imaginesfortwilight · 11 months
I don't remember the request but I did send in a Jasper one did you get it
no, i don’t have any jasper ones in my inbox, i did just add jasper to my list this morning so that might be a contributing factor
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imaginesfortwilight · 11 months
question: do you want them to meet in new moon or eclipse? like when bella goes to italy or after the fight with the newborn army?
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absolutely, i am leaving the ask in my inbox so i don’t forget about it. i have errands to do but i will work on it after i return
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imaginesfortwilight · 11 months
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absolutely, i am leaving the ask in my inbox so i don’t forget about it. i have errands to do but i will work on it after i return
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imaginesfortwilight · 11 months
and demetri
added 3 characters to my writing for list (jasper, carlisle, and charlie)
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Do you still take requests?
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a lot of the tiktoks people post of their boyfriends, like pranking them or them just being really funny, reminds me of the pack and emmett
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this being said, same with the vamps.
the idea of one of the volturi having a human mate and living in the castle with them (we all know this trope if we read twilight ffs) and how embarrassing it would be to be turned on and everyone knowing like it makes me cringe
Low key think that the wolf pack can sense/smell their imprints arousal.
I definitely agree that they would be able to smell their arousal because of their heightened sense of smell.
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Can you write a oneshot were Bellas sister is kidnapped and bitten by Victoria during Eclipse and when the Volturi come to talk to Victoria Alec sees Bellas sister almost done woth her transformation so he takes her. Alec keeps her close to him as he teaches her about being a vampire, claiming her as his mate.
The Second Daughter
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The mountain top was cold and the only when you woke up. To be fair, it was cold when you fell asleep too. Fatigue clouding your mind, wanting to slip back into your unconscious state to preserve your body heat.
You stumbled out of the tent when you heard voices arguing outside. You then felt a frozen hand around your neck, a bundle of red hair filled your peripheral vision.
"I don't think Bella would want her dear little sister hurt, Edward. I wouldn't mind killing her, she smells almost as appealing as Bella."
Edward didn't move or make a sound. Edward didn't care if you got hurt in place of Bella. Bella also stood still. She didn't know what to do. That hesitation costed you your life.
Her fangs sunk into your skin. Draining you of blood and filling you with her burning venom. You screamed as the fire coursed through your veins and tears fell down your face.
"No!" Bella shrieked and she remembered the story she heard from the Pack elders. She grabbed a jagged stone from the ground and sliced her arm, drawing Victoria's attention away from you.
The blood trickling down Bella's forearm distracted Victoria enough for Edward to get his hands around her and pull until her body dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. As he took a lighter out and dropped it on her, Bella raced to your side as you thrashed on the ground.
"Edward, Edward, you have to help her please."
Edward looked sadly as her as he said, "I'm sorry Bella, but the venom has spread to far." He stood still for a moment, "The Volturi are coming, we should meet them in the clearing." He lifted up your body as Bella climbed on his back.
The fight in the clearing was almost over when you arrived. The Cullen family giving you a sad look as a cry was heard from Jacob. The Pack carried him away before the Volturi guards arrived, under Carlisle's instruction.
As soon as the Cullen's came into their view, Alec locked eyes on your withering body. He felt the connection instantly and turned his head to meet his sister's gaze and silently communicate with her.
The guards stopped in front of the Cullens and heard their tale of the incident. Edward's eyes shifted from Alec and Jane.
"And the girl?" Alec inquired, looking at you.
Bella looked panicked, "She's my sister."
Carlisle quickly jumped in, "Be assured, she will join us. We will teach her everything."
"She's his mate." Edward said, grimacing.
Alec nodded once in confirmation, "Yes and she will come with us. We should wait this process out at your dwelling as to not frighten her when she wakes."
The Cullens could not disagree, especially not when Alec wasn't really asking. With the situation dealt with, Alec carried you in his arms toward the Cullen's house where the first day was spent watching the venom torture you until your body finally stilled as dusk. The following two days were spent waiting for your eyes to open and shine a vibrant red.
When your eyes did open, memories of Victoria's attack flashed in your mind and you sat up with an unnecessary gasp.
Your sense were overloaded as you heard and smelled everything around you. You were about to panic as you looked around the room full of the Cullens when your eyes landed on him. Bella told you about the Volturi, but she never mentioned how breathtaking he was. Alec Volturi.
The connection between you two calmed you down enough for you to be told what had happened by Carlisle, but your eyes never left him.
"Wait, I'm leaving?" That part caught your attention. "I can't just leave! I have a life here."
Esme looked at you sadly and held your hand, "I'm sorry sweetie, I really am, but the life you knew died when you did."
You felt like crying, tears would normally be stinging your eyes now, but they were dry. All of it made you sad, confused, and angry. You gripped the couch seat you were now sitting on so hard it tore until you had a handful of cushion and fabric in your fist.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-" You began to apologize, opening your hand and dropping the remains like it was made of fire.
"We know sweetie."
"You'll live with us." His voice nearly took you out and you met his gaze.
Alec was conscious of everyone looking at the two of you and he did was still technically on the job, so the smile he wanted to give you never reached his lips. "Based on how you're reacting to your transformation, I believe you know Tesora."
You were confused by the name but still nodded in understanding. You were like Bella and Edward, Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. You understood perfectly.
"This is a lot, but I understand."
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note: So I don't think that the Volturi came to Forks during eclipse to talk to Victoria, I really think they came to see if things would go south and if it did then they would have then they would have killed the newborns and maybe the Cullens bc Aro clearly wanted to possess Alice and Edward. I also don't think that vampires claim their mate. It is sort of just like a soulmate link, they just know (correct me if im wrong pls!) Also, the title is based off the second son trope and how they usually end up sacrificed or looked over because of their older brother. Also if you see typos and don't tell me then you're homophobic
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no but can we talk about modern!twilight with genz!reader
the volturi would be exhausted and it would be emmett’s time to shine
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Omg were you the one that had the Jared alphabet thingy why did u delete it?
i’ve never done the alphabet thing lol but writers may delete their work if they aren’t satisfied with it or no longer feels it portrays the character accurately
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want to be active on here again, i try to be whenever i can, but what if i got an admin for this page? so it would be someone else and me,, would anyone be interested in that?
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is there a “do it for her” edit of leah and/or rosalie?
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if rosalie cullen has a million fans, im one of them. if she has one fan, its me. if she has no fans, im dead.
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if leah clearwater has a million fans, im one of them. if she has one fan, its me. if she has no fans, im dead.
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Leah deserved so much better, like I just wanted to give her a massive hug and tell her she matters, she's loved and cared for. I to this day, still get annoyed at the Leah hate and pack treatment of her. What the hell did she do, other than get her heart broken?
i agree, like she was a young woman who was in love with a man who ignored her and then dumped her for her cousin (who i think she was really close with), ofc she was heartbroken, ofc it pained her to see them together even if they were meant to be and the treatment of leah and rosalie was definitely due to smeyer’s internalized misogyny
like leah was kind of mean to bella (more rude than mean) but that was kinda justified bc jacob was in love with bella and bella was in love with edward and i think she kind of empathized with jake. the pack would tease jake bc of the situation but they would be annoyed by leah bc of her’s (in canon)
and rosalie, she was rude or mean to bella bc bella and edward were putting her entire family at risk. the only people she has cared about for decades. she didn’t want that being ruined and she didn’t want bella to chose vampirism bc she knew what it was like and as she said, she would not have chose it for herself
and then smeyer also uses infertility as a plot device for the female characters but not for the male characters (female vampires v. some male vampires and leah v. the rest of the pack) is really weird
i could literally write an essay on this subject
but thats just my hot take
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Hi, I hope you're still taking requests but here mine. Please ignore this if it is requested incorrectly.
What would be the best way to gain Leah's trust and to show her love without making her uncomfortable?
requests are open, but this seems more like a question than a request so if you want me to write something for earning leah’s trust and what her love languages are just lmk!
i think all you have to do to gain leah’s trust is to just be honest with her
if you have moments where you just feel like not talking and she tried to talk to you, literally just let her know that
if you don’t feel like talking about something, tell her
just be open and honest with her
i think her love language might be words of affirmation (receiving) and acts of service (giving)
thats not to say that she won’t be physically affectionate, its probably just secondary to the ones mentioned
i think she wouldn’t really be a big fan of pda, especially around the pack bc they would probably tease her (watching the movies it just pisses me off that all the other wolves seem annoyed with leah bc of the sam/emily/leah situation while they aren’t annoyed at sam or emily. like they should be annoyed by any of them bc if any of them were in the same situation, they would be acting the same as leah or worse)
anyway, just font hide shit, like let her know that you’ll talk about something when your ready to if you aren’t at the moment
also give her space when she needs it but still let her know that you’ll be there if she needs you
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imaginesfortwilight · 2 years
want to write more on here so send requests :)
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