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Week 2 (contd)
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1) A day out in Kew Gardens
2) Picnic at Stonehenge
3) Afternoon High Tea in Glasgow
4) Fish and Chips in Galway
5) Biking Trail to Kalsoy, Faroe Islands
6) Northern Lights; Tromsø, Norway
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Here's Week 2
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1) Pretzel Day in Berlin
2) Trdelnìk at the Prague Astronomical Clock
3) Listing my favourite things in Salzburg
4) Wine tasting in Milan
5) In the Fondue capital of the World, Gruyère
6) Dance around La Sagrada Familia
7) Case investigation with the GOAT at Baker Street
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Things that are really coming/came back in the year of our lord 2020:
Star Wars The Clone Wars
The Hunger Games
The Infernal Devices
Please add more I know there’s more
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for the percy jackson disney+ series I think that it would be so cool to cast unknowns for the kids but well-known actors and actresses for the gods and goddesses. imagine the power of contrasting the power dynamic that those groups have both in the show AND in real life .... a cultural reset
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I want to travel the world; visit new places, eat good food and sketch while I do that! With the World Quarantined, I only had sketching on my hands, so I decided to travel through paper. This is week 1 of my travel across Europe, covering the mainstream places.
1) Gorging Kaffeost and Danish in Stockholm
2) Beautiful breakfast spread in Paris
3) Meeting my friend, Christina Yang in Zurich
4) Afternoon lecture on Christianity with Langdon
5) Pizza by the Colosseum
6) Hanging out with Athena
7) Chill afternoon in Mykonos
8) Decadent Turkish food in Istanbul
I'll surely follow up with another week of travelling. Stay safe :)
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so one thing that totally stressed me out in first year of uni was the emphasis on auditory learning! personally, i’ve never been able to learn when i’m just being talked at or told information, my brain just doesn’t work that way. 
if you’re like me, here’s some of my top tips on how to get the most out of lectures when you suck at listening:
01. always come prepared
preparation is key when you know you won’t be concentrating for the full duration of your lecture. the night before a lecture, your priorities should be to print off your lecture slides, read over them and look over the extra readings (if any have been set). i always find that it’s easier to listen and i’m more likely to pay attention in a lecture when i know the basics of what’s being talked about! it’s a lot easier to learn and pay attention when what you’re being told about is building on some basic knowledge that you already have. if i’m going into a lecture completely blind, then i’m going to get distracted in the first ten minutes and the rest of the lecture is a write off!
prepare, prepare, prepare!!!
02. sit where you lecturer can see you
if you sit in teacher’s line of sight, you’re going to be 100% more aware of what you’re doing and how you’re acting in your lecture. being conscious of what you’re doing is really helpful in stopping yourself becoming distracted and letting your mind wander! if i make eye contact with my teacher and i’m not totally concentrating, it’s zones me back in and i can continue trying to listen
03. take audio recordings of lectures
even if your university provides recordings for you, having personal audio copies of your lectures will be a life saver. recordings give you something to constantly refer back to when you have gaps in your notes and knowledge because you couldn’t pay attention in lectures. listening back to them can also reassure you when you were listening but weren’t sure if you understood the concept at the time!  i use a combination of voice memos on the iphone and audio recorder on microsoft onenote, depending on whether i have my phone or laptop with me
04. stay hydrated
having to stay focused on one person talking for hours at a time can be really draining and exhausting when that’s not what your brain likes. being dehydrated can also make you tired and irritable too! if you can tackle one source of your tiredness then you’re going to feel invigorated and ready to learn, so drink lots and lots of water! a bottle of water will stop you feeling sluggish and boost your productivity during lectures
05. invest in textbooks and key texts
i mentioned before how preparation is key, but continuing your learning after your lecture ends is just as important! in my first year, i made the bad mistake of getting angry that i struggled learning content during a lecture so i just left the lecture and didn’t go back to it again. i now know that it’s so important for me to access the course’s key books and texts and use them after the lecture to consolidate what i heard and to expand on some points i was struggling to understand during the allotted lecture time! textbooks have completely saved me ass this year
06. reflect when you’re distracted
if you find yourself becoming distracted or you can feel your mind beginning to wander, take a second to stop and ask yourself why you’re getting distracted and why you’re not learning. most of the time, the problem is going to be something small that can be fixed there and then. if you’re struggling because you’re hungry, have a snack! if you’re struggling because you’re thirsty, have a drink! if you’re struggling because you’re uncomfortable, stretch your legs and your arms and try again!
obviously all of these tips are personal to me and things i find helpful so they might not work for everyone, but i still hope i’ve helped at least one of you non-auditory learners out here! 
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I remember reading this book as a kid about some kind of time travel-y paradox thing were this kid goes back in time to Elizabethan England and swaps places with this other kid who was working around the Globe doing something and he got the plague and would have infected Shakespeare but instead that kid gets transported to the future with modern medicine and the kid from our time just gets to hang out with Shakespeare for a while until they swap back once the plague kid recovers. Anyway I remember thinking that the bubonic plague sounded like the scariest shit ever, and also that I wanted to hang out with Shakespeare too.
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When I say I’ll be mad inconsolable if Ben Solo isn’t redeemed, it’s not because of some petty infatuation with the character. It’s because every director and author that has touched the character so far has laid the groundwork for Ben being complex, conflicted and sympathetic. Whether you like him as a character or not, the writing, acting and cinematography surrounding him has been incredibly layered. We’ve seen that no matter how he tries, he doesn’t have the capacity to “be” Vader. What we’ve yet to see is his real capacity for light. To end his arc without redemption would be a travesty of storytelling after all this:
“The mighty Kylo Ren”
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“Raw, untamed power”
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“Son of Darkness”
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“Murderous snake”
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“Supreme Leader”
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If they try to pass this guy off as the true villain in a movie where Palpatine is present, I will RIOT. Ben Solo doesn’t have it in him.
That is all.
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but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol
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Tomorrow's Dreams
storm winds howl
holler my name and I go
fly into magical dream sequences
atmospheres of fantasy
flights of fancy
cruising along rivers of clouds
I learn how to make it rain
water thirsty deserts
put an end to forest fires
kiss the world's flower gardens
bless seedlings waiting to sprout
pour myself into awaiting oceans
in this spectacular scenario
I got to become one with the sun
moon and mars and stars
and earth became
the most magnificent sight
my eyes have ever witnessed
a home distinctly different
from the rest of the universe
awakening in my bed
by winds screaming past
this morning feels like a new world
another chance
fresh with new possibilities
future winds, tomorrow's dreams
(c) @followcb | October 24, 2019
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“let me tell you how i don’t know myself pull back my skin to reveal who left what where hold my wrists to feel my sprains pull back my sleeve to find ever blues let me show you how i don’t cope this is where i was held too tight this is when i was ten years old these are the words that i was called this is how i define myself by what others have done to me but by far my favourite one is by how i let go.”
— you can leave scars, but they don’t speak of my weakness. | wt. (for anon)
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What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything. -Vincent Van Gogh
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“Restless is the night in the way that silences seem to last forever, and I find myself drifting, consumed completely by an unfathomable fear that without smoke and mirrors nothing is there at all, for the world exists in shades of gray, ever far from truth.”
— V.I.P.P.
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“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
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