Hello friends,
I believe I may have lost access to my other blog that I made nicer than this one but...
I'm feeling sentimental so... To anyone who is still here.
Hello. I've missed this. Here's some life updates.
I'm graduating this semester with a degree in theatre and hope to find employment soon within my field.
I've rediscovered my love of reading and writing lately, which has made me miss the kids dearly. I've written two plays, one of which has been produced and I'm currently in the process of writing my first full length play.
I was a part of a D&D campaign that lasted a little over a year and saw completion. I played Reme, my first ever muse. And it was based off of the fandom she had initially been made for. It filled my heart with such joy to play as her and really flesh out her story. She really is a comfort character I'd love to play more some day. I'd like to develop Jinx and Lex one day to the same extent. Perhaps in a novel, play or musical. We'll see. I miss Calem and Nathaniel too. I've been looking back through their blog for the last hour reminiscing sadly. I miss them and the relationships that came from them. I miss you all a lot.
I was broken up with by my horrible ex and have since found someone who treats me right and who I plan to marry one day. I'm also moving in with him after I graduate.
I've become semi-inactive on tiktok but I still post every now and again. I even cosplayed Reme and Jinx at one point. It was a good coping method during the pandemic to keep me busy.
Went through some pretty traumatic events and had some serious health issues that have been resolved, and I'll be seeking therapy and diagnoses for my various mental health issues soon.
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well.
Much love,
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Well, hello again everyone.
So it’s been a month since I’ve been on this blog. 
Almost a month.
But never mind that.
Recently I started to miss my kids, and last night I had some motivation to completely revamp the blog. So. That’s what I spent three hours of my life doing last night. 
NOW- This dos not mean that I am completely ready to get back into the saddle and start writing again. I can’t guarantee when that time will be either. 
If I do come back though, it’ll be a fresh start. Some things will be the same like the kids’ personalities and the side characters I’ve developed for them, the about pages are pretty much the same because I’m lazy, my rules are the same, and the tags I was using previously are still going to stay consistent because that was stretching my creativity to come up with those in the first place.
Otherwise, this is pretty much a complete reset. None of the previous relationships outside their canon world are going to be carried over to the new bog. So if we interact, my characters will have no recollection of yours. Because it’s a new start! 
After all, I always lived for first meeting threads. 
So, yeah… The official new blog is almost, if not, already finished. Just gotta get my bearings and get ready to write!
Also! This blog obviously won’t be my first priority. I’m going into college soon and that’s gotta be my main focus. I won’t be using mobile to be on he blog, and will only be on when I have time and muse.
Fuck it I’m just going to give you all the new URL / Title of the kids’ story cause I’m super excited about it: @from-ash-and-stardust
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Well, hello again everyone.
So it’s been a month since I’ve been on this blog. 
Almost a month.
But never mind that.
Recently I started to miss my kids, and last night I had some motivation to completely revamp the blog. So. That’s what I spent three hours of my life doing last night. 
NOW- This dos not mean that I am completely ready to get back into the saddle and start writing again. I can’t guarantee when that time will be either. 
If I do come back though, it’ll be a fresh start. Some things will be the same like the kids’ personalities and the side characters I’ve developed for them, the about pages are pretty much the same because I’m lazy, my rules are the same, and the tags I was using previously are still going to stay consistent because that was stretching my creativity to come up with those in the first place.
Otherwise, this is pretty much a complete reset. None of the previous relationships outside their canon world are going to be carried over to the new bog. So if we interact, my characters will have no recollection of yours. Because it’s a new start! 
After all, I always lived for first meeting threads. 
So, yeah… The official new blog is almost, if not, already finished. Just gotta get my bearings and get ready to write!
Also! This blog obviously won’t be my first priority. I’m going into college soon and that’s gotta be my main focus. I won’t be using mobile to be on he blog, and will only be on when I have time and muse.
Fuck it I’m just going to give you all the new URL / Title of the kids’ story cause I’m super excited about it: @from-ash-and-stardust
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Well, hello again everyone.
So it’s been a month since I’ve been on this blog. 
Almost a month.
But never mind that.
Recently I started to miss my kids, and last night I had some motivation to completely revamp the blog. So. That’s what I spent three hours of my life doing last night. 
NOW- This dos not mean that I am completely ready to get back into the saddle and start writing again. I can’t guarantee when that time will be either. 
If I do come back though, it’ll be a fresh start. Some things will be the same like the kids’ personalities and the side characters I’ve developed for them, the about pages are pretty much the same because I’m lazy, my rules are the same, and the tags I was using previously are still going to stay consistent because that was stretching my creativity to come up with those in the first place.
Otherwise, this is pretty much a complete reset. None of the previous relationships outside their canon world are going to be carried over to the new bog. So if we interact, my characters will have no recollection of yours. Because it’s a new start! 
After all, I always lived for first meeting threads. 
So, yeah… The official new blog is almost, if not, already finished. Just gotta get my bearings and get ready to write!
Also! This blog obviously won’t be my first priority. I’m going into college soon and that’s gotta be my main focus. I won’t be using mobile to be on he blog, and will only be on when I have time and muse.
Fuck it I’m just going to give you all the new URL / Title of the kids’ story cause I’m super excited about it: @from-ash-and-stardust
19 notes · View notes
Well, hello again everyone.
So it’s been a month since I’ve been on this blog. 
Almost a month.
But never mind that.
Recently I started to miss my kids, and last night I had some motivation to completely revamp the blog. So. That’s what I spent three hours of my life doing last night. 
NOW- This dos not mean that I am completely ready to get back into the saddle and start writing again. I can’t guarantee when that time will be either. 
If I do come back though, it’ll be a fresh start. Some things will be the same like the kids’ personalities and the side characters I’ve developed for them, the about pages are pretty much the same because I’m lazy, my rules are the same, and the tags I was using previously are still going to stay consistent because that was stretching my creativity to come up with those in the first place.
Otherwise, this is pretty much a complete reset. None of the previous relationships outside their canon world are going to be carried over to the new bog. So if we interact, my characters will have no recollection of yours. Because it’s a new start! 
After all, I always lived for first meeting threads. 
So, yeah… The official new blog is almost, if not, already finished. Just gotta get my bearings and get ready to write!
Also! This blog obviously won’t be my first priority. I’m going into college soon and that’s gotta be my main focus. I won’t be using mobile to be on he blog, and will only be on when I have time and muse.
Fuck it I’m just going to give you all the new URL / Title of the kids’ story cause I’m super excited about it: @from-ash-and-stardust
19 notes · View notes
Well, hello again everyone.
So it’s been a month since I’ve been on this blog. 
Almost a month.
But never mind that.
Recently I started to miss my kids, and last night I had some motivation to completely revamp the blog. So. That’s what I spent three hours of my life doing last night. 
NOW- This dos not mean that I am completely ready to get back into the saddle and start writing again. I can’t guarantee when that time will be either. 
If I do come back though, it’ll be a fresh start. Some things will be the same like the kids’ personalities and the side characters I’ve developed for them, the about pages are pretty much the same because I’m lazy, my rules are the same, and the tags I was using previously are still going to stay consistent because that was stretching my creativity to come up with those in the first place.
Otherwise, this is pretty much a complete reset. None of the previous relationships outside their canon world are going to be carried over to the new bog. So if we interact, my characters will have no recollection of yours. Because it’s a new start! 
After all, I always lived for first meeting threads. 
So, yeah... The official new blog is almost, if not, already finished. Just gotta get my bearings and get ready to write!
Also! This blog obviously won’t be my first priority. I’m going into college soon and that’s gotta be my main focus. I won’t be using mobile to be on he blog, and will only be on when I have time and muse.
Fuck it I’m just going to give you all the new URL / Title of the kids’ story cause I’m super excited about it: @from-ash-and-stardust
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Hey I just want to let you all know that I love you lots and lots ❤❤
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Just popping in so I can say a happy birthday to Jinx. May or may not be a drabble at the end of the night, we'll see. Depends on my mood, but I've started writing again.
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So! Okay! Awkward!
Eheh, hey guys, it’s uh the mun here. Been awhile hasn’t it? Heh.. .
So I’ve been contemplating a lot of stuff for a while now involving this blog and if I want to continue using it or not and my decision has been made.
This blog for a while was an escape for me and I for a long time I couldn’t wait to dive back in and do replies. This escalated to me going on my phone in class to answer, avoiding homework, procrastinating important assignments, and I could even probably source my recent mental health uhh.. “spikes” to this blog and how terrible it made me feel to constantly worry about little things. I’d be sick to my stomach thinking about the idea of not being fast enough to reply, or I’d be nervous about whether or not my reply was good enough and slowly it’s led me into this rut that I can’t seem to get out of when it comes to writing. I can’t come up with ideas as easily anymore. I can’t let it flow I guess you could say. There’s no enthusiasm in coming on here everyday just to look at my drafts and think “well it’s been this long, another day won’t hurt.” I can’t do that anymore.
Sooo, and I’m doing this for the greater good, I’m dropping all the current threads on this blog. That’s kind of the end of the story on that.
Also, I’m archiving the blog. I know that’s not exactly the best news to give, but seeing old tags hurts my heart and reminds me of old people I used to RP with whom I no longer associate myself with for personal reasons, or who deleted their blog to my utter dismay.
I know this seems over dramatic, but it’s gotten to the point where I just can’t function like a proper fucking person anymore. All I ever think about is how shit this blog is now like I can’t fucking stand it.
One day I do want to come back to roleplay despite all of the shit I just talked (sorry). It might be this summer, once I’m done with high school and moving to college or it may be a year or two from now when I get my drive back.
This blog will no longer be the main blog, as I have an art blog as a side on here that I’d like to put some energy into.
I hope whomever is left of you still following me understand, and don’t hate me too much. I love you all, and I’d love to continue speaking with you guys out of character. (Because let’s be real, y'all are fucking amazing.)
Ok, I’m done. I’ll stop cloggin’ up your dashes now.
If you want to stay in contact with me I’ll be over on @jinx-kitty-cat (my main) and @spilling-sweet-sorrows (my aesthetic/rant side blog)
And if you like my art you can follow my art blog too I suppose ( @jinxdraws )
I’m not sayin’ good bye, because that’s stupid so I’ll just end this long ass post now.
Love ya nerds ❤
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Clearing out the queue, sorry for the spam dump
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”Our Earth is peppered with some 20,000 tons of stardust a year.” Children’s science book. 1947.
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                           tell my  secrets  to the wind…
                                   ((  f l y i n g  ))   i feel   I N F I N I T E  
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                                       they don’t think I need help
                                      but, i’m   s c a r i n g   myself
                                          i just want to be… okay
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🌌 | hobopeeba on ig
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