he hehehe ! you found my post!!
ur pretty.
no take backs no take backs you have to deal with it
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List of “friends don’t look at friends that way” prompts
“Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
“Stop staring at me like that, it’s making me feel things I don’t want to feel.”
“Your eyes are always on them.” “…Are they? I haven’t noticed.”
“You’re being very unsubtle with your heart eyes for them.” 
“You look like you want to devour them.” “Shut the fuck up, that is so not true.”
“Why do you always look at me like that?” “Like what?” “Like you… Want me.” 
“You staring at me like that is giving me false hopes so I’m going to need you to stop.”
“So like… Do you like them or something?” “Why would you think that? How could you think that?” “Because you keep staring at them like you’re in love or something.” 
“Stop eyeing them like they’re a piece of snack, you fucking weirdass.” “The fuck? I do not do that, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I can’t help but stare at you because you’re just so…” “So…?” “Breathtaking. You’re breathtaking.”
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The Twrch Twryth [Welsh mythology; Arthurian legend]
Culhwch is a folk hero from Welsh mythology. As the story goes, he was a hero of royal blood, being the son of a prince. Culhwch at one point fell in love with a beautiful girl named Olwen, despite having never met her in person.
Yet their love seemed impossible, for Olwen was the daughter Yspaddaden Penkawr, a monstrous giant. The giant offered his daughter’s hand in marriage to the hero who could overcome his trials, but nobody had ever succeeded. Culhwch however, was the cousin of Arthur, and asked for his help to gain the giant’s favour and marry his daughter. If they could overcome these tasks, the giant would die.
And so, Arthur and his knights set out to accomplish the seemingly impossible trials of Yspaddaden Penkawr: for the first task, he had to plough a hill, sow grain and ripen it, all in single day. Though biologically impossible, the heroic Arthur and his men employed magical aid and managed to have the ripened grain all ready before nightfall.
For the second trial, Arthur was tasked with finding Mabon, who had been missing since she was an infant and could now be anywhere in the world. He eventually succeeded by enlisting the aid of the oldest animals of the land: the stags, the eagles, the owls, the salmon and the blackbirds. Together they tracked down Mabon and moved on to the other trials.
But then Arthur and Culhwch received their hardest challenge yet: long ago, a sinful king was punished for his wicked ways and transformed into a monstrous boar called the Twrch Trwyth (pronounced something like ‘Toork Trooweet’). A comb, scissors and razor were lodged in the fur of the creature’s forehead, even as it rampaged across the land. If Culhwch were to marry Olwen, he had to collect these items.
And so heroic Arthur travelled to Ireland to find the beast. Wishing for a peaceful solution, he asked the boar to give him the items without a fight, but the Twrch Trwyth was so enraged at his punishment that he refused to talk. So angered was he at Arthur’s request, even, that he decided to teach the Welsh people a lesson: the beast gathered his seven young swine and embarked on a journey to Wales (supposedly, he arrived at Porth Clais).
Not one to sit idly by, Arthur gathered his men and his hunting dogs and formed a tracking party to follow the monstrous boars. What he found was an empty wasteland, for the murderous Twrch Trwyth and its children had slain all people and all animals in their path. Arthur eventually managed to corner the monsters in Nanhyfer (Nevern) but the cursed boar proved a ferocious foe and killed four of Arthur’s champions before escaping. Later, Arthur cornered the monster again and fought it, but he again lost four of his champions. This time, however, the Twrch Trwyth was wounded before escaping. The next day, the beast engaged Arthur’s forces a third time, and for the third time it killed four of his champions before making its escape.
Arthur refused to give up, however, and continued chasing the monster. At Llandissilio, they clashed again, with the outcome being the same as the previous fights, as the monster escaped after slaying four members of Arthur’s party. The boar’s rampage continued as it was being chased across Wales, often fighting his pursuers whenever they caught up, and always escaping after killing some of Arthur’s soldiers.
At long last, Arthur cornered his foe, who was alone as all seven of his children had been slain. The Twrch lost the razor and the pair of scissors in the ensuing battle but, like every other time, managed to escape, this time to Cornwall.
One final time, Arthur pursued his relentless opponent, as he still needed the comb. Though he succeeded in collecting the final treasure, the monstrous boar escaped by diving in the ocean. It swam away, and has never been seen since.
Though Arthur lost many of his soldiers, and the beast had slain many innocents, he had finally collected the three requested items. And so Arthur and Culhwch returned to Yspaddaden Penkawr victoriously. They decapitated the giant and Culhwch finally married Olwen.
Source: Roberts, T., 1984, Myths and Legends of Wales, Abercastle Publications. (image source 1: welshoverlandsafari) (image source 2: legendsofwales.com)
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"I am wise because of my failings throughout my life. So I say to you: learn from my scars, for my wisdom is earned."
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I don’t know how to tell you guys this, but...
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If loving me is a vice, then say my name like a curse and kiss me already.
Chris Braden
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Hi yes, I’d like to be here please
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Happy Halloween and soon to be National Novel Writing Month my fellow authors! Get those creative juices flowing, and make sure you take care of yourselves!
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Unleash the Beast
They had him surrounded, or so they thought. Cornered like an animal, pressed against the cold stone.
“There’s nowhere to go,” the grand inquisitor said, lanced clutched tight in his hand. “You’re disarmed, you are alone, and you cannot possibly hope to fight all of us.”
He looked down at his empty hands, and felt the pull in his gut. His strength began to surge as a growl rumbled deep in his throat. “That’s where you’re wrong, inquisitor,” he hissed, his teeth growing longer. “You’ve merely forced out the beast.”
His claws stretched from his finger tips, and he unleashed the beast.
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“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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I can’t stress this enough. Everywhere I go, when I meet people I will have to interact with regularly, I start with “Hey, I’m a veteran with severe PTSD from serving in a combat zone and I also struggle with anxiety, suicidal ideation, and self destructive tendencies. These are my triggers, and I will often have to stand up and leave and I’m sorry, I’m working on it, please be patient with me.”
I’m lucky my boss is a combat veteran, he’s very patient with me, but not everyone is. I’m not making excuses. I’m sick. My brain is damaged. I’m trying to figure out how to live again and it’s hard.
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don’t make me tap the sign!!
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So I just got this message literally few minutes ago
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A warning to all of my followers there no such a thing as @exposingthoselosers I just thought any form of information is good and can protect my followers from getting their phone or any other devices hacked if you’re connect to the wifi they might hack all of the devices connected.
Pls share this awareness ⚠
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tbh rather than existing bloggers turning their tumblr into a patreon my guess is that staff is trying to entice ~influencers~ to come here and honestly that's so much worse
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when reading statistics like 99.5% of recent covid deaths are unvaccinated people please keep in mind that this is not a population of petulant assholes who refuse to be vaccinated. every person who cannot be vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons counts in that statistic.
disabled people are still actively being punished for misinformation pushed by science denialists. don’t forget them
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I would give just about anything to live in the world right-wingers believe exists, where the two dominant forces warring for control of the world are a transhumanist, transgender death cult seeking to destroy the metaphyisical concept of womanhood in order to dethrone God and the anti-humanist, anti-technological left seeking to bring an end to mankind and restore the planet to the dinosaur times. Cyborgs and druids just beating the shit out of each other over what shape the impending apocalypse will take, while some white, suburban family huddles in the corner weeping because both sides want to take away your cheeseburgers.
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