope out which bars are doing Halloween parties. She puts out a few decorative items for her apartment, starts watching Halloween movies, both her favorites and checking out what's new, and carves a pumpkin or two if she has the time.
Coldmoon: Like Corrie and d'Agosta, is excited for the pumpkin beers and pumpkin foods. Probably also tries to find a cool party or event to go to so he can celebrate the best holiday of the season (and the year, heehee). I think he'd also like the temperatures getting cooler and just being more comfortable all-around.
Hayward: Enjoys the change of the season but eventually gets tired of Vinnie's constant bitching about the Jets season. Tries to get them to do some season activities like getting out of the city to see the fall views.
I'll do a separate Halloween Imagine later. Promise.
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imaginependergast · 16 days
Pendergast and D'Agosta trying to solve the Emio ("The Smiling Man") murders.
Seriously, if you have a Nintendo Switch buy this game. It's a fantastic murder mystery visual novel and this needs to do well so we get more.
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imaginependergast · 17 days
Not sure if you’ve done this before, but- Penderpals playing Monopoly!! Or some kind of card game!
Yes, I have done Monopoly! Here it is.
I don't think I know any card goods good enough to give any insights that aren't generic. Although that does reminds me of something...
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imaginependergast · 20 days
The Penderpals playing MarioKart (8 Deluxe, to be specific)
Pendergast: Doesn't really get it, isn't very good, but does improve after a few rounds. Tries to think logically about using items but, since he isn't great at the game, his usage isn't usually the best. If he manages to get into first place he has a good chance of staying there. Plays as Rosalina in the Mercedes-Benz W25 Silver Arrow.
Diogenes: Also not great, but gets better. Picks up on how to use items pretty quickly and prefers the . Like his brother, if he gets into first he'll probably win but getting there is the challenge. Always tries to go for short cuts but probably forget to turn off steering assist so that ends up not working much of the time. Plays as King Boo in the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster.
Constance: Also doesn't get it, isn't good, but doesn't really improve. Probably has the worst time playing and gets gently ribbed by Pendergast and Diogenes. Doesn't really use items unless she's frustrated (with Pendergast or Diogenes) and then she just spams them. Plays as Daisy in the standard cart.
D'Agosta: Probably has some fond memories of playing early video or arcade games with his son. Never gits good but most often ends up in 3-5th place. Doesn't put as much thought into using items as other people but when he uses items it tends to work in his favor. Plays as Mario (if not by his choice, by Hayward making him) in the Pipe Frame.
Corrie: Is the best player and most frequently wins. Is the person who gets animated if they're feeling competitive (think turning their hands like it'll make them turn more). Uses items strategically and more often than not successfully. Enjoys teasing Pendergast about how he finally found something he isn't good at it. Plays as Dry Browser in the Flame Rider.
Coldmoon: Is the next best player and tends to come in 2nd or 3rd behind Corrie but it's not uncommon that he wins. He picks up on learning the tracks quickly and uses items strategically. His favorite is the banana peel and just drops them at random and is especially happy when Pendergast spins out. Plays as Link in the Comet bike.
Hayward: Has a good time despite being a pretty middle of the pack player. Is happy when she makes 2nd or 3rd place. Ends up getting playfully competitive, especially with Vinnie. Forgets that she has items so doesn't use them too often. Plays as Luigi in the Mach 8.
Bonus! Proctor: Doesn't show any emotion and, suspiciously, seems be working to help Pendergast win. Has a special interest in using items to delay Diogenes. Plays as Bowser in the Mercedes-Benz GLA.
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imaginependergast · 22 days
Pendergast at a pour-yourself-by-the-ounce place and being utterly lost about the beers. Vinnie is much more adaptable.
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imaginependergast · 22 days
I'm spending today celebrating the holiday by going on a pub crawl and know exactly where I would bring Pendergast, Vinnie, and Diogenes out for the day.
Try the blueberry wheat beer.
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imaginependergast · 23 days
Pendergast (and Diogenes), despite denying it, has a soft spot for Southern comfort food. Especially when he happens to be down in that region.
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imaginependergast · 25 days
Diogenes is the type of lover to run you a bath with rose petals and then paint your toes when you get out of the water.
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imaginependergast · 1 month
I'm hosting a small get together tonight so I'm doing some last minute cleaning and prep to put out snacks and drinks and, holy shit, do I wish Pendergast was attending or that I was hosting with him at Riverview Drive.
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imaginependergast · 1 month
The very next thing I did after finishing reading the new book was to open your blog to see your thoughts on it xD
RE: domestic Pendergast & TV and very minor spoiler for Angel of Vengeance — seeing as Pendergast does make a movie reference in the book, albeit to an old movie, makes me headcanon him as someone who might enjoy some older movies. Maybe even silent ones. If I do some mental gymnastics, I can picture him enjoying Metropolis (1927) or Alphaville (1965).
With some *very* extensive mental gymnastics, I can even see him liking Blade Runner (1982). It's something about the synths, the themes and the gorgeous cinematography. But like I said, heavy headcanoning over here:)
Have a great one!
~ D.E.
Oh, you're too kind. I'm still thinking about it. Really, I don't think I've been as affected for as long as from any other book since I've been reading them in real publishing time.
I thought about mentioning that in in my hot take. It was a good moment. I think even if he doesn't necessarily watch movies he still appreciates the art form (and movies that are some reflection of the world at a given time) and probably has some familiarity with the early works. When I think of Pendergast and movies I think of London After Midnight.
Thank you! And have a great one yourself.
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imaginependergast · 1 month
Pendergast at a wedding. In the crowd on the dance floor he's the guy who turns the wrong way during the Cha Cha Slide.
Double Imagine: This happened at Vinnie and Hayward's wedding.
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