Fed to Slaughter
Oh how good
Oh how great
To find generous food
On our plate.
Our lips quivered
From tastes and scents galore
Directly delivered
From each feeling to your front door.
But now in order to feast
In this rough winter
We must first slay the beast;
For our love it does hinder.
And if only to hold you,
Slay it I will.
With the cold mourning dew
Shall come my first kill.
And even if just to see
If we really are just right,
You can leave it to me
To take the first bloody bite.
The beast must be slain
That much is sadly true.
Yet despite my own disdain,
I’d do it just for you.
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His words still echoed fresh in your thoughts, clear as a calm mountain stream.
It’d been so long, and you’ve never been able to properly answer his question.
”What do you see when you look at me?”
You wanted to say you saw him as the one causing harm, the villain of the story… but you were conflicted. For at least two years now you were told that Raspberry was just another villain who had no care for anyone, but you’d seen so much difference to that statement.
He had a lot of henchmen, but he cared so deeply for all of them, and you could tell. When any one of them was hurt he’d rush to them and help them out… and he’d even done the same for you on a few occasions.
So… why were you still fighting him? Why were you still following your mentor? Not that you really wanted to join Raspberry or anything, you really just wanted to go home and finally rest.
But first this question needed to be figured out…even still, you had no idea what you saw him as.
An enemy? Friend? Ally? You didn’t know, and it hurt to think about.
Maybe you’d take a nap, perhaps something will come to you after…
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Also hey fun fact: you can reblog my writing and I in fact encourage it, unless I tag it under a non reblog tag
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“You’ve had a long day, haven’t you?” You hear him say from across the room.
You know his voice well by now, his scratchy, cold voice. How funny it was, that his voice matched his body temperature.
You’d come home later than normal, and the figure you knew so well had been watching you this entire time since you walked in.
Permafrost, despite not having much of a face, looks worried as they approach you.
”You look exhausted, should I get you some tea? and then perhaps we should head into the bedroom, where you can get some rest.“ Ices voice held concern, and perhaps some exhaustion of his own. After all, he rarely ever slept.
You nod, and put a gentle hand to a side of his chill face.
”Make sure to get yourself some tea, too. We can rest together! You look like you need it…” You respond with a light smile.
Though ices facemask hid his mouth, you could tell that under it, they were smiling as well as they nuzzled into your hand.
”Of course, my love… You head on up, I will be there shortly once the tea is ready. Do you want the usual?” Ending off with a question was common from him around you and others he cared for, it made you happy.
You gave only a simple, yet genuine response before heading up to the bedroom you longed so deeply for, ”Yes, the usual.”
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