imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
Like this if I owe you!
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
//I'm here guy. I didn't leave, I just have this cough that rattles my whole chest, I can't hear out of my left ear and my nose is so stuffy I have to breath out of my mouth. Help.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
//I promise I haven't forgotten about you babies. I've just been really under the weather. We went from having snow to it being 60-70 degrees outside and my body went "LOLOL, no bitch." Boom sick. But I'll get to all my replies today!
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
Well, I could say "That'd look sexy and handsome!" But now it just seems forced.
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I want a piercing.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
Oh! I bet that would be quite adorable on you, Eli Goldsworthy.
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I want a piercing.
At my eyebrow.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
//Guys, I've been feeling under the weather today, but I'll get to all replies after I eat dinner. I love you all ♥
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
Called Out | Tori
Imogen fumbled with her computer, sliding it under her bed. Eli sat just a bunk over, his headphones over his ears and his eyes scrolling his own computer. Imogen’s heart sank into her stomach but she quickly remembered the promise she had made to the younger girl. They would get over their boy problems together. It was almost as if it were fate that the young girls parents had forced her, from what Imogen could gather, to come to the camp. Either way, Imogen was making a pact to make sure the girl had the best summer, and both of them would forget about the dumb boys that were making their heads as clouded as a rainy day. The girl stood up and stretched, leaving Eli to his self as she left without a word.
The brunette exited the cabin and headed towards the arts and crafts, where Tori was basically being held captive. Without even knocking, Imogen pushed open the door and smiled at the kids around the room.  “Um, I need to see Tori Santamaria? I need her help.” Imogen spoke politely to the teacher, who shooed them off, but released Tori to Imogen. The older girl watched as the girl that was Tori perk up, and Imogen felt her heart skip a beat. It was obvious that she was beautiful, no wonder the others were jealous. Her curls were perfect and even with the look of pure boredom on her face, Imogen thought she was gorgeous. With a quick nod of her head, towards the door, Imogen exited the building, leaning against the front as she waited for Tori to appear. 
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
I do wear glasses you know. Perhaps, but I suppose you have to be here to see if that's true or not. Oh, sprinkles! I'm pacing the kitchen, Cam! 
Well, you're just blind then. If you can't see how adorkable you are. Hm, guess that means the Saunders charm is working then. I bet you look to die for. I'm getting the cupcake mix, sprinkles, and frosting. I'll be there soon, can't wait to see this blush.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
And I’ll drink myself to death
Or at least, I’ll drink myself to sleep.
Chainsmoke my way through the gaps inbetween
My aspirations and my apathy
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
If you want to start something, just let me know. I'm also fixing my partners and whatnot when I return (If I have time) so yeah, theres that. 
Anyway, I'll be back guys.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
Oh? I knew it! Your secret is safe with me, Golds. Okay, I'm waiting.
Well I’m a freaking superhero so maybe. Don’t tell anyone ;) Coming coming!
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
You Could Be A Hero | Eli
Winters were always cold in Toronto and today were no exception. The wind howled through the city, brushing snow from trees. Imogen pulled her coat against her tightly as she sat in the back of the park. It had been days since she had even had a real meal in her stomach, and that was thanks to a stranger who had dropped it next to her. The older woman had looked at her with disgust, perhaps because it was a school day and Imogen was sitting in a park on a bench. Whatever it was, Imogen had scarfed down the left over meal in a matter of minutes. It was strange how the young girl much rather be sleeping in the freezing park then at her own mothers house, but if people knew why maybe they wouldn’t have tried to throw her there to begin with.
Imogen noted that school was letting out, obvious with the students walking about now, bookbags on their backs. They were all smiles, letting out sighs of relief at being freed from the teachers and books that they had to deal with seven hours of the day. It was time for Imogen to retreat back away from them all and wait until the older people came around. The older people were more forgiving than the high school students. Instead, Imogen’s brown hues caught sight of a messy head of dark hair and in that moment her heart stopped. She had her hands on her bag and was ready to run but as his head turned, green eyes pierced her own. The girl had to swallow before she started walking away, turning on her heel. He was beautiful, there was no way he would ever be able to help her.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
// wOOOT
I'm just freaking out because it's never happened to me before.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
You're silly, Campbell Saunders. I'll let you believe that I'm cute, to me I'm just Imogen. This blush seems to not be going away, however. Red cheeks, I bet I look so silly. Far from the image you're picturing. Maybe if you come over to bake cupcakes? I might happen to blush if you're still as smooth of a talker in person, or maybe if you stutter. That's adorable. I can't help it. I was born like this?
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There you go miss Monero, talking about yourself. It’s obvious, you’re different from every girl. That’s what makes ya really cute. Well, i’m glad I could make ya blush. Though, I still wish I could see this blush. Well, that’s good then. You’re pretty crazy too.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
I'm fangirling so hard.
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imogenisodd-blog · 11 years
As Cam bit down into the cupcake, Imogen held her breath, hoping that it wasn’t disgusting. She had been baking since her mother left, trying to perhaps fill a void, but now it was calming. It was a surprise the girl wasn’t fat, with all the baking she did especially in hard times with her father being ill. Upon him telling her to get one, she leaned over and grabbed one and sat back down into the chair, bringing her legs back up to her chest. Her tongue slipped from her lips and just tasted the frosting, though it was all hid by her hands and the cupcake right in front of her. Vanilla frosting teased her taste buds as she watched Cam. Though, she wasn’t just watching, she was almost studying him, from the way that his lips curled into the most innocent smile she had ever seen to the way his face lit up as he tasted something sweet.
Quickly, Imogen shook her head taking a bite from her cupcake as she smiled softly. To her, it tasted just like another cupcake she had baked but the compliment from Cam was still swimming in her head. “I’m glad you like them, Camby. These were baked just for you…Until I got carried away.” A small giggle left her as she listened to him again. Imogen rested her chin on her knees, taking another small nibble from the treat in hand. “Not too weak.” She smiled and leaned forward looking at all the cords. “Kind of like a machine monster. You could possibly take over the world with all of this equipment…But if you do, I get to be queen because I thought of the idea.” This time a laugh fell from her lips as she placed the cupcake down. “I’m sorry that you have to have people around you 24/7 but if you need a place to escape to after you get out of here, my house is always there. Even if I’m not home, you can just walk in because my Daddy won’t even think anything of it.” She joked on her own problems even though she knew he had no idea of her fathers illness, “But really, I can be pretty fun.” The girl shrugged and sat back grabbing her cupcake. "You know, so far I see nothing that Zigmund talked about..."
Elephant Sprinkles | Cam
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