immortal-goblin · 18 days
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height advantage
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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Two cats, absolutely HAMMERED, discussing the best way to avert the apocalypse. 
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
The silhouette creature competition is over. The winners are here!
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The winner is @beeb-oob and their neat slug thing! I just really loved the shapes and colors of this creature. Additionally to the creature, I will draw a character of choosing for beeb-oob.
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The award for favorite silhouette use goes to Cool Bug Design by @thegreathailstorm. The jaws becoming the butt of the creature is very badass.
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The award for the goofiest goober goes to The Sniffler by @selkra-souza. This goober is just extremely silly.
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And the rest of the participants! (If I forgot anyone please inform me). The choices were difficult with so many awesome designs and awesome worldbuilding. If I had more time I would draw more of them.
To note, only the winner gets an extra art this time. I am one slow drawer.
I thank you all so much for participating. It was so much fun seeing what you came up with. I hope something similar can happen soon again, maybe with a different focus.
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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assorted MSPaint bug doodle commissions for @leafkidsblog @petedavidsonscock and @solidagold
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
The good thing about the internet feeling like an abandoned mall where only the food court is still open is that at this point I’m truly beyond the point of caring with what I like and post. Straight up following/liking terfy material on main because nobody’s watching. Nobody truly cares. It’s freeing
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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This is a photo of a huntress from the arid land of Thaboleng, which is a little worldbuilding project I play in from time to time. Although hunting is considered a male activity, female Tabo are permitted to do so- as long as they wear a mask and adopt a male persona while hunting. Both sexes of this species are known to grow horn, but since they are considered symbols of virility, the females have their horns cut off. That’s why the mask, sculpted in white clay and then painted, has horns: to hide the huntress’ “non-maleness”.
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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Unused 'sea monkey' concepts for Below Zero. They were gonna steal all your things.
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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Working on a silly little animation with procreate!
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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Hiruko the Goblin | 妖怪ハンター ヒルコ | 1991
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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More from Abattoir land! Out in the wastes of the great plains is a big ass worm. 
Keep reading
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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Thinking about my aliens making prehistoric representations of themselves
The oa. Artifacts like this are found commonly in the northeastern continent. It's similar to the Venus figurines and depicts an exaggerated male form. Like the Venuses, the purpose of these figurines is unknown.
The volit. This artifact depicts a person gliding, seen from above. It's assumed to depict a volit, but from this perspective it's actually ambiguous, and could just as easily depict another small, gliding animal from the same clade. This artifact was likely worn as jewelry (fancy) and perhaps symbolized good luck to the wearer.
The nmn. The nmu have relatively poor eyesight, so small figures like this one were meant to be touched more than looked at. This figure's comfortable, easy to hold shape means it would be held for long periods of time, perhaps during prayer, or perhaps just as a comfort object. Though most of these figurines were made from stone or clay, this particular example is made from amber.
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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here are my DS9 alien redesigns! they are all based on different animals :)
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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The Chemist
She doesn't have a name yet, but for now, we'll call her Charlie.
Charlie is a Jiralf chemist, and another one of the alien species we meet in Stardust Nibiru (if you missed it, the sci-fi fantasy WIP finally has a name). She's very sweet and friendly, but can come off as a bit sarcastic and pessimistic.
She also happens to be very good friends with Star Talon, the Tippicenú's pilot.
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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The North
The North is cold, harsh, and human settlements are often isolated from each other. Perpetually dim save for dawn and dusk thanks to the Upper Continent, sharp mountains, harsh winters, and richly colored plants mark the environment. Rumateurs — llama-like beasts with big noses — graze across the moors, seals lay on the ice cold beaches and turn to humans, and beasts that crawl from the Abyss eat human minds. In the East, Demons — shunned by all other races — live in their blood-soaked, feral hivemind. Across the North, it is generally accepted that you look after your own, as there is little room for generosity. Even if there was, it would do neither of you very good; one must learn to survive on one’s own.
The North has officially surrendered in the face of the Philosopher King's power. The Noble Houses are soon to be stripped off their titles and a new government is set to rise—but who will truly hold power in this new world?
Nouveau Thuille
Nouveau Thuille is an isolated city-state with a mafia-like government of oligarchs who claim to reign in the stead of their Once and Future Emperor. Their Gothic architecture fends off year-round snows and industrialization fills the air with Ysse and smoke. While corruption and murder is just the status quo, Nouveau Thuilleans will set it all aside if anyone else tries to tell them otherwise.
"Fitte Thuille, abso'uen." "For Thuille, the World."
The Saegen Folk
The Saegen Folk make up the rest of the North -- a diverse group of sailors and warlord families. Their culture is filled with song, from cooking and cleaning folk tunes to Sage-sung ballads at religion ceremonies. But even shieldsiblings drill to the rhythm of drums. Loyalty to family is matched by few other cultures in Yssaia.
Amai's Thoughts
Since Arlasaire is from Nouveau Thuille and ALSO since it's the setting of my Assassin Life Sim about Murder and Self-Care, it's a lot more developed on an individual level than some of the other cultures.
Like, I can tell you the details of their music and the history of their theatre and their frozen foods and that their coffee isn't actually coffee from coffee beans but ground from dried mushrooms...
I can tell you which families have power and what they control and produce and what their signature art forms are. I can tell you their family drama from the last ten years -- like how Giluniques was courting Lucienne, even though his father called off the marriage because HER father tried to murder everyone.
I can tell you about how Claudia d'Magnia started hallucinating and no one new how to help her and died tragically.
I can tell you about how Einharde d'Magnia picked up a bunch of disabled orphans and turned them into his personal assassins.
I can tell you what the crests and family words of every house is...
...or was, before the Aftokratoria dismantled them lol #EatTheRich but AMA
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immortal-goblin · 9 months
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work in progress shot of an illustration i'm working on!
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