leearen · 9 months
"Creo que tu perfume las está atrayendo."
Rueda los ojos, infantil broma un comentario que quizás, esperaba. "Lamento informarte que tú hueles peor, después de haber puesto trampas toda la tarde," comenta, cruzándose de brazos. El parque Kitanomaru comenzaba a llenarse de más vástagos, mientras más se adentraba la noche. "No creas que te defenderé si nos cae encima una manada de roedores."
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para @ksanouk ; @esvmeralda ; @aurovra
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y0nain · 3 months
❝¿Por qué no vienes conmigo a Buenos Aires?❞ ✫ @aurovra
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─ # PARQUE YONO, SAITAMA : la pregunta no es una sorpresa; sin embargo, le hace tambalear su equilibrio sobre el borde de la vereda en el que juega hasta detenerse. la energía nerviosa que le recorre la mantiene inquieta esta noche y la lleva a comportarse como tal. solo cuando se recompone y continúa su andar, es que responde. "no sé si pueda dejar tokio tan pronto" que es la verdad de todo. tokio se siente como un hogar luego de décadas y teme moverse a pesar de los sucesos. "no... no sé si pueda dejarlo alguna vez" sincera, porque no quiere hacer daño con una falsa esperanza. "yo..." susurra, con su mirada en sus zapatos y la culpa en la garganta. "definitivamente te visitaré" que es lo que realmente puede prometer y ofrecer.
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farenduil · 9 months
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pyreache · 3 months
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ㅤㅤif she's being honest, neither of her new companions are all that pleasant to be around. klaus is clearly some kind of unhinged maniac, and stefan has this whole broody, icy vibe about him that she's struggling to get a true read on. still, they're a marked improvement from her shitty, but newly slaughtered, pack, and stefan had helped her when he hadn't had to. as such, she tends to stick with him when possible, overall preferring his company. she stood at his side now, watching klaus throw what she would definitely call a tantrum. ❛❛ so . . . please tell me he's not always like this? ❜❜ she asks quietly and conspiratorially, gaze flitting up to rest on stefan's face. ❛❛ if he is, this trip is certainly going to be; interesting? ❜❜
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I'll just reopen the portals. Kinda annoying to have to do it though
And I'll keep closing them until you give up you obnoxious human.
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hwoness · 25 days
⁀                 ──────              CLOSED STARTER   ⋆  with @stcnecoldd
Hwon  estava  espiando  o  clube  de  teatro.  Ele  precisava  falar  com  Morgan.  Só  que  era  complicado,  considerando  que  não  queria  parecer  grudento  com  o  ex-namorado.  Por  isso,  ele  ficou  ali,  meio  agachado,  espiando  pela  janela,  tentando  parecer  casual  enquanto  tentava  entender  se  Morgan  estava  sozinho  ou  se  ele  deveria  abortar  a  missão.  Foi  aí  que  os  membros  do  clube  viraram  o  rosto  na  direção  da  janela,  olhando  diretamente  para  Hwon.  Ele  congelou  por  alguns  segundos.  Com  a  velocidade  de  um  raio,  ele  se  jogou  no  chão,  tentando  rastejar  para  longe  da  janela.  Só  que  ele  não  era  exatamente  um  mestre  do  disfarce,  especialmente  porque  sua  prótese  não  era  silenciosa  como  ele  gostaria.  Ele  rastejou  alguns  centímetros,  tentando  fazer  o  mínimo  de  barulho  possível,  mas  assim  que  se  sentiu  seguro  e  pensou  que  estava  livre,  parou  em  seco.  Havia  um  par  de  tênis  bem  na  sua  frente.  Hwon  levantou  a  cabeça  devagar,  sentindo  as  bochechas  queimarem  de  vergonha.  ❝  Eu  100%  posso  explicar  ❞  disse  ele,  com  um  sorriso  nervoso. Antes  que  ela  dissesse  algo,  ele  levantou  as  mãos  como  se  estivesse  sendo  preso.  ❝Eu  estava...  apenas...  conferindo  a  arte,  sabe?  Sou  um  grande  fã  de  artesanato...  muito  interessante.❞
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joyoons · 6 months
★ , sunwoo / aurora dijo : ¿quién era ese loco? ¿de dónde salió?
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el subidón de adrenalina ( o lo más similar a ella ) se esparció como pólvora en su sistema tras huir de obstáculo, chispeando en su interior como la promesa a algo próximo a estallar. externamente, sin embargo, solo pudo observarse el vibrar de la risa aún haciendo efecto en ella, mirada cayendo sobre facciones contrarias al responder: ' no se ha ido ~ ' canturreó, guiándose únicamente en intuición. ' ¡la cacería no ha acabado! ' no lo creyó. ¿dejarles ir así sin más? já. ' debemos encontrarle antes de que nos encuentre. ' * @sunwng / @aurovra
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hungrydogs-if · 2 years
I could imagine a scenario were Aurora got separated from Angel then she bumped to MC and they would help her find her parent while not knowing the her parent is that infuriating hot cop that been hunting them
aggressively googling "how articulate are five year olds" because apparently i have never perceived a child. so in this universe aurora is either super smart, or i have to adjust the ages and timelines 💀 groan.
disclaimer: not exactly bumping here since aurora's personality wouldn't have her randomly wandering into someone (or wandering away from angel but let's think it an exception). a meeting nonetheless! also, very casual mc.
this ended up being 1,055 words long.
i'm sorry (no i'm not)
The child that wanders around can't be more than five years old. Bright orange ribbons bounce along with her hair when she stomps around, and you take a step back to let her pass. Ignoring the situation would be the easiest choice, but the girl comes to a stop right in front of you.
She has a pout on her face, and she's frowning. Around you, no one seems to be paying attention to her and you're left alone under her determined stare.
"I'm not buying anyth- " you begin, but get a index finger raised to your face.
"My mamá/papá lost me."
You blink, surprised by her tone. She crosses her arms and huffs as she looks around, looking for the missing parent.
"Mamá/Papá's job is to find things but I am still lost! Now I have to find instead. I want you to help me. You have to."
"I- uh..." Could you say no to a child? The answer is given for you when her tiny hand grabs yours and pulls you along. She yanks you towards the boardwalk that hugs the marina, her grip solid on the sleeve of your jacket.
"What's your name?" She asks, easing her power walk to a normal pace. "My name is Aurora. Like the lights! I want to see the lights one day." She babbles on but doesn't turn to look at you.
It's... Endearing, in its own way. Since you have no choice but to follow her on her adventure, you relent. What could a little girl do if she knew your name anyway?
"Y/N," you reply, wracking your brain to come up with something as cool as 'those lights'. She finally let's go of your sleeve and falls in step with you, lifting her head to glance at you.
"You don't look like a Y/N. Why does your jacket say Vee President? I saw the president on the tv, you're not the president."
"Right, what does your mom/dad look like?" You interrupt before her questioning continues. Subconsciously you brush over the patch on your chest, picking at the loose thread. She perks up, as if she had forgotten what this mission was all about. The jumps in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
"Yes! Mamá/Papa has hair like me, but shorter. And, um, tall! But walks like," she imitates a slouch, drawing her shoulders down. It's almost an imitation of a zombie, "and, and, um..."
She deflates, suddenly looking a lot more like a lost child. She glares at your boots with an intense look of concentration.
"Do you remember any clothes? Like a jacket, or -"
"I want to dress bright but mamá/papá wears boring clothes. It makes her/him look tired. Mamá/papá always looks tired."
Well, you made her sad. Her small hands wring into the hem of the frog motif shirt and she looks on the verge of tears. You knees protest when you crouch in front of her, trying to look as reassuring as possible. She tries to throw you a glare but there's a shimmer of tears in her eyes.
"We're going to find your mom/dad, don't worry. Where was the last you saw them?" You try to keep your voice soft, but it's been a while since you consoled anyone but a twenty-something after a bad trip. She sniffles and turns to look at you, maybe to figure out if you're lying. Hazel eyes, huh. Maybe that helps you find the parental unit.
"Okay." She whispers, and you take her tiny hand in yours as you continue down the boardwalk.
Half an hour later, and the marina starts growing empty. Aurora has told you much about different frogs and how they're awesome, and in turn you've told her massively watered down versions of your own adventures.
"Mamá/papá always wears a necklace when she/he comes pick me up. I think it looks dumb." You chuckle at her grimace. She really has a lot of opinions.
"Why? Is it a boring color too?"
She nods briskly. "But there's a pretty part in the middle. Like gold, but the stupid text makes it look boring."
You shake your head as she continues with something unrelated, but there's a nagging feeling in the back of your brain. Gold on black, with text. You're just about to ask Aurora what the stupid text says when she rips her hand out of yours and takes off running. You take a few hasty steps to follow her, but her voice stops you.
"Mamá/Papá!" She crashes into waiting arms of a figure who quickly smothers her in hugs and speaks rapidly. You catch some endearments in Spanish before scolding follows. As you slowly meander closer, that feeling in the back of your brain growing more insistent.
Not close enough to hear what they're talking about, you shove your hands in your pockets and wait. You could just walk away, but the girl points in your direction with an outstretched arm and bright smile. That smile is not, however, shared by the parent. They look infuriated, completely still as their hazel eyes bore into yours. They really do look tired, Aurora wasn't wrong, but also frazzled and like they've been crying, hair sticking in off angles.
"Mamá/papá?" Aurora speaks, shaking the poor detective out of the trance. A small smile is offered to her, and wow, that's the first time you ever saw the dog catcher look anything but menacing.
As they straighten back up, gold glints from the badge resting on their chest. Straight from work if you were to guess, but they don't make a move towards you, and you don't move to change that. The look that you get is venomous, but conflicted. Duty battling gratitude, and a shake of their head let's you know you're free to go.
Aurora grips the hand of her parent, but turns to yell at you before she's too far.
"Thanks, Y/N! Remember what I told you about the froggies!"
You give her a wave, watching the detective flinch at her cheerful attitude towards you. To add to the insult you can't help but yell back. "Good luck with your toad army!"
She looks ecstatic. The detective pinches the bridge of their nose.
And you have a very interesting story to share with the crew tonight.
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kwjuno · 8 months
📍pasillos. ╱ @binnas y @aurovra.
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camina de un lado hacia otro con los brazos cruzados, incapaz de quedarse quieta en la inmensidad de los pasillos del elíseo, soltando resoplido tras resoplido producto del aburrimiento y el cansancio. en cuanto irises captan silueta cercana, se detiene en seco y rápidamente se dispone a llamar la atención de la muchacha sin discreción alguna. ' ¡oye, tú! ' exclama, ' tienes cara de estar aburridisíma. ¿no te gustaría acompañarme a buscar una salida secreta? ' pregunta, rosáceos estirándose en una sonrisita convencedora. tarea es prácticamente imposible, pero inventar hazañas para matar el tiempo no le parece mala idea.
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enchantedtm · 1 year
fc ideas for aurora?
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i'd  love  to  see  cemre  baysel,  ayca  aysin  turan,  melisa  dongel,  yoon  seoah,  minnie  nicha,  amanda  schull,  noemie  schmidt,  lucy  boynton,  kristine  froseth,  samara  weaving,  anya  taylor-joy,  nychaa  nuttanicha,  hunter  schaffer,  hannah  dodd,  marina  ruy  barbosa,  casimere  jollette,  lizeth  selene,  jessie  mei  li,  whitney  peak,  priscilla  quintana,  madison  bailey,  medalion  rahimi,  savannah  smith,  or  victoria  strada.
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without-ado · 20 days
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as always l The Oatmeal l ⬇txt-edited
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y0nain · 7 months
"¿Te gustaría acompañarme a el río?" @aurovra
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no es sorpresa lo que inunda su semblante, no si la sonrisa que curva sus labios es una señal de lo que puede sentir. con luna entre sus brazos, da los primeros pasos para acercarse a aurora e iniciar el camino hacia el río. "¿por qué allí de todos los lugares? ¿con ganas de alejarte de las multitudes?" tiene la intención de ser una broma, pero sabe que está lejos de ello cuando su verdadero sentir tiene que ver por la preocupación por ella.
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farenduil · 4 months
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Valentine's Day Scrapbook: Farenduil & Aurora
"Revive your love in me Revive another side of me" - "Asystole", Hayley Williams @wintersaurora
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musecalliope · 22 days
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helium-stims · 4 months
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