imfindingsolace · 5 hours
The last day in tsc is A LOT but can you imagine it from Jeremy, Laila, and Cat's perspective with no context.
First you watch Jean slowly becomes more and more irritated during practice. So much so Jean eventually lashes out at Jeremy and seeks contrition. Which wtf were the Ravens doing to him before?
But before you can talk to Jean about that he disappears with Lucas. 5 minutes later he's been attacked, he's bleeding, and he looks like he's about to fly off the edge. But again he won't let you in. He shuts down, pushes you away, and locks himself in his room.
An hour or so later he says a visitor is coming? It's Neil Josten, that scandal clad striker from SC? Jean does not look thrilled to see him but still leaves with him. Now you're left to sit at home riddled with anxiety and wait for Jean's return.
Hours go by before Jean finally comes home and he looks worse than when he left. Without saying a word he barrels to the study and starts ripping up his notebooks. And sure you've been wanting him to get rid of those wretched things but not like this. Not when Jean looks like he's about to spiral out of control. Finally you get his attention and the first thing he says is "if I asked you to kill me, would you?"
No wonder Laila kept her foot wrapped around Jean's seat and Jeremy pressed against his shoulder. After this I'd never let go of him again either. Having the context and living through this day with Jean is painful but not having a clue what's going on would be so much worse
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imfindingsolace · 5 hours
jean's v-neck blue shirt is to jeremy what zoya's blue hair ribbon is to nikolai
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imfindingsolace · 5 hours
compiling all the relevant information regarding Jeremy and his secret for my own benefit because my memory sucks
doesn't get on with his siblings
"end the way you started" ??
avoids brother and sister does not like him
was another sibling? dead? left?
parents separated, father in military
mother remarried (?) and step grandfather is an important person (was he a congressman or something I can't remember)
everything went wrong at this fall banquet
sister used to love exy now hates it due to aforementioned incident
Jeremy sticking with exy is apparently an insult
he actively avoids police
has been in/is in therapy (must've been pretty messed up if they were recommending his therapist to jean and saying that they worked wonders yknow?)
butler still seems to like him regardless of the rest of the family's attitude
dyes hair against family's wishes
this is just off the top of my head obviously there is more so I will add to this post as I continue my reread because I don't trust my memory !!
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imfindingsolace · 5 hours
I feel like people are missing the point that Jeremy is also just like Neil and that’s why we have his perspective as well.
He’s like pointedly ignores his past and life problems or conflicts. He’s just living through the momentum and enjoys pretty eyes of a French boy.
Some shit went down with his family? Who cares. Live the moment or you’ll miss out on that ass.
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imfindingsolace · 1 day
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imfindingsolace · 4 days
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inadvertently, i drew a wide shot, full shot and close up
why isn't there a nightwing: the animated series btw? is it because his name is dick grayson??
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imfindingsolace · 4 days
"I used to live here" but it's looking at someone who used to love you. "I used to live here" in the way that I made a house in your heart and now it's abandoned, do I still haunt the corners between the dust and the dirt?
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imfindingsolace · 4 days
sorry i’m just thinking again about kaz brekker, perpetual cynic, and his surprisingly optimistic view of fathers and sons. just. kaz knowing that the one thing that would ruin pekka rollins, the man he hates more than anything, who he couldn’t think less of, would be to threaten the safety of his son. kaz telling jesper that his father cares more about him than any farm. kaz saying “call me sentimental, but i didn’t believe a father could be so callous.” kaz’s fatal misunderstanding of van eck being that he couldn’t conceive of a world in which fathers don’t love their sons. thinking about what all this says about kaz’s own father, and everything he lost before he and jordie ever stepped foot in ketterdam.
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imfindingsolace · 7 days
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cheers to more tsc 🥂
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imfindingsolace · 8 days
Anyways, thinking about Batman pulling his disappearing act on the GCPD rooftop for the first time after partnering with Robin, and just leaving Robin behind.
Gordon turns around, notices that Batman is gone but the kid is not. Then Robin notices that Batman is gone, and promptly burst into tears because, “He left me! He left me behind!”
Jim Gordon is not heartless and he’s a father, he takes the kid into the precinct. He gives him a blanket and a snack. He tries to calm him down and asks if he knows a phone number that he could call for Batman. He gets a wobbly, “He doesn’t have a phone.”
Jim steps out of his office for a second to speak with an officer about turning the bat signal back on, and when he gets back to his office the kid is gone. The crime scene photos and forensic report from the joker attack yesterday are also gone from his office.
Meanwhile Robin is standing in the alley behind the GCPD, waving as Batman grapples down to meet him. He gives him a big smile and says, “I got the evidence!”
“Good job, Chum.”
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imfindingsolace · 8 days
When Bruce “died” all his kids ended up gathering together for the reading of his will. Things were split pretty evenly between them with certain assets going to certain people (the company to Tim, the Manor to Alfred etc). At the end of the will there is one last line
“Don’t let your brother turn into a supervillian.”
All of the siblings are busy arguing about who Bruce might be talking about except for Tim and Cass, who are standing away from the group. Tim has an amused gleam in his eye and Cass is staring him down.
“Don’t you dare.” She signs at him knowing full well that Bruce was talking about Tim.
“I’m going to take over the League of Assassins.” He signs back to her.
Which was always the plan, he just couldn’t leave right away. Dick giving Damian Robin was a perfect excuse. Also, Bruce was def alive just lost in the time stream and the league would have the resources he needs to find answers.
Six months later, over 100 bases blown up, and with coordinates to recover Bruce, Tim returns to Gotham. He’s not alone though. Oh no. Drake Industries has had a complete overhaul under the leadership of the teenage heir and if all of the new employees are ninja assassins thats for Tim to know and no one else.
When Bruce returns he gets swarmed with questions from his kids about which brother he was referencing at the end of his will and he gives them all a confused look.
“Tim of course. The kid borrows my morals like library books.” At this, Dick goes ashen.
Tim? Bruce had been concerned about Tim? Tim who has been off the grid for the last 6 months doing god knows what?
“Tim should have known I was referencing him. He should have told you and the fact that he didn’t means I should be concerned.” Bruce glances to his son who can’t contain his smile.
“It’s hardly my fault the Ra’s has the charisma of a used gym sock. Besides, at least I offer benefits and paid time off. Also you don’t have to worry about the LOA anymore. They all work for me now.” He smiles a bit wider and then disappears into the shadows.
Bruce, who wrote that last line after going through Tim’s Young Justice Records, simply signs. “Could be worse. He could have become Gun Batman.” Which unloads an entirely new floodgate of questions from those around him, but as long as his kids are safe, happy, and still walking a mostly moral line then Bruce is happy.
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imfindingsolace · 8 days
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Your honor, I see no lies here.
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imfindingsolace · 11 days
me and you on call talking about what the most comfortable sleeping position would be if you had wings
or if they ever get used as a blanket
Science of Bird People
I was speaking to a friend, regarding the comfort of different sleeping positions in avian humans, which led to an infodump on the logistics of bird people and the adaptations they would need to be somewhat plausible. As a certified autistic bird nerd, I feel the need to share my considerations to all of you lovely sex-havers. (Sincerely, an ace.) -----------
1. In order to maintain powered flight, most birds have a bone called a keel, which is essentially an enlarged breast bone for wing/flight muscles to attach to. The logistics of how we would place wings on a human body, which already has shoulder-controlling muscles attaching to the breast bone, is a question unto itself, but considering that bird wings are in fact just a bird’s arms, we can safely assume that a six-limbed modified human, with both arms and wings, would need two sets of pectoral muscles.
-RIP to Scott’s chest dysphoria, but seeing as both male and female flighted birds have keels, I am choosing to believe it causes him no additional dysphoria. (Not from his birdy brain, anyway. Human brain may be another story…)
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2. Regarding oxygen intake during flight:
True flight is one of the most energy-consuming abilities in nature. To sustain it for any long period of time, flighted birds have several adaptations to help them consume as much oxygen as possible. The first of these, which will be relevant later when considering a reasonable wingspan for a six-foot tall humanoid, are hollow bones. Hollow bones in birds are called pneumatic bones. They are not hollow in the way that a human’s would be if you stripped them of bone marrow; rather, they have “pockets” within them in which air can flow, which helps move oxygen more efficiently through their bodies. Contrary to popular belief, this does not make bird bones lighter or weaker. The bone is denser than in mammals, making them more difficult to break— but this also makes them brittle, more prone to shattering or splintering when significantly damaged, whereas a similarly-sized mammal might only receive a simple fracture. 
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Additional information, less relevant to Scott’s external anatomy and durability, purely for additional context of how the bones themselves “breathe”; therefore, this is an optional read:
A bird’s hollow bones receive air from sacs in a bird’s lungs that help the bird maintain constant air flow through the lungs. Essentially, the bones act as extra storage space for the lungs.
 The energy expended during powered flight is exponential, so oxygen needs to be flowing in at the same rate that carbon dioxide leaves. Air sacs connected to relatively small lungs help maintain that unidirectional, constant air flow, to provide the large amount of oxygen birds need to consume in order to fly.
The actual process is quite difficult to explain in a quick summary, but if you know about “circular breathing” in humans, it’s almost similar, in the sense that air is moving around even while breathing in or out— though of course, the actual process is more complex than just pushing air out through cheeks. 
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3. Wingspan
The most important thing to consider about wingspan is an animal’s weight. In a world with an atmospheric density similar to earth, there is no chance that a bird as large as Scott would be able to take off, especially considering the added feather weight. Large birds such as waterfowl and vultures already struggle quite a bit.
However, that said, this is fantasy. We can pretend it has a denser atmosphere, and beyond that we can simply suspend our scientific disbelief.
We’ve established that Scott’s hollow bones would not make him lighter. Therefore, we can assume he weighs about the same as any other six-foot tall humanoid (ignoring added weight from extra limbs and massive feathers for simplicity), and his wingspan therefore would not need to be larger than any bird proportionally the same. This is true even if we pretend that his bones would not be hollow, more similar to that of a mammal’s.
Barn owls are normally about 13-16 inches in length, with wingspans between 39 - 49 inches wide.
A small, 13-inch-long barn owl might have a wingspan close to 39 inches— three times that of the body’s length. If we assume the same is true of Scott, then his wingspan may be up to 18 feet long, with each wing measuring close to 9 feet.*
*Note: a bird’s length is typically measured from the tip of its beak to the end of its tail feathers. Scott may or may not have tail feathers, as discussed later in this post, but he does have meaty human legs which may create more weight and drag. It is well-worth considering that his wings may be even larger to overcompensate for the lack of a tail, in order to create that lift he’s missing otherwise.
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4. All this raises the question of how Scott could possibly maintain all of his feathers. 
There are several steps to preening and maintaining feathers. Some are simple, such as simply shaking, raising, and ruffling feathers to get them all in place, but other steps are far more complicated and time-consuming, while being vital to a bird’s survival.
Scott, entering this new world where even breathing is different, would have had to go through a period of not only learning how to maintain his feathers, but also coming to terms with having to set aside potentially hours every single day for that purpose. 
Real birds have an oil-secreting gland at the base of their tail. They collect the oil with their beaks to spread it through their feathers. 
There are a few ways a humanoid avian might do this, such as collecting the oils from a special gland with their hands and spreading it through their feathers, but I’d lean toward the assumption that there is an oil he has to or can choose to buy, and specialized combs to help spread the oil evenly over each feather. 
By himself, going over each individual feather might take hours, so this could be a great way to bond with friends who help him, especially when it comes to feathers at the back of his wings that he can’t reach with his sad human arms and short, inflexible human neck. 
Along with learning to keep the feathers tidy, he also has to keep them clean. Shaking and oiling them would be required for daily maintenance, but as an owl, if he gets his feathers wet, he will be far too heavy to fly until they fully dry. If he gets them covered in mud, it might take weeks to get it out.
Owls, if you don’t already know, have “hairy” wings that help muffle sound during flight. The bottoms of the feathers are rigid, but the ends of each wing and tail feather are fuzzy to allow air to pass by without a sound, and the top of each feather also has a unique layer of “fuzz.”
Whereas most birds have some amount of water resistance and may be able to fly in the rain, an owl’s feathers make them uniquely vulnerable during wet weather, unable to fly in the rain. 
(Consider the vulnerability Scott must feel when it rains, particularly during adverse weather. Consider the angst potential, whether it’s during his adjustment to his new body; or his desperation when his friends forget he can’t fly in the rain, assuming he’s right behind them or somewhere overhead, while fleeing an enemy during a storm. Imagine Scott crying out for help as someone grabs and binds his wings, but his friends can’t hear him over the downpour.)
I had it in my notes for writing this page to also mention pin feathers and blood feathers. My ramble about feather maintenance was pretty long-winded as-is, so you’ll be spared… This time.
TLDR: Feathers as disability (in towns that are not tailored to avian, or even owlish-specific, races)
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5. Tail Feathers!
I find it very difficult to imagine a humanoid (and therefore upright-walking) owl with tail feathers. How do they keep them from dragging on the ground and being useless? Do they have a different way of steering and controlling flight? Are their tails just incredibly perky? How does that work? 
I have nothing to say here except to point out how important it is to have some way to steer flight. Think of Toothless from HTTYD. Can’t fly without the tail fins, and for good reason. 
Bats control flight by having extra long fingers, but feathered wings don’t have those extra joints and feathers aren’t as maneuverable as skin.
Artists, I’m looking at you. Give me your wildest theories and ideas, if he doesn’t have tail feathers (or how we’d make that work).  I can envision some horrible and beautiful alternatives. Please ask me for my ideas; I have so many. 
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(A perky tail is the most simple solution to Scott's tail problem-- funny, but we can be more creative.)
Ask me about Scott’s sleep habits and the logistics of that with extra and feathered limbs! Ask me about the weird ways he’d have to land after flying, particularly at high speeds, and whether or not that might cause joint issues over time! I have so many thoughts and notes that I was info-dumping onto @imfindingsolace, but not all are relevant to his physical anatomy as discussed here. [I want someone to make a meme that just says "GET AUTISMED" in a way that feels or looks like you're being punched with autism. Pretend that image is here to finish off this post.]
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imfindingsolace · 12 days
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this is canonically how tim added the pants to the robin costume
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imfindingsolace · 12 days
Tim Drake: My dad just died and I am not in a legal position to emancipate. Therefore, in the midst of my grief, I shall hire a random guy to pretend to be my uncle & flee the city rather than live with my beloved mentor who is a registered foster parent and loves me like a son.
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imfindingsolace · 12 days
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Kazzle dazzle in oil pastels.
Mainly mungyo and paul rubens hiya oil pastels with prima colored pencils.
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imfindingsolace · 12 days
Tim showing up to Wayne Manor aged 13 wearing a t shirt saying "I'm not the step Robin I'm the Robin that stepped up"
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