imoofishes · 5 years
Psalm may not be the actual La llorona, but by golly, she sure wants to be some day. She’s got the eerie inhuman wailing down pat, though her hair could probably stand to be stringier. The biggest challenge would be to walk around sopping wet all the time. Or, you know, to find someone to put up with her long enough to have children to grieve in the first place, but she’d cross that bridge when she got to it.
“Really?” She says, apparently not considering her own talent in her surprised delight that someone enjoyed her food. It shouldn’t exactly be a shock to her at this point, but hey, whatever makes her happy. “That’s great! I could totally make you a better one, though. I wish I had the resources I have on set. I’d totally blow your socks off.”
Pausing, she looks around, as if confused. 
“Uh…yeah, I guess so. What else is there to do around here? I’m not a musclehead so the cave maze isn’t any fun, and nobody’s gotten ripped to shreds in like, a day or two. There’s nothing going on down here.”
So her solution is walking? Times are hard. Kids have no idea how to have fun without cell phones.
Imoo nods sagely. He’d never had a s’more before that point, so he has nothing to compare the one she had given him to. But he assumes that if she really is a chef, she probably knows better about that than he does - he can cook, sure, but it’s not his specialty. Grandma usually took care of that. 
“Blow your socks off... I get it. Haah.”
The laugh is toneless, so it’s anyone’s guess if he actually finds it funny or not. Imoo crosses his legs where he’s sitting on the rock. 
“If I could actually catch anything here, you could make sashimi... but that’s not happening. Lake’s empty.”
Oh yeah, the labyrinth. Imoo absentmindedly rubs at his arms, still lightly bruised from the dungeon crawling they’d gone on with their respective group. They’d managed to make it out okay, with an expensive flashlight in tow, but that didn’t mean they weren’t still a bit sore. 
“Oh, yeah, the cave maze. I almost got run over by a boulder down there. Like in that movie...”
They can’t remember the name, so they don’t elaborate. 
“You’d really want to see someone ripped to shreds...?”
Cheep-Cheep! | Chapter 1 | Psalm + Imoo
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imoofishes · 5 years
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This was the second time that he had been startled by someone as he was doing his laundry.  He needed to stop being so carefree during this time of crises.  Though maybe it was Imoo’s large eyes that caught him off guard.
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“I’m just… doing my clothes, gotta keep ‘em clean after all!  Even if that dumb bat says that the cave’s gonna crumble I’m not going to believe him.”  
He says as he more vigorously scrubs his clothes maybe trying to distract himself from impending doom.
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“Doesn’t make much sense does it?  I mean, if she ants us to kill one another, then wouldn’t you want a more gradual motive.  Like collapse one part of the cave at a time, prove that you’re not bluffing…” 
Though considering that she already did kill Akane maybe a display of strength wasn’t needed anymore.  
Imoo tilts his head at the new boy, who suddenly seems rather sheepish over something as simple as just laundry. They don’t really get it, but they suppose that it makes some modicum of sense. If you’re going to die, your clothes may as well be clean - that way, they’ll recognize your body when they dig you out of the rubble of the cave.
...That was probably a little too morbid, though, and probably not why this guy was doing it. Imoo shakes his head, not at anything Ryoma has said, but at his own thoughts. They keep their eyes on his hands as he scrubs his clothes against the washboard, the constant motion keeping them focused. Guess there was no need to watch a washing machine swirl around after all.
“You’re not?”
Imoo pokes at his cheek, his eyes wide. With their signature head tilt, they look more like an owl than a fish for once.
“Dunno. Maybe they’re so powerful that exploding one of them will take out the whole cave anyway, so they can’t do that. Caves are weird. Sometimes if you take out one part the whole thing’ll crumble.”
He plops down, legs criss-cross-applesauced. 
“Or they’re just bluffing because they think someone will definitely kill in three days. Dunno. It’s not gonna be me, though.”
Laundry During Doomsday || Ryoma | Chapter 1 || Closed @ Manabu
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imoofishes · 5 years
Imoo had given up on fishing for now - unless a great berth of cavefish were to suddenly spring forth out of nowhere, the cave pond seemed fairly hopeless. But that didn’t mean that the water didn’t calm him down. His other attempts at distracting himself after the whole business with the bombs hadn’t worked out so well, so he’d settled for sitting on one of the rocks around the shore (the same one he was trying to fish on before - he supposed he could call it his rock now) and staring out to sea like he did so often at home.
It’s not long before they sense a disturbance - a figure on the other side of the lake, pale and slim. La llorona, perhaps? As the figure circles the lake and gets closer, though, it becomes clear that that isn’t the case. While that would have been fairly exciting, at least this person is someone they recognize. The one from the campfire earlier, the one who had salvaged the s’mores after near disaster. 
Propping his knees up on the rock, Imoo stares back at her when she stops right near him. They’re not quite sure how to answer the question.
“...Maybe? You did. It was good.”
A pause, as they absentmindedly wrap a lock of their hair around their finger.
“So you’re just... walking? Around the lake?”
Cheep-Cheep! | Chapter 1 | Psalm + Imoo
You know what the great thing is about having a roommate? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. This is all Psalm’s opinion, of course, but in her opinion, her opinion on this is objective fact. Having a roommate on Murder: The Field Trip seemed like a recipe for disaster, and as the resident sous chef of discontent, she felt qualified to say that.
Needless to say, she has not been sleeping. And it shows, even though the bags under her eyes are obscured decently well by all of the makeup she wears, through how her energy seemed to lag more than it had at the beginning. She isn’t holding herself quite so properly, and her eyes are having trouble staying open. All of this, of course, culminates in the great idea of going for a brisk stroll around the lake. Nothing like stagnant cave water to really get the blood pumping. A lap or two later, she suddenly realizes she isn’t alone, and narrows her eyes at the strange figure now taking up space at the water’s edge.
“Hey, don’t I know you? Didn’t I give you a smoore?”
What a way to start a conversation.
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imoofishes · 5 years
Here we are at the laundry area again, Imoo-kun. Despite the motive announcement about their impending doom, Imoo was properly bored. The main area had worn out its mystique pretty quickly, and he was left to wander from area to area aimlessly. They swore that they had brought books along to Hope’s Peak, and wished that they had them at the moment - it would at least be something to do.
Even watching a laundry machine swirl around for an hour would be something to do, which is what had brought them here - before they remembered that there aren’t even any washing machines around. Just wash-basins and washboards and the like. 
There is another person, there, though. And that’s something. Imoo walks on over and stares him down - something he’s able to do because the other boy is sitting down. It’s rare that he’s taller than someone.
“...What are you doing?”
Laundry During Doomsday || Ryoma | Chapter 1 || Closed @ Manabu
With a now doomsday clock always present around the caves, it was perhaps a little odd that Ryoma was carrying a basket of his dirty clothes over to get washed.  After all, what good was a clean scarf it was going to be trapped under a pile of ruble?
Nevertheless here he was, looking around carefully as he made his way over to the washboard and began to scrub his clothes clean.  After a few minutes of idle washing he starts to hum a tune softly to himself eventually scrubbing to some kind of rhythm.  
Perhaps it’s because he wants to distract himself from impending bomb related doom, but he seems to not notice another person entering the laundry room as he continues to hum about.  
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Hmm hmm hmm hmm~
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imoofishes · 5 years
“A curious question, yes. I understand why you would be confused. It is true that the people who often require my services are those who would be considered the ‘1%’ of the world, but etiquette is not a word that applies solely to where you put your eating utensils. The definition of ‘etiquette’ is the following: the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. As for my types of employers, they range from all types: families of any station, small business, companies and even simply people who wish to conduct themselves better in the world.”
Quite a thorough and wordy explanation! He knows Manabu doesn’t want to have to deal with him doing so, but alas sometimes he needs to be wordy to properly explain certain things, such as what the definition of ‘etiquette’ is. But at their next statement, he only nods.
“Precisely, Imoo-dono. You might find this hard to believe, but most people I tend to work with are seldom their true selves. They hide their true feelings and thoughts without regard on what their loved ones and partners might think. You are honest, and that is why I find you to be a breath of fresh air! Haha, I apologize if I have been too blunt though. It is just that honesty is a trait I admire a fair bit.”
MIUNHŌSEI seems to have no issues or even mind the fact Manabu gets themselves a nice stool to sit at and stares at him. He never truly realized how small Manabu was until now, but he doesn’t point it out. Instead he just smiles at the Fisherman.
“Either ways, as I was saying, while I am a Consultant, I believe in cohesive teamwork, which is why I believe we should work together. Imoo-dono, if you would allow me, I’d be beyond glad to offer you my services with whatever you might need. Perhaps we could even spend time fishing something in the Moondrop Lake? I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I would like to trust you and for you to trust me as well.”
Wait, so there’s specific places you have to put kitchen utensils? Imoo’s head is spinning from this wealth of new information... maybe he’ll have to search that up later. He probably won’t, though, because it’s not that important in the long run. 
He’s surprised that companies would employ an etiquette consultant, though. What for? Is MIUNHŌSEI secretly the right hand of capitalism? If he is, though, he probably won’t tell Imoo. So they’ll leave it as a thought and nothing more. They rest their cheek on their hand as MIUNHŌSEI continues to talk. 
“I don’t blame ‘em. Bein’ honest isn’t always polite.”
They shake their head at his apology - god, he’s so apologetic. This is like the third time in a single conversation? He probably has a good reason for it, though, so they leave it at that. Maybe it’s just a politeness thing, that would make sense for an etiquette consultant. Imoo shifts positions on top of the basin almost restlessly, trying to find a comfortable pose. 
He shrugs.
“Not sure what I could do for you, really.”
And another head tilt.
“Dunno if that would work out, either. I’m not sensing any fish in that lake. I think we’d both be out of luck.”
But the message he’s trying to convey isn’t entirely lost on them, and they keep staring even after that dismissal.
“...Sure. Alright. I don’t have a reason not to.”
Awkward Fishes Out of The Water || MIUNHŌSEI || Closed For: Manabu
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imoofishes · 5 years
His fishing endeavors unsuccessful, Imoo is about to head back to their tent to maybe take a nap when he notices someone else. He’d sensed a change in the air, but he wasn’t sure what it was - the telltale arrival of a new person, for sure, but whom? Someone with a very loud aura... and looking at this person, they sensed that they’d found the culprit.
They’d noticed that everyone had taken to their newfound situation differently - some immediately searching for an answer, some rummaging through the surroundings to see what they could find, and others going about their lives as they usually would. This person was definitely in the latter camp, as he appeared to be doing... cardio? Yoga? Imoo wasn’t sure, but he was doing it besides the lake. 
He paused his trek back to the tents, his trusty fishing rod slung over his shoulder. Imoo stared this new person in the face for a brief moment, sizing him up, trying to figure out what his deal was. It was then that they finally spoke.
“The what?”
Off to a great start already. 
“So you’re just... working out?”
“I was gonna go back to the tents. But.”
There’s a weird finality to the “but”, rather than a trailing off. Imoo, now intrigued by this new stranger, plops onto the ground with his legs folded and his focus fully directed towards this new friend.
Waterobics || Risumaru || Prologue || Closed @ Imoo
Risumaru stared intently at the lake before him, eyes sparkling– no expensive pool can ever compare to the natural beauty of this. He wasn’t too sure about the others, but Risumaru liked this place so far, what with the soothing atmosphere and natural air. Of course, his feeling of suspicion wasn’t gone, but he might as well enjoy himself while he was here, right? It doesn’t look like they’re going to be leaving very soon, anyway.
Given he was right beside a body of water, the dancer had left his boots and wig at his tent, leaving him with only a jacket and pants rolled up to his knees. The idea of swimming caught his interest for sure, but aquatic fitness was more fun with music… So he just settles for exercising by the lake.
After a few stretches, he notices the sound approaching footsteps, Risumaru turning to look over his shoulder.
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“Yo. You here t'check out the sick-as-hell display too? Interested to work out with a pal, even?”
he’s pal. he’s the pal
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imoofishes · 5 years
There is a bit of a pause when they so bluntly point out how much he talks, and for a split second, his eyes widened… His lower lip began to tremble, just a tiny bit, and he began to gulp a suspicious amount. His palms balled into fists, and for a second it seems like he was about to raise it and try to sock them right on the face..! But instead he just… Rests his hand against his forehead as he laughs? He laughs, softly, for a couple of seconds before dramatically wiping a tear away from his eyes!
“You wouldn’t be the first one to tell you I’m a fair bit of a chatterbox, Imoo-dono! My apologies! I can tell you’re more of the quiet type. I will do my best to speak bluntly and sincerely around you. I do not wish to unnecessarily spend your time, so let me start again.”
He clears his throat before bowing down before them! He stays like that for a few seconds before rising up to his full height of 6′1″ and beaming up at them.
“I provide both of those services if I am employed to do so, yes, but I am mainly an Etiquette Consultant. That was the title Hope’s Peak Academy abbreviated me with. My duty is to offer advise, mostly conciliatory but in some cases business-related as well and to mend relationships between families or employees in the case of businesses. I’ve met people of all walks of life and I can safely say I’ve never met anyone quite like you. I suppose that’s why I’m so intrigued by you!”
Their reaction to his compliment only earns them a sweet smile from his behalf. He speaks again, but this time with a more grounded and sincere tone of voice.
“Of course I had to say something like that. What good would it do to keep it to myself? You are a straightforward and blunt person too. None of those are bad traits to have. You are true to yourself, are you not? Those are noble and magnificent traits to possess, Imoo-dono. If I refused to acknowledge them, what kind of Consultant would I be? One that deceives? That would not do, would it?”
He chuckles for a bit before reaching over to softly pat him on the shoulder if they allow him to.
“I’m being truthful about what I said too.”
Oh lord, was he going to cry? Imoo stares for a brief moment to see what’s going to happen... but then, the consultant laughs. That’s the opposite of what he expected to happen, quite frankly. Though he definitely prefers it to him crying. Making someone else cry on the first day would definitely be starting off on the wrong foot, and if he did that, he’d probably be cursed for the rest of his time there.
...Okay, maybe they weren’t that superstitious. But it’d still be a bad way to start out meeting his supposed classmates.
Now he’s standing, and- oh, Jesus. He’s nearly a foot taller than they are. Imoo looks up at him, trying to maintain eye contact... though he has to hold the back of his straw hat to keep it from falling off. God. He’s so tall that a lot of what he’s saying completely flies over their head, both figuratively and literally. 
“Wait, so... what kind of people hire consultants on etiquette.”
Rich people, probably, but they’re curious if there’s anyone besides that. The fact that he’s never met anyone like Imoo strikes him, though. What’s that supposed to mean?
“Anything like... what? I’m just myself. Nothin’ special.”
At this point, it’s clear he’s going to be in the laundry room for a while. Might as well make himself comfortable. Turning away from the conversation for a moment, Imoo picks up one of the washbasins and turns it upside-down. They sit on it, having made a nice little stool for themself. 
“Um, sure.”
Magnificent? That seems like a lot... this guy is either really easily impressed or he’s overcompensating for something. Or maybe rich people just like being treated the way that MIUNHOSEI’s treating him? The lives of the rich and famous... something he’ll never understand.
Awkward Fishes Out of The Water || MIUNHŌSEI || Closed For: Manabu
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imoofishes · 5 years
Oh, well that’s certainly not something he expected! He supposes this person is not as vocal or expressive with their words as he is with his own? That was no issue at all! Frankly, it sometimes felt good to be around these kinds of people! After all no one said that words are required to enjoy a person’s company. Truth be told, there was a lot about Manabu that MIUNHŌSEI didn’t understand, and he sincerely doubted he was going to be understanding them well anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean he can’t at least try, does it? So for a few seconds he holds on tight onto their hand before releasing it.
“Imoo-dono, I have heard a bit about you, yes! You are quite private about your life if I am not mistaken, but that’s not an issue at all! I know you tend to avoid speaking about yourself, so I will try to refrain from asking too much. I just hope you and I can become friends in the ever-approaching future!”
He seems proud of himself! After all what’s greater than telling someone you wish to be there for them and be their supportive friends? But still, he just wishes he could tell what Manabu’s feeling… Those eyes are rather, well, empty, after all! But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
“Well… I suppose that you do have trusting eyes. It does mean something, yes! But mostly to me. It is a name I chose for myself, you see.”
He answers the question with relative ease. There was no need to hide it after all! Why hide something that was important to him? But he was confused about their question. Did they truly not know him or the services he offers? That prompts only a light chuckle from him! He shouldn’t assume everyone’s familiar with his work, after all!
“Please do not pay that any mind! It just means that I wish to be of help to you in case you ever need something! Food, for example! Or even a massage or maybe someone to help you get better at exercising; stuff like that! Essentially, what I’m trying to say is that I hope you can rely on me and trust me, Imoo-dono. I know I trust you, for example! After all, anyone who treats marine life as gently as you do is someone that has a noble heart, I believe. You certainly look the type to possess one!”
...Dono? That was unexpected. Did this guy fancy himself some kind of samurai of old, or was he just being ridiculously formal? Probably the latter, Imoo thought. You don’t see many samurai enthusiasts in full suits with pocket watches. There was a whole lot going on with this guy, and Imoo wasn’t sure he was really getting all of it. 
“...You talk a lot.”
Probably not the nicest thing to say, but it was the truth. And it’s not like they had much else to say at the moment, anyway. He did give a nod at the statement about his privacy, though - maybe he did talk too much, but at least he was considerate. He didn’t just blither on about things with no consideration from others.
It means something to him? Must be an anagram. Or someone else’s name. It’s certainly not a word, and if it is, it’s not one he’s heard before. They make a small noise of acknowledgement at that, but they don’t have much else to say on that matter. 
“So, like, a... waiter? Or a butler.”
He tilts his head again.
“Is that why you’re in the laundry room?”
At the compliment, they can’t help but puff their cheeks out in embarrassment. Almost instinctually, they take the collar of their shirt and cover their mouth with it.
“...You don’t need to say something like that. But, uh... thanks.”
Awkward Fishes Out of The Water || MIUNHŌSEI || Closed For: Manabu
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imoofishes · 5 years
Laundry, huh. The lack of washing machines didn’t inconvenience Imoo much at all, to be honest. Though there was a perfectly serviceable machine in his house, he was used to hanging clothes outside to have them dry in the wind. But was there wind in a cave? 
The whole thing was confusing. Imoo had walked the perimeter of the area that was accessible to them, his hand feeling the crevices of the stone walls, and yet they’d had no luck finding an exit. They had to be fairly deep inside, then. It was a strange place to go camping, especially with such an extensive campsite. But Hope’s Peak was Hope’s Peak, and they’d probably provided all the amenities they’d need and then some.
The laundry area still confused him, though, so he’d stopped to meander around there. How long was this camping trip intended to be if they’d need to do laundry there? They didn’t have time to ruminate upon that for long, though. There’d been someone there when he’d arrived, and now they were coming over to him with all of their pearly-white teeth in full view. And then a hand was in front of his face.
Imoo lifts the hand slightly, holding the fingers in the tips of his own. Pianist’s hands. He stares up at him, his eyes deep and empty. 
“Manabu Imoo.”
He sniffs a bit, then cocks his head to the side like he’s trying to empty water from his ear.
“MIUNHŌSEI... does that mean anything? I don’t recognize it.”
The last of what his fellow cavemate (as he’d so bluntly put it) has said finally processes. Imoo keeps staring.
“Expectations...? What would I need.”
This first interaction was already proving to be a puzzle. 
Awkward Fishes Out of The Water || MIUNHŌSEI || Closed For: Manabu
Ah, finally something he was familiar with! A Laundry Area! Rather than resent the lack of technology regarding this place, MIUNHŌSEI almost feels a kind of… Relief upon seeing it? Bizarre… Then again this was just how he used to wash his clothes when he was a child! Besides, he wouldn’t be able to call himself a butler if he couldn’t even do something as basic as washing clothes by hand! Not that he primarily thinks of himself as a butler, of course, but the job does pay relatively well.
As he’s going over the basins and the clotheslines to examine their quality, he can’t help but notice another of his classmates– no, cavemates approach! Ah, their face is familiar! Yes, he remembers it rather well. They are the one who caught that legendary fish? He’s always been curious about how they did it, but better to ponder those questions later! For now, MIUNHŌSEI will continue to examine the basins before suddenly turning to face the Fisherman and offering them a sweet, gentle smile.
“My apologies if for a second back there it seemed like I was ignoring you! Actually, I am quite glad to meet another one of my cavemates! I always get so shy with introductions. Is it the same with you, friend?”
Without a hint of hesitation MIUNHŌSEI approaches Manabu and offers them his hand, a friendly grin adorning his youthful features. 
“It is an honor to meet you! My name is MIUNHŌSEI by the way. Please allow me to take care of you the best way I can! If you ever need anything, please just let me know, alright? I will do my best to live up to your expectations! That asides, if it is alright, may I ask for your name?”
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imoofishes · 5 years
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imoofishes · 5 years
...And Not So Familiar Faces || Prologue Start
As Bellerose walks off you all begin to realize there’s someone in the back who doesn’t belong. Leaning against one of the cavern’s rocky walls was a girl around your age with dark hair and a long red skirt. A bored expression on her face as she looked around the cavern, seemingly not even noticing your glances.
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While everyone else around you at least gave you a vague sense of familiarity, a feeling of having forgotten someone you knew quite well, this girl… Well. You didn’t get any sort of feeling from her at all.
You truly had no idea who she even was.
…Though you suppose nothing was stopping you from finding out! There was quite a lot of things busy yourselves with after all. Now that Bellerose was off exploring after all you were left to your own devices. You could look around the strange cavern you found yourselves abandoned in, question your teacher or the mystery girl, or even speak among yourselves to pass the time.
Who knows how long you’re going to be stuck down here after all.
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imoofishes · 5 years
Familiar Faces || Prologue
Stepping outside the tent you notice the rocky floor beneath your feet and the various stalagmites and stalactites around you. It seems you had been… Camping inside a cave? What? Were it not for the various lights hanging from above you would have been in the pitch darkness. As you continue taking in your surrounding you also notice nine other tents with people coming out of them as well.
…Don’t you know these people? Everyone’s faces seem so familiar but yet so strange at the same time. You feel like you’ve spoken to the people here before yet you can’t even remember most of their names.
As everyone gathers together your gazes finally drift over to the one who had called you all out here to begin with.
“You all must be rather confused as to why were here… I am as well.”
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Standing before you was a studious young woman who you could swear you’ve met before. She was… Your teacher, wasn’t she? After all she did refer to you all as ‘students’ just moments prior.
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“I am your sensei however! Cinderella Bellerose, former student at the academy myself!”
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“I will however figure this out for all of us… It is unfortunate not to know what is going on… So I must find the answer for us my dear students! I apologize for the trouble this may be causing you all…”
With that your teacher Bellerose wanders off- seemingly to get a head start exploring the spacious cavern you had all found yourselves in. Having nothing else to do while she looked for answers you all at your other peers, wondering what exactly you were suppose to do down here.
Though, speaking of your peers… Someone didn’t quite fit in with the rest of you.
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imoofishes · 5 years
Strange Beginnings || Prologue
The first thing you realize as you come to is that you have no idea where you are.
Pained with a throbbing throbbing and your vision blurry as you blink your eyes open, you awake in the insides of a spacious but rather crowded tent. While the air mattress and sleeping bag you’ve been placed on are comfortable enough they take up a majority of the space. On the other side of the tent you spot another teen waking up in a similar disoriented state as yourself.
Strangely enough you don’t hear anything outside that would expect to hear outside of a tent when camping. Besides the faint sound of other people groggily coming to there no sound of buzzing bugs, no hooting birds, no ambient sounds, nothing. In fact you only hear the occasional echo and see the faint glow of what you can only assume is a florescent light.
If you weren’t camping in the outdoors where were you? …And more importantly why couldn’t you remember how you got here?
As much as you tried to recall the events leading up to your predicament your head feels like cotton. Everything seeming so far away and any key details seemed shrouded in static as you tried to remember. Your summer break had come and gone and it was the start of a new semester at HPA, but why can’t you remember your first semester either? You were heading to class that day, bright and early. You remember the faint murmurs of gossiping teens as you walked down the halls. Had something happened? It’s hard to tell. As you settled into the classroom with the rest of your classmates your teacher spoke up there was… 
What was there again? You strain to remember what exactly happened after that. Weren’t there people yelling somewhere? The sound of hurried footsteps? All you can clearly remember is hearing a door slam shut and suddenly feeling so tired…
Now here you were, sitting in a daze inside a tent you have no recollection even getting into. Before you can question your tentmate about what’s going on you hear a voice coming from outside.
“Hello? Students? If you’re all awake now if could please come out of your tents?”
The sound of the woman’s voice sounds… Soothing and familiar… But you cant seem to place it. With nothing else to do inside your tent and hoping to get some answers you all put your shoes on and head out to meet whose talking.
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imoofishes · 5 years
introduction post
copying strega because i honestly forgot to do this. it probably won’t be very long considering that imoo keeps to themself for the most part but i’m putting it under a readmore anyway :>
Would your OC know Imoo?
Not personally, and it’s honestly a long shot that they’d really know about him much at all. Imoo was briefly on the news for his catching of the Satsuma Mullet, an abnormally sized mullet that was legend among fishermen and marine biology enthusiasts in Kyushu for years. It was certainly a story, but not one that was focused on for very long - mostly because there just wasn’t a lot to follow. Imoo donated the fish to an aquarium in Osaka, and no one’s heard from him since. It’s rumored that he’s been working closely with the staff of said aquarium on helping with their research, as well as with several fishing corporations, but no one’s really sure. 
If your OC lives in the Kyushu area, though, they might know a little more. Imoo lives in a tiny fishing village by the shore with his grandmother and older brother. His grandma’s actually a staple at the local market, where she sells fish - many of which are caught by Imoo himself. 
General Information?
There’s not all that much known about him aside from what’s on the news, but a few more facts about the fisherman have emerged over time:
They attended a local public high school prior to their acceptance to Hope’s Peak Academy, but due to the fact that it’s a very small school, not much information is publicly available.
His brother is currently attending Waseda University as a business major. He appeared a few times in features about the Satsuma Mullet, but has been away since then.
Imoo specializes in typical fishing-rod catches, but also knows how to go crabbing and fish for clams. These practices take a backseat to more traditional fishing, though, since they require less attention.
They always carry their fishing rod with them in their backpack. 
I think this is the very first time where I’m actually open to shipping my rp characters - in the past they’ve always been dating someone outside of the game, oops. I’m 100% open to shipping both ic and ooc! Imoo’s a bit of an odd duck who doesn’t easily develop romantic feelings for others, and if anything he’s pretty oblivious to others’ advances towards him. That, or he notices and just doesn’t really feel like doing anything. He’s a tough nut to crack, but he’s definitely shippable. Imoo doesn’t lean any particular way in terms of sexuality, but I’d prefer to ship with chem.
Mun + Etc
Howdy, it’s Mae (she/they). This isn’t my first rodeo (if you recognize me it’s probably from Conundrum Estate/Rewound Circuit/Heart Attack, i used to go by Sou), but I’m really excited to be here anyway! Jokey content about Imoo is 100% okay and if anything I encourage it. I’m also absolutely open to fanart, you don’t need to ask if you want to draw them! All i ask is that they not be involved in any nsfw content because they’re only 16 and that’s gross. that should be all!
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imoofishes · 5 years
🍁 - favorite season?
“Fish are more active in warmer seasons... maybe summer. Early summer. That would make sense. I don’t like mosquitoes.” 
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imoofishes · 5 years
send a symbol.
because i felt like making one of these, fuck you.
LEARN SOMETHING ⛈ - what is the muse like at their worst? 📖 - deadly sin that applies to them the most? 🍁 - favorite season? 🏹 - have they ever committed a murder? 💝 - have they ever been in love, and with who? ⚠️ - the worst deed they’ve done/crime they’ve committed? ⛔ - do they believe in revenge? 💫 - do they believe in fate/propecy/destiny? 🥀 - have they ever felt heartbreak? 🌵 - do they consider themselves dangerous? 🍀 - do they believe in luck? 🌙 - do they believe in magic? ☄️ - what is their biggest regret? 🍷  - do they drink? 🍹 - alcohol tolerance? 🍳  - do they know how to cook? ☀  - night or day?
DO SOMETHING 🙈 - muse is blind for [#] asks. 🙉 - muse can’t hear for [#] asks. 🙊 - muse can’t speak for [#] asks. 💥 - muse feels agonizing pain when they raise their voice for [#] asks. 🐔 - muse is uncontrollably afraid/paranoid for [#] asks. ⚡ - muse has unstable emotions for [#] asks. 🍺 - muse acts like they are when they’re drunk for [#] asks. 🍬 - muse is hyper as fuck for [#] asks. 🎭 - muse can only speak in cryptic phrases for [#] asks. 🎬 - any noise becomes deafening to the muse for [#] asks. 🌋 - the muse is unable to control their anger for [#] asks. 🔦  - muse becomes light-sensitive for [#] asks. 👁‍🗨 - muse feels like they’re being watched for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. 🚫 - the muse hallucinates their worst fear for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. ♾️ - the muse is in constant pain for [#] asks. gets worse at it goes along. (bonus if the pain is an old wound/scar.) ⛅ - the muse hides their emotions for [#] asks. emotions come spilling through when m!a ends. ✨ - muse is in a state of hypnosis for [#] asks. go wild.
OTHER ♠️ - the muse’s ‘worse side’ shows for [#] asks. ♥️ - the muse’s ‘better side’ shows for [#] asks. ♦️ - the muse becomes emotionless for [#] asks. ♣️ - the muse feels temporarily free from doubt for [#] asks. ♈ - the muse has an ego boost for [#] asks. ♉ - the muse is unreasonably stubborn/bitter/petty for [#] asks. ♊ - the muse is split into two versions of themself for [#] asks. (emotion/logic, happy/sad, etc.) ♋ - muse becomes overwhelmingly pessimistic for [#] asks. ♌  - muse becomes incredibly fucking arrogant for [#] asks. ♍ - muse is shy as hell for [#] asks. ♎ - muse is obsessed with keeping things ‘stable’ or ‘balanced’ for [#] asks. ♏ - muse is unbearably rude/cruel/violent for [#] asks. ♐ - muse is more ‘pleasant’ than usual for [#] asks. ♑ - muse loses all self-control for [#] asks. ♒ - muse acts incredibly aloof for [#] asks. ♓ - muse is overwhelmed by sadness for [#] asks. ⛎ - wildcard. mun’s zodiac applies to the muse. (ex: i’m a cancer, so if i was sent ophiuchus, muse would get the effects of cancer.)
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imoofishes · 5 years
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“Let’s all give a warm welcome back to our 76th class! Did you all enjoy your summer break? Things are going to get a little harder from now on so I hope you’re all well rested and prepared. Well, now with pleasantries out of the way… With the start of the new semester I think it’s officially time for class to get back in session! Let’s start with roll call, shall we?”
Coco Sakurano - SHSL TV Drama Star   - Played by Pider Hibiki Gima - SHSL Virtual Pet Owner   - Played by Laney Iyona Shiaki - SHSL Waitress   - Played by Rei Izana Sakurai - SHSL Charity Organizer  - Played by Shan Kazuo Hayashi - SHSL Zoologist   - Played by Sora Kokoro Kusangi - SHSL Sports Medic   - Played by Leo Manabu Imoo - SHSL Fisherman   - Played by Mae Masataku Hashimoto - SHSL Lets Player   - Played by Mod Hitoshi-san MIUNHŌSEI - SHSL Etiquette Consultant   - Played by Strega Nona Nonon - SHSL Fantasy Novelist   - Played by Finn Ophelia Athanasiou - SHSL Paramedic   - Played by Mod Raku-chan Psalm B. - SHSL Celebrity Chef   - Played by Athena Reina Sato - SHSL Soccer Player   - Played by Kou Risumaru Tengoku - SHSL Choreographer   - Played by Munny Ryōma Hayato - SHSL Mecha Model Maker   -Played by ZetaKen/Ken Shiba - SHSL Arcade Gamer   - Played by Lily Shinichi Kanemoto - SHSL Ceramic Artist   -Played by Coby Toyo Teshigawara - SHSL Female Shogi Pro   - Played by Sarah Tsurugi Tsukiko - SHSL Fencer   - Played by Sissel Yoko Mikhaylov - SHSL Oil Painter   - Played by Mod Koneko-chan Yoingliang Jia - SHSL Cryptozoologist   - Played by Darren
A big congratulations to everyone who made it in! A mod will be contacting soon via discord with a link to the server so be prepared! We’re coming for you…
To everyone else we thank you all so much for applying to our game! We want to assure everyone we truly loved all of your apps and they were such a joy to read! But as it always is with roster decisions with such limited spots we couldn’t accept everyone we liked. Unfortunately a lot of apps we loved were cut due to roster balancing- which we find very important for games like this. We made some very hard decisions but in the end we did our best and we hope you all understand.
As we’ve stated before we wont have time to give any app reviews due to us being busy with game prep. Thank you all again for your interest and we hope to bring both our players and spectators a fun and interesting RP group!
-The Mod Squad
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