imagines-i-guess · 6 years
I’ll Always be Here For You - Finn Wolfhard
I’m writing this imagine because I’m currently going through a rough break up and have been trying to find a comforting imagine.(I’ll probably be writing many of these this week) So here’s to those of you out there who just need a hug <3 I’m here for you.
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I was currently running to my best friends house. You may be wondering why. Well things have not been very good for me recently. To top off my terrible week, I have the constant issue of having a crush on my best friend. So here I am, running 5 blocks, tears streaming down my face, to the boy I love’s arms.
I reach his house and knock frantically. Someone opens the door.
“Y/N-“ the voice said startled, but I cut them off, wrapping my arms around their neck and sobbing into their shoulder. I knew it was him. He immediately hugged back without a word. We stayed like this for awhile until I managed to calm down. He e grabbed my shoulders, pulled us apart, and looked me in the eye.
“I’m sorry Finn,” I started and yes, my best friend (and crush) is Finn Wolfhard. “I’ve just been going through a lot.” I said quietly. He gently whiped the tears from my face.
“Hey hey, Y/N, you don’t have to be sorry. I’m your best friend, remember?” Yes yes, I remember, friend. “Why don’t we go sit down and you can tell me all about how you’re feeling while we eat ice cream?” He smiled. I laughed a bit by this adorable gesture and nodded silently.
——an hour later——
“Thank you for being there for me.” I said as I scooped the last bits of the ice cream into my mouth. He moved our dishes aside and hugged me.
“That’s what friends are for.” Friends. “Let’s turn on your favorite movie.” He said.
“I’ve never told you my favorite movie.” I was confused what he meant until he turned on (your favorite movie). “How’d you know?” I was shocked.
“You don’t realize how much you talk about it huh?” He laughed. “OH! I’ll be right back!” He jumped up and ran out of the room. A few minutes later, he came back with one fluffy blanket and a pillow.
“There’s two of us?” I questioned as he positioned the pillow and sat down.
“I know.” He smiled. “Come on.” He opened his arm. I was shocked, but took the offer and cuddled close to him as he layed the blanket over us. We sat there for a bit just watching the movie when I decided to speak up.
“You know, I hate when you say friends.” I couldn’t stand the confusion behind what we were.
“I’ve noticed and I hate doing it too. I was waiting till you finally said something.” He laughed lightly while kissing my head and holding me tighter. I got up and kissed his cheek which caused him to blush. We spent the rest of the night just cuddling and watching movies.
Finally before I drifted to sleep, I heard Finn whisper, “I’ll always be here for you.” Making me smile as I realize that good things always come out of bad times.
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imagines-i-guess · 6 years
What Happens BTS at Snowball - Gaten Matarazzo
Gonna try to start writing Stranger Things imagines since I have a lot of ideas.
I love Dustin/Gaten BTW so there might be a lot of him, sorry about that if you don’t like him.
This does include slight spoilers so make sure you’ve seen season 2.
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We were filming the Snowball scene and I was a background dancer. I’ve done some background work for this show so I know the cast well. They’re all amazing, but I definitely like one the most. I may have a huge crush on Gaten. He looked so adorable and handsome during this scene (more than usual). Let’s just say it’s not easy watching him ask a ton of other girls to dance and dancing with Nancy, even if it is just acting.
“AND CUT!” The director yelled. We just finished filming Gaten’s scene. “Great job! 30 minute break everyone!” He yelled. Thank god, these shoes were getting uncomfortable.
As I started to take off my shoes and walk out of the gym to the break room with everyone else, someone tapped my shoulder. It was Gaten.
“Hey, um, do you maybe wanna dance?” He held out his hand. I was shocked, but smiling stupidly wide.
“Sure!” I said maybe a bit too enthusiastically by the light giggle I got from him. “The DJ’s on break, what music do we dance to?”
“Don’t worry, I got that one handled.” He said while picking up an aux cord connected to the speakers. He plugged in his phone and moments later, Perfect by Ed Sheeran came on. He walked back over to me and held out his hand. I took it and we slowly began to dance to the music. It was perfect (no pun intended).
“I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.” He sang softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought us closer. As the tempo started to kick up, he twirled me around. I twirled him too which made us both laugh. We were so lost in each other’s eyes, I felt like I was dreaming.
“I don’t deserve this. You look perfect tonight.” He sang the last line then like magic, our lips touched. We pulled apart slowly as the song ended.
“Wow.” Was all I could say with the stupidly large smile plastered on my face along with the heavy blush.
“So if you haven’t guessed, I really like you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?” He smiled hopefully.
“Of course!” We kissed again. All of a sudden we were startled by the first notes of an upbeat pop song.
“Would you care to dance?” I asked in a mockingly fancy tone.
“Oh I would love to dear!” He continued the joke while we laughed. We started jumping around and trying to see who had the worse dance moves. We were laughing ourselves to tears. At some point we noticed the rest of the cast dancing around us.
“So you guys are finally together!” Millie hugged me. I just laughed because apparently everyone knew about our crushes for each other except us.
After we finished filming, all 7 of us went out to dinner to celebrate Gaten and I. It was definitely the best way to end the season.
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imagines-i-guess · 8 years
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Dan Howell imagine (Y/N) - your name (L/N) - your last name
You just walked up to Dan and Phil’s flat because Dan invited you over for a surprise. It’s currently 6pm, and he told you to dress fancy, so you figured it’d be a fancy restaurant date. Phil answered the door in his Cookie Monster pj pants and black logo shirt.
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Dan’s just finishing up. He’s been getting ready all day, while I’ve just been watching Netflix,” Phil said.
You chuckled, “Sounds like fun. I’ll just wait here for him.”
“You can come up and sit with me. He could be awhile,” he said. You agreed and went up to finish what he was watching. After about 10 minutes, Dan walked into the room looking down at his fancy suit.
“Hey Phil, how do I lo- oh (Y/N) you’re here already,” he blushed. You stood up.
“You look very handsome Mr. Howell,” you smirked, acting posh.
“Thank you, and may I say Mrs. (Y/L/N), don’t you look charming as always,” Dan says, mimicking your accent. Both of you start laughing. “Let’s go m'lady,” he held out his arm and pretended to tip an imaginary hat with his other hand. We walk out, yelling bye to Phil in the process.
“So where are we going?” You asked.
“You’ll see.” Dan winked.
We end up at this really fancy restaurant.
“Holy crap Dan, this place is amazing!” You say, looking at the really sparkly chandelier.
“Only the best for my girl,” he said lovingly. We walked up to the desk. “Howell, table for two.”
“Oh um I’m sorry to say, but you’re late, we gave your table away thinking you weren’t coming,” she says apologetically. Dan blushed really hard.
“Oh uh thank you anyway,” he mumbled and sped walked out of the restaurant. You followed him out to see him on a nearby bench with his face in his hands. You walked over and sat next to him, putting your arm around him.
“Hey hey hey, it’s okay, that place was too fancy for us anyway,” you said, trying to calm him down.
“I just wanted to do something extra special for you,” Dan sighed, looking up at you.
“Awe Dan, you don’t have to do that. I love our pizza and Netflix dates, or when we walk around and play eye spy, but end up laughing like crazy and making a fool out of ourselves,” you tell him, causing him to smile a bit. It was true, as much as a fancy restaurant was nice, it just wasn’t your style. Dan sat up and chuckled.
“Yeah those are always fun. But I really am sorry, you just deserve so much and I feel like I don’t do enough,” he sighed. You kissed him.
“Dan, I don’t care what we do. I love you, and just having you in my life is enough for me.” You rested your forehead again his.
“I love you so much (Y/N).” He kissed you again. “Wanna go home and order a pizza?”
“Let’s do it.” You smiled.
You got back to the flat to see a note on the door.
“Go to the roof. ~Phil >•<”
Oh god, what does he have planned?You and Dan looked at each other and silently agreed as he started walking to the stairs.
We got to the top of the stairs and opened the door to see a beautiful scene. A table for two, a blanket, and lanterns all around.
“Your dinner is served,” someone says behind us, causing Dan to jump. It was just Phil.
“Phil, you did this?” You asked.
“Yeah, I called the restaurant and told them to give away your table, so I could do this.” Phil chuckled.
“But why?” Dan asked.
“Just thought I’d surprise both of you,” he smiled, “now sit and eat.” Dan and you sat down and Phil placed 2 plates with a slices of pizza on it. Dan glared at him.
“Hey, I did this, be happy,” Phil pouted. You laughed at their childishness.
“It’s beautiful Phil, thank you,” you smiled and he left, leaving you and Dan alone.
For the rest of the night, Dan and you talked, laughed and had an amazing night. You fell asleep cuddling with Dan on the blanket, the last thing you heard was Dan say, “I love you, princess. So much.”
————- Thank you for reading, hope you liked it. I will try to update a lot more. Okay, have a good day/night guys!
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imagines-i-guess · 8 years
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Phil birthday imagine
You were currently standing outside Dan and Phils door at 4am, not cause you were stalking them or anything but cause it’s Phils birthday!
You texted Dan that you were outside. Within seconds, hobbit hair Dan opened the door quietly and let you in.
“Ok, Phil is sleeping. We gotta put up decorations and make breakfast as quietly as possible.” Dan whispered. You nodded in response.
“Let’s put up the decorations and then make breakfast so the food’s warm when he wakes up.” You whispered back. Dan yawned. “Did you actually get any sleep or did you just stay up on tumblr?” Dan stayed silent. “Don’t worry, me too.” You laughed.
You and Dan started decorating, streamers, banners, presents placed around the room, all cute stuff. Then Dan turned to you.
“Ok, time for balloons. We can not pop ANY.” Dan emphasized. That freaked you out, but you guys did it without popping a single one.
“Time for breakfast!” You cheered. You and Dan made none other than Delia smith pancakes. After you were done with those. You started making Phil’s coffee.
“How should we wake-POP!” Dan accidentally stepped on a balloon, causing you and Dan to jump as you heard Phil’s famous yelp.
“That’s how.” You laughed as you heard Phil shuffle down the hall into the kitchen.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!” You and Dan cheered. You walked over, gave Phil his coffee and gave him a quick kiss.
“Aw thank you guys!” Phill smiled brightly. He really is a ray of sunshine.
All 3 of you spent the rest of the day giving Phil his gifts, inviting friends over for his party and just enjoying your boyfriends birthday.
After the long day of partying and cake, you were cuddled up in bed with Phil. Not saying anything, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Thank you for an amazing birthday.” Phil say quietly.
“Amazing birthday for an amazing guy. I’m glad you liked it.” You smiled.
“Liked it? I LOVED IT!” He said like a little kid. You laughed.
“I don’t believe you’re 29.”
“Maybe I’m not, who knows.”
“You’re such a dork.” You giggled. He then flipped you both over so he was on top. He started tickling you like crazy. You both started laughing. He then stopped and just looked into your eyes with a big smile.
“I love you (y/n).” He said. Then kissed you.
“I love you Phil, happy birthday my lion.” You mumbled in between kisses. He got off you and held you close as you both drifted to sleep.
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imagines-i-guess · 9 years
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You always wanted to learn how to skateboard so your boyfriend kian decided to teach you.
“Ugh, penny boards are so cool looking!” You groaned. Kian brought you to a skate park and you were admiring other people’s boards.
“Yeah, but they are really hard to ride.” Kian said. “You’re starting on my old skateboard.” He put the old board down. “Now stand on it.” You went to step on it, but it slipped out from under your feet and you fell. You burst out laughing and looked up to see a laughing Kian.
“Are you okay babe?” Kian asked in between laughs as he helped you up.
“Try holding my hands.” Kian rolled the skateboard in front of you and held out his hands. You grabbed his hands and slowly stepped on to the skateboard.
“I DID IT!” You cheered while letting go of his hands. You lost your balance and leaned into kian.
“Yeah, no you don’t.” Kian laughed while pecking your lips. Don’t give up though, you got this. Try to push off" You slowly pushed off with Kian holding your waist. You wobbled a bit but kept your balance.
“Ok try going a little faster.” Kian said since you were going slower than a snail. You pushed off faster this time. Wobbling a little but not falling. All of a sudden you started going really fast but you weren’t the one who pushed off. You looked down to see kian standing on the board with you. You brought your back foot forward and let him push off. Sadly this wasn’t a movie and having two people on the old skateboard didn’t work, the board broke in half, you both lost your balance and fell over. Both of you were laughing. The fall did hurt a little but you couldn’t care less.
“Well that was fun!” You laughed. You looked over at him and he kissed you sweetly.
“Let’s do that again!” Kian laughed childishly and kissed you again. I love this goofball!
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imagines-i-guess · 9 years
I guess the dark isn't all bad-Joe sugg imagine
(In this imagine, you're a famous youtuber who's also friends with other big youtubers) (Y/N)=your name I was currently at DisneyLand with Joe, Alfie, Zoe, Caspar, Marcus, Niomi, and Louise. We were having so much fun! Currently we were just deciding what to go on next "Hey guys! Let's go on the Haunted Mansion!" Caspar cheered while running towards it like a little kid. We all just laughed and got on the line with him. Once we got to the front I asked, "Ok, who's riding with who?" Right as I said that, Alfie and Zoe linked arms, Marcus put his arm around Niomi and Caspar hugged Louise while she looked uncomfortable because of her personal space. They all got on the ride in their carts while me and Joe looked at each other and smiled. "RIDE BUDDIES!" Joe cheered as we got into our cart. "WOOOOOO!" I cheered along with him. I had a huge crush on Joe and the rest of the group knew that, that's why they did this. I was angry at them, but also happy that I got to ride with Joe. Our cart started moving, me and Joe started cheering. About 30 seconds into the ride, it came to an abrupt stop. I looked over at Joe, but I could barley see him it was so dark. Everyone screamed and I heard some kids crying. At that moment I pulled out my vlogging camera and so did Joe. He went first. "Well guys, the ride decided to be a twat and stop, IN THE DARK! I'm currently here with (Y/N)" I waved to the camera, "The rest of the crew are in separate carts. This is why I don't like rides! We can hear little kids crying and screaming. They're probably perched on the edge of a drop, like." He made a funny face. That made me laugh, even though I was scared shitless, "Not cool!" He yelled as he stopped recording and turned to me. "Hey guys! So me and Joe are STUCK on The Haunted Mansion. It's pitch black, kids are screaming and it's quite freaky. Joe over here is shitting himself." I turned the camera to him and he made this funny fake crying face. I could see it, but I doubt the camera could. "While I'm not scared because I'm a big gurl." I said in a little girl voice while holding up my muscle, but again, I doubt the camera could see. "No but really, I'm actually quite scared. Well I'll see you guys when you can actually see us." I put away my camera and turned to Joe. "Are you okay?" Joe asked me while putting a hand on my shoulder. "Let's just say I'm not fond of the dark." I said looking down. "Come here." Joe opened his arms and pulled me into his chest. We stayed there for about 30 minutes till we got an announcement and the ride started moving again. I didn't bother sitting up, I just stayed in Joe's grip. Another 10 seconds later. "Shit." Joe mumbled under his breath. The ride stopped again, this time in the FUCKING CEMETERY! I hugged Joe tighter. "Shhhh, it's gonna be okay (Y/N)." Joe comforted me. Once we got out of the ride, we were all talking about the event that just occurred and laughing at how Caspar screamed like a girl the first time it stopped. That's when Joe pulled me over away from the group. "Hey, umm (Y/N)? I have to tell you something." He looked everywhere but my eyes. "You can tell me anything, what's up?" I told him. He looked me straight in the eyes, "I really like you (Y/N) and part of me didn't want the ride to ever be fixed because I loved having you in my arms, but I get it if you don't like me back." He looked away. I didn't need to say anything, I just leaned up and kissed him. At first he was startled but then he started to kiss back. When we pulled away, he was smiling. "(Y/N), will you be my girl friend?" He looked at me hopefully. I just smile, nodded and kissed him again. Never thought I would say this, but thank you darkness!
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imagines-i-guess · 9 years
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You and Dan were having a movie night. You guys were watching all the High School Musical movies. "Damn, Zac Efron looks hot in this movie" You say. "You know, I can look just as hot, if not hotter than him" Dan looks down at you. A small smile starts to grow on your face. "Oh really?" You say, even though you already think he's way hotter than Zac Efron. All of a sudden Dan jumped up and ran to his room. While you slowly followed behind him. By the time you got to his room, he was in his wild cats shirt with Howell on the back. "You see, just as hot as Zac Efron" He said and he did look incredibly hot in that fake basketball jersey. You walked up to him and kissed him. "Even hotter" You said. He smiled and kissed you again.
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imagines-i-guess · 9 years
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Imagine: Felix sending you this picture
Text convo: Felix: Do I look pretty?
You: are those my clothes?
F: maybe….😁
You: omg😑, well you look so fab😉
You: you are so weird😂
F: but you still love me☺️
You: only because I’m 10x weirder
F: I am DEFINITELY weirder
You: is that a challenge?
F: maybe it is
You: when I get home, me, you, weirdo off
F: it’s a challenge👊
F: this is why I love you
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imagines-i-guess · 9 years
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Imagine: Mark sending you these photos from Indie Pop Con
Text conversation: Mark: Hey (Y/N)! *first picture*
You: What’s up? Say hi to Jack for me!
M: (Y/N)! *second picture*
M: (Y/N)! *third picture*
M: (Y/N)! *fourth picture*
M: (Y/N)! *fifth picture*
M: (Y/N)! *sixth picture*
You: 😂you guys are dorks!
M: Lol, hi! :P
You: Is that all you wanted to say?
M: No, Jack says hi too! And I miss you! I wish you could be here :(
You: I miss you too, I wish I could’ve gone with you :(
M: Same, but don’t worry, I’ll be back in no time, then we can cuddle
You: Yay!
M: Lol, gtg, it’s time to meet the cuties, I love you❤️
You: Have fun! I love you too❤️
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