#proud of this though; so I thought I’d share
imthesilentwriter · 2 days
The Stars
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Harry Potter x Wolfstar!Daughter!Reader
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Summary: With a little help from the mistletoe, you and Harry share your first kiss under the stary night sky.
Warnings: first kiss, light teasing
Authors Note: I'm currently in the process of planning out a couple of oneshot ideas I've had in my head - so, as to prepare for the no time I will have over the next couple of weeks. These fics should be posted about a week or so apart, then I should be done with my final exams, and well... I'll be back. I hope you can understand, enjoy this fic!
Word Count: 2250
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You stand in the doorway to the boy’s dormitory, leaning against the frame as you watch Harry rummage through his trunk. The room is mostly empty, with only a few belongings left scattered about from students still ready to pack.
“Are you all set to go?” you ask, crossing your arms with a playful smirk, catching his attention.
Harry straightens up, turning to face you with that familiar messy hair of his falling over his glasses. “Almost,” he replies, his voice warm but a bit distracted as he shoves a book into his trunk. “Just making sure I didn’t forget anything.”
You raise an eyebrow, stepping into the room a bit more. “You’re not leaving behind any homework, are you? You did hand in that Potions assignment, right?” Your tone is teasing, but there’s a genuine question behind it. You’ve known Harry long enough to recognise that sometimes he forgets things when he’s too busy thinking about other stuff.
He grins, leaning casually against the trunk now. “Yes, Mum,” he teases back, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he crosses his arms in response. “Everything’s done. Handed in my Potions essay two days ago. Thought you’d be proud of me.”
You laugh softly, rolling your eyes but feeling a warmth in your chest as he steps closer. “I am proud. I’d hate for Snape to ruin your holiday with some snarky comment about missing work.”
Harry’s grin widens, his eyes sparkling as he takes another step toward you. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let anything ruin our holiday. Especially not Snape.”
You tilt your head at him, smiling, and there’s a moment of quiet tension between you. It’s the kind that has become increasingly familiar lately, and you can feel your heart speeding up just a little. His eyes linger on yours for a second longer than usual, before he shakes his head with a laugh.
“Anyway,” he says, breaking the moment, “we should head down for dinner before Ron eats everything.” He gives you a playful nudge as he moves past you toward the door.
You chuckle, following him out of the room. “Knowing Ron, we’re probably already too late.”
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You and Harry step into the Great Hall, the warm glow of the candles overhead flickering against the enchanted ceiling. You spot Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table, sitting close together with a half-empty platter of food in front of them.
As you approach, Ron looks up, his cheeks bulging with a mouthful of what appears to be roast chicken. He says something muffled, completely incomprehensible as bits of food fly onto his plate.
Hermione rolls her eyes, giving him a pointed look before turning to you at Harry. “He said, ‘It took you both long enough.’” She offers a small, knowing smile that makes your stomach flip. There’s a teasing glint in her eyes, as if she’s noticed how close you and Harry are walking together.
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you quickly sit down next to Harry, trying to act normal. “We didn’t take that long,” you reply, though your voice sounds more defensive than you intended.
Ron, now finally managing to swallow his food, grins. “Yeah, sure. You’re only the last ones here. Hermione thought you two got lost or something.” 
You scoff lightly, shooting him a playful glare. “We were just making sure Harry packed everything, unlike someone who nearly forgot their Charms homework last week.”
Ron shrugs, completely unbothered. “That was one time.”
Hermione looks exasperated but doesn’t press the point, instead glancing between you and Harry. “You two seem… close tonight,” she says, her voice casual but with a hint of teasing. “Sitting awfully close, aren’t you?”
Your heart skips a beat, and you realise that, yes, you and Harry are sitting closer than usual – your knees brushing under the table, shoulders almost touching. Harry shifts beside you, and when you glance at him, you notice the light pink tint spreading across his cheeks.
“Oh, uh-” Harry stammers, trying to play it off, “there’s just, you know, less space at the table tonight.” He sounds unconvincing, and you can feel your own face growing warmer.
Ron snickers, biting into a piece of bread. “Right. ‘Less space.’”
You kick Ron lightly under the table, earning a chuckle from him, while Hermione hides her grin behind her glass of pumpkin juice. Harry, still a bit flustered, reaches for a roll, but his hand brushes yours as you both go for it at the same time.
“Sorry,” he mutters, looking down at his plate quickly. You pull your hand back, feeling the butterflies in your stomach flutter more intensely.
Dinner goes on with light conversation, mostly centred around Ron’s enthusiastic retelling of his plans for Christmas and Hermione’s exasperation over his lack of preparation for the upcoming exams. All the while, you’re hyper-aware of how close Harry is, and how his arm occasionally grazes yours.
Once you’ve finished eating, the plates magically clear themselves, and Harry glances at you, an almost shy smile tugging at his lips. “We’ve got some time before bed… do you want to do something?” His voice is soft, hopeful.
You bite your lip, thinking for a moment, before the answer comes to you. “I’d like to go to the Astronomy Tower,” you say, your voice quiet but certain. “To look at the stars.”
His eyes light up, and he nods. “That sounds perfect.”
Ron lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Of course, the Astronomy Tower…”
Hermione gives him a look. “Oh, hush, Ron. Let them go look at the stars.” There’s a sly smile on her lips, and you have a feeling she knows exactly what’s going on between you and Harry, even if neither of you has fully admitted it yet.
Blushing, you get up from the table, feeling Harry’s eyes on you as he stands as well. You glance over at Hermione and Ron, who are both trying their hardest not to look too amused.
“Well, we’ll see you later,” Harry says awkwardly, shoving his hands into his pockets as he waits for you to join him.
You give Hermione a quick wave, and she winks back, as you and Harry head out of the Great Hall together, making your way toward the Astronomy Tower.
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The cold night air bites at your cheeks as you stand atop the Astronomy Tower with Harry, the sky above a sea of stars. They glitter against the black canvas, so clear and sharp that it feels like you could reach out and grab them. You pull your cloak tighter around you, sneaking a glance at Harry beside you. His breath forms soft clouds in the crisp winter air, his eyes trained on the sky, but you can tell he’s just as nervous as you are.
For a while, it’s quiet – almost awkward – as you both gaze up at the stars, your fingers brushing his for a split second before you quickly pull your hand away. The cold is a convenient excuse for the shiver that runs down your spine, but deep down, you know it’s not just the temperature making you feel this way.
Harry clears his throat, breaking the silence. “The stars are… really bright tonight.”
You nod, unsure what to say, your heart racing just being next to him. The space between you feels charged with something unsaid. “Yeah, they’re beautiful.”
Another stretch of silence follows, and you sense Harry shifting on his feet beside you, as though he’s gathering the courage to say something more. You’re at a loss for words, the nervous flutter in your chest making it hard to think straight.
Then, after a moment, Harry speaks again, his voice softer, almost hesitant. “You know… the stars, they kind of remind me of you.”
Your breath catches at his words, and you turn to look at him, your heart pounding in your ears. “Remind you of me?” you repeat, your voice barely above a whisper.
He glances down, shuffling his feet before meeting your gaze again. His green eyes are bright, reflecting the light of the stars above, and there’s something vulnerable in his expression, like he’s afraid of saying too much but wants too anyway.
“Yeah,” he continues, his cheeks flushing pink from more than just the cold. “They’re beautiful, obviously, but it’s more than that. They’re always there, constant, even when everything else feels uncertain. Like no matter what’s going on, you can always look up and find them.” His voice drops, a little shy as he adds, “You’re like that for me.”
His confession is so simple, but it makes your heart feel too big for your chest. You can’t tear your eyes away from him, and suddenly, the awkwardness disappears, replaced by a quiet tension that hums between you. There’s something in his gaze, something tender and full of hope, and you realize you’ve been waiting for this moment just as much as he has.
As you stand there, words hovering on the tip of your tongue, your eyes are drawn upward – and that’s when you see it. A sprig of mistletoe, its little white berries gleaming in the dim light, hanging just above your heads. It’s almost laughably convenient, but it’s there, and you know Harry’s seen it too.
Your eyes meet, and for a moment, you both just stand there, the realization hanging in the air. He glances at the mistletoe, then back at you, his breath coming out shaky, lips slightly parted as if he’s waiting for you to stop him. But you don’t.
Instead, slowly, carefully, Harry leans in, his movements tentative, giving you time to pull away if you want. But you find yourself drawn to him, your heart racing as you close the distance between you. Your eyes flutter shut, and then, finally, his lips meet yours.
The kiss is soft at first, tentative, like you’re both testing the waters, but it sends warmth flooding through you, chasing away the cold of the night. His lips are gentle, and the hand that’s been brushing against yours squeezes lightly, grounding you in the moment.
When you finally pull back, the world feels different, like everything has shifted into place. You open your eyes to find Harry staring at you with a soft, almost awestruck expression, his cheeks flushed and his breath shaky. You know you must look the same, a blush creeping across your skin despite the cold.
The silence between you is thick with emotions that have been building for longer than either of you realized. You’re both standing there, frozen in place, still processing what just happened.
Without thinking, your hand moves up, trembling slightly as you cup the back of his neck. His skin is warm beneath your touch, and you can feel him shiver – not from the cold this time, but from the same nervous anticipation that’s thrumming through you.
You pull him down toward you, closing the space between you once more, and kiss him again. This time, the kiss is more certain, a little bolder, your lips pressing against his with quiet intensity. Harry responds instantly, kissing you back with the same urgency.
But just as you’re getting lost in the moment, Harry pulls back, his breath shaky as he rests his forehead against yours, his fingers brushing lightly over your hand. For a second, neither of you moves, standing there with your foreheads pressed together, the stars twinkling above, the cold night air forgotten.
You let out a breathy laugh, something soft and uncontrollable that bubbles up before you can stop it. Harry pulls back slightly, his lips quirking into a curious smile.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, his voice quiet but warm.
You bite your lip, still smiling. “I don’t know… I guess it’s just – this. Us.” You pause, your heart racing as you search for the right words. “I’ve wanted this for so long... I didn’t think it would actually happen.”
Harry’s expression softens, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek now. “Me too,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t know how to say it... but I’ve liked you for ages. I just... I didn’t want to mess things up between us.”
Your heart swells at his confession, and you realize just how long you’ve both been waiting, dancing around this moment. You take a deep breath, your voice trembling slightly as you speak. “I like you too, Harry. A lot. I’ve been so nervous around you lately, and I-”
Harry smiles softly, his forehead still resting against yours. “You don’t have to be nervous anymore. We’re okay. Better than okay.”
You smile back, the relief washing over you, a weight lifting off your shoulders. There’s nothing left to say; you both know now.
Without second-guessing yourself, you lean in again, capturing his lips in another kiss – this one slow and sweet, like a promise. His hands settle gently on your waist as he pulls you closer. The world fades away, and all you can feel is him – his warmth, his steady presence, the way everything just feels right in this moment.
When you finally break apart, the stars are still shining above you, but all you can think about is how bright everything feels now that the truth is out in the open. Harry looks at you with a soft smile, his hand lingering on your cheek as he whispers, “I think the stars were always meant to lead me to you.”
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Fed to Slaughter
Oh how good
Oh how great
To find generous food
On our plate.
Our lips quivered
From tastes and scents galore
Directly delivered
From each feeling to your front door.
But now in order to feast
In this rough winter
We must first slay the beast;
For our love it does hinder.
And if only to hold you,
Slay it I will.
With the cold mourning dew
Shall come my first kill.
And even if just to see
If we really are just right,
You can leave it to me
To take the first bloody bite.
The beast must be slain
That much is sadly true.
Yet despite my own disdain,
I’d do it just for you.
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can-youimagine · 26 days
Mix Up (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: Spencer sends the wrong note.
TW: adult themes, embarrassment
Word Count: 1499
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Everyone in the BAU contributed something to make the team feel like a family. Rossi opened his house and cooked for the team. Morgan and Hotch were always quick to praise a member for their accomplishments. Penelope always made sure that she had treats for anyone who might be having a bad day. You left notes for everyone. After each case, someone got a note, telling them how much you appreciated them and their contributions. 
Last week, Hotch got a note. He tucked it into his bag with a smile before making sure to thank you and tell you how much you are appreciated on the team. 
Today, it was Spencer’s turn to receive a note. The two of you had roomed together for this case, and you saw how much of a toll it took on him. He shouldn’t say he is surprised to see a note on his desk, but he is.
I can’t imagine how difficult this case was for you. You don’t have to be brave all the time, y’know. It’s okay for you to be scared. You are human, even if you know more than a computer. I am so proud of the work you accomplished and more than grateful for it. Know that I am proud of you, always. 
You are the person I can trust with anything. You are the only member of the team who I worry about, even when we’re not out on a case. Not because I think you can’t handle yourself but because I know you’re worrying about all of us. Please, don’t let me be the cause of any of your stress. 
I wish I could keep writing, but I can barely keep my eyes open.
With love,
He smiles widely at the note, tucking it into his bag before anyone else has a chance to see it. After all, you didn’t write it for anyone else. You wrote it for him. You thought of him outside the case, and you thought that you wanted to make him feel good. The more he thinks about it, the more light-headed he becomes. He heads to the kitchenette, eager to get a cup of coffee and hide his growing blush. 
You’ve left him five notes in the last year. Even if he didn’t have an eidetic memory, he is certain he would have each word memorized. He’s memorized every interaction you’ve had with them. Though, he knows these memories aren’t quite perfect. Every time a memory is retrieved, it becomes altered, and he has replayed every memory more times than he can count. He’s replayed them, he’s altered them, he’s even added to them. 
If he could bring you just a fraction of the joy that you bring him, he would be able to rest easy. The way his heart flips every time he gets a note from you gives him the perfect idea of how to please you.
When he gets home, he sits at his desk, trying to come up with something to say to you, but nothing feels right. How is he supposed to tell you how much you mean to him without telling you just how much you mean to him? Finally, he picks up his pen, deciding that if he writes a draft of what he wants to say first, he’ll be able to write what he should say.
You are more appreciated than you know. I love you more than you know. Yes, this case was hard for me, but the biggest challenge was sharing a room with you. It’s always tough to sleep on cases, but how am I supposed to get any sleep when I’m only a few feet from you? When, if you’d let me, I’d be able to sleep in your arms? When I’d be able to touch you, kiss you, fuck you?
God, it’s all I could think about. I shouldn’t even tell you what I was thinking. It’s not even just what I was thinking when we were on the case. I think about you constantly. I think of how kind you are, how much praise you give. I can’t help but wonder if you would receive praise just as well. If, when I tell you that you were made for my cock, you would fall apart. If I could, I would give you all the praise in the world just to see you break, watch you come undone, on my cock, on my fingers, on my tongue.
I know you would taste incredible. What I wouldn’t give to get even a taste. Though, I know I wouldn’t be able to stop at just a taste. I’d have to be selfish, and I know you wouldn’t complain.
Spencer slides his chair away from his desk. He quickly folds the paper and sets it aside. Now that that’s done, he gets to work on his actual letter. A much tamer, much safer for work, much friendlier letter that lets you know that you are appreciated.
Again, he folds the note, writing your name on the outside, and sets it aside. 
When he leaves in the morning, he grabs the note off his desk, tucking it into his bag. He frowns, noticing that your car is already in the garage. He had hoped that he could leave the note on your desk as a surprise, but there’s no doubt that you’re already working on your files. He decides that he’ll drop it on your desk as he walks by then hide in the breakroom while you read it.
It’s not that he’s embarrassed by what he said, and he meant every word. It just feels like an invasion of privacy to watch you, and he’s not sure how he would be able to carry on with the day if he saw even the hint of a frown on your face.
The elevator opens, and he sets his plan into motion. He unpacks his bag, sliding the note into his hand before walking past your desk. 
“Spencer, you dropped something,” you call, but he keeps walking, and out of the corner of his eye, he watches you open the note. That’s when he realizes his mistake. Your name is nowhere on the back of the paper. He panics but keeps walking. What is he supposed to say? “Sorry, that actually isn’t meant for you, I mean it is, but you definitely should not be reading that, in a completely normal not creepy way.”?
He focuses on his coffee, He wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole. If hwatching the sugar dissolve. He’s lucky, he’ll be able to hide in here all day and never have to look at you again.
Spencer Reid is very rarely at a loss for words. He can almost always come up with something to say. Now, as he walks back into the bullpen, he has no clue what he can say to you. 
It appears that he doesn’t have to. You aren’t at your desk anymore, much to Spencer’s relief. He turns his focus to the papers in front of him. Files that normally wouldn’t take him more than ten minutes are taking almost an hour. He doesn’t look up until he hears a door open.
Hotch’s office door.
He closes his eyes, praying there isn’t a case already. He doesn’t hear Hotch. Instead, he hears footsteps walk down the stairs and into the bullpen. Hesitantly, he opens his eyes. You are getting settled at your desk.
No, no, no, no, no.
You did not go to Hotch after reading his note. You couldn’t have. You would have talked to him before you got him fired, right?
“What was that about?” Emily asks you. You turn to answer, and Spencer is trying to listen, but Morgan grabs his attention first.
“What’s with you?”
“What do you mean?”
Morgan rolls his eyes. “I’m finishing these files faster than you.”
Spencer shrugs. “I’m just distracted, that’s all.”
“Hey, you know we’re here for you, right?”
“I know,” he answers, looking back at the file. 
The day continues without you talking to him, and he sure as hell isn’t going to talk to you. Since Hotch hasn’t come down to fire him, Spencer assumes that his job is safe.
You get up around noon, stretching as you do. You grab your bag, a piece of paper between your fingers. You let it fall as you walk passed his desk. Spencer quickly picks it up, unfolding it.
Buy me dinner, and I’ll make sure you get something sweet.
He rereads the sentence over and over again. He’s convinced it’s some sort of joke, but he holds onto the hope that it isn’t and that he actually hasn’t fucked this up beyond belief.
When you come back, you glance at him. If he wasn’t a profiler, he’s not sure he would’ve caught it, but you seem nervous. He smiles to himself. 
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misspygmypie · 26 days
His Little Hero
Part of the "Meet & Greet... and more?" Universe Pairing: Lando Norris x Noah, Lando Norris x reader Words: 1324 Request: I love Noah and Lando ❤️ Can we please have some of Noah telling Lando that someone was flirting with his mum at the store and he was scaring the man away saying his dad will run him over. And Lando just being proud. Masterlist
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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Noah burst into the living room, his excitement practically radiating from him. Lando, sprawled on the couch next to his wife Y/N, looked up from his phone. His eyes tracked Noah’s energetic entrance, his face lighting up with a mix of concern and interest.
“Dad, Dad!” Noah shouted, tugging at Lando’s sleeve with an urgency that only a seven-year-old could muster. “You won’t believe what happened at the grocery store today!”
Lando set his phone aside, his attention fully captured by his son’s animated demeanor. “What happened, buddy? Spill it!”
Noah’s face was lit up when he started to tell the story to his dad. “So, we were in the cereal aisle and this man came up to mommy and started saying she looked like a movie star. He kept smiling at her and saying how pretty she was, like she was a treasure or something.”
“Oh, did he now?” Lando’s gaze shifted from Noah to Y/N. He studied her reactions closely, his eyes wide open. His lips were pressed together in a tight line while Y/N’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink and she exchanged a quick, almost apologetic glance with Lando. She looked slightly uncomfortable, trying to keep her composure. 
“What did mommy do?” Lando asked, focusing back onto Noah, trying to sound casual but feeling a sense of jealousy bubble up.
Noah continued, clearly invested in his tale. “Mom smiled and said thank you but she was really focused on finding the cereal with the toy inside. You know how important that is, right? We had to get the cereal with the toy! I kept telling mommy it was the best part of shopping. I was so excited because last time I got a cool dinosaur but this time I really wanted the robot I saw in the ad.”
Meanwhile Lando’s fingers drummed on the armrest of the couch, his impatience growing. “What happened next?” he asked, trying to mask his irritation.
Noah’s eyes widened as he leaned in closer, clearly enjoying the storytelling. “So, mommy and I were scanning all the shelves and I was looking at every single box. I kept pointing out boxes and saying, ‘Maybe this one has the toy!’ I was so pumped because even though the dinosaur was cool I just really, really wanted the robot. I even saw it on the box and I thought, ‘That’s going to be the best toy ever!’”
Lando shifted in his seat, his agitation evident. “And then?”
“Well,” Noah’s expression grew even more intense, “this guy just kept talking to mommy. He was saying stuff like, ‘You’ve got the kind of smile that lights up a movie screen,’ and ‘You should be in the spotlight.’ Mom was trying to pick out the right cereal but he just wouldn’t stop. He even blocked the aisle while we were trying to get to the cereal and every time I saw a box, I’d say, ‘Is this the one?’”
Lando leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Noah with a mix of jealousy and intense interest. His lips twitched and he seemed to be wrestling with a mix of frustration and amusement. “And what happened then?” he asked, wishing Noah would just tell him more about the guy.
“So, I saw mommy give me that look, the one that says she needs help. She was still trying to find the cereal with the toy and this guy just wouldn’t leave her alone. I knew I had to do something.”
Noah continued, clearly excited to share more. “And then, I kept thinking about how the robot toy was supposed to be really cool. I remembered the ad and how it could do all these awesome things, like light up and move its arms. I wanted to make sure mommy got the cereal with the toy because it was so cool. I even told her, ‘We have to find the cereal with the robot, mom! It’s going to be the best!’”
Lando’s eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath. “Okay, but what happened with the guy?” he asked, his voice frustrated and intrigued.
Noah’s eyes gleamed as he recounted his brave act. “I walked up to the guy and said, ‘You’d better leave my mom alone! My dad’s a race car driver and if you don’t stop bothering her he’ll run you over with his car!’”
At that moment Lando’s composure completely shattered. He burst into uncontrollable laughter, his shoulders shaking and his howling echoed through the room, a mix of surprise, delight and something else, perhaps a touch of envy. He looked at Y/N, whose eyes were twinkling with pride and then back at Noah, who was beaming with triumph.
“What did the guy do then?” Lando gasped between laughs.
Noah grinned widely. “He looked really shocked, like he’d just seen a ghost or something. He started backing away really quickly and said he didn’t mean to cause any trouble. He practically sprinted out of the aisle! And then we finally found the cereal with the robot toy. It was exactly like the ad showed! It could light up and even move its arms a little bit. I was so happy!”
Y/N moved to wrap her arms around Noah in a proud hug, trying to contain her own laughter. “You were so brave, sweetie. Thank you for looking out for me.”
Lando, still chuckling, pulled Noah onto his lap and continued to laugh. “I’ve got to say, Noah, that’s one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while.”
Noah’s eyes sparkled with pride. “Thanks, Dad! I just wanted everyone to know mommy’s special and protected. And the robot toy was awesome, too!”
Lando’s laughter gradually faded into a warm, affectionate giggle. “You know, Noah, I’m really happy to see how you’ve taken on the role of protecting the family. It’s nice to know that while I’m away I don’t have to worry about mommy being alone. You’ve got everything under control.”
“Yeah and I’ll make sure no one bothers mom, especially not if you’re not around, daddy!”
Lando’s smile grew wider as he looked at both his wife and their son. “You know what, Noah? I’d really love to see that robot you got. Can you show it to me?”
Noah’s eyes lit up instantly. “Oh, sure! It’s in my room. I’ll go get it!”
With that he dashed off toward his room. Lando’s jealousy had faded, replaced by a huge feeling of pride and admiration for his son. 
As Noah bounded back into the living room, clutching the robot toy in his small hand, Lando’s heart swelled with pride. The little robot, now a symbol of his son’s bravery and quick thinking, was held aloft like a trophy.
Lando leaned forward, making an effort to be genuinely interested in the toy. “Wow, Noah! That robot is even cooler than I imagined!” He reached out, carefully taking it from Noah’s hands and examining it with a childlike curiosity. “You know, this is one impressive robot.”
Noah nodded vigorously, his face flushed with happiness. “Yeah, Dad! It can light up and move its arms. It’s the best one I’ve ever seen!”
“I’ve got to tell you something,” Lando said, his voice softening as he looked at Noah with unmasked pride. “I’m so proud of you. Not just because you found the coolest robot ever but because you stood up for your mom like that.”
Noah’s cheeks flushed. “Thanks, Dad. I just wanted to make sure mom was okay. And I wanted the robot, too!”
Lando chuckled, pulling Noah into a tight hug. “Well, you’ve done an amazing job on both fronts. I’m really proud of you for taking care of mom and for being so brave. You’re my little hero.”
Noah beamed, hugging his dad back with equal enthusiasm. “I’m glad you think so, daddy and next time, if anyone tries to bother mom, we’ll both take care of it together.”
AN: The way I am obsessed with this request!!! THANK YOU! Anon, I hope you like it and if not let me know and I can rewrite 😊🫶
Taglist: @eloriis @pacifierbby @landossainz @littlegrapejuice @barcelonaloverf1life @poppyflower-22 @itsjustfranzi @vickykazuya
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
WHAT IF...? — Soldier Boy/Ben (1)
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Summary: Ben, now as your husband, gives up Vought for good and retires along with you far away from the spotlight and the big cities once you're pregnant with your first child. He knows better than to make the same mistakes his father did.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 800.
Warnings: some angst, hurt/comfort, pregnancy, AU where Soldier Boy was never with Crimson Countess, some OOC from Ben? idk he's soft in here.
Notes: this is an AU I had in mind, based on this one shot I did before, but now with Ben and the reader being the good parents Homelander always needed. Is not necessary to read that one but this takes place in 1984, before Soldier Boy goes to Nicaragua. I might update with short drabbles with random scenarios and domestic situations between them, but for now take this. Hope you like it!
taglist is here!
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“So, how is it now for America’s son to retire like this?” the journalist asked.
Ben gave him a charming smile, eyes bright like diamonds as the camera flashes took pictures everywhere at the press conference.
“Is what I always wanted,” he beamed.
The time for questions was over, but still you heard through the crowd all the inquiries and thirst for gossip from the journalists in the room. Soldier Boy stood up, posing for the last time with his green suit and shield hanging on his arm.
“Who’s the lucky lady?”
“Do you plan on having kids?”
“Will your kids be supes like you?”
“How many children you want, Soldier Boy?”
“How’d you meet her?”
“Soldier Boy, give us her name!”
You turned off the TV as the conference ended and took in sight of your surroundings. It was your home, finally. The place you’d share with your husband forever. And even though the conference was filmed a couple of weeks ago, Ben agreeing to retirement was still fresh in your mind. Ever since you talked about marriage and settling down a year ago, this was one of your conditions. Being a supe was dangerous, more so with Vought behind, and you wouldn’t expose your future legacy like that. You were lucky enough for Ben to understand that. He wouldn’t want to put the same faith he had with his father to his children.
In silence, you looked up for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. You checked the last room, which happened to be his dispatch; his personal space to show his achievements and his own story as America’s greatest hero. His back faced you, as he seemed to admire for the last time the suit hanging on the wall behind a glass that’d keep it as a trophy for a long time. Leaning against the doorframe, you wondered what was going in his head now that the announcement was public.
“I know you’re there,” he said, looking at you from the corner of his eye. “I can hear your heartbeat.”
You approached him, clinging into his strong arm and watching his handsome, stern face. “I’m so proud of you,” you mumbled softly. Ben turned his eyes to look at you, his face softened as he heard your words. “Thank you.”
His lips curved in a smile and he wrapped his arm on your waist, pulling you closer to his broad figure. “How’s the baby doing?”
“Considering I’m around five months now, I’d say he’s doing amazing,” your smile grew, feeling his warm hand on your baby bump.
You shrugged. “You want a boy, right?”
“Yeah, but we haven’t checked that. We agreed to wait until birth…”
There was a hint of hope and confusion in his words.
“I haven’t done an ultrasound behind your back, if that’s concerning you,” you reassured him too quickly, putting yourself in front of him so he could look at you. Your hand rested on his cheek in a delicate manner. “I just have a hunch.”
Ben nodded, leaning into your touch. There was something he wanted to say out loud, to let you know, but he never had the courage to say it. The intrusive thoughts and the traumatic past he was carrying on his back used to torment him enough already. And you knew he was hiding something since you told him you were pregnant. You could see it in his eyes.
“What is it, Ben?”
He sighed at your question. He couldn’t lie to you, could he?
“I’m… scared,” he confessed. “I know I don’t want to be like my father. I don’t wanna disappoint our children.”
“You won’t, I promise. Please don’t torture yourself with things you are not, you’re not your father. And I know you’ll be a great dad,” you pulled him for a soft kiss, to which he responded, his hand cupping your cheek and then wandering to the nape of your neck. “They all will love you,” you whispered once the kiss was over.
Ben arched his brow in a playful manner. “They?”
“I’ll give you as many kids as I can, is that okay?”
He pulled you in for a hug, your head resting on his chest as he kissed your forehead lovingly. There was no other place he wanted to be but here, with you and the future baby growing up in your belly. Ben already pictured you together with a bunch of rugrats running all over the house, scolding them for being so reckless as they played silly games in a sunny afternoon by the pool. It was everything he yearned for. A normal life and becoming a loving father. His heart fluttered with joy, realizing this was the beginning of what he always really desired.
“It's perfect.”
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>>> Next part here!!
Soldier Boy taglist:
@delaynew @k-slla @thesilmarillionblog @onlyangel-444 @mrsjenniferwinchester
@daisy-the-quake @jackles010378 @mostlymarvelgirl @deans-spinster-witch @drasticemotions
@stoneyggirl2 @sapnaploves @believeinthefireflies95
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fushipurro · 8 months
firefighter Toji !!! also hi, I hope you don’t mind me coming into your inbox to share some little thoughts and you can ignore this if you’d like !!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on that, the idea of him cracking jokes about saving cats from trees or even starting to call you his damsel in distress if you ever ask him to help you with something, even if it’s as simple as opening a stubborn jar
or how baby megumi would be so proud to tell everyone his dad is a firefighter and always wants to wear his dads hat that is too big for his little head !!
omg i love these ideas, and i don't mind at all!! i'm really happy you sent them cause now you got the ball rolling for me to go ham :3 i hope you enjoy these thoughts and i'd love to do more in the future ♡
☆ content: mostly sfw (nsfw under the cut, MDNI), domestic fluff, suggestive themes, foreplay, rough sex, chokeplay, creampie
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☆ firefighter!toji who at first thought saving cats from trees was just something you'd see on TV, but realized soon after joining the force how often of an occurrence it actually is. the two of you started keeping a tally sheet because of it, always asking when he came home from a shift "how many cats did you save today?" he soon starts to text you photos of the cats he rescues knowing how much you love them and would want to see. if he's able, he'll take selfies with them just for you.
☆ firefighter!toji who started calling you his damsel in distress for fun, but quickly made it into one of the more common pet names he'll use for you. if he catches you struggling with anything, he'll be right behind you, smirking ear to ear asking, "does my damsel need some help?" you swear he purposely tightens all the jars in the house so you have no choice but to ask him to "save you", his beloved damsel.
☆ firefighter!toji who always comes home wearing his uniform jacket and hat just for you and megs to enjoy. he loves watching megumi struggle to wear it, and even more when you're right there taking pictures of it to frame on the wall. toji keeps one of these photos tucked away in his wallet and another of you in a nice cocktail dress and heels wearing his jacket after he had to bring you to the station during one of your dates for a sudden fire call.
☆ firefighter!toji who megumi always draws pictures of in school, always excited when his father comes around to show him off to his classmates. if he's able to, toji will sometimes pick megumi up from school in one of the rigs, throwing his hat on the boy and letting him play with the lights and sirens as they leave the lot. when christmas comes around, the station always dresses toji up as santa to toss candy to the neighborhood kids, megumi right there with him to help as his favorite little elf.
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☆ firefighter!toji who loves when he can bring you the station to show you off for all the pancake breakfasts and warm weather grilling events they host. just seeing you in those beautiful sundresses always brings a smile to his face and even more when he sneaks you off to his rig to see how you look underneath the fabric.
☆ firefighter!toji who loves when you visit the station in your free time to deliver baked goods or a homecooked meal if he's had a busy day. you can't help but feel your core heat up seeing him in his uniform pants, topless with a sheen of sweat from working out, and when he slides down the pole just to meet you? you can bet you'll have him all to yourself at a moment's notice behind a closed door until the dispatch alarm inevitably goes off.
☆ firefighter!toji who has to try his hardest not to break his pager when it goes off during sex, swearing it always happens right before one of you climaxes. he never does though, not when he knows there's lives to save and every second counts but boy does it frustrate him. as he flies out the door, he always manages to kiss you and to wait up for him. when he does come home after a call, he's quick to express just how pent up he is, turning it into an intense lovemaking session that leaves you marked more than normal and needing to be carried around after like the damsel you are.
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the two of you had just finished enjoying a nice dinner together and were enjoying the rest of your evening deep into some foreplay. toji originally wanted to take his sweet time catching up with you and your body after some busy shifts. the recent holidays had kept him away more often and he missed you more than words could say.
he barely had his shirt off, biding his time worshipping his damsel's body before even thinking of pleasuring himself. with that said, his cock strained against the fabric that held him back from plunging right into the clothed heat he was rubbing himself against. toji had his hands wrapped around your breasts, tongue flicking over each bud drawing you closer and closer to your high until all of a sudden, ~BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP~
your bodies froze instantly, going silent as he listened intently to whether or not his station was being dispatched and the nature of the call.
"fuckin' hell." he growled, reaching for his shirt. you stood up as well, throwing on your silk robe and going to gather his wallet and keys to remote start it for him.
when he met you at the front door, you reached up to kiss his scowling face, handing the man his belongings. "good luck, be safe, and i love you, toji." the three phrases you always tell him before he leaves as a blessing of sorts.
"love you too, y/n. i'll be back as soon as i can." he cupped your chin, staring deep into your eyes with a cold and desiring expression. his voice went low, causing your body to shiver with anticipation, "don't play with yourself before i'm home, i intend to finish what we started."
after he left, you waited by the window to watch him speed off before returning to your shared room. it hit you now being back in the sheets that he had unintentionally edged you and you ached for that sweet ecstasy to take you. but he gave you his orders, and all you could do was lay there staring at the ceiling, twiddling your thumbs to distract yourself from the heat pooling between your legs.
it was an agonizing wait, but once you heard the front door slam, you shot up to see the man already making haste towards you from the bedroom door.
"welcome home, toj─" his lips crashed into yours before you could finish your greeting, the force pushing you back against the sheets. you were familiar with how rough he can be, but this already felt more intense.
toji's body desperately clinged to yours in any way possible. his knee pressed against your exposed core, one hand holding your jaw to give him more access to mark your neck up. your fingers found purchase between his raven locks as you felt a knot tightening at your waist.
"fucking," he started to speak between starved kisses, undoing his pants as fast as humanly possible. "yet another guy who thought," he fisted himself a few times, lining the angry tip up to your entrance. "deep frying a frozen turkey was a good idea. fuck─"
a groan left both of your mouths as he pushed his way inside. he hooked his arm under your knee, drawing it upwards to give him better leverage to reach nice and deep to your g-spot.
"can't these people stick to stuffin' their birds in the damn oven safely?" he can feel your body clench around his cock, inviting him further as his pace grew. it didn't go unnoticed by the man, "oh? did my sweet girl hear something she likes?" he laughed through his nose with a smirk that reached ear to ear, his gaze like that of a predator. "bet you want me to stuff you, huh?"
you nodded your head feverishly, clinging to the sheets until your knuckles turned white.
"use your words, princess." his voice low and cold, betraying the way his body yearned for yours. "lemme hear my damsel beg for me to help."
"fuck fuck, please toji! i need you~" you whined, raising your hands above your head and rubbing your face against your bicep as your mind went crazy with lust.
toji reached for your other leg, throwing them over his thighs until he was perfectly between you. upon doing so, he leaned down, coiling his hand around your throat and pressing into the sides.
"eyes on me, sweetheart." your breath hitched as waves of pleasure coursed through you. "need to see that pretty face of yours when i stuff you full of my cum."
the vibrations from your moans ran right through his fingers and straight to his core. your high washing over you like a tidal wave with his length trapped in a vice grip. oh how toji wants to compare this force of yours against the jaws of life, betting you'd come out on top without a doubt.
he continued pumping you through your high, overstimulating you once his thumb hit your pearl. your fingers clawed at the veins running through his arms, eventually freeing your throat for you to breathe. toji moved his grip down to your waist to steady himself, chasing his pent up orgasm as another came under you that unraveled him. a deep growl leaving the man as you moaned his name freely.
he accomplished his goal in stuffing you, as evident from the thick glops of seed spilling out from inside you around his cock. "so good f'me, y/n." you could tell he was finally starting to relax from his earlier frustrations as his tone softened up.
"toji~" you mewled, looking up at him, panting in an attempt to catch your breath.
the man leaned down over you, caressing your face. he could see the red handprints forming over your body, sure to bruise later. "i know, baby. let me make it up to you, okay?" his lips came down to place gentle kisses over all the angry welts forming with praise in between. "you're such a good girl, my sweet damsel."
after that rough bout, he kept the next few rounds slow and sensual, moving you to the bath as he cleaned you off and carried you back to a clean bed. once there, toji pulled you against his chest as he whispered to you all the details from the turkey incident like a bedtime story. his fingers caressed over your stomach while his words lulled you into a deep slumber before he followed after. the next morning, toji made sure to bring your favorite breakfast to you in bed as you stirred awake, peppering you with kisses to start the day.
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koshiiimagines · 3 months
(Late but-)
•Milo and Sweetheart definitely woke up earlier than the two
- because Milo was fucking nervous af
-Sweetheart probably figured that out and knew he’d panic
•Asher definitely set his timer like 5 or 10 mins earlier than needed because he knew he’ll hate the alarm even when its his big day.
•Sam and Darlin definitely promised each other to be the bestest best man and maid of honor even if it means spilling a whole bottle and knocking someone out if they even tried to ruin the wedding.
•The car ride for the mates was all about talking shit about the others. I feel like they’d also have a moment sharing to Sweetheart and Darlin all the things they’re excited for and then Sweetheart and Darlin would just be so proud of them and of Asher and David
•Angel and Babe having a moment just sharing to each other how excited they are and just how much they mean to one another too.
•Milo or Sweetheart would definitely pull the other somewhere and do a little ‘I do’ moment too with vows and stuff (I feel like Angel would see them and wait until they got it out of their system before screaming out “I’d do you too” to Sweetheart…)
•Babe and Angel would try to include Sweetheart to everything because even though they said they won’t need a wedding it’s still really fun and they want Sweetheart to experience that.
•Angel saved seats for David’s Parents and during Asher’s vows David noticed the seats
• Angel having a seat for David’s imaginary friend Caelum (That he probably mentioned once and Angel remembered..) David would meet Caelum’s gaze for a sec and he would probably show himself to Angel now too..
•Darlin and Sam were def looking at each other during the vows
•Asher and Babe just crying and forgetting to bring tissues and Angel and David just brought some because they knew they’d forget
•Sweetheart would definitely pull Milo away so the pairs could have a pic without the officiator or to kiss him (both probably)
•Chrissy will definitely cry.
•David will be holding Angel and Babe and Asher stare into each other’s eyes
•Babe definitely has a vow of always being Asher’s player number two
•Angel has a vow of always loving the grouchy alpha that thought they were being followed at that fast food place.
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em1e · 1 year
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ceremonies | mikey's first big ceremony and no one's there to celebrate :(
⿻ mini series ft. you dating shinichiro and whatever chaos that comes from that !! ✕ cute fluff !! ♡ series m.list
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mikey was honestly really bummed out. 
he knows his grandpa couldn't make it to his terrific kid ceremony, knows the older gentleman had something else to attend to that simply couldn't be rescheduled in time to see his grandson walk across the little stage, and mikey was fine with that.  but when shinichiro, his beloved brother who never missed anything in all the years that mikey has been alive, said he suddenly couldn't come either, mikey was upset. 
rightfully so, he’d argue — the boy has gone a whole month without beating anyone up on school property. it was something small, sure, but he was proud nonetheless. 
and had no one to share that pride with. 
he practically pouted from his spot on the stage, itching to take off the stupid collared shirt shinichiro made him wear while he dropped the news that he wouldn't be in attendance. he doesn't even know why he still showed, honestly, no one being there to watch leaving a bitter taste in his mouth while his eyes scan over every other parent in the crowd. 
“and now for our lovely third graders-” the principal’s voice is grating against his ears, but that’s his cue to stand. each of his peers takes a folder from the man, smiling and waving to their parents as they snap pictures and each second mikey stands on the stage is another second that annoyance trickles its way under his skin. 
“sano manjiro.” his principal calls his name and he walks to the front to grab the folder, mouth set in a straight line as he looks over the crowd.  
and it’s then he spots you. 
smiling and waving to him with a video camera in hand, recording him walk across the stage. his mouth upturns very slightly, offering a small shy wave to you as he’s ushered back to his seat so the next row of students can get their folders as orderly as possible. 
for the next twenty-five minutes, mikey is practically buzzing in his seat, and when the students are told they’re free to go, he jumps off the stage and runs right to you.
“hi.” you laugh out when he hugs you, returning it with an equal amount of effort, “i recorded it all so everyone else can watch when we get you home.” 
“thank you.” he mumbles out into your shirt. you almost miss the words from the sounds surrounding you, but the small pat you leave on his back is enough to tell him you heard him just fine. 
“c’mon, we’re goin’ for ice cream and then i’m gonna take you by the garage.” you hum out, peeling his arms from around you easily until you’re able to hook your hand in his, “we’ll have to come back later and grab emma though.” 
“we’re not bringing her with us?” mikey asks as you walk out of the auditorium. 
“not unless you want to,” you laugh, “it’s your celebration.” 
he pauses a second, mulling over the thought, before beaming at you, “i’d like her to come then.” 
he leaves out the part of wanting to rub his awards in her face as you make your way to the front office to check the two of them out. 
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the0fi · 1 year
hi. i made the cruciform sword with wood and though it’s not perfect i’m quite proud of it so i thought i’d share
(last pic is with some of the cardboard mock-ups i made for reference)
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kteezy997 · 5 months
Ohhhhh my god I need daddy’s boy part 5 rn
Daddy’s Boy- Part Five//t.c.
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You and Timothée didn’t speak of the kiss, or the fact that you had initiated it.
But the looks you shared weren’t the looks of two people that were only co-parenting. There was something more there, you both knew it, without saying.
When the day of Theo's checkup came, Timmy took him to the doctor's office. You were worried about Timmy becoming overwhelmed if Theo started to behave badly. But you also trusted him to know how to handle it.
"I don't like going to the doctor, Daddy." Theo whined softly, pouty face on.
"I know, buddy. Most people don't. But it's something we have to do to make sure we are nice and healthy." Timmy assured his son, placing his hand on the boy's head, rubbing his scalp. "It will be over before you know it. You just have to brave and be a good boy for the doctor. He's here to take care of you, you know that right?"
Theo shrugged, "Yeah, I guess so."
The nurse called Theo's name and the two boys went to the exam room together. Theo squirmed a little bit when the doctor checked his heart and lungs with the dreaded cold stethoscope, but he didn't cry, he didn't make a sound. He didn't protest when the tongue depressor was inserted in his mouth either.
"What a good boy you are today, Mr. Theo." said the doctor, patting him on the head as he finished the exam.
You hadn't heard anything from Timmy after the appointment, so you assumed everything went swimmingly, and Theo didn't give him any trouble. You got home and you received a text from Timmy saying he and Theo were headed to your place with McDonald's for dinner.
"Hi, Momma!" your baby boy called out to you as the front door opened and he ran into your arms.
"Hey, my little love!" you gave him a squeeze, lifting him into your arms. "How did it go at the doctor today? Were you good with Dad?"
"It was fine, Momma. Doctor said I am healthy." Theo declared, giving you a thumbs up and a silly grin.
"That's great." you said, kissing him on the cheek.
Timmy came in, carry the brown paper fast food bags in hand. "Yeah, he was really brave. I told him I was really proud of him.” He was beaming over his son.
"Theo, you wanna help your Dad take the food out of the bags?"
"Uh-huh." Theo said, nodding. You let him back down and he followed Timmy to the kitchen, and they unpacked the burgers, chicken nuggets, and fries together.
You joined them, saying, "I'm surprised that he was so good. He usually makes a fuss at the doctors. Maybe he is maturing."
"Yeah," Timmy said, "he's our mature little three-year-old." he chuckled.
Damn, our little three-year-old. The way he would say these simple things, to affirm that you and he were in this parenting thing together. He warmed your heart, especially since not too long ago, you didn't think you'd ever see Timmy again, let alone have him in Theo’s life. Not only did your heart swell, but you felt absolute feral attraction for Timmy.
As you finished eating, you said, “So I was thinking we all could watch a movie together?” looking at Timmy, “I mean, if you can stay.” you smiled softly.
Timmy’s eyes lit up, “Yeah, of course I can stay.”
“Yay! Movie night!” Theo cheered, “Can I have popcorn and candy?”
You giggled, “Sure you can. But we’ll go easy on the candy though, buddy. Don’t need you to be up all night with a sugar rush.”
“Fine.” Theo sighed, “What we watching?” the little one scrunched his nose as he looked at you.
“Well, I was thinking we would watch one of Daddy’s movies?” you looked at Timmy again, grinning.
“Ooh, yes, I’d love to watch Wonka with him.” Timmy said, his smile wide as could be. “Has he seen it yet?” he asked you.
“A new Willy Wonka movie?!” Theo piped up, all excited, “I love Willy Wonka! He lives in a candy factory!”
You thought you saw Timmy blush.
“In the new movie your Daddy plays Willy Wonka.” you said, raising your eyebrows at your son, awaiting his response.
Theo gasped, “For real?” he looked over at Timmy. “You got to play Willy Wonka, Dad? That’s so cool! I wanna watch it! Can we? Can we?” he tapped his hands on the table, so anxiously excited, he could barely control it.
“Yes, we will. Why don’t we get you a bath and into your pjs first. And while we’re doing that, Daddy can get the popcorn and drinks ready?” you touched Timmy’s wrist, looking at him.
Timmy looked at your hand on his, then looked up at you, a soft gaze in his eyes, “I’d love to.”
Theo didn't care that his hair was still damp, he had no time to waste when it was movie night with both of his parents, and he would even get to see his dad act in a movie. He hadn't forgotten his Daddy's job. The boy was in absolute heaven.
He wore his batman pajamas and sat between mom and dad on the couch with the bowl of buttery popcorn, made special by dad, in his lap. Mom held onto his chocolate coated candies.
He was enamored as soon as Timmy came onto the screen as Willy, singing Hatful of Dreams. "Dad! Look! It's you!" he exclaimed, looking over at Timmy briefly.
Timmy grinned widely, nodding and chuckling at his little boy's excitement.
"It was so good!" Theo said after the movie was over, "Can I watch it again tomorrow, Mom?" He looked up at you with pleading green eyes.
"Sure, if you want to, buddy. But for now, it's bedtime, okay?"
"No!" he cried.
"Hey, don't talk to your mom like that." warned Timmy, "Come on, Theo, I'll tuck you in and read you a story if you want me to."
"NO! I don't wanna go to bed." The three-year-old wailed and started to tear up, "I don't want you to leave, Daddy!" He then threw himself against Timmy, wrapping his arms tightly around his father's legs.
Timmy leaned over slightly, holding onto his son's back, and looked up at you.
Now, at least Timmy would know how Theo acts if he stays up too late, you thought. But maybe that wasn’t what was happening here.
"Theo, it's okay, Dad's not leaving yet. He's going to put you to bed." you tried your best to soothe your little boy. You and Timmy tried to understand why he was so upset.
"I don't want him to go! Want him to stay at my house." he cried against the fabric of Timmy's pants, you heard him sniffle.
"Do you want to have a sleepover, buddy? I'll spend the night, okay?" Timmy said, looking down at Theo then up at you. "If Mommy says it's alright."
"Yeah, of course it's okay." you said, almost too quickly. Who wanted him to sleep over more, you or Theo?
"Really?" Theo pulled away from Timmy's legs, wiping his eyes. "Daddy can stay?"
"Yes, now stop crying, alright? Dad's gonna take you to bed and read whatever book you want."
"Okay." the boy hummed, sniffling.
Timmy took his son's hand, leading him to his room, he looked back at you, giving you a reassuring smile.
You suddenly realized how close they had gotten. How dependent Theo was on Timmy, how he would always want him near. You were beginning to have those same feelings. The love you had for Timmy had never gone away. It was such a warm and cozy feeling, being a family.
You went to bed as usual, thinking that after Theo went to sleep, Timmy would just go home or maybe crash on your couch. You lay there and kept thinking about what would happen if you went to check on him in the living room, if it would be strange to ask him to come and sleep next to you.
You definitely didn't expect Timmy to make his own way into your room.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @kpopgirlbtssvt @yukideadinside @mel-vaz @thatoneweirdgirl17 @iwishchalamet @jindongdongie @elloise0 @rennyd26 @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69 @sammy-halpert
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robo-milky · 4 months
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[Loosely references Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]
Crema/クッレマ (Cloche) | Big Henchman (Grim) | Vet/Medic (Ace) | Tiger Prawn (Floyd) | Monsieur Fumé (Rook)
A proud and confident man, loves nothing more than himself. He’ll act diplomatic when needed, but that exterior will crack fit if something doesn’t go his way. Mors is bad at compromising, and can be very stubborn. May act passive aggressive in retaliation. Ever the megalomaniac, he will stop at nothing to reach the top. He is a man above pretensions, like morality and ethics. Though he can be boisterous, Mors is well spoken, hurling obscure insults at those who earn his ire. No matter what, he is always in the right.
Core Values -> Accomplishment + Knowledge
Elm is the opposite of Mors, a humble and kind man. He’ll do good for the sake of it, not asking for anything in return. Can be a bit of a pushover.
Core values -> Inspiring + Empathy
From the hit series, “Loyalty Lock”, Mors is an antagonist. Was an aspiring doctor of noble birth, that got drafted by mistake. His military career consisted of being a foot soldier, medic, to army officer (through bribery and corruption). Along with him being a controversial political figure in Vostege, Mors has many enemies. This resulted in him buying hiring a special vessel from “Goldbelle’s Facility of Maids”.
Mors had no one else but himself to blame, having taken the life of his one and only ally. If he was still under her protection, would he be a free man? Arms bound by rope, wood digging into his neck, he might as well think of his last words instead of what-ifs.
Elm stepped into the dark carriage and Mors came out the of coffin.
Notable Thoughts: Mors’
“I can’t possibly imagine being buttered up so easily, like the Headmaster of this school. Hm? Why are you staring at me like that for?”
“Eugh… Not only does Miss Jin have to resemble Cloche, but they share the same name. It leaves a foul taste in my mouth.”
“Grim is a curious specimen, indeed! I’m no veterinarian, by any means, but I would love to take a closer look at him when he is still.”
“Mr. Trappola? The boy’s clever, alright. He always knows just the right things to say.”
“I suppose Mr. Spade is quite cute, is he not? Always so eager to please.”
“Mr. Howl is alright for a beastman… He is at least well disciplined. ”
“Mr. Pergameno is surprisingly knowledgeable of protective eyewear. I may ask him for recommendations, sometime.”
“Lucius seems to hiss at me whenever I stop by and chat with Professor Trein. I wonder why, hohoh…”
“Professor Crewel would make a fine drill sergeant. The crack of his whip brings me back to my days of youth.”
“Coach Vargas’ physique is extraordinary. I’d like to someday study his veins, if given the opportunity to.”
“The Mystery Shop always somehow has everything I need. I wouldn’t ask Mr. Sam any questions he wouldn’t ask me.”
Notable Thoughts: Others’
“Mr. Clematis? Such a nice and helpful man! Taking on the task of monitoring the library by himself, on top of his studies.” - Crowley
“It could have been anyone else from ‘Loyalty Lock’ to get isekai’d here, but it just had to be him.” - Cloche
“Eek! Hide me! Do not make that freak come near me, please!” - Grim
“Can you patch me up instead? I don’t wanna get another scolding from the Vet!” - Ace
“Yeah, of course I respect Mors! He’s been taking the time to help me with studying and some reading.” - Deuce
“Mors’ insistence of live specimens, for dissections, stresses me out a little, but that’s how he did it back in his time… haha…” - Trey
“If I had to choose between dealing with Rook and dealing with Mors, I’m taking Mors all the way. At least he can leave me alone.” - Ruggie
“That geezer has some magic within him, but it’s unlike any I’ve seen before. It smells off.” - Leona
“I’ve got to return the handkerchief Mors gave me someday!” - Leikata
“Ah, Mors! Talking with him gives me nostalgia. It’s not bad looking back into the past.” - Lilia
- Harbours a strong dislike of all beastmen, and a preference for humans
- Pops in and out of any classes if it interests him
- His glasses are pinched on the bridge of his nose
- May go off on a tangent about all the “incompetent people” of his world when drunk
- Always faintly smells of smoke. Cigar? Gun powder? …Something else?
- Addresses most of the cast as adults, since they would have “reached maturity” where he is
- Oddly flattered that there is a “series based on his life events and greatness”
- Greys early because of stress in his youth
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featherandferns · 18 days
F.W.B : where are they now?
jj maybank x fem!reader
content warning: mentions of sex; alcohol; violence
word count: 1.4k.
read F.W.B | Thank you so so much for 1000 followers!!! Since starting this blog in May of 2023, I have written so many characters and storylines. I get so many lovely anon messages telling me about their favourite universes and wondering what happens next after my fics have ended. So, I thought to celebrate 1000 followers, I’d indulge. Here’s the (current) where are they now for all of my fics so far…
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You land on the mat with a smack. Blood fills your mouth, sticking to the guard, and you spit it onto the floor. It’s an ugly swirl of pink-ish saliva. The referee is going to start counting you down any minute. Your head is pounding, body aching, ears ringing. It’s one of the biggest matches of the school year so the room is packed to the brim. People are cheering and chanting and it creates a dichotomy of pandemonium. For you, it’s the biggest match of your career. The college that could supply you with your dream scholarship and ticket out of a trailer-park life has sent a scout here tonight. They’re here to see you. Clinging onto that, you rock onto your knees and spit once more. The ref has started to count. You close your eyes and try to steal yourself. That’s when you can make it out. 
JJ’s voice carries over everyone else's, singing to you like a siren. He’s hollering like someone’s house is on fire. 
“Come on, baby! Let’s go!” 
Your eyes shoot open and you seek him out. Front row - stood settled between the Pogues who are egging you on - JJ’s clapping his hands and nodding emphatically. He meets your gaze and it hardens you. Ignites you with newfound vigour. You grit your teeth and give him a barely-there nod, and then you’re hopping back onto your feet. A new wave of cheers crashes around you as rock on your toes and heels, readying your fists. You settle your gaze on your competitor. She isn’t that big. Isn’t that strong. You can take her. Picture her face morphing into Kelce’s. Into every person who’s ever wronged you, made fun of you, looked at you the wrong way. Growling, you waste no time in throwing the first punch the minute the ref allows. As your gloved fist meets her skin, you hear JJ shouting. 
“That’s what I’m talking about! Let’s go, mama!”
JJ’s endless support energises you for the rest of the night like an endless line of cocaine. And when your competitor finally taps out, on the brink of blacking out, and the ref holds your arm up in victory, JJ’s celebration is louder than an erupting volcano. 
The second you’re free from the ring he tackles you in a hug. 
“That was fucking insane, baby! God damn! That was hot as hell!”
You laugh as he practically wrestles you in his enthusiastic embrace. He breaks apart from you when you’re ushered into the changing rooms. You speed through the post-match clean-up and emerge in a pair of his sweats (tied double at the waist to keep them from falling down) and an oversized t-shirt from a competition you won a couple of years back. The look on JJ’s face would make someone think that you’re dressed to the nines for the Oscars, though.
He hooks an arm around your shoulder, grinning proud, and the two of you load into the Twinkie with the other Pogues who share their congrats on your win. You still haven’t shaken him when you pull up to the Chateau. Loud chatter warns of your coming as the six of you walk up. It looks the same as always aside from the makeshift banner hung along the porch. It’s made of an old fitted sheet; you can recognise JJ’s handwriting from a mile away. In his familiar scrawl, it reads Well Done to the Sexiest Girl on Earth. 
Amused, you look at JJ and quirk a brow. “Sexiest girl?”
“Just stating facts,” he shrugs with a grin. 
“He needed my help on how to spell it,” Pope chimes in as he walks past, heading for the cooler. JJ prods him in the chest before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. Leaning your head back against his chest, you sigh and let JJ sway you in his hold as the other four chatter. 
“That was a hell of a fight, huh?” JJ says, just loud enough for you to hear. 
Looking up at him, you find his eyes already trained down on you. Smiling, you reply, “I know. I’m pretty impressive.”
“And modest,” he says, squeezing your body teasingly. 
“And sexy, apparently,” you add, referring to his banner. 
“Like that’s a surprise?”
“Mm, you got a point,” you say, playing along. “You might’ve mentioned it a few times.”
“Happy to mention it a few more,” JJ grins boyishly, dipping his head down to meet your lips with his.
You easily twirl in his embrace, coiling your arms over his shoulders to deepen the kiss. His tongue shamelessly slips into your mouth and his fingers slide under your t-shirt. 
“Knock it off love birds,” Kiara calls. 
There’s no hurry to break apart. 
“You guys make me sick,” Pope mutters, collapsing into a chair. 
JJ gropes your ass before walking away just to irritate his friend further. Your cheeks flame hot despite biting back a smile. Your boyfriend flashes you a grin and tosses you a beer. The two of you settle into seats and join the conversation with the others. John B starts up the music and the six of you get to celebrating.
Beer pong and wrestling and impression-offs and dumb drinking games. You and JJ shotgun a beer and once downed, JJ slaps your hand into a bro-like hug and plants a kiss to your lips. The juxtaposition is the perfect summarisation of your dynamic. Jesting and casual in front of others, and sweet and sentimental behind closed doors. He knew the deepest and darkest parts of you, and you him. 
“Thank you,” you say to JJ at some point in the night. “For all this.”
“Course,” JJ replies. He says it like it’s obvious; like it’s ludicrous to think that he wouldn’t go all out to celebrate your success. 
Finishing your beer, you look around the night-casted scene and find your eyes settling on the banner once more. Something occurs to you and you begin to laugh. 
“Wait, what would you guys have done if I didn’t win?” you ask.
“I guess we would’ve taken that down,” John B says, nodding to the banner, “and made it a feel-better-soon party?”
“I mean, celebratory beer and sad-times beer are the same beer, so,” JJ agrees, tipping his bottle up as he makes his point. 
“We knew you were gonna win though,” Sarah says from John B’s lap. 
“The odds were literally stacked in your favour,” Kiara adds. “With the winning streak you’ve been on lately? Girl!”
“That’s actually a common misconception,” Pope says. Everyone groans and JJ tosses a handful of grass at him. “I’m just saying! It’s called hot-hand fallacy!”
“Dude. Not the time,” JJ says.
Pope shuts down his spiel with that. You shoot him an apologetic smile, appreciative of his Pope-like support. A yawn slips out and suddenly the exhaustion from your earlier fight hits at once. JJ seems to notice, always hyper-aware of you. 
“Wanna head home?”
“I’m beat,” is your reply. 
“A’right, we’re off,” JJ announces, finishing his drink with two swigs and ditching the can. He takes your hand to help you out of your seat and the two of you make your way to the drive. The others holler their farewells and final congratulations on your scholarship win. Their indefatigable conversing fades into the soundscape of the night as you and JJ walk back to your house, fingers intertwined. 
“So, college, huh?” he says. 
“College,” you hum. 
“What’d you think that’ll mean for us?” 
You smile and glance up at him, and for the first time in your life, realise that you’re not afraid of losing him. “Same thing as always. Great sex and great company.”
“Just in another city?”
“It’s only Raleigh,” you hum. “Two hour drive tops.” 
“Sides, not like I’ll be going to college anytime soon, so I can just come visit you,” JJ agrees. 
You nod and lean against his arm as the two of you continue to walk. “I love you, y’know? I wanna make this thing work.”
“It will,” JJ assures. “You’re the best sex I’ve ever had. I’ll chase that to Raleigh.”
“Spoken like a poet,” you sardonically return.
His ambush of wet kisses to your cheek has you laughing, pawing him away. His hand finds yours and the two of you finish the journey to your house, hearts intertwined like your fingers, the future unclear aside from the fact that you and JJ would face it together.     
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saiintofdiirt · 5 days
Summary: Ken walks into the aftermath of Parrot finding out Wifies is actually a clone. He should be given sainthood for how little he kills Parrot. Part 2 now out!
notes: this is so not edited lol i wrote this in like. 3 hours between tasks at work. rip. this is vaguely set in the most recent UU episode in that i needed a setting and also a reason for ken wifies and parrot to be in the same place at once. no spoilers for the episode its just alluded to being the setting. uhhhh. i think thats it. enjoy. divider from here.
word count for the curious: 2678. allegedly.
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Ken arrives in the meeting room with a hop in his step. He’s been looking for Wifies everywhere, but Dean let him know that Wifies was talking with Parrot, and now Ken can finally show him the little tricky trap he’s been working on! He’s proud of himself. It’s a really good design! So he’s hopping into the room like a rabbit instead of a cat.
Parrot stands alone at the head of the table, back to the door. Just Parrot.
“Yo,” Ken greets even though he still feels the urge to whack Parrot across the head occasionally. “I thought Wifies was here?”
“Did you know?” Parrot asks.
Ken can feel every single part of his body prickle with discomfort. He’s glad that Parrot isn’t looking at him, so he has a chance to lower his shoulders, and tail, and ears. And attitude. He knows, somehow, what exactly Parrot means by knowing. Ken shuts the door silently.
“Know what?” Ken asks, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Don’t play dumb Ken. Did you know about Wifies being a clone?”
Ken breathes in slowly. He pulls his comm out and checks the playerlist. Wifies is gone. He was here only a few minutes ago when Ken last checked, which means that whatever happened, just happened.
“Did he tell you that?” Ken asks, opening Wifies’s chat.
[_Kenadian_]: where are you?
“You know, I was so confused,” Parrot turns around, eyes distant and face blank. “When I first met him, he was such a fucking asshole. Entirely full of himself. Still the smartest guy I’d ever met, though, so when all this stuff started happening on the server, I couldn’t help but think of him. I thought I was gonna regret inviting him, yet he was so quiet and nice now.”
[_Kenadian_]: wifies
[_Kenadian_]: seriously where are you
“He was always reserved, even before, but all these little things started coming up— he couldn’t remember things well, he’d talk about weird things in his sleep, things like that. And I couldn’t even. . . I didn’t know how to piece it together, and he wouldn’t talk to me!”
[_Kenadian_]: wato
[Wato1876]: Hey!
[_Kenadian_]: have you heard from wifies
[Wato1876]: No?
[Wato1876]: Isn’t he on unstable w/ you right now?
[_Kenadian_]: he left and isnt answering my messages
[_Kenadian_]: parrot found out, idk how, and now wifies is /gone/
[Wato1876]: ok I’ll check around for him
[_Kenadian_]: thx
“Are you even listening?” Parrot asks, and Ken finally looks up at him. His expression is one of desperation. It disgusts Ken.
“No,” Ken says, voice bone dry. “You yelled at him didn’t you? God Parrot, and I was just starting to respect you.”
“He lied to me this whole time!” Parrot explodes, eyes wild as he leans his hand on the table. “From the start, he hid this from me, and I only found out by— by sheer coincidence! He was talking to someone on his comm, and said something about being a clone, and I just—”
“Wait, who was he talking to?” Ken interrupts with a frown.
“I— I don’t know, they had a deep voice, talked really particularly?”
“Must’ve been Retro. . . Retro knows?” Ken mutters to himself.
The shame Wifies stews in every day because of his clone status is something Ken hasn’t been able to push past; Wifies always says he owes his life to Ken, but rarely does he bother to share his burdens with him either. Which means at least Retro seems to be getting through to him. . . It stings a little, but Ken has bigger fish to fry.
“So you did know!”
“Parrot, why do you care!” Ken snaps, turning back to his comm and searching for Retro’s contact information. Shit. He should’ve nabbed it off of Wifies earlier. “You drove him off! He’s not your fucking problem now, shouldn’t you be happy?! There! You cleaned your friends list of liars! Aren’t you satisfied with your work?!”
“I just wanted to know the truth, I didn’t want to drive him off! He's not a problem to get rid of!”
“Well great fucking job, man, go kick rocks or something. Fuck, where did he go?!”
[Wato1876]: Found him. He’s at the factory.
[Wato1876]: Ken, his comm is cracked right in half. He’s stuck here again.
Ken feels everything in him rear like a lion. He closes his comm and tucks it into his pocket. Slowly, oh so slowly, he stalks around the table towards Parrot, holding the hilt of his sword in a loose grip. Parrot follows his path with his eyes, feathers puffing out and fists clenched.
“Did you break his comm, Parrot?” Ken asks casually.
“No,” Parrot replies.
“Parrot. Tell me the truth. Did you break Wifies’s comm? Even by mistake?” Ken’s gums ache. He’ll dig his teeth into Parrot’s thin throat. He’ll rip his flimsy little esophagus out.
“No, no. I didn’t. I didn’t touch him. I didn’t. I wouldn’t.”
“I don’t know if you wouldn’t, Parrot, but I swear to everything you hold dear, if I find out it was you who broke his comm, you are going to wish I had just killed you instead,” Ken hisses out.
“His comm is broken?” Parrot echoes faintly, and it’s like gravity returns to his world, his feet landing back in reality.
“I don’t think you deserve an answer, Parrot, but yes.”
Ken tries to breathe through his anger. He’s going to believe Parrot for now.
[_Kenadian_]: ill be there soon
[Wato1876]: Bring a replacement comm?
“I was mad,” Parrot sounds wretched. “But not— I don’t care that he’s a clone Ken. I just felt like he didn’t trust me.”
Killing Parrot would make Wifies even sadder. Killing Parrot would make Wifies even sadder. Killing Parrot would make Wifies even sadder. Killing Parrot would make Wifies even sadder. Killing Parrot would make Wifies even sadder.
“I never trusted you, Parrot, not once, not for a single moment, but you made Wifies happy. I don’t know what he sees in you, but he was happy playing second fiddle to your stupid little orchestra on here, y’know? So I tried very hard to get along with you, so Wifies could stay happy,” Ken lets go of the hilt of his sword to press a sharp nail into Parrot’s chest. “You don’t understand the state I found him in before he came here, before you roped him into your stupid little games. He—”
Ken’s voice cracks and he curses, indistinct and abstract. He hates this. Leave it to Parrot to fuck everything up, just like Ken always knew he would with his lack of foresight and planning and brain. Parrot snaps up to grab Ken’s hand in a tight grip.
“Ken, I didn’t want him to leave me,” Parrot chokes out. “I just wanted to know, I just—”
“And look at where your wanting got him!” Ken spits out, yanking his hand away. “You want, and want, and want, Parrot do you even care what your wanting costs the rest of the world? What it costs Wifies?”
“He never says anything to me, he never—”
“Do you ever ask?! God Parrot, get out of your head for a minute!”
Ken runs a hand through his hair. Where is he gonna find a replacement comm? He might have something in one of the prison servers he frequents, but his head is scrambled, he can’t quite sort through his inventory in his head to figure out what he has right now. He may have one in his escape kits. . .
“Ken,” Parrot breathes. He finally realized what he’s done, it seems. Ken wants to stab him in the stomach. “Ken, I care about Wifies more than anyone else. You know that right? He knows that right?”
Ken pulls at his roots.
“I don’t know anything about Wifies right now,” Ken finally says, exhaustion creeping into him as his adrenaline runs dry. “I can’t contact him right now. He gets. . . bad, when it comes to the clone stuff. God, Parrot, what the hell have you done?”
Ken doesn’t wait for an answer. He leaves the server and lands in his solo world, scrambling around his storage before finding a dusty old comm he hasn’t used since he customized his current one. Landing near the factory is always a displeasure, but he pushes his feelings aside and enters. It takes a little searching, but he finds Wifies and Wato in the office, laid out on the floor next to each other.
“Wifies,” Ken says, more to say something than having anything to say, and he sits next to Wifies.
“Sorry for scaring you,” Wifies says. His voice is hoarse, and his eyes are bloodshot. “My comm broke. I dropped it while it was open, and I fell on it.”
“I brought you an old one I had laying around,” Ken says, bringing a hand up and running his fingers through Wifies’s curls slowly. Wifies closes his eyes. “What happened?”
Wifies doesn’t answer at first, just breathes evenly and relaxes each part of his body. He's so tense. Ken wishes he had killed Parrot.
“Parrot found out,” Wifies whispers. “I was talking to Retro. He’s been. . . helping me decipher some stuff from the notes. It was important. And I called him, and Parrot heard, and he was livid. That I hadn’t told him. That he couldn’t trust me. So I left.”
“He’s an asshole,” Wato says, and both Wifies and Ken turn to look at him in shock. “What?”
“Wato, there’s a reason why we’re such good friends,” Ken says with a grin. “Because I, too, believe Parrot is an absolute asshole.”
“You guys always knew, but I lied to him,” Wifies says. “I don’t know if he’s an asshole for being upset I didn’t tell him.”
“Yes he is,” Ken and Wato say together.
“There’s no reason to defend him out here,” Ken scolds, scratching Wifies’s scalp lightly.
“I don’t hate him, Ken,” Wifies lets out a deep, winding sigh before sitting up slowly. “Can I have the comm? I need to message Retro. Tell him everything’s okay.”
Ken hands over the comm and Wifies thanks him faintly. As he boots it up and logs in, Wato sits up and gives Ken a look. Ken returns the look. Before they can descend upon Wifies and force him to talk about his feelings, the comm begins pinging wildly, messages flooding in and not stopping. Peeking over Wifies’s shoulder, Ken makes a disgusted expression at Parrot’s chat being at the top of Wifies’s DMs. Parrot is absolutely spamming Wifies’s inbox. Ken’s going to eat him for dinner.
“Ah,” Wifies says. He then proceeds to ignore Parrot to text Retro. Good. Fuck that guy.
“What does he want?” Ken asks, not because he really cares but because if Parrot pisses him off again, he can justify going at him with an axe.
“Maybe. . . Maybe not right now,” Wifies’s voice is weak.
The messages roll to a stop. Good! And then Ken’s comm starts ringing off like shots. Goddamn it. Ken pulls out his comm. It is Parrot. Awful. Now Wifies and Wato move to peek over his shoulder as his inbox becomes utterly unusable.
[Parrotx2]: Ken
[Parrotx2]: I’m sorry
[Parrotx2]: not to you
[Parrotx2]: well I can be sorry to you too but I’m sorry that I reacted like that to Wifies
[Parrotx2]: and I just need him to know that I’m sorry
[Parrotx2]: and I know you hate my guts
[Parrotx2]: but you said he was happy right? I made him happy
[Parrotx2]: I don’t think I’ve ever made someone happy by just existing
[Parrotx2]: cause fuck, it’s not like I’ve done anything for him
[Parrotx2]: Ken what the fuck did I do
[Parrotx2]: please just let him know I’m sorry
[Parrotx2]: and that I didn’t mean to blow up
[Parrotx2]: you’d think I’d be used to betrayal but with him, it felt so much worse than betrayal
[Parrotx2]: like I had failed to be trustworthy
[Parrotx2]: the reveal was a lot, but I felt more hurt than disgusted or scared
[Parrotx2]: I don’t care if he’s a clone
[Parrotx2]: I mean I care if he wants me to care. I want him to want me to care about him.
[Parrotx2]: I care about him in general
[Parrotx2]: plus whoever the guy before him was was a bitch
[Parrotx2]: he’s like so much better in a million ways
[Parrotx2]: not the point
[Parrotx2]: the point is my caring of him is not reliant on his clone status
[Parrotx2]: I can tell he’s got a comm now cause my messages are showing up as received
[Parrotx2]: does he hate me now?
[Parrotx2]: he has every right
[Parrotx2]: I can’t even pretend that he shouldn’t hate me
[Parrotx2]: Ken I don’t want him to hate me
[Parrotx2]: I don’t know if I can live with that
[Parrotx2]: I fucked up so badly
[Parrotx2]: the worst part is I trust him
[Parrotx2]: I made this whole fuss about trust and I still trust him
[Parrotx2]: of course I do, he’s the single most trustworthy person I’ve ever met
[Parrotx2]: I’ve slept in the same room as him for months and I never even worried
[Parrotx2]: he could’ve left or betrayed me or killed me literally at any point
[Parrotx2]: and he never did! even if it would’ve made his life easier
[Parrotx2]: what the fuck was I thinking?
“Ugh. Do you wanna talk to him right now?” Ken asks, turning his head towards Wifies. He gets a face full of sweet smelling curly hair.
“. . . I don’t know,” Wifies says, resting his chin snuggly onto Ken’s shoulder.
[_Kenadian_]: can you shut up. jesus.
[Parrotx2]: sorry
[_Kenadian_]: yes he has a comm now
[_Kenadian_]: he’ll talk to you when he talks to you
[_Kenadian_]: you made him cry yknow
“Ken!” Wifies hisses, cheek warming up where it’s now pressed to the side of Ken’s throat. “Why did you tell him that?”
[Parrotx2]: fuck I’m sorry
[_Kenadian_]: yeah he knows
[_Kenadian_]: just
[_Kenadian_]: give him some space
[_Kenadian_]: also dont text me like that whats wrong with you
[_Kenadian_]: i want you so dead its not even funny
[_Kenadian_]: this is the SECOND time you make him cry
[Parrotx2]: I
[Parrotx2]: what?
[_Kenadian_]: wouldnt you like to know bird boy
[Parrotx2]: why would you tell me that
[_Kenadian_]: you need to understand the consequences of what you do
[_Kenadian_]: wifies never lets you see but i do and i think you should writhe
[_Kenadian_]: you care so much? lets see.
[_Kenadian_]: writhe bird boy writhe
“That’s mean,” Wifies says as Ken closes his comm, but he doesn’t move a single muscle.
“You should’ve made it worse,” Wato says. “Should’ve told him Wifies was comatose or something.”
“Jeez, since when are you so vicious?” Wifies asks, but Ken is almost certain he and Wato are holding hands behind Ken’s back.
“I approve,” Ken says, bumping his head into Wato’s lightly. “Anyway, take as long as you want to ignore Parrot. Forever, even. I’d also approve of forever.”
Wato hums in agreement. Wifies sighs again, much lighter than before.
“Just a little while,” he says to Ken’s vast displeasure. “Just until I can stomach it. I shouldn’t have run away.”
“You’re allowed to do whatever you want, actually. Forever.”
Wifies giggles, and Ken finally feels himself relax a little. If Wifies is laughing, then it’ll be okay. He still feels anger pulsing within him like a second heartbeat, but it softens when Wifies bumps the top of his head into Ken's cheek. Not gone, never gone, but quietened enough to let Wifies speak for himself.
Ken trusts Wifies despite his own opinion. So he'll keep true and hold Wifies close no matter what.
“We still gotta talk about your feelings,” Wato says, and Wifies whines, trying to hide his face further into Ken's shoulder. 
“It's so embarrassing,” he murmurs.
“I'd be embarrassed too if I cried over Parrot of all people,” Ken deadpans. 
Wifies groans. Ken won't let him get away this time.
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grapejuicestyless · 1 year
I Just Want To Be Loved.
Harry Styles x Fem!Reader
Summery: It’s been the long haul for you and Harry. You spent everyday together for years. Recently, all you’ve been doing is spending your time apart. Is it so much to ask for him to come home?
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Love on tour was there full definition of love. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and a kindness that seemed unique purely for the shows within it. Friendships blossomed in every section and fans showed their appreciation with projects projecting rainbows and meaningful messages to prove it. It was everything you’d think love could be.
So it made sense as to why Harry kept adding more shows, prolonging the inevitable end of the years he’d spent away from home. He, just as much as anyone else, loved to be loved. I couldn’t blame him. If I was him, I would’ve done the same.
Yet still, even though the tour was pure fluff and happiness, it drew a bubbling sadness from deep within every time he frolicked onto that stage. A sparkly, blinding reminder that once again, he was out making a name and I was at home, holding onto the ounces of love he shared over the phone each night.
The excitement coursing through me when he announced the final shows was extreme. Though I pretended to be bummed for the sad ending, and the tough parting from the band and the fans, I couldn’t be more happy to get my Harry back.
I longed for those peaceful moments in the mornings, my hands tracing his nose and his fingers playing with my hair until our touches became lazy and we dozed back off into a light slumber. I missed those loving times that were stolen from me with every new date added.
It felt selfish, to want to take such a core memory from the fans, people who Harry adored like his friends. People I’d grown to love throughout the years of our friendship and eventually our relationship. I’d had Harry at my fingertips for years, they only had him for a night. Yet it was so hard to share him.
Thinking deeply, I fought with my inner thoughts about the delicate line that was selfish and justified until my phone buzzed in a heartbeat pattern on the kitchen counter.
Turning it over, I watched Harry’s name pop up, hearts decorated around his name, “H,” as I had set it as on my phone.
I leaned forward, forearms resting against the cold countertops and the ripped collar of Harry’s shirt twisted between my fingers while I waited happily for the image of Harry to load up on my screen.
“Hi, Baby!” He called excitedly in all his post show sweaty glory. He had curls stuck to his forehead and his cheeks were shiny and sparkling under the yellow lighting of his hotel room.
“Hi, H. How was your show?” I laughed at his exasperation. He made it obvious that he had rushed into his room to call me, the heavy breathing he tried to muffle and the quickness of his chest giving him away.
“Amazing, baby. It’s just so crazy that it’s real, you know? They all came for me and my band! It’s always so surreal seeing sold out stadiums with people who came for my music.” He rambled, the same speech every single time. How he felt so lucky that something so grand could have happened to someone so average like him, even if he was far from average in my eyes.
Still, my cheeks hurt from smiling. Seeing him happy was the greatest happiness of all, to me.
“You know you deserve it. Worked so hard these past few years and now you get to celebrate it with the people who love you. I’m so proud of you.” Our eyes met, a comfortable silence forming while our smiles turned into shy giggles and eyes averting from each other like school children in love.
“I love playing for these people. I cant believe how lucky I am to be with them almost everyday of the week.” I nodded, not feeling the need to respond.
“So, that’s why my team and I were thinking…” He led me into it with false hope. Hope that he was going to say something about coming home to throw a party where I could remain attached to his hip and love on him as he did to me.
“We’re going to add a few more shows before we finish off the tour.” I nodded, still smiling.
“Like in between? Don’t you think that will be too many shows in a week?” I asked, blinded by my excitement to see him. Silence fell over the phone call, this one heavier and more tense.
“Well, not exactly.” He tried to start explaining. The smile hurting my cheeks slowly faded into a confused gaze, proudness and glee turning into hurt and a heart breaking realization.
“We were thinking of adding a few more shows in Asia and Italy around September time. Maybe even have another Harryween in the states!” He explained, looking at the ceiling. His hands eventuated his explanation dramatically, like always.
All I could do was stay silent, heart pounding into my ears and a lump in my throat expanding into a dull ache that only seemed to rise.
“Y/n, isn’t that great?” My face was frozen, eyes widened and looking straight into the blurry green ones on the glitchy FaceTime call.
“Y/n?” He called again, his voice sounding more concerned.
Maybe it was my lack of response, or the tears welling in my eyes. Maybe it was that he thought I was frozen and couldn’t hear him, or maybe all three. But I was stuck. Stuck between wanting to support all of his decisions, trying to do what was best for him and wanting to just be selfish for just a moment.
I wanted to scream at him not to add anymore shows. I wanted to yell at him for making me wait for him for so long. I wanted to be overly emotional until I turned into putty in my own hands. Yet, even in my own conflict, I couldn’t find it in me to say no to him.
“Yeah, that…that sounds great, Harry. Really, I’m excited for you.” He nodded, not fully convinced.
“O…okay. Y/n, are you okay, you look a little pale. Have I said something?” What haven’t you said? You’ve just told me your leaving me yet again.
Stay? Just stay? Please, I want to be loved. I just want to be loved. I want to be loved by you and only you. I want you to forget about everything and just let it be us again.
“No, no. I’m just getting tired. It’s getting late over here. I’d better get to bed. Goodnight, H.” My tone was monotone, lacking any emotional depth behind it. It was obvious everything I said was a lie, but he let himself accept it halfway.
“Okay, sleep well. Call me when you wake up, okay? I love you. Goodnight, baby.” I hung up the phone, throwing it as soon as it beeped to a silence. The rage I felt was ungodly. It was pent up, having been stuffed down like a gross mass of phlegm bubbling up, waiting to be spat out.
Suddenly, the lump in my throat expanded to a broken cry, a painful rip rippling down my body. An ache that had been dull for the past few months coming full surge at me in one painful swoop.
I just wanted to be loved, was that too much to ask for?
Part 2 will be coming 🫶
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saintgoths · 7 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀɢ
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WORD COUNT - 2,499.
RATING - 18+.[Angst, wlw sex, use of vibrator and tribbing].
SUMMARY - the truth about you is finally exposed by an unexpected soul.
[follow for more content].
previous chapter - chapter five.
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It had been a long week, but everything had been worth it, your relationship with Ellie had improved considering what had happened previously, and the both you and Ellie were able to look over it and pursue the road of happiness, and currently, the both of you had been in an atmosphere of hot food, smiles and bliss under the roof of Ellie’s family home.
You had been specifically invited by Ellie, but you had comprehended that her adoptee father had actually been the one who wanted to see you. Their home had been homely, mostly made out of wood and had a Texan cowboy essence that they had evidently been proud of. They had all been kind, the second you had entered the house you had been greeted by kind hugs---chiefly by Sarah, Maria and Joel, Joel who couldn’t wait to expose how Ellie had always spoken about you whenever she had the chance, which had led her to have flustered cheeks and desperately mumble for him to stop.
“What about your family?” Tommy asked, and when you felt all eyes fall on you once more, you had awkwardly smiled. During the time you had spent with them, you had understood that Tommy was the blunt one, almost all of them had been straight-forward, but Tommy was usually the one that spoke first and thought later. “I heard you come from a well-off family.”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “My family sponsors the university.”
Interested the rest of them began to mumble to each other. “What does your family do?”
“Politics,” you smiled. “My father is a politician.”
With a few shared glances, Sarah sat up on her seat. “What type of politician?”
“For human rights and for us to have a better eco-system,” you replied and impressed, they nodded at your answer. “My father owns branches all over the world, to help the world become a better place.”
“That’s a great thing,” Sarah said and with a brief smile you continued eating your food.
You had planned to be nice, so you had held yourself back from asking them to speak about something else. Though, it had appeared as if your uncomfortable expression hadn’t worked. “I’d love to meet your father one day.” Joel said and with an uncertain look on her face, Ellie glanced at her fingers.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Ellie awkwardly chuckled and briefly, you sent your girlfriend a side-glance who had immediately felt regretful for what she had said.
Confused, Maria furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
With a side smile, you had sat up before you had spoken. “He’s terminally ill,” you replied, prepared for the sad looks that would be sent your way when you spoke about your father’s condition, and you had been correct. There had been an awkward silence after you had retrieved apologies, and to save the moment you had sent the rest of them a smile. “But I know he would’ve wanted to meet you guys,” you said and after words of appreciation, the dinner continued.
Sweaty skin and jerked breaths, both you and Ellie’s arms had possessively wrapped your arms around each other, hot tongues that had licked--- sensation almost feather-like but passionate, sweet moans gently vibrated in the room while the left thigh of Ellie’s had parted your thighs, you had felt yourself gently grind against Ellie’s limb while the subtle music that sang of love and solace had bounced off the walls, the music supported by a show that played in the background from Ellie’s television had hidden the lustful interaction the both of you partook in.
Focused, you had slipped your fingers against Ellie’s covered chest, and as you had briefly pushed away the unsure feeling you had in your mind you had attempted to unbutton her shirt, but knowledgeable of your manners, Ellie furrowed her eyebrows and softly pulled away from you. “Is something wrong?” The auburn-haired girl questioned and hesitant, you shook your head.
“No, everything is fine,” you said and unmoved by your response, Ellie pulled herself back from you once she realised you had tried to kiss her.
Stubborn, Ellie had grabbed your hands and brought them together. “I can tell when something is off, especially when it comes to you.”
Fairly flattered, you had slipped your paws away from Ellie’s grasps. “Did I say anything wrong?” Ellie softly inquired and as you moved your face away from her, your nose gently flared in response.
“No,” you whispered, your soft response interrupted by a short whimper, and revealed, you had covered your soaked eyes with your hands as you could feel Ellie move towards you again to pull you into an embrace, you quickly removed your hands away from your face ere you burrowed yourself between the crook of her neck. “I don’t think I should be here,” you gently cried. “I need to be with my father.”
Empathetic, Ellie pulled herself away from you, her warm grasps on your shoulders. “Before you came here, your father said it would be best for you to come here, because you worry about him all the time,” Ellie kindly reminded and blue, you gently wiped a tear with the side of your index finger.
“You’re right,” you whispered and with a side smile, Elle picked up her television remote.
“Do you want to chill here? And just watch TV?” Ellie suggested and with a short nod from you, Ellie pulled you closer to her pillows and softly helped you rest against her cot.
“Fuck!” You had whined, hand wrapped around Ellie’s wrist as she had softly grabbed your throat with her hand, over-stimulated, you had felt warm drool slip from the side of your mouth as Ellie’s gently circled the vibrator against your nub, and lustful, your eyes gently closed as you began to chant your girlfriend’s name as you could feel your climax near.
“Ellie! Ellie!” You cried out as she held you down, stubborn to let you move further against your bed, her green eyes had been shadowed with lascivious lust as she could feel her own natural juices coat between her sex as the mere sight of you weak under her grasp had stimulated her.
Enthralled, Ellie moved her thumb against your lips, charmed by your eminent whines, the pad of her thumb gently found way into your mouth, bottom lips tucked behind her teeth, Ellie watched how you immediately sucked on her digit as wetness gently coated your eyes. “Like that?” Ellie whispered and moved; you had quickly nodded your heads as you could feel your stomach slightly cave in as your climax slowly climbed through your senses. Aware, that you had almost reached your peak, Ellie gently breathed through her mouth once she released her lower her lip. “Cum for me,” she muttered and once you had received her approval, you curled your toes as your fluids easily slipped out.
Your back arched as your nectar spread against your sheets while your figure gently shook, Ellie pulled the vibrator away from your clit as she rested her mouth against yours and climbed on top pf your body, you placed your hands against her hips before you softly flipped your positions, currently above her, you softly pressed your used bud against her damp area.
“I want more,” you whispered and faintly surprised, Ellie looked up at you with eyes of armour, her hands then slid to the lower of your body as she had then smoothly gripped your buttocks as she aided you to position yourself on a better position fore you gingerly commenced to rub your clit against hers.
“Ah---just like that,” Ellie moaned as she pressed the back of her head against your pillow. “Go---[Y/N], she whimpered as she humped her body against yours, easily taken in by her pleasure, the Williams girl began to go at a quicker pace to chase her high.
Eyes rolled back; you shakily released a breathy moan as you could feel a second round of an orgasm aid to take over your body. “Right there!” You whined and as you could feel Ellie’s body move stiff against yours, you realised she had neared her release, eyes screwed shut, Ellie’s eyes cut into loud whines as the hold on your body strengthened, and ardent, you had moved your lips closer to her neck, gently licked and sucked on her sensitive areas aware of how enamoured it had moved her.
“Shit!” Ellie groaned as she mechanically began to buck against your sex while her white ambrosia leaked through her cunt, your high following through after, you had then eventually pulled yourself off her physique and rested beside her, exhausted, the both of you had stared up into your dorm room ceiling. “That was amazing,” Ellie smiled ere she twisted her body towards you. “Where did you get all that energy from?” She smirked and attentive, you widely smiled.
“Being with you gives me that energy,” you replied and with her face scrunched, Ellie gently smacked your arm.
“You’re so corny,” she answered and with a brief shrug, you pretended that you were about to turn away from her, but before you could, Ellie brought you close to her as she had then pulled you into a short and sweet kiss.
Content, you gently sighed as you had remembered you had class in half an hour, with a pouty look, you pulled yourself to sit up. “I have class soon,” you tell Ellie who immediately followed your actions.
“I’ll take you there,” Ellie said and with a brief thank you, you moved to the garments that had been thrown around your dorm room. |My family say that they like you,” Ellie happily said and with a smirk you turned to look at her.
During your time together, Ellie had been able to understand that you, her girlfriend had been an arrogant charmer, but that conceited side of yourself had been something the auburn-haired girl had loved. “I can win anyone with my charisma,” you candidly replied and with a short snort, Ellie hastily smacked your ass.
“In two days, I have a performance,” Ellie informed. “It contributes to my grade---”
“I’m coming,” you quickly said with a wide grin, happy, Ellie brought herself to kiss your cheek.
“Good,” she whispered as she had then picked up her backpack and swung them onto her shoulders, she kindly collected yours. “Now hurry up.”
Calmed, Ellie exited the bathroom stall she finished using and headed to wash her hands, she had currently been in class and had to excuse herself. Her class had started thirty minutes after yours, so she had comprehended that you had finished your lesson and likely been in the canteen writing your assignments for your fashion course.
It wasn’t like Ellie hated her class, but truthfully, she’d rather be with you.
With a soft cough that Ellie had ignored, another bathroom stall had been pushed open and the Williams girl had quickly identified the being to be Doris. Alerted, Ellie immediately furrowed her eyebrows and aimed to grab her ex-dorm roommate before she could clean herself.
“At least allow me to wash my hands!” Doris rudely argued and adamant, Ellie pushed Doris against the wall.
Eyes dark with anger, Ellie had remembered that you had pleaded for her to forget about the situation, but truthfully, Ellie would rather not. “I don’t give a fuck!” Ellie seethed. “Why did you do that? What were you getting out of it?”
“You don’t know the full story,” Doris replied and as she had pressed Doris further against the wall, there had been an expression that warned Doris that Ellie had been seriously enraged.
“Tell me why I shouldn’t punch you?” Ellie asked and as Doris struggled to get out of Ellie’s grasp, the girl briefly sighed.
“Let go of me,” Doris pleaded. “And if you do, I’ll explain why,” Doris suggested and with a small thought, Ellie scrunched her nose. “[Y/N] is not who you think she is.”
Bemused, Ellie twisted her face. “I know of [Y/N]’s past,” she said and with a scoff, Doris walked over to the sink and began to wash her hands.
Amused by Ellie’s naiveness, Doris curved her face to look at her. “You’re a fool for trusting her.” Doris said, and with her arms crossed, Ellie leaned against the wall as she had waited to hear what else her ex-roommate had to say. “She fucked Cat over; she fucked me over and she will fuck you over.”
Confused, Ellie uncomfortable unfolded her arms. “[Y/N] is not cheating on me.”
“Yet,” Doris corrected before she placed both of her hands against her hips. “Ellie, think,” Doris said as she lifted her index finger against the temple of her head and tapped it.
“Think about what?” Ellie dragged.
“I was one of the first people, your girlfriend got with, and she cheated on me with Cat, knowing Cat was in a relationship with you---”
“Bullshit,” Ellie gritted as she had then furrowed her eyebrows in disapproval. “That’s fucking bullshit.”
With another scoff, Doris took a step forward towards the Williams girl, arms dropped to her sides. “Think again, Ellie.” With her fists clenched, Ellie briefly looked away from Doris, as she could slowly feel herself fall into a state of panic. “Ask her about it,” Doris candidly suggested. “Ask her about it and see how quickly she will fall---the bitch got what she deserved---”
“The leaked nudes was all a plan?” Ellie gasped as she returned her vision towards the other girl.
“I got in trouble, and even fucking sued,” Doris replied. “But it was all worth it. Cat was supposed to tell you everything, which is why she swapped classes with me.”
In disbelief, Ellie’s eyes fell to her feet. “Well, I tried to avoid Cat.”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have,” Doris truthfully answered. “Now, you had to find out that your pretty girlfriend is just a whore who will throw you to the side in no time, better to do it to her before she does it to you,” Doris advised and Ellie slowly shook her head in disapproval, Doris hastily clenched her jaw. “Cat tried to tell you what kind of person she is.”
“Well, Doris, Cat still cheated on me,” Ellie replied.
“She is sorry for what she had done, Cat has changed, but [Y/N] on the other hand…” Doris shrugged aware of the insecure look that had been on the William girl’s face, she decided to continue speaking. “It’ll be stupid to think that she did. To think she has changed.”
Gut-wrenched, Ellie briefly clenched her fists, a wave of miserable emotions had travelled to her heart in mind as she had then thought of the countless possibilities of [Y/N] romantically interacting with other people without her knowledge. “I want to leave,” Ellie muttered ere she pushed herself off the walls and exited the toilets.
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feedback would be appreciated!
catgirl masterlist
for those who read my other fanfics, my realm's diamond series is going to have chapters published soon :)
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pitchsidestories · 1 year
It only hurts this much right now II Hayley Raso x Reader
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Word count: 872
Disclaimer: English is not our first language
As the final whistle blow and you knew you were going to the final but to the cost of your girlfriend’s team loosing, your eyes immediately started looking for Hayley and her signature piece the bow in the colour of her jersey. Before you could find her, you were hold back by two strong arms which belonged to Alanna Kennedy. The tall blonde defender whispered in your ear: “Let Hayley be alone for a moment; she just gave everything on this pitch.” “Okay but tell her I’d like to see her when she’s ready for me.”, you nodded understandingly. In a reassuring tone Alanna answered: “I promise, I will do that.” Quickly she added: “oh, congrats by the way for entering the final of the world cup.”  A sad smile appeared on your lips as you thanked her for her congratulation before you could stop yourself you thought out loud: “ I really wish this was the endgame. Even though I know the hurt would probably be even stronger but you Matildas would have deserved this.” Empathetically the Australian player padded your shoulders: “But it’s the semi. I’ll go see where Hayley is.”
Meanwhile Hayley felt the loss settling into her bones, her back was aching, all what she wanted to do right now was getting back into the hotel, covering herself in a blanket and shutting the world out. Despite that the midfielder still needed to do one thing, so with a hopeful glance in her eyes she turned to Alanna: “Lani, hi.. is she still here?” “Yes, waiting for you.”, the taller woman nodded to the direction Hayleys girlfriend was standing between her very cheerful teammates Keira Walsh and Lucy Bronze.
With a bright smile on her lips, Keira took your hand in hers, “Come on, time to celebrate.“ You stalled, looking over at the Matildas crowding around the coaching bench, „Go on. I’ll join you in a minute…“ Keira and Lucy shared a surprised look. “Fine then. But we won’t wait for you.“, Lucy shrugged. You shook your head, laughing, “I’ll catch up with you anyway. Sarina said you’re not allowed to jump or run.“ While you were still joking with your teammates, you didn’t notice Hayley walking up to you.
Her sad smile made your features soften immediately. “Hi, love.“ “Hi.“, she whispered. You lowered your gaze towards your toes and cleared your throat, “Sorry for kicking you out…“ “It’s not your fault. You were the better team. Do you still want to swap jerseys?“ Hayley was already pulling her shirt over her head. You nodded while following suit, “Of course I still want to.“ You took her shirt and pulled it over your head, “You can be so proud of yourself and your team. You have been amazing.“ Hayley took you in, standing in front of her in your sports bra and the sad smile tugged on the corners of her mouth again, “ Thank you. It just doesn’t feel like it at the moment.“ “I know.“
While answering you realized that Hayleys yellow bow had fallen to the ground. With a swift move, you picked it up and held in front of her face, “Your bow fell out.“ Wordlessly, your girlfriend turned around, so you could put it back into her ponytail like you have done a million times before. “Thank you.“ You couldn’t help but smile as you read your own name on your jersey that Hayley was now wearing, “You look really good with my name on your back.“ Finally, Hayley turned around with a real smile on her lips and let her gaze drift over you, “I like the Matildas shirt on you too.“
Impatiently Keira with a huge grin on her face shouted at you: “We gotta go now, it’s time for you to say goodbye to your girlfriend!”  You chose to ignore the shout of your teammate to ask in a hopeful voice: “See you later or tomorrow for a video call?” “Yes, see you. Oh and..”, Hayley stopped mid-sentence as you were about to leave.  Quickly you turned your head around to look at her: “Yes?” The Australian player swallowed hard before continuing: “ You were amazing tonight.” Your thanks came out in a whisper.
Quietly the brunette confessed: “I really hate losing. But there is no one I’d rather lose to than you.” “Trust me I love winning but winning against you felt terrible, so I think we’re equal upon this matter.”, you replied with a sad smile. Mumbling she agreed: “Looks like we are.” “Love you, Hayley.”, you said with a painful ache in your chest because these words might never felt as true and deep as they did in this Australian night. The love was mirrored in your girlfriends’ eyes: “I love you too. No one deserves to go to the final more than you so go celebrate with your girls.”
Hayley was still sad but there was something else pumping through her veins now a sense of excitement about what the future hold for you two in Madrid and all the adventures which lay ahead of you.
We hoped you enjoyed our first short imagine. Feel free to write us if you liked it.
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